An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Kingdom of Liars 2

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Rating: 3.5/5 (107 votes)
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Kingdom of Liars 2

TrickyIt has been but days since you and your sister were forced to move to Ashbane, The City of Rats. For all the rumors you've heard, the experience of being in the Hernessian Guard is ten times worse, with threats both magical and scientific threatening the populace from every side. Recently, you uncovered evidence of a conspiracy to assassinate one of Ashbane's leaders through the use of a horrific weapon that has already killed dozens of innocents. You must track the assassin, bring them to justice, and, maybe, shine a little light of truth into the Kingdom of Liars. Kingdom of Liars 2 is the second in the series of dark fantasy point-and-click adventures from Hyptosis, and the plot only gets thicker from here.

Kingdom of Liars 2Point and click to interact with the main game window, and be sure to note to the way your cursor changes to denote people to speak to, items of interest, or objects to pick up. Once something is in your inventory at the bottom of the screen, just click to select it, and then again wherever you want to use it. With his admittedly admirable drive for experimentation, Hyptosis' games have been a little hit and miss as of late, so it's refreshing to see him revel it what he's great at: world-building, colorful characters, humorous descriptions, intriguing twists... and smacking players with the ending just as things are getting good. Oh well, even a short trip through Hyptosis' mind is a good one, and, no fibbin', Kingdom of Liars 2 is excellent.

Play Kingdom of Liars 2

Walkthrough Guide

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Kingdom of Liars 2 Walkthrough

Hernessian Headquarters

Gray Elk Library

  1. Click the arrow at the bottom right corner to leave the Gray Elk Library and move to the lobby.


  1. Speak with Captain Whelek who is standing at the foot of the stairs. He'll instruct you to go to City Hall.

  2. Click the arrow in the bottom right corner in this room as well to enter the training barracks.

Training Barracks

  1. Take the pair of SHACKLE-CUFFS hanging on the wall to the right of the sword.

  2. Pick up the ENCHANTED ELK HORN on top of the barrel.

  3. Go back to the lobby, then click the arrow at the lower left corner to leave the building and view the town map.

    • Click the City Hall point on the map to travel there.

City Hall

Front of City Hall

  1. Talk to Vic'eren once you arrive. He'll be following you from now on.

  2. Click the right arrow to move behind city hall.

Behind City Hall

  1. Click Warren to speak with him. After your conversation, he'll leave the scene.

  2. Pick up the PAPER on top of the manhole on the ground.

  3. Examine the sewer drain at the bottom of the right wall.

    • The grate is bolted down; you'll need to come back later with a tool to remove it.

  4. Back away from the grate, then talk to Vic'eren again.

  5. Move back twice to view the town map.

    • Click the Dock Storehouse point on the map to travel there.

Dock Storehouse

  1. Click the worker ants to make Vic'eren speak with them.

  2. Now you can pick up the WRENCH leaning against the barrels at the right side of the room.

  3. Leave the room to view the town map.

    • Return to the City Hall.

City Hall

Front of City Hall

  1. Click the right arrow to go behind city hall.

Behind City Wall

  1. Take a look at the sewer drain at the bottom of the right wall again.

    • Use the WRENCH to remove the bolts from the drain, allowing you to go down into the sewer.


  1. Click the two valves at the middle of the pipes against the left wall and right wall to shut off the flowing sewage that's blocking the path.

  2. Click the left arrow to venture further into the sewers.

Into the Darkness

  1. Speak with the rat on the left, Pikker. He'll demand a blue dress from you.

  2. Exit the sewer and then leave City Hall to view the town map again.

    • Click the Grimes Street point on the map to travel there.

Grimes Street

Grimes Street

  1. Click the right arrow to walk to the burned tavern.

Burned Tavern

  1. Click the right arrow again for a closer look at the burned down building.

    • Take the PRYBAR beside the wheel atop the pile of rubble.

  2. Go back three times to leave Grimes Street and view the town map.

    • Click the Right Street point on the map to travel there.

Right Street

Right Street

  1. Click the left arrow to enter the bazaar of CourBoyn the Merchant.

Bazaar of CourBoyn the Merchant

  1. Speak with CourBoyn the Merchant to receive a BLUE DRESS.

  2. Exit the shop and leave Right Street to view the town map again.

    • Use the map to go back to City Hall.

City Hall

Front of City Hall

  1. Walk behind the building, go down the drain into the sewer, then move left to return to the two rats.

Into the Darkness

  1. Give the BLUE DRESS to Pikker. In exchange, he'll give you directions to the exit.

  2. Click the left arrow to walk to the door.

Sewer Door

  1. Use the ENCHANTED ELK HORN on the door to view the magic rune puzzle keeping it locked.

    • Examine the PAPER in your inventory. Click the small runes to match the pattern on the door with the image on the PAPER.

    • Select the runes in following order to solve the puzzle:

      • Click the far right rune.

      • Click the middle rune.

      • Click the second rune from the right.

    • Solution.

    • Once the puzzle is solved, you'll go through the opened door and into the room.

Sewer Room

  1. Search the toolbox to find a SCREWDRIVER.

  2. Use the PRYBAR on the bomb strapped to the ceiling to disarm it.

  3. Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the gate blocking the ladder.

  4. Climb up the ladder to enter the kitchen.


  1. When you enter the room, you'll find a manservant who refuses to let you leave through the kitchen door.

  2. Restrain him with the SHACKLE-CUFFS you picked up at the Hernessian Headquarters.

  3. Go forward to the hall.


  1. Speak with Captain Whelek, the person standing stationary at the left side of the area.

  2. Inspect the statue at the back of the scene.

    • Nothing important there, but if you back away from the statue, a new path will appear.

  3. Go up the right stairway.


Kingdom of Liars 2 Walkthrough

Hernessian Headquarters

Gray Elk Library

  1. Click the arrow at the bottom right corner to leave the Gray Elk Library and move to the lobby.


  1. Speak with Captain Whelek who is standing at the foot of the stairs. He'll instruct you to go to City Hall.

  2. Click the arrow in the bottom right corner in this room as well to enter the training barracks.

Training Barracks

  1. Take the pair of SHACKLE-CUFFS hanging on the wall to the right of the sword.

  2. Pick up the ENCHANTED ELK HORN on top of the barrel.

  3. Go back to the lobby, then click the arrow at the lower left corner to leave the building and view the town map.

    • Click the City Hall point on the map to travel there.

City Hall

Front of City Hall

  1. Talk to Vic'eren once you arrive. He'll be following you from now on.

  2. Click the right arrow to move behind city hall.

Behind City Hall

  1. Click Warren to speak with him. After your conversation, he'll leave the scene.

  2. Pick up the PAPER on top of the manhole on the ground.

  3. Examine the sewer drain at the bottom of the right wall.

    • The grate is bolted down; you'll need to come back later with a tool to remove it.

  4. Back away from the grate, then talk to Vic'eren again.

  5. Move back twice to view the town map.

    • Click the Dock Storehouse point on the map to travel there.

Dock Storehouse

  1. Click the worker ants to make Vic'eren speak with them.

  2. Now you can pick up the WRENCH leaning against the barrels at the right side of the room.

  3. Leave the room to view the town map.

    • Return to the City Hall.

City Hall

Front of City Hall

  1. Click the right arrow to go behind city hall.

Behind City Wall

  1. Take a look at the sewer drain at the bottom of the right wall again.

    • Use the WRENCH to remove the bolts from the drain, allowing you to go down into the sewer.


  1. Click the two valves at the middle of the pipes against the left wall and right wall to shut off the flowing sewage that's blocking the path.

  2. Click the left arrow to venture further into the sewers.

Into the Darkness

  1. Speak with the rat on the left, Pikker. He'll demand a blue dress from you.

  2. Exit the sewer and then leave City Hall to view the town map again.

    • Click the Grimes Street point on the map to travel there.

Grimes Street

Grimes Street

  1. Click the right arrow to walk to the burned tavern.

Burned Tavern

  1. Click the right arrow again for a closer look at the burned down building.

    • Take the PRYBAR beside the wheel atop the pile of rubble.

  2. Go back three times to leave Grimes Street and view the town map.

    • Click the Right Street point on the map to travel there.

Right Street

Right Street

  1. Click the left arrow to enter the bazaar of CourBoyn the Merchant.

Bazaar of CourBoyn the Merchant

  1. Speak with CourBoyn the Merchant to receive a BLUE DRESS.

  2. Exit the shop and leave Right Street to view the town map again.

    • Use the map to go back to City Hall.

City Hall

Front of City Hall

  1. Walk behind the building, go down the drain into the sewer, then move left to return to the two rats.

Into the Darkness

  1. Give the BLUE DRESS to Pikker. In exchange, he'll give you directions to the exit.

  2. Click the left arrow to walk to the door.

Sewer Door

  1. Use the ENCHANTED ELK HORN on the door to view the magic rune puzzle keeping it locked.

    • Examine the PAPER in your inventory. Click the small runes to match the pattern on the door with the image on the PAPER.

    • Select the runes in following order to solve the puzzle:

      • Click the far right rune.

      • Click the middle rune.

      • Click the second rune from the right.

    • Solution.

    • Once the puzzle is solved, you'll go through the opened door and into the room.

Sewer Room

  1. Search the toolbox to find a SCREWDRIVER.

  2. Use the PRYBAR on the bomb strapped to the ceiling to disarm it.

  3. Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the gate blocking the ladder.

  4. Climb up the ladder to enter the kitchen.


  1. When you enter the room, you'll find a manservant who refuses to let you leave through the kitchen door.

  2. Restrain him with the SHACKLE-CUFFS you picked up at the Hernessian Headquarters.

  3. Go forward to the hall.


  1. Speak with Captain Whelek, the person standing stationary at the left side of the area.

  2. Inspect the statue at the back of the scene.

    • Nothing important there, but if you back away from the statue, a new path will appear.

  3. Go up the right stairway.


The review makes it sound like this is the second of what will be many episodes... but it's not. There was no "To be continued", there was just a "The End". The story concluded. That's all she wrote. Finito.

Um... I don't mean to be rude but did you actually play this game Tricky?

dranerertiam May 20, 2013 10:13 AM

How to play in full screen ?


Smooth and witty, almost Ankhian. I love all the details! Ending too abrupt.

LuckyDee May 20, 2013 2:50 PM

If this was indeed

the last episode - which is a shame, since it's only the second

then this is the first time Hyptosis has let me down. Admittedly, when he does, he sure makes you feel it. Compared to Alice is Dead, Hood and even Kingdom of Liars I, this is a total failure game-wise. Great visuals, good sound to accompany them, but the net result is a highly polished turd, I'm afraid. Neither the story nor gameplay in general are done even the slightest bit of justice.

It kinda rattles my cage, because I was _really_ impressed with all the other work I played.

nate987 May 20, 2013 5:07 PM

Not very interesting. The only puzzle is the one on the door, which is absurdly easy. Everything else is just find an obvious item and use it progress in a straight line. On top of that the story is really boring, no interesting twists, just simplistic chase that ends in a boring way.

The art and the sound is great, and the setting is fantastic, but that only gets you so far.

singsurf May 21, 2013 2:06 AM

I was surprised when the ending happened, it felt like the game had only just started. Even the art is recycled with most scenes the same as in the previous episode. I do still like the atmosphere i just wish there was a bit more to the game.

isengrin May 21, 2013 3:44 PM

Is Warren the brother of the protagonist in Hood? I think I remember seeing a portrait of him in Hood Episode 4. It's nice to see some kind of continuity with the other games if so.

vulpisfoxfire May 22, 2013 12:44 AM

Something seems to be wrong with the game--all the links to it pull up the JIG page as normal, but instead of the game, the flash pane directs to some site called PlayWire, and a video that won't load--it also blocks out the 'windowshade' button that lets you darken the background while playing.

vulpisfoxfire May 22, 2013 12:55 AM

Correction, this seems to be happening on all the Flash games I've tried tonight. Instead of it loading the game, all I'm seeing is a flash-video player that looks like a knockoff of the YouTube one attempting to load a video but not actually completing. Clicking the PlayWire link takes me to a rather amaterish-looking website claiming to be providing a revenue maker. Either JIG's been hacked and this wedged in, or you've tried a broken web-ad method.


The site hasn't been hacked, we switched to a new video ad wrapper earlier today, and it's working in every browser tested on both Mac and Windows. We have been getting reports, though, like yours today, and we are trying to figure out what is causing the problem for some people.


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