Just what are orcs exactly? Are they demons from the deepest depths of h-e-double-hockeysticks, trolls that live under bridges quizzing all those that wish to pass, or are they just a figment of some British guy's imagination? In any case, you don't need to be a Tolkien scholar to know that when a orc is a comin', you best start a runnin'. Unless, of course, you're feeling all brave and stuff, and want a challenge.
In Battle Panic, a new strategy defense game by Ninja Kiwi, your kingdom has been overrun by the orcish horde and it's up to you to take back what's yours and bring the fight to the enemy's homeland. In each level you begin with basic defenses and some starting resources. You have about a minute to mine or build buildings and units before the orc army approaches.
It's a familiar concept, but what makes Battle Panic stand out is its controls. To build, heal, destroy, and mine, just place your cursor over the object you want to interact with. No clicking required, except to summon reinforcements or buy resources. You can join in the fight by placing your cursor over an enemy and watch as it turns into a big sword that does deadly damage. It can be upgraded along with your three basic units—foot soldier, archer, and cavalry. You can also play medic by placing your cursor over your own troops and watch as a pleasing golden aura surrounds and heals them. This is where the strategy comes in. Your cursor can only be in one place at a time, so you'll need to decide where your energy is best spent—on the battlefield, in the gold mines and forest, or at home shoring up your defenses. The basic idea behind Battle Panic is nothing new, but the game is polished, with good graphics and sound effects, tons of upgrades, and, at about a dozen levels, will provide you with all the blood and orc guts you can handle for an afternoon.
Walkthrough Guide
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I am officially obsessed with this game.
So far, a fairly strong strategy for most of the normal mode has been:
Max out the cursor combat tree, and split the remaining points between buildings, footmen and some gathering (I only went with wood. you'll get gold from killing things).
Don't build any units at first, just gather resources, upgrade your castle 2/3 times, and kill things.
Once the castle is upgraded, wait and just kill things with the sword until it starts to get a bit much and enemies start to get to the castle (this point changes depending on the level). Then, spam footmen till you have high level footmen to smack down everything. Just make sure you use the cursor attack to help out everything (especially to kill spear orcs), and you should get by with loads of units left.
For the final level, after footmen were maxed and I had 5-10 golden footmen out, I went all out on the horsemen.
And for all the long levels, you might as well use the free reinforcements everytime they charge up.
The only level this really doesn't work for at all is Red Barren. I still survived, but with only 1 star. I just left it for later, when I had more upgrade points.
This would be AWESOME on a touch screen.
Posted by: crashlanding
May 2, 2012 8:04 PM