An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

The Journey Down: Chapter One (mobile)

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The Journey Down

JohnBThe Journey Down: Chapter One is an adventure game from SkyGoblin that made the trip from desktop download to mobile app without a hitch. First released in 2010, the game has since been remastered with brand new visuals, voice acting, and lots of additional content. It looks fantastic and plays like an expertly-crafted adventure game of old, even with the fancy futuristic touch screen interface!

The Journey DownBwana and Kito are having a bit of an issue. The big bad electric company wants money. Lots of money. And until they get it, the power stays off. It's tough to run Kaonandodo's Gas 'n Charter without electricity, so the duo comes up with a few "alternative" solutions. That's when the lovely Lina shows up asking about a strange book, kicking off a series of events that leads them deep into corporate corruption and more danger than you can shake a plate of oxtail and beans at.

The Journey Down: Chapter One is built like a tried and true adventure game from the ground up. Use the touch screen to tap on items of interest, carrying out conversations or examining items laying around. Tap, hold, then drag to reveal hotspots you can examine, a nice way to take a look around without actually tapping on things. Bring up the inventory by touching the box in the lower corner of the screen. Apart from that, you're on your own to solve puzzles and figure out what the heck is going on in this strange town!

The Journey Down looks fantastic in its updated form, and it was adapted to mobile devices so expertly it might as well have been native to the touch screen. It looks phenomenal, the puzzles are great, the voice acting is superb, the sense of humor is witty, and the soundtrack is catchy. Go on, this game won't play it self!

Get the full version

NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPad 3. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.

Walkthrough Guide

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The Journey Down: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Tips and Instructions

  • Navigate and interact with the left mouse-click (or screen tap). You do not need to choose which action to take, like in some other adventure games.

  • Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen to access your inventory. Examine items with a mouse-click, and click and drag them to use them. You can dismiss items by letting go of the mouse button.

  • Move the cursor to the top of the screen to save or load a game, or to quit the game.

  • Talk to everyone about everything. Often you will gain important clues. Even when you don't, you will still learn more about the story and the game world.

  • The only way to know if you can interact with a part of the environment is to hover your cursor over it. If you are stuck, revisit scenes and make sure you have examined everything that can be examined.


Sometimes it isn't obvious how to get to certain parts of Kingsport Bay. Starting Outside the Charter, here is how to get to the various locations in the game world.

  • Go to the left side of the screen to explore the Pump station.

  • Go into the plane to go Inside the Plane, of course.

  • Go to the right side of the screen to visit the Pier. Go to the right again to visit Mama Makena's, or up to explore the Street to the bridge to St. Armando's.

  • Naturally, enter the Charter to go Inside the Charter. Go up the ladder to check out the Loft.

  • From the Street, take the elevator (when available) to visit the Train Station, or go up to explore the Dock. Go to the right again to see the Forklift.

  • From the Dock, you may enter the Ship, where you will be able to visit the Welder Deck to the right, or board the Yacht via the crane.

  • Once on board the Yacht, you may exit via the right side of the screen, or enter the Galley through the doors in the middle of the screen, or the VIP Room through the doors on the left.

Restoring Power

  1. Help Kito open the hatch by clicking on it.

  2. Unlock the other hatch by clicking on the four brackets, then click again to open it.

  3. Click the switch. Go on, click it!

Finding the Book

  1. While you are inside the Charter, get the cheese from the fridge. Check out the lemon in the blue mug.

  2. Examine the pantry in the back of the Charter, near the hammock, to get stale breadsticks.

  3. Use the breadsticks on the ladder. Go up the ladder to the loft.

  4. Help Lina look for the book in the loft. Click the bed to find the book.

  5. Watch the cutscenes. You don't yet know the phone number, so exit the phone screen.

  6. Click the green brochures on the table to learn the phone number.

  7. Click the phone again. Set the colored dials so they match the colored terminals for the number dials.

  8. Enter the number using the dials inside the phone.


  9. Finish the conversation with Lina any way you choose, then watch the cutscenes.

Fixing the Plane

NB: Please see the Locations section of this walkthrough for how to get to various parts of Kingsport Bay. Locations are capitalized and in Italics.
Finding the Propeller

  1. Head over to Mama Makena's.

  2. Talk to Matoke the fisherman. If you are thorough, you learn that he hates rats.

  3. Go to the Pump. Notice the rat scurrying about, and spot Matoke's float in the water.

  4. Use the cheese you got from the fridge Inside the Charter on the float.

  5. Head back to Mama Makena's and talk to Matoke to get his fishing reel.

  6. Go to the Street. Check out the garbage can to find a hook.

  7. Use the hook with the fishing pole to fix it.

  8. Go Inside the Charter. Use the reel on the ceiling fan. Unfortunately, the "propellor" is now broken.

  9. Go Inside the Plane. Open the utility hatch in the middle of the floor, between Lina and Bwana. Take the wrench inside.

  10. Visit the Welder on board the Ship (enter the Ship, then go one screen to the right). She's not very interested in talking.

  11. Go one screen to the left (to the main Ship screen with the crane). Use the gas canister on the right side of the screen.

  12. Go back to the Welder. Now that she's distracted, use the wrench on the nut on the panel to the left of the welder, before she comes to. Then mount the broken propeller on the bolt.

  13. Go back Outside the Charter and give the repaired propeller to Kito.

Getting on the Yacht

  1. Go to the Dock and talk to the Dockmaster. If you tell him that you're the new deckhand, he'll ask you for a password, which you don't know.

  2. Check out the name of the Ship.

  3. Go to Mama Makena's.

  4. Talk to the "sophisticated" sailors sitting on the left. If you are thorough, you learn that they are sailing on the same ship you just pretended to join. You will also get some chiles.

  5. Ask the sailors for the password. They will want proof you are a sailor.

  6. Go to the Loft. Check the drawer to get the shirt, and the stove to get the brush.

  7. Go to the Pier (to the left of Mama Makena's). Use the brush with the bucket of white paint.

  8. Now use the brush with the blue shirt.

  9. Go back to Mama Makena's and show the sailors your shirt. They tell you the password.

  10. Go back to the Dock and tell the dockmaster the password.

  11. Enter the Ship. The crane can give you access to the Yacht.

  12. The crane "puzzle" is a fakeout. Just keep pressing switches until Bwana gets frustrated.

  13. Go up the crane ladder to enter the Yacht.

Fixing the Stew

  1. The waiter won't let you enter the VIP room. Enter the Galley instead.

  2. Enter the Galley again after you are chased out and talk to Sabo the chef. He can't get mudyuggler stew to taste right.

  3. You know someone who is the master of mudyuggler stew. Go back to Mama Makena's. Unfortunately, Mama Makena won't talk to you about much of anything from the counter, and Rufus the dog won't let you into the kitchen.

  4. Go Outside the Charter and Inside the Plane. Go right to see the back of the plane and take the net hanging to the left.

  5. Go to the Dock. Try to grab the buoy, which you can't reach. Use Matoke's fishing reel (which you used to get the propellor/fan) to reel in the buoy, then click it to find the crab cage.

  6. Use the net to take the crab.

  7. Go to Mama Makena's. Use the crab to scare Rufus the dog away.

  8. Enter the kitchen. Talk to Mama Makena about the secret of her stew. She will give you a recipe and spice grinder and charge you with making the spice blend for her.

  9. Gather the ingredients:

    • Add the chiles you got from the sailors at Mama Makena's to the grinder.

    • Get the lemon by using the grinder on the blue mug Inside the Charter.

    • Find the chevril by examining the bookshelf above the drawer where you got the shirt in the Loft.

    • Get the oil by using the grinder with the tap at the oil Pump.

    • Get the salt by examining the container to the left of the Forklift.

    • Get the ginger by going to the back of the freezer in the Galley. See the section below.

  10. Once you have the spice blend completed, add it to Sabo's stew in the Galley.

Getting Ginger

  1. Enter the freezer room in the back of the Galley.

  2. Check the four freezer doors until you find the Ginger, then add it to the spice mix.

  3. You're still trapped in the freezer, and the door is frozen shut. Pick up the wad of gum from the floor to the right.

  4. Click the knob on the device to the left to set the freezer to hot.

  5. Use the gum on the left button to turn on the air and keep the button stuck in place.

  6. Set the other two buttons to direct the air toward the freezer door. Make it so the middle button is off and the right button is on.

  7. Now that the door is thawed, exit the freezer. If you've completed the spice mix, use it with Sabo's stew.

Getting the Engines

  1. Once you fix the stew, Sabo checks his canapes, but he needs toast. Go back to the freezer.

  2. Look in the freezer doors until you find the frozen bread. Put them in the radiator beneath the exit door.

  3. Set the control buttons so the middle button is on and the right button is off, then take the toast.

  4. Reset the buttons (middle off, right on) to thaw the door again, and exit to the Galley.

  5. Give Sabo the toast. When he puts out a tray of canapes, take them and leave the Galley.

  6. Show the canapes to the concierge to enter the VIP room.

  7. The hungry man eats all your canapes. Go to the outer deck on the right side of the VIP Room screen to find that the captain also wants canapes and won't let you past without them.

  8. Go back to the Galley to get another tray of canapes. The hungry man is just going to eat them again unless you do something.

  9. The hungry man doesn't like the white canapes. Exit the Galley and use the paint brush on the canapes.

  10. Enter the VIP Room. Go back to the outer deck, then go downstairs to the engine room.

  11. Examine the switchboard. Solve the switch puzzle by rotating the tiles so all the circuits connect. This will open the hatch, giving you access to the engines.

  12. Click the button to the left of the switchboard to acquire the engines.

Finding a Yoke

  1. Go back to Mama Makena's and enter the kitchen. Take the ship's wheel from the wall.

  2. Exit the kitchen. If you haven't done so already, get the chiles from the sailors.

  3. Go to Outside the Charter and inside the plane to see if you can mount the wheel. Try using the wheel on the hole in the console. You learn that you need something to mount it on.

  4. Go to the Pump. Use the fishing pole with the water to catch yourself a mudyuggler fish (see "Finding the Propellor" above to learn how to get the fishing pole).

  5. Go to the Forklift. There is an angry pelican nested on it who won't let you past.

  6. Combine the chiles with the fish and give it to the pelican. It's only sleeping!

  7. Try to lower the forklift using the lever on the side. It's rusted in place.

  8. Use the wrench (from the center compartment from Inside the Plane) on the lever to lower the forklift.

  9. Examine the nest to get the metal rod.

  10. Go Inside the Plane. Use the rod on the hole in the console, then use the wheel on the rod.

Raising the Anchor

  1. Now that all the repairs have been made, go Inside the Plane and to the back of the plane to the right.

  2. Try raising the anchor with the winch on the right. Unfortunately, it's busted.

  3. Go back to the Welder on the Ship. She's a bit more chatty now. Examine her mug to find out she wants some coffee.

  4. Go to Mama Makena's kitchen and examine the coffee machine. Makena won't make a fresh batch unless a customer asks for it.

  5. Leave the kitchen. Use the wrench on the drainpipe to turn it around. Click the drainpipe to push it towards the sailor's mug.

  6. Go back inside the kitchen. Take the coffee.

  7. Bring the coffee to the Welder and use it on her cup. Click the access card hanging near her to take it; she'll let you do so now that you've done her a favor.

  8. Go to the Street and use the access card on the card terminal to the right of the elevator. You need an access code.

  9. Examine the access card for a clue. Note the pattern scribbled on the card.

  10. The pattern tells you which buttons on the keypad to press. There are two possible answers, but it's not hard to try both of them.

    The passcode is 7523.

  11. Enter the passcode and enter the elevator

  12. Click the up button to ride to the Train Station. There's a lot to explore up here, but not much to do yet. You'll figure out that the trains keep zooming by but never stop.

  13. Take the elevator and hit the down button. Instead of riding it all the way down, hit the stop button (the "x" in the middle) when you see the access plate outside the elevator.

    • Try to stop so that all four screws are visible. You can keep moving up and down incrementally until your view of the panel is perfect.

  14. Click the bolts to turn them so they are inline with the grooves on the plate. This unlocks the plate.

  15. Click the plate to remove it, then click the gap to climb to under the Train Station tracks.

  16. Use the winch handle on the track to straighten it. Climb down after the train passes and hit the down button on the elevator.

  17. Go Inside the Plane and to the back and use the straightened winch handle with the winch, then click it to raise the anchor.

Enjoy the end of Chapter 1!


The Journey Down: Chapter 1 Walkthrough

Tips and Instructions

  • Navigate and interact with the left mouse-click (or screen tap). You do not need to choose which action to take, like in some other adventure games.

  • Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen to access your inventory. Examine items with a mouse-click, and click and drag them to use them. You can dismiss items by letting go of the mouse button.

  • Move the cursor to the top of the screen to save or load a game, or to quit the game.

  • Talk to everyone about everything. Often you will gain important clues. Even when you don't, you will still learn more about the story and the game world.

  • The only way to know if you can interact with a part of the environment is to hover your cursor over it. If you are stuck, revisit scenes and make sure you have examined everything that can be examined.


Sometimes it isn't obvious how to get to certain parts of Kingsport Bay. Starting Outside the Charter, here is how to get to the various locations in the game world.

  • Go to the left side of the screen to explore the Pump station.

  • Go into the plane to go Inside the Plane, of course.

  • Go to the right side of the screen to visit the Pier. Go to the right again to visit Mama Makena's, or up to explore the Street to the bridge to St. Armando's.

  • Naturally, enter the Charter to go Inside the Charter. Go up the ladder to check out the Loft.

  • From the Street, take the elevator (when available) to visit the Train Station, or go up to explore the Dock. Go to the right again to see the Forklift.

  • From the Dock, you may enter the Ship, where you will be able to visit the Welder Deck to the right, or board the Yacht via the crane.

  • Once on board the Yacht, you may exit via the right side of the screen, or enter the Galley through the doors in the middle of the screen, or the VIP Room through the doors on the left.

Restoring Power

  1. Help Kito open the hatch by clicking on it.

  2. Unlock the other hatch by clicking on the four brackets, then click again to open it.

  3. Click the switch. Go on, click it!

Finding the Book

  1. While you are inside the Charter, get the cheese from the fridge. Check out the lemon in the blue mug.

  2. Examine the pantry in the back of the Charter, near the hammock, to get stale breadsticks.

  3. Use the breadsticks on the ladder. Go up the ladder to the loft.

  4. Help Lina look for the book in the loft. Click the bed to find the book.

  5. Watch the cutscenes. You don't yet know the phone number, so exit the phone screen.

  6. Click the green brochures on the table to learn the phone number.

  7. Click the phone again. Set the colored dials so they match the colored terminals for the number dials.

  8. Enter the number using the dials inside the phone.


  9. Finish the conversation with Lina any way you choose, then watch the cutscenes.

Fixing the Plane

NB: Please see the Locations section of this walkthrough for how to get to various parts of Kingsport Bay. Locations are capitalized and in Italics.
Finding the Propeller

  1. Head over to Mama Makena's.

  2. Talk to Matoke the fisherman. If you are thorough, you learn that he hates rats.

  3. Go to the Pump. Notice the rat scurrying about, and spot Matoke's float in the water.

  4. Use the cheese you got from the fridge Inside the Charter on the float.

  5. Head back to Mama Makena's and talk to Matoke to get his fishing reel.

  6. Go to the Street. Check out the garbage can to find a hook.

  7. Use the hook with the fishing pole to fix it.

  8. Go Inside the Charter. Use the reel on the ceiling fan. Unfortunately, the "propellor" is now broken.

  9. Go Inside the Plane. Open the utility hatch in the middle of the floor, between Lina and Bwana. Take the wrench inside.

  10. Visit the Welder on board the Ship (enter the Ship, then go one screen to the right). She's not very interested in talking.

  11. Go one screen to the left (to the main Ship screen with the crane). Use the gas canister on the right side of the screen.

  12. Go back to the Welder. Now that she's distracted, use the wrench on the nut on the panel to the left of the welder, before she comes to. Then mount the broken propeller on the bolt.

  13. Go back Outside the Charter and give the repaired propeller to Kito.

Getting on the Yacht

  1. Go to the Dock and talk to the Dockmaster. If you tell him that you're the new deckhand, he'll ask you for a password, which you don't know.

  2. Check out the name of the Ship.

  3. Go to Mama Makena's.

  4. Talk to the "sophisticated" sailors sitting on the left. If you are thorough, you learn that they are sailing on the same ship you just pretended to join. You will also get some chiles.

  5. Ask the sailors for the password. They will want proof you are a sailor.

  6. Go to the Loft. Check the drawer to get the shirt, and the stove to get the brush.

  7. Go to the Pier (to the left of Mama Makena's). Use the brush with the bucket of white paint.

  8. Now use the brush with the blue shirt.

  9. Go back to Mama Makena's and show the sailors your shirt. They tell you the password.

  10. Go back to the Dock and tell the dockmaster the password.

  11. Enter the Ship. The crane can give you access to the Yacht.

  12. The crane "puzzle" is a fakeout. Just keep pressing switches until Bwana gets frustrated.

  13. Go up the crane ladder to enter the Yacht.

Fixing the Stew

  1. The waiter won't let you enter the VIP room. Enter the Galley instead.

  2. Enter the Galley again after you are chased out and talk to Sabo the chef. He can't get mudyuggler stew to taste right.

  3. You know someone who is the master of mudyuggler stew. Go back to Mama Makena's. Unfortunately, Mama Makena won't talk to you about much of anything from the counter, and Rufus the dog won't let you into the kitchen.

  4. Go Outside the Charter and Inside the Plane. Go right to see the back of the plane and take the net hanging to the left.

  5. Go to the Dock. Try to grab the buoy, which you can't reach. Use Matoke's fishing reel (which you used to get the propellor/fan) to reel in the buoy, then click it to find the crab cage.

  6. Use the net to take the crab.

  7. Go to Mama Makena's. Use the crab to scare Rufus the dog away.

  8. Enter the kitchen. Talk to Mama Makena about the secret of her stew. She will give you a recipe and spice grinder and charge you with making the spice blend for her.

  9. Gather the ingredients:

    • Add the chiles you got from the sailors at Mama Makena's to the grinder.

    • Get the lemon by using the grinder on the blue mug Inside the Charter.

    • Find the chevril by examining the bookshelf above the drawer where you got the shirt in the Loft.

    • Get the oil by using the grinder with the tap at the oil Pump.

    • Get the salt by examining the container to the left of the Forklift.

    • Get the ginger by going to the back of the freezer in the Galley. See the section below.

  10. Once you have the spice blend completed, add it to Sabo's stew in the Galley.

Getting Ginger

  1. Enter the freezer room in the back of the Galley.

  2. Check the four freezer doors until you find the Ginger, then add it to the spice mix.

  3. You're still trapped in the freezer, and the door is frozen shut. Pick up the wad of gum from the floor to the right.

  4. Click the knob on the device to the left to set the freezer to hot.

  5. Use the gum on the left button to turn on the air and keep the button stuck in place.

  6. Set the other two buttons to direct the air toward the freezer door. Make it so the middle button is off and the right button is on.

  7. Now that the door is thawed, exit the freezer. If you've completed the spice mix, use it with Sabo's stew.

Getting the Engines

  1. Once you fix the stew, Sabo checks his canapes, but he needs toast. Go back to the freezer.

  2. Look in the freezer doors until you find the frozen bread. Put them in the radiator beneath the exit door.

  3. Set the control buttons so the middle button is on and the right button is off, then take the toast.

  4. Reset the buttons (middle off, right on) to thaw the door again, and exit to the Galley.

  5. Give Sabo the toast. When he puts out a tray of canapes, take them and leave the Galley.

  6. Show the canapes to the concierge to enter the VIP room.

  7. The hungry man eats all your canapes. Go to the outer deck on the right side of the VIP Room screen to find that the captain also wants canapes and won't let you past without them.

  8. Go back to the Galley to get another tray of canapes. The hungry man is just going to eat them again unless you do something.

  9. The hungry man doesn't like the white canapes. Exit the Galley and use the paint brush on the canapes.

  10. Enter the VIP Room. Go back to the outer deck, then go downstairs to the engine room.

  11. Examine the switchboard. Solve the switch puzzle by rotating the tiles so all the circuits connect. This will open the hatch, giving you access to the engines.

  12. Click the button to the left of the switchboard to acquire the engines.

Finding a Yoke

  1. Go back to Mama Makena's and enter the kitchen. Take the ship's wheel from the wall.

  2. Exit the kitchen. If you haven't done so already, get the chiles from the sailors.

  3. Go to Outside the Charter and inside the plane to see if you can mount the wheel. Try using the wheel on the hole in the console. You learn that you need something to mount it on.

  4. Go to the Pump. Use the fishing pole with the water to catch yourself a mudyuggler fish (see "Finding the Propellor" above to learn how to get the fishing pole).

  5. Go to the Forklift. There is an angry pelican nested on it who won't let you past.

  6. Combine the chiles with the fish and give it to the pelican. It's only sleeping!

  7. Try to lower the forklift using the lever on the side. It's rusted in place.

  8. Use the wrench (from the center compartment from Inside the Plane) on the lever to lower the forklift.

  9. Examine the nest to get the metal rod.

  10. Go Inside the Plane. Use the rod on the hole in the console, then use the wheel on the rod.

Raising the Anchor

  1. Now that all the repairs have been made, go Inside the Plane and to the back of the plane to the right.

  2. Try raising the anchor with the winch on the right. Unfortunately, it's busted.

  3. Go back to the Welder on the Ship. She's a bit more chatty now. Examine her mug to find out she wants some coffee.

  4. Go to Mama Makena's kitchen and examine the coffee machine. Makena won't make a fresh batch unless a customer asks for it.

  5. Leave the kitchen. Use the wrench on the drainpipe to turn it around. Click the drainpipe to push it towards the sailor's mug.

  6. Go back inside the kitchen. Take the coffee.

  7. Bring the coffee to the Welder and use it on her cup. Click the access card hanging near her to take it; she'll let you do so now that you've done her a favor.

  8. Go to the Street and use the access card on the card terminal to the right of the elevator. You need an access code.

  9. Examine the access card for a clue. Note the pattern scribbled on the card.

  10. The pattern tells you which buttons on the keypad to press. There are two possible answers, but it's not hard to try both of them.

    The passcode is 7523.

  11. Enter the passcode and enter the elevator

  12. Click the up button to ride to the Train Station. There's a lot to explore up here, but not much to do yet. You'll figure out that the trains keep zooming by but never stop.

  13. Take the elevator and hit the down button. Instead of riding it all the way down, hit the stop button (the "x" in the middle) when you see the access plate outside the elevator.

    • Try to stop so that all four screws are visible. You can keep moving up and down incrementally until your view of the panel is perfect.

  14. Click the bolts to turn them so they are inline with the grooves on the plate. This unlocks the plate.

  15. Click the plate to remove it, then click the gap to climb to under the Train Station tracks.

  16. Use the winch handle on the track to straighten it. Climb down after the train passes and hit the down button on the elevator.

  17. Go Inside the Plane and to the back and use the straightened winch handle with the winch, then click it to raise the anchor.

Enjoy the end of Chapter 1!

cdavidbonner December 27, 2012 9:25 PM

I'm getting strong Grim Fandango vibes just from watching the trailer. That is a very, very good thing. I'm pretty sure I'll be buying this one.


Now that I've had to go the Android route, I'm hoping to see some of these great iOS games there as well!


Good game! Any ideas how to make toast? Oh and by the way it does have the same charming humour of monkey island. So far a delight.

Patreon Crew SonicLover March 25, 2013 4:52 PM

Here's a hint for you regarding the toast, nikikinz:

There's something somewhere that can be used as a toaster. It's in the same room that you get the bread.

nikikinz December 13, 2015 12:40 AM replied to SonicLover

Belated thanks!


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