It seems the goal of many villains is to take over the world. In Drawfender, the villain just wants to stop the good guy from, well, doing good. In this drawing physics game, from Eugene Karataev, the same developer who brought us the Wake Up The Box series, it's your job to defend the philanthropist from the evil assassins, so he can continue his charity work around the world.
Each level will have a cannon or other type of gun pointed at our hero. Some have a delay, indicated by a countdown clock, but others fire instantly. Click to set a point in the grid, then drag and click again to make a line. Click the reset button on the bottom of the screen to start over. You can draw any kind of polygon you can dream up within the grid, and on some levels you'll have to get creative. Once you finish your drawing, the level snaps into action as you watch to see if you've managed to protect your charge. Drawfender sneaks in a few gameplay changes without explaining how they work, but a little trial and error is all it takes to discover the new mechanic and continue on your way. While the game starts out fairly simple, it quickly requires you to stop and do a bit of thinking before you draw. Good luck, and perhaps if you manage to save his life enough times, the philanthropist will see fit to bestow some of his charity on you.
liked this game, I like drawing games in general and this was a good one
Isn't it interesting how the laser can only cut through wood, not humans?