Re-enactment by Bunnies
If you have ever seen any of these before, you will be happy to know Jennifer Shiman of Angry Alien has just released the fourth in her re-enactment series: “Alien in 30 Seconds (and Re-enacted by Bunnies).” Each one is only 30 seconds long—obviously—so you can't help but watch them all. Jennifer captures the essence of each film and delivers it in a short little Flash movie using her own animation. Nicely done, creative and hilarious. Too bad she had to remove the humming of the original themes of the Exorcist and the Shining in her original creations due to legal reasons (I thought parodies were fair use?). Oh well, check them out before she has to cut them up even more. Click.
parody is fair use - chances are they were just threatening her - she woulda won in a legal suit - but think of the price!
word to that, dave! just not worth my time, when i could be using it to make more toons. plus i was actually denied permission to use tubular bells, reason being it was "unavailable." :)
- jennifer
AMAZING! I cant wait till the Saw parodies come out :D