An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Harry Quantum 3: Cheese Carnival

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Harry Quantum 3: Cheese Carnival

DoraEveryone's favourite bizarro-world gumshoe is at it again in this latest point-and-click adventure game from TurboNUKE! In Harry Quantum 3: Cheese Carnival, an alien hires Harry to find photographic proof of people disappearing at the titular carnival, because of reasons, that's why. I mean, what, you thought aliens were all about abduction and probing? Geez. Rude. Click around to navigate and interact, and click Harry if you want to view all the places in each area to do so.

Harry Quantum 3: Cheese CarnivalAdmittedly, being able to magically see everything you can interact with takes some of the difficulty out of the experience, but the game's surreal world and deliberately wacky approach to everything in it means you'll still have to do a little oddball sleuthing to proceed... which is to say, try everything on everything, especially when it involves cheese shakes. Still, it's worth it when you consider this is probably the weirdest (in the best possible way) Quantum adventure to date, and the twists and turns combine with the creative tale to shine while it lasts. The game's campy sense of humour and style make it the perfect light-hearted bit of adventuring to brighten your day. Just one question remains... which amoung you will be bravest to make a cheese shake first? Come on, after the Sinner's Sandwich, this is small time!

Play Harry Quantum 3: Cheese Carnival

Walkthrough Guide

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Harry Quantum 3: Cheese Carnival Walkthrough

Part 1 - Carnival


  1. Open the bottom drawer of the file cabinet and pick up the CAMERA from the ground.

    • Click the file cabinet two more times to locate a PIP (1/22).

    • Use the CAMERA on Graeme the robot to receive another PIP (2/22)

  2. Click the alien to talk to it. Take the carnival TICKET it leaves on the floor for you.

  3. Go out the door to travel to the Midway carnival.


  1. Give the TICKET to the exchange vendor standing in front of the two booths.

  2. Pick up the CHEESE SLICES the vendor places on the ground.

  3. Examine the electric box at the bottom of the left pole to take write the code 1103 in your NOTES.

  4. Follow the road to the outside of the Battle Royale tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Front)

  1. Click the woman in the cheese shake stand to make her turn around.

    • Take the CAN OPENER at the right side of the stand, then take the CHEESE SHAKE the woman puts on the ground.

      • Give the CHEESE SHAKE to Harry Quantum to discover another PIP (3/22).

    • Talk to the woman at the stand again to get a second CHEESE SHAKE.

  2. Use the CAN OPENER to widen the hole at the right side of the Battle Royal tent.

    • Take a picture through the hole with the CAMERA. The ARENA PHOTOS will also be added to your inventory.

  3. Click the path to go back to Midway.


  1. Pour the CHEESE SHAKE onto the electric box to disable it.

  2. Click the road to return to the front of the tent, then walk around the right wall to reach the back of the Battle Royale tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Back)

  1. Click the numpad beside the telephone for a closer look.

    • Press the buttons to enter the numbers from the electric box in your NOTES: 1103.

    • If you enter the correct code, the maintenance man will be lured out of the hut.

  2. Click the door to enter the Hut.


  1. Take the SCREWDRIVER hanging on the rack on the wall.

  2. Pick up the DUCT TAPE on the floor under the pager.

  3. Examine the pager next to add the information to your NOTES.

  4. Leave the hut through the door and go all the way back to Midway.


  1. Repair the hose in the right booth with the DUCT TAPE.

    • Click the right booth to play the carnival game, then pick up the WHITE COW prize toy on the ground.

  2. Use the CAMERA on the maintenance man in front of the electric box to photograph his keycard.

  3. Use the SCREWDRIVER on the CHEESE SLICES to start the puzzle.

    • Copy the pattern on the Janitor's keycard by poking holes in the cheese with the screwdriver.

    • The cheese is sectioned off in 4x4 squares; click inside any of the square sections to make a hole.

    • Click the trash can button to reset the puzzle.

    • Click once for a small hole, twice for a medium-sized hole, and three times for a large hole.

      • In the top row, make a small hole at the inner left square and a large hole at the inner right square.

      • In the second row, put a large hole in the far left square and a medium hole in the far right square.

      • In the third row, make a medium hole at the inner left square and a small hole at the inner right square.

      • In the bottom row, put a medium hole at the far left square and a large hole at the inner right square.

      • Solution

  4. Once the puzzle is solved, the HOLEY CHEESE will be added to your inventory.

  5. Return to the Hut.


  1. Dip the HOLEY CHEESE into the can of varnish on the floor under the window to make a FAKE KEYCARD.

  2. Go out the door to the back of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Back)

  1. Use the FAKE KEYCARD you made out of cheese on the keycard reader beside the back door to the tent.

  2. Go through the opened door into the Kitchen.


  1. Dip the WHITE COW TOY into the ketchup to make it a RED COW TOY.

  2. Try to use the CHEESE SHAKE on the vat of ketchup to find another PIP (4/22).

    • If you need a CHEESE SHAKE, you can go to the front of the Battle Royale Tent at any time and talk to the woman to receive another shake.

  3. Use the CAMERA to photograph the telephone beside the right door.

    • The telephone number will be automatically added to your NOTES: 317(?) the last number is covered in cheese.

    • Juding by the round shape at the bottom of the number, you can limit the possibilities to 3, 5, 6, 8, or 9.

  4. Go back out the door to the rear of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Back)

  1. Click the telephone keypad to start another puzzle.

    • Use the steps indicated in your NOTES to determine the correct combinations to enter into the numpad.

    • First set the volume to the maximum level by pressing the hash key, then the star button, then the hash key again, and lastly the number nine: #*#9.

    • Next, turn on the test signal by pushing the hash key once, the zero button twice, and the hash key once again: #00#.

    • Lastly, enter the combination for the kitchen telephone (the last number is found by process of elimination): 3175.

  2. Return to the Kitchen, then go through the right door into the Burger Deposit Room.

Burger Deposit Room

  1. Use the CHEESE SHAKE on the cheese-covered man standing on the either platform to receive another PIP (5/22).

  2. Note the numbers at the bottom of the right bun platform: 9383.

  3. Take a picture of the cheese covered men with the CAMERA. The HUMAN CHEESEBURGER PHOTO will be added to your inventory.

  4. Exit the building to return to the rear area of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Back)

  1. Click the telephone keypad to examine it again.

    • Enter the combination from the platform code in the Burger Deposit Room (9383) to earn a PIP (6/22).

  2. Go back to the Midway.


  1. Give the RED COW TOY to the vendor in front of the booth.

  2. Pick up the GREEN CHEESE he puts on the ground for you.

  3. Click the sign by the end of the road to return to the Office.


  1. Use the FAKE KEY CARD, the CAN OPENER, the SCREWDRIVER, and the GREEN CHEESE on Graeme to receive PIPS (7, 8, 9, and 10/22).

  2. Feed the GREEN CHEESE to Harry Quantum, then click the blue goggles on the desk to enter the virtual world.

Part 2 - Virtual World

Dream Land

  1. Pick up the BUCKET on the ground beside the cow.

    • Use the BUCKET on the grey cloud under the floating robot to fill it with water.

    • Use the BUCKET OF WATER on the cow to receive a PIP (11/22)

  2. Take the TAIL and the BELL from the cow costume.

  3. Put the BELL in the niche at the top of the High Striker carnival game.

  4. Go down the slide in the tree to reach Chunderworld.


  1. Pour the BUCKET OF WATER on the firewall (the actual wall of fire blocking the left side of the area) to douse it.

  2. Use the now EMPTY BUCKET on the blueish black cloud under the floating robot to fill the bucket with ink.

  3. Pick up the HAMMER on the ground beside the anvil.

    • Hit the ferris wheel gear mechanism with the HAMMER to knock out the STICK, which is added to your inventory.

  4. Go back up to Dream Land, then click the top of the ferris wheel to ride up to Dream Sky.

Dream Sky

  1. Use the BUCKET OF INK on the pink cloud under the floating robot to find another PIP (12/22).

  2. Take the METEORITE from the singed twig between the two large tree branches.

  3. Use the STICK on the pink spiderweb to collect the CANDYFLOSS.

    • Give the CANDYFLOSS to Harry Quantum to receive a PIP (13/22).

  4. Go down the slides to return to Chunderworld.


  1. Place the METEORITE on the anvil.

  2. Break the METEORITE with the HAMMER, then pick up the dull STAR KEY on top of the anvil.

  3. Return to the Dream Sky by going up the slide and then onto the ferris wheel. From there, follow the sign on the right branch to go to Dream Night.

Dream Night

  1. Charge the dull STAR KEY on the Orion constellation in the sky.

  2. Photograph the labyrinth with the CAMERA. The MAZE PHOTOS will be added to your inventory.

  3. Go left and then back down the slide to return to Dream Land.

Dream Land

  1. Hit the High Striker with the HAMMER to ring the bell you placed at the top of the carnival game earlier.

  2. Go through the opened door to enter the labyrinth and, now that you have the MAZE PHOTOS to help Harry navigate, reach the Cheevana Cave.

Cheevana Cave

  1. Paint over the eyes at the top of the cave with the BUCKET OF INK.

    • The cow's TAIL must be in your inventory at this point, in order to use it as a brush for the ink.

  2. Add the now charged STAR KEY to the cave doors, then click the cave to start the puzzle.

    • Arrange the stars on the left side of the board to match the pattern at the right side of the board.

    • Click a star to select it, then click a directional arrow to move the star up, down, left, or right.

    • A star will continue to move until it reaches the edge of board or another star.

    • Click the top button at the right side of the board to exit the puzzle, the curved arrow button to undo the last move, and the trash can button to reset the entire puzzle.

    • If you've collected enough PIPS so far, you can press the bottom button to skip the puzzle entirely.

  3. After the puzzle is solved (or skipped), click the floating robot to receive a PIP (14/22).

  4. Go into the cave to return to the Office.


  1. Pick up the blue CRYSTAL SKULL on the floor to the left of the VR 9000 machine.

  2. Use the CRYSTAL SKULL on Graeme the robot to receive another PIP (15/22).

  3. Go out the door to return to the Midway at the carnival.

Part 3 - Return to the Carnival


  1. Give the SCREWDRIVER to the janitor in exchange for a PIP (16/22).

  2. Continue down the road to the front of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Front)

  1. Return the CAN OPENER to the woman at the cheese shake stand to receive another PIP (17/22).

  2. Go around the right wall to the back area of the tent and then enter the door to the Kitchen.


  1. Click the giant vat of cheese to take out the BREADCRUMBS.

  2. Put the BREADCRUMBS on the chef lying on the floor to discover a PIP (18/22).

  3. Go through the sinister door into the Burger Deposit Room.

Burger Deposit Room

  1. Use the BREADCRUMBS on either of the cheese-covered men to receive another PIP (19/22).

  2. Exit the building and then walk left to return to the front of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Front)

  1. Throw some BREADCRUMBS onto the wrestler standing in front of the tent to chase him away.

  2. Go through the red curtain to enter the Arena.


  1. Take a picture of Robull (the robotic minotaur) with the CAMERA to earn a PIP (20/22).

  2. Take the DUMBBELL WEAPON leaning against the wall beside the door.

  3. Use the CRYSTAL SKULL on Robull to deactivate it, then hit Robull with the DUMBBELL WEAPON to defeat it.

  4. Harry will automatically enter the Hive.


  1. Try to hit the guard with the DUMBBELL WEAPON to receive a PIP (21/22).

  2. Take the queen's picture with your CAMERA to find the final PIP (22/22).

  3. Use the CRYSTAL SKULL on the queen.


That title seems redundant... only the pips really interested me, and then bam, a cool bunch of virtual puzzles. Some of the pips had to be completed before/after certain parts of the plot, btw.


I'm in the labyrinth. How do I

throw the bucket of ink on the cave's eyes? It wants me to use a tool rather than just splashing, but nothing in my inventory can be combined with it. I have

a camera, an anvil, some candy floss, a charged star, and some photos.


Never mind.


vulpisfoxfire August 1, 2013 11:29 PM

Kind of amusing--the main character in this game is a scarf away from being exactly like the Candy Box pic in the sidebar.


vulpisfoxfire, I dunno. The Candy Box guy has a huge Tom Baker vibe going on. Harry Quantum reminds me more of Wesley Wyndam-Price's evil twin.


Harry Quantum 3: Cheese Carnival Walkthrough

Part 1 - Carnival


  1. Open the bottom drawer of the file cabinet and pick up the CAMERA from the ground.

    • Click the file cabinet two more times to locate a PIP (1/22).

    • Use the CAMERA on Graeme the robot to receive another PIP (2/22)

  2. Click the alien to talk to it. Take the carnival TICKET it leaves on the floor for you.

  3. Go out the door to travel to the Midway carnival.


  1. Give the TICKET to the exchange vendor standing in front of the two booths.

  2. Pick up the CHEESE SLICES the vendor places on the ground.

  3. Examine the electric box at the bottom of the left pole to take write the code 1103 in your NOTES.

  4. Follow the road to the outside of the Battle Royale tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Front)

  1. Click the woman in the cheese shake stand to make her turn around.

    • Take the CAN OPENER at the right side of the stand, then take the CHEESE SHAKE the woman puts on the ground.

      • Give the CHEESE SHAKE to Harry Quantum to discover another PIP (3/22).

    • Talk to the woman at the stand again to get a second CHEESE SHAKE.

  2. Use the CAN OPENER to widen the hole at the right side of the Battle Royal tent.

    • Take a picture through the hole with the CAMERA. The ARENA PHOTOS will also be added to your inventory.

  3. Click the path to go back to Midway.


  1. Pour the CHEESE SHAKE onto the electric box to disable it.

  2. Click the road to return to the front of the tent, then walk around the right wall to reach the back of the Battle Royale tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Back)

  1. Click the numpad beside the telephone for a closer look.

    • Press the buttons to enter the numbers from the electric box in your NOTES: 1103.

    • If you enter the correct code, the maintenance man will be lured out of the hut.

  2. Click the door to enter the Hut.


  1. Take the SCREWDRIVER hanging on the rack on the wall.

  2. Pick up the DUCT TAPE on the floor under the pager.

  3. Examine the pager next to add the information to your NOTES.

  4. Leave the hut through the door and go all the way back to Midway.


  1. Repair the hose in the right booth with the DUCT TAPE.

    • Click the right booth to play the carnival game, then pick up the WHITE COW prize toy on the ground.

  2. Use the CAMERA on the maintenance man in front of the electric box to photograph his keycard.

  3. Use the SCREWDRIVER on the CHEESE SLICES to start the puzzle.

    • Copy the pattern on the Janitor's keycard by poking holes in the cheese with the screwdriver.

    • The cheese is sectioned off in 4x4 squares; click inside any of the square sections to make a hole.

    • Click the trash can button to reset the puzzle.

    • Click once for a small hole, twice for a medium-sized hole, and three times for a large hole.

      • In the top row, make a small hole at the inner left square and a large hole at the inner right square.

      • In the second row, put a large hole in the far left square and a medium hole in the far right square.

      • In the third row, make a medium hole at the inner left square and a small hole at the inner right square.

      • In the bottom row, put a medium hole at the far left square and a large hole at the inner right square.

      • Solution

  4. Once the puzzle is solved, the HOLEY CHEESE will be added to your inventory.

  5. Return to the Hut.


  1. Dip the HOLEY CHEESE into the can of varnish on the floor under the window to make a FAKE KEYCARD.

  2. Go out the door to the back of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Back)

  1. Use the FAKE KEYCARD you made out of cheese on the keycard reader beside the back door to the tent.

  2. Go through the opened door into the Kitchen.


  1. Dip the WHITE COW TOY into the ketchup to make it a RED COW TOY.

  2. Try to use the CHEESE SHAKE on the vat of ketchup to find another PIP (4/22).

    • If you need a CHEESE SHAKE, you can go to the front of the Battle Royale Tent at any time and talk to the woman to receive another shake.

  3. Use the CAMERA to photograph the telephone beside the right door.

    • The telephone number will be automatically added to your NOTES: 317(?) the last number is covered in cheese.

    • Juding by the round shape at the bottom of the number, you can limit the possibilities to 3, 5, 6, 8, or 9.

  4. Go back out the door to the rear of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Back)

  1. Click the telephone keypad to start another puzzle.

    • Use the steps indicated in your NOTES to determine the correct combinations to enter into the numpad.

    • First set the volume to the maximum level by pressing the hash key, then the star button, then the hash key again, and lastly the number nine: #*#9.

    • Next, turn on the test signal by pushing the hash key once, the zero button twice, and the hash key once again: #00#.

    • Lastly, enter the combination for the kitchen telephone (the last number is found by process of elimination): 3175.

  2. Return to the Kitchen, then go through the right door into the Burger Deposit Room.

Burger Deposit Room

  1. Use the CHEESE SHAKE on the cheese-covered man standing on the either platform to receive another PIP (5/22).

  2. Note the numbers at the bottom of the right bun platform: 9383.

  3. Take a picture of the cheese covered men with the CAMERA. The HUMAN CHEESEBURGER PHOTO will be added to your inventory.

  4. Exit the building to return to the rear area of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Back)

  1. Click the telephone keypad to examine it again.

    • Enter the combination from the platform code in the Burger Deposit Room (9383) to earn a PIP (6/22).

  2. Go back to the Midway.


  1. Give the RED COW TOY to the vendor in front of the booth.

  2. Pick up the GREEN CHEESE he puts on the ground for you.

  3. Click the sign by the end of the road to return to the Office.


  1. Use the FAKE KEY CARD, the CAN OPENER, the SCREWDRIVER, and the GREEN CHEESE on Graeme to receive PIPS (7, 8, 9, and 10/22).

  2. Feed the GREEN CHEESE to Harry Quantum, then click the blue goggles on the desk to enter the virtual world.

Part 2 - Virtual World

Dream Land

  1. Pick up the BUCKET on the ground beside the cow.

    • Use the BUCKET on the grey cloud under the floating robot to fill it with water.

    • Use the BUCKET OF WATER on the cow to receive a PIP (11/22)

  2. Take the TAIL and the BELL from the cow costume.

  3. Put the BELL in the niche at the top of the High Striker carnival game.

  4. Go down the slide in the tree to reach Chunderworld.


  1. Pour the BUCKET OF WATER on the firewall (the actual wall of fire blocking the left side of the area) to douse it.

  2. Use the now EMPTY BUCKET on the blueish black cloud under the floating robot to fill the bucket with ink.

  3. Pick up the HAMMER on the ground beside the anvil.

    • Hit the ferris wheel gear mechanism with the HAMMER to knock out the STICK, which is added to your inventory.

  4. Go back up to Dream Land, then click the top of the ferris wheel to ride up to Dream Sky.

Dream Sky

  1. Use the BUCKET OF INK on the pink cloud under the floating robot to find another PIP (12/22).

  2. Take the METEORITE from the singed twig between the two large tree branches.

  3. Use the STICK on the pink spiderweb to collect the CANDYFLOSS.

    • Give the CANDYFLOSS to Harry Quantum to receive a PIP (13/22).

  4. Go down the slides to return to Chunderworld.


  1. Place the METEORITE on the anvil.

  2. Break the METEORITE with the HAMMER, then pick up the dull STAR KEY on top of the anvil.

  3. Return to the Dream Sky by going up the slide and then onto the ferris wheel. From there, follow the sign on the right branch to go to Dream Night.

Dream Night

  1. Charge the dull STAR KEY on the Orion constellation in the sky.

  2. Photograph the labyrinth with the CAMERA. The MAZE PHOTOS will be added to your inventory.

  3. Go left and then back down the slide to return to Dream Land.

Dream Land

  1. Hit the High Striker with the HAMMER to ring the bell you placed at the top of the carnival game earlier.

  2. Go through the opened door to enter the labyrinth and, now that you have the MAZE PHOTOS to help Harry navigate, reach the Cheevana Cave.

Cheevana Cave

  1. Paint over the eyes at the top of the cave with the BUCKET OF INK.

    • The cow's TAIL must be in your inventory at this point, in order to use it as a brush for the ink.

  2. Add the now charged STAR KEY to the cave doors, then click the cave to start the puzzle.

    • Arrange the stars on the left side of the board to match the pattern at the right side of the board.

    • Click a star to select it, then click a directional arrow to move the star up, down, left, or right.

    • A star will continue to move until it reaches the edge of board or another star.

    • Click the top button at the right side of the board to exit the puzzle, the curved arrow button to undo the last move, and the trash can button to reset the entire puzzle.

    • If you've collected enough PIPS so far, you can press the bottom button to skip the puzzle entirely.

  3. After the puzzle is solved (or skipped), click the floating robot to receive a PIP (14/22).

  4. Go into the cave to return to the Office.


  1. Pick up the blue CRYSTAL SKULL on the floor to the left of the VR 9000 machine.

  2. Use the CRYSTAL SKULL on Graeme the robot to receive another PIP (15/22).

  3. Go out the door to return to the Midway at the carnival.

Part 3 - Return to the Carnival


  1. Give the SCREWDRIVER to the janitor in exchange for a PIP (16/22).

  2. Continue down the road to the front of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Front)

  1. Return the CAN OPENER to the woman at the cheese shake stand to receive another PIP (17/22).

  2. Go around the right wall to the back area of the tent and then enter the door to the Kitchen.


  1. Click the giant vat of cheese to take out the BREADCRUMBS.

  2. Put the BREADCRUMBS on the chef lying on the floor to discover a PIP (18/22).

  3. Go through the sinister door into the Burger Deposit Room.

Burger Deposit Room

  1. Use the BREADCRUMBS on either of the cheese-covered men to receive another PIP (19/22).

  2. Exit the building and then walk left to return to the front of the Battle Royale Tent.

Battle Royale Tent (Front)

  1. Throw some BREADCRUMBS onto the wrestler standing in front of the tent to chase him away.

  2. Go through the red curtain to enter the Arena.


  1. Take a picture of Robull (the robotic minotaur) with the CAMERA to earn a PIP (20/22).

  2. Take the DUMBBELL WEAPON leaning against the wall beside the door.

  3. Use the CRYSTAL SKULL on Robull to deactivate it, then hit Robull with the DUMBBELL WEAPON to defeat it.

  4. Harry will automatically enter the Hive.


  1. Try to hit the guard with the DUMBBELL WEAPON to receive a PIP (21/22).

  2. Take the queen's picture with your CAMERA to find the final PIP (22/22).

  3. Use the CRYSTAL SKULL on the queen.

SqueekeMeow August 2, 2013 5:26 PM

Oddly enough, there is a cheese festival in Wisconsin this weekend. *shrugs*


Don't eat the green cheese! ;P

Patreon Crew SonicLover August 4, 2013 10:13 AM

I wonder if it says something about my status as an adventure gamer that the two PIPs I couldn't find without referring to the walkthrough...

...were earned by returning the screwdriver and can opener to their rightful owners?


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