Is your idea of fun making smaller lists into bigger ones? Then there's cause for celebration, my fellow neurotics! The tireless listers at Joybits have brought us Doodle God 2, the newest addition to the beloved time-vampires: Doodle God and Doodle Devil.
Those familiar with the previous games will recognize the nearly identical structure and mechanics. Filling the role of benevolent creator, players are instructed to mix and match a vast universe into existence. This task is actually much simpler than it sounds. In order to attempt a combination, one must simply select a group to view a drop-down list of its elements. Then, select an element from one group and click another component to add them together. Failed attempts will cause both elements to shake angrily at you and successful combinations will add a new element to your lists. Who knew deities had it so easy?
While the concept itself is fairly simple, compiling an entire list of all the elements is not. The staggering number of possibilities is something only a skilled mathematician could tell you, but I can say that you will try a multitude of combinations, and you will fail. A lot. If trial-and-error based gameplay is not your cup of tea, then you won't even want a sip of Doodle God 2. However, players who enjoy the glorious moment of "100% complete" will revel in the addicting allure of this game.
Of course nothing is ever perfect, and Doodle God 2 is not without its minor faults. Some players have already noted that the hint system is somewhat less helpful than before. In previous versions, hints were suggested by showing two groups that had components remaining to combine. In the newest Doodle God, hints are offered by revealing an undiscovered element, but not showing any way to actually create this new element. Additionally, there are combinations that only work in the third episode, even though both components are available in the second. This can lead to some mild confusion, but the relaxing background music and often humorous combinations will quickly lighten your mood.
Doodle God 2 may not revolutionize the alchemy game industry, but it is a solid and enjoyable puzzle game that calls out to the inner obsessive collector in all of us. I learned at least one new combination today: Messing with Elements + Obscure Logic = Fun!
Walkthrough Guide
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The full Doodle God 2 Walkthrough
Episode 1
Episode 2
And Episode 3
Posted by: CrunchyFish
May 9, 2011 7:59 PM
Doodle God 2 Walkthrough - Full list of elements
Episode 1
Episode 2 and 3
Posted by: Trinn
May 9, 2011 9:34 PM