An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Bird's Eye View Escape

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Weekday Escape

JessWow, do we have a doozy for you this week. Bird's Eye View Escape is a unique, well-made room escape game that offers a new perspective (literally) on the genre; it also happens to be really tough. Well, tough to me, anyways; y'all will probably rip it apart in an hour.

Bird's Eye View EscapeFor reasons that are never fully explained, you find yourself hovering above what looks to be a small house, complete with bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Clicking on a certain room or area allows you to zoom in and get a closer look; the house is quite detailed, and you'll find much to interact with. Along the way, you'll pick up assorted household-y items, find mysterious cards and symbols and look at diagrams—and, if you're anything like me, will be baffled. For me, the difficulty is that there is simply too much to look at, too many clues to put together; after a while it all starts to pile up and become overwhelming. Still, when progress is made, it's deeply satisfying.

Bird's-Eye View Escape has a lot going for it; the game is polished, good-looking, intriguing and creative. The aerial view is unlike anything I've seen before, and it's quite interesting to be able to take in the entire scene at a glance. Also, a piece of advice: click on everything. If you're willing to take on a challenge and have the stamina to crack open some seriously enigmatic puzzles, we heartily recommend this game.

Play Bird's Eye View Escape

Cheers to Sanna and Karmen for suggesting this one!

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)


  1. Spoiler

    Zoom in on the kitchen and click the bottom shelf of the right most cupboard to get the first card.

  2. Spoiler

    click on the beaker under the cupboard and next to the cofee maker to get it

  3. Spoiler

    in the hallway by the door rip door down by clicking on the top

  4. Spoiler

    get the shoehorn from the cabinet

  5. Spoiler

    click on the picture above where you got the shoehorn to see an 8

  6. Spoiler

    go to the bedroom and click on the desk near the wall until you see two footsteps appear and then click the card

  7. Spoiler

    mess up the bed fully and open the drawer under the bed. also move the pillow to get a coin

  8. Spoiler

    in the drawer you will see half of a key mould and a diagram showing you how to operate the red box. it works like this: all closed and you get a diagram. all opened and you get an item

  9. Spoiler

    close drawer and move chair and open the second drawer under the bed. click ladder to get it

  10. Spoiler

    open top nightstand drawer and get a third card

  11. Spoiler

    go to entertainment room and get fourth card from top left drawer under the t.v.

  12. Spoiler

    open the right drawer under bookcase and notice how it doesn't come out as far. click towards the back until it comes out and grab the other key mould and then put it back

  13. Spoiler

    click the closet to open it and click on the jackets to get a note that contains characters

  14. Spoiler

    go back into bedroom and look at the computer and not the date (march 23)

  15. Spoiler

    click on the picture above the comp and find the numbers when you click the tiles

  16. Spoiler

    i got the next part throuhg guess work but you're supposed to use the numbers and the paper and the glowing thing where the door was when you turn off the lights to find out the order. the numbers are 57623, but the order is



  17. Spoiler

    click on the pad above the lightswitch by where the door used to be abd enter the code




  18. Spoiler

    click on the door next to the bathroom to open it and get the ladder

  19. Spoiler

    go to entertainment center and put back in drawers in book case and put the step ladder there and use the shoehorn to get the key

  20. Spoiler

    use the key on the bathroom

  21. Spoiler

    lift the toilet tank to get the bottle a and open the medecine cabinet to get the last card also close the plug turn on the water and note the number four

  22. Spoiler

    close everything and make the bed close the blinds then open the red box to get the note

  23. Spoiler

    the note says to bounce the coin off of the bed so click the coin then click the center of the bed (took me a dozen tries)

  24. Spoiler

    open the blinds and check the set up click the cards then the five slots

  25. Spoiler

    click the last thing on the sil and enter the date mar. 23

  26. Spoiler

    click the button to make the light green then close the blinds turn off the lights and look at the blinds note the constellation turn on the lights

  27. Spoiler

    click on the books in the bookcase until you get an astronomy book.

  28. Spoiler

    the book mark say to note the bottom left page number go to the page that has the constellation and note the number 14.

  29. Spoiler

    examine the cards, the squigglies represent the water which you found the 8 on the frame

  30. Spoiler
    • circle:coin on the back is seven

    • + is a +

    • square: the bathroom tile which was a four

    • star: 14 for the constellation

  31. Spoiler

    87+414 = 501 which is first code for computer

  32. Spoiler

    go out and look at the cads again the + has tilted 87*414 = 36018 which is the second code for the computer

  33. Spoiler

    open everything, set the clock to a random date and close the box then open it to get the knob.

  34. Spoiler

    put the knob in and put the rope ladder up on the knob

  35. Spoiler

    go out and look at the cads again the + has tilted 87*414 = 36018 which is the second code for the computer

  36. Spoiler

    move the ladder to reach the top shelf and click on it until you get footsteps then get bottle b.

  37. Spoiler

    examine beaker and pour bottle a and b into it

  38. Spoiler

    examine key mould and pour beaker into it and then use coin to pry it open

  39. Spoiler

    put key on door and take elevator

and you're out!


Wow, this is cool!! I haven't gotten far but I like what I'm seeing. Thanks for the awesome post. This has given me something to spend the rest of my night on and make it seem longer!! :)

linderella July 30, 2008 12:30 AM

Yay! I think I'm first to comment! :D (pride swelling in me!)

Well... i need help(no surprise)


I have three cards (square, circle, star), a (i think) wrench thingy that fell out of the shoe thingy, and a coin. I see a card near the bedpost but can't get it. Also i don't get the meaning of the bookmark. Please help! (Oh yea! I don't know how to get to bathroom)

please & thanks!

waycooler July 30, 2008 12:34 AM

i'm at the same point as linderella, except i also have


a beaker. also, i don't think it's a wrench i think it's a crowbar.


lizardling July 30, 2008 12:36 AM

It's not a crowbar, it's a shoehorn. The really long kind so you don't have to bend over to put your shoe on.

I'm at the same point although I've got a


piece of paper from the closet with characters on it

that I think I know how to use, although I don't know where.


I'm pretty much with waycooler and linderella


3 cards (star, cirlce, square)
wrench thing (more like a crowbar)
but i also have a rope ladder

don't know how to get into the bathroom

do know how to turn off the lights

i've opened two books (astronomy and a brown book on cosmetics or cooking)

i've seen a picture of an 8, the japanese phonetic poster, and the laptop, but can't do anything with any of them except make 3 of the keys on the japanese poster flip and reveal numbers

so, i'm stuck. this is TOUGH.


oh, i also have


the paper with the japanese characters on it

and i've seen the panel to enter a code by the door


I'm at the same place as LSN, but I also have


half of a key mold, I THINK I got it from the closet, but I really don't know

waycooler July 30, 2008 12:50 AM

woah woah woah. LSN, help us out here. how'd you find the rope ladder and paper?

just found something else


a metal box-thing that has an imprint of a key. mess up the bed's sheets by clicking, then click the drawer underneath it. i've also seen the picture of the 8 by the door


I've got everything that's been found by you guys so far; here are some thoughts though:


You can open and close the shades on the window in the bedroom area, there seems to be a diagram referring to this on the laptop (the planetarium window)

Also, the characters in the note that correspond to the characters on the map above the laptop seem to reveal the numbers 76235 (the ones on the map that rotate to reveal a number) which is the right number of digits but not the right combination for the password locked computer file

halluci July 30, 2008 1:01 AM



if you look at the coin and click it, the back of the coin has an image of a man that looks like the number '7'


i don't remember exactly where i found the paper. i think it was in a drawer. but the rope ladder was definately in a bed drawer.

i can also see the key in the top left of the room, but can't get to it, even with the ladder selected.


OOOH just got:


The box with the key imprint AND another paper with the picture of a chest and a 2nd page that's probably a key to a puzzle somewhere that will make something appear in a box. i bet those are drawers you have to pull out...

halluci July 30, 2008 1:06 AM

numbers seem to be very important in this, especially the recurrence of 7 and 8. Notice that of the two books in the bookshelf that you can open, the pages are 7 and 8, and 17 and 18 respectively. then there's the 7 on the back of the coin, the 8 near the doorway...


the numbers from the chart all appear on the note, i dont know how to read the note, so i dont know the order, numbers i got are 53762. its either the laptop or the door code

waycooler July 30, 2008 1:07 AM

i found the


note, which, when i used the diagram on the wall, appears to spell...


the _ are characters that have a " on them, and i don't know what that means. If anybody could translate it, then we'll at least know if that's a dead end...

oh, also, i can't


open the bed drawer near the top of the bed on the right. it doesn't want to work...


Hasn't this one been reviewed already?


*scratches head* Hasn't this been here before? Cuz I've played it and I can't figure where I would have found it if not through here. Ah, well. *plays again*

waycooler July 30, 2008 1:10 AM

i feel like an idiot. arg.


just had to move the chair to get the rope ladder.

@LSN: Help please. with how to get the items you found.




Beaker: in a cabinet above the sink. You might have to be zoomed in to get it.

Key imprint box: in the bed drawer closest to the wall. You might have to move the chair to open the drawer.

The paper I mentioned in my last post is also in that drawer, but it's only viewable. It doesn't go into your inventory.

3 Cards: Can't remember where. You just have to look out for them. Each is in a different spot.

Folded symbol paper: In a drawer somewhere, I think. Maybe around the TV?

Coin: Under the pillows on the bed.

Shoe horn: open up the top shoe drawer by the door.

Rope ladder: in one of the bed drawers (the one at the foot of the bed, I think)


@waycooler from what i remember of short hand " just means repeat either same as before or same as above

parakeet July 30, 2008 1:24 AM

In case it proves helpful with the syllabary, Japanese is read from top to bottom, right to left.

TheEternalFire July 30, 2008 1:25 AM

Something that hasn't been mentioned yet:


In the star book, the back of the bookmark has a picture that seems to indicate the position on a book. If it is the page you are currently on, then the arrow points to the page number, 038.




close the blind, make the bed, select the coin and click on the bed, the coin bounces and when you open the blind, this weird thing appears in the window!




put the cards in the thing that appears on the window after you bounce the coin

halluci July 30, 2008 1:31 AM

got a 4th card:


got that fourth card on the window finally... you have to step up onto the desk (click on the part of the desk closest to the windowsill until two footstep marks appear on the desk; then you can pick up the card)




The thing towards the bottom of the screen is like a calendar. Which probably means it has something to do with the astronomy book.

I've put teh 3 cards on the thing. I'm missing the cards for the bottom slot and the middle slot.

TheEternalFire July 30, 2008 1:31 AM

the cards with shapes on them go onto the five things on the windowsill after bouncing the coin on the bed

anonymous July 30, 2008 1:33 AM

found something:


If you click on the upper part of the door, it gets peeled off XD
Turning the lights off reveals a weird glowing pattern on the wall.

halluci July 30, 2008 1:35 AM

for some reason, i can't seem to get the coin to bounce on the bed... i close the blinds and make the bed but when i click on the coin and then the bed, it just messes up the sheets/pillows. any help?

on the other hand, i found out that the front door is FAKE: zoom in, and click near the top of the doorsill, and it will roll down like a poster. When you turn off the light, a blue code thingy appears on the wall

TheEternalFire July 30, 2008 1:35 AM

the glowing pattern pertains to the rows on the picked-up sheet of paper


i don't know what just hapened but i pulled the door down!

its wadded up on the base of the floor.

Where do i escape?

waycooler July 30, 2008 1:39 AM



the non-receivable paper you speak of is indicating not a treasure chest but the jewelry box next to the tv! except... there's no lock thingy for it. hmmmm....

@halluci: I'm not sure i get how you're saying how to get that card. i tried what you said and it didn't work...

oh, and if you click the


thing at the left-most side of the windowsill, nearest the side table, you can set a month and day. not sure what goes there yet, but it seems useful. oh and if you click the button on the left next to the red light it changes from red to green. might be related to that other paper.

TheEternalFire July 30, 2008 1:39 AM

order the rows on the sheet of paper according to the glowing symbol behind the door. by clicking on the poster of weird symbols above the computer, you'll get the 5-number combination: 35672. Enter that into the box above the light switch next to the door.

waycooler July 30, 2008 1:43 AM

oh ok. using the


code from the paper on the bit next to the door, it unlocks the door next to the bathroom door which contains a step ladder. click the step ladder, then the desk where halluci said, then the card to get it. it's the + card. it goes in the middle.

NinjaRaven July 30, 2008 1:43 AM

@ waycooler & anon:

the " in Japanese denotes a sound change

te + " = de, ha" = ba, so"= zo




i entered that code next to the door and by reclicking the entry pad i see the word open! but i don't know what's open

halluci July 30, 2008 1:44 AM



keep on trying, click your mouse on the right side of the table (if you were facing it with the trash bin on the left of the table, near the bottom right corner (but not too close) you'll know you've got it when two black footprints appear on the table, and then you can click on the card to get it

I've also found the other half of the key mould:


go to the bookshelf at the top left corner of the room, open the bottom right drawer of the bookshelf and keep on clicking on the back of the drawer (note that it comes out shorter than the left drawer). you might need to zoom in, click near the tv to do so, but if you click all the way at the back of the drawer persistently, the entier thing comes out and in the hidden compartment is the other half of the key mould


Just entered the right combination above the door. It now says "open" and I can open the


closet beside the bathroom door. Got a step ladder. Used the step ladder on the floor near the left-most bookcase that has the key on it. Then used the shoehorn to get the key!!

The key opens the bathroom. Plugged the sink and flooded the bathroom, revealing an orange 4 on the ground tiles.

Got the 5th card in the medicine cabinet. More coming soon :D

TheEternalFire July 30, 2008 1:46 AM

woah big jump in items


Okay after entering that code into the box, the mirror beside the door can be opened.
Get the ladder from behind the mirror.
Prop the ladder up under the key in the upper-left corner.
Get the bathroom key with the shoe horn.
Open up the bathroom with the key!
The 5th card is behind the bathroom mirror.
Bottle A is in the toilet.
There's a reference to Bottle A and B in the red book on the shelf.
You can also play with the water faucet and stopper in the sink. Let the sink overflow and the number 4 is revealed on the bathroom tiles.


put the step ladder by key on top of shelf then use crowbar on key.


I have a hunch we're supposed to make a solution that we'll pour into the key mold.


you can pour bottle a into beaker.

Eytan Zweig July 30, 2008 1:51 AM

Something I just discovered -


If you put the date "mar 23" in the window machine (it's the date that the computer seems to be displaying), close the blinds and turn the lights off, you get a cool light show.

(Note that I had all 5 cards when I tried this, maybe it won't work with less)

I haven't figured out any practical uses yet, but I did try other dates and they didn't do anything so this seems significant

halluci July 30, 2008 1:53 AM

ok... i got that key on the top of the bookshelf:


once you get the stepladder, place it on the floor near the bookshelf, and use the shoehorn to reach the key

halluci July 30, 2008 1:54 AM

the key also unlocks the bathroom


Eytan Zweig that's a constellation in one of the books! i used the back of the bookmark reference and got the number



from that page!

waycooler July 30, 2008 1:55 AM

to add to TheEternalFire, you can also


turn on the shower and close the shower curtain, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

TheEternalFire July 30, 2008 1:55 AM

The 'lightshow' is a constellation found in the blue star book, pages 13-14. It's accompanied by a symbol: a sideways '69'

waycooler July 30, 2008 1:57 AM

ooh that's


gemini! right? somebody please confirm this. the sideways 69 is gemini, right?


actually eternal fire that's the sign of cancer

waycooler July 30, 2008 1:59 AM

dang! so close...




The star book shows constellations for the zodiac. The "sideways 69" is the sign for Cancer, the crab.


The two drawers on the left side of the TV dresser don't open as far as the two right drawers...



NinjaRaven July 30, 2008 2:14 AM

could the numbers fre the coin, floor, and book be the solution to the computer code? not sure of order, or if it's even right..


Nevermind. Thats only because of the other other drawer that had the thing...


i got the knob!


open all drawers and cabinets, turn on water but don't flood open all doors, set clock to random date and open and close the red box! then you should have it.




There is the 4 from the bathroom, the 8 by the door, the 7 from the coin and the 014 from the book. The computer on the desk only takes a 5 digit code, so...?



anyone found a use for the black boxish thing to the left of the desk (the left if you were sitting at it)? When I click it it acts like it is trying to close but jams

waycooler July 30, 2008 2:19 AM

@ninjaraven: sounds like a good idea, but all the combinations i just tried didn't work. hmmm...

@Gibel: I'm pretty sure there's a better way to get the knob. it has something to do with the


note in the bed drawer, and maybe the drawers on the tv wall? hmmm...


well that's how i got it and i finally beat the game. will post a walkthrough later

halluci July 30, 2008 2:23 AM

ok, i finally got the 2 code for the laptop:

1st login:


after getting the light show and 5 cards on the sill, we have:
first card: square = 8 (from picture next to door)
second card: circle = 7 (from back of coin)
third card: cross = +
fourth card: waves = 4 (water overflowing sink in bathroom)
fifth card: star = 14 (light show reveals constellation found on page 14 of the book)

so, the math equation: 87+414=501

this is the first login number

2nd login: (if you've already got the first, just go back to the windowsill and look at the cards again...)


everything is as above, but the + is now rotated into a x (multiply). Second number is 87x414=36018

waycooler July 30, 2008 2:24 AM

agh! double post! sorry... don't even know HOW that happened

halluci July 30, 2008 2:25 AM

agg... crap, sorry about the bad spoilering.

since urban just posted a complete walkthrough, i guess i wont type up the rest of the game then (it's pretty straightforward once you get the two login code for the computer).


the numbers you got correspond with the cards


8 was on water in picture so it goes with squigglies


7 on coin (circle)


plus is just a plus

and for the code


doesn't have to be a 5 digit number


try 501

and then:


the plus turns to a multiplier try 36018

newhere July 30, 2008 2:26 AM

The hint for the coin hitting the bed came from


the small red box which opened for some reason that I can't fathom. I just got frustrated and tried the opening everything thing. Then I closed everything then opened it and there it was.


i don't see a walkkthourgh yet. i think something may be wrong with the update feature though because some people's comments won't show


This game had it's highs and lows. I like the parts having to do witht he Japanese symbols. But pixel hunting was a bit much here. And some parts, like the jewelry box, didn't really make sense to me.

waycooler July 30, 2008 2:34 AM

okay, seriously? i can't seem to get the knob. more specific help please?

waycooler July 30, 2008 2:38 AM

nevermind... i got it...

Anonymous July 30, 2008 2:46 AM

I can't bounce the coin off the bed... When I selected the coin and click on the bed it messes up again. Can you guys help me on this?




try zooming all the way out, and make sure the pillows are all right too, and make sure the shade is down.

halluci July 30, 2008 2:51 AM

@ JIGuest:

It's one of the places where you need to pixel hunt; it took me a while, but the clicking spot is about exactly in the middle of the bed (on top of the sheets).

I dont know if this is important, but I also got the


NOTE with the diagram of the coin bouncing off the bed from the red box

before doing the whole coin thing.

MaybeLater_x July 30, 2008 2:53 AM

If you're having trouble getting the 4th card from the windowsil,


move the chair out of the way, then click on the desk next to the laptop and you will see your footprints. Then grab the card.

Anonymous July 30, 2008 2:54 AM

@Will and halluci:

Thanks. I tried clicking right at the middle of the bed and it worked.

I don't have the note from the red box so that is not important.


Knob!! why do you elude me so, taunting me with your pointy-clicky goodness, i have opened everything in the room (havent seen a room this messy since i was in high school) have tried 1/2 dozen random combos in the date thingy.


drags bed over to hole, ties the rope ladder to it and go on about the **** game

can someone please be less ambiguous about this


To open the red box you have to


tidy up the room. Close all the doors and cabinets and make the bed. Then open the red box again.


got the knob


way to get the knob for the hatstand is to do it now. Red Box closed
Open the nightstand's two drawers
Move chair towards bottom of the screen and open the far bed drawer.
Mess up bed, move right pillow slanted and left pillow towards the right.
Open Two library drawers
Open TV cabinents Four Drawers.
Opwn Cabinents Two Drawers

Open the toilet
Open the Bathroom Cabinet
Open the Shower Curtain
Open the Bathroom Door

Open the three Cabinets
Open the Four Drawers.
Open the two Shoe drawers
Open the Mirror where
Close and open the box and Take Knob

Anonymous July 30, 2008 5:13 AM

I think you have to do one more thing to get the knob


mess up the date

Valbjorn July 30, 2008 5:42 AM

I have everything open, the bed mussed, water runningx2 and STILL no knob


I also did everything and nothing happened


Did anyone found the B thingy?


Thats what my lovely bedroom currently looks like. What else needs opening for this stupid knob!?

diandda July 30, 2008 6:05 AM

I am not sure, but I had problems getting the knob until then


By the way, before someone mentions it, I did try closing and re-opening the box :P

diandda July 30, 2008 6:10 AM

OK, I haven't used spoilers before, sorry!


... until I got the note from the jewelry box. To get this I closed everything in the room, made the bed, then opened the box (to get the note). Then opened everything in the room and then closed and opened the box again.

I hope this helps.


Just tried that and it didn't work :(

Valbjorn July 30, 2008 6:19 AM

WTB: Knob

Valbjorn July 30, 2008 6:29 AM


I just got it!! tell me how you did that screenshot thing and i will try and show you what my room looks like!!

Valbjorn July 30, 2008 6:33 AM

@ Dom, actually all you need to do from the picture you posted above is...


close your shower curtain

Corridor July 30, 2008 6:44 AM

Yeah, I just got it as well. For anyone else having trouble, you have to


close everything and turn off taps and make the bed, finally open the red box and this will give you the note. Then open everything, turn off taps mess up bed etc, and you get the knob in the box. Remember that everything counts, including the shades, the toilet, the mirrordoor, shower curtain, etc.

After that it's fairly easy to finish the game.

Mick0305 July 30, 2008 8:36 AM

i got my room to look like the picture and then closed the shower curtain.

But there is no knob in the box.

Also what happened to bottle b?
i can guess what you do with it,
but no one has mentioned it or finding it at all.

Lasse Laserman July 30, 2008 9:02 AM

I'm ready to give up. I hate these far fetched "puzzles".


I have opened and closed everything a couple of times now. I got the note when everything was closed but the knob continues to elude me.

This is what I have opened:
- Upper drawer under the bed.
- Both night stand drawers.
- Shades.
- Messed up the bed. Both pillows and the sheets.

TV Area:
- Two drawers in the left book shelf.
- Four drawers under the TV.
- Both closet doors.

- Toilet.
- Medicine cabinet.
- Shower curtains.
- Sink tap.
- Shower tap.

- Both shoe drawers.
- Bathroom door.
- Cabinet door.

- Four drawers.
- 3 cabinet doors.


If you click the white board above the computer


and click each letter in the alphabet, you get the 5 numbers 57239!

i was so surprised.


Er... Is it just me, or the hidden parts of the text here in the forum are so well hidden that they don't appear at all?

I'm having this problem since Sunday...


Well that took a while and I definitely needed the help! Good game though.


I'm still trying to find


The exact place on the bed where you are supposed to bounce the coin. Any help?

masozravapalma July 30, 2008 10:16 AM

Ok. Most important thing for knob for me was:


Set the date on the planetarium thing (window) to something random. You can check by lowering the window shades - they should be white when down.


Gah! I hate birds' eye views now!!!!

FriedTaters July 30, 2008 10:31 AM

YES!! Beat it! If anyone needs help....


So it doesn't matter a whole lot (and someone may already have posted this, sorry) but the japanese says something along the lines of "if you wish to get out, you will leave from your heart."



try not to take content directly from other websites. that is from the walkthrough on a different site. you should at least give credit where due.

amofilem July 30, 2008 11:30 AM

Help! How come I can't get into the bathroom? I'm sure I am missing something simple.




get the key from on top of the bookcase. in order to get there you need the ladder from the closet next to the bathroom. to get there you need the code for by the door.


Aug! I can't figure out how to go down the hole!


I'm stuck.
What's the code for the laptop. Please.




Get the bed made, including pillows and sheets. I believe pull the shade as well?

(I'm sure you're to this point, just for everyone else)

Go ahead and zoom in on the bed.

Now what I did was just click frantically around the center of the bed with the coin selected until you find a place where it doesn't change the sheet (most places will rumple/fix the sheet, but you'll find one where it doesn't change it). That's your spot. Of you were lucky, you happened to click it when the sheet was in the 'made' position. If not, mark the spot and make the bed, then click it again (with the coin selected) and finally it bounces.

Honestly the hotspot thing really kills these games for me nine times out of ten. I go 'well, that's not the answer cause it didn't work', only to find out I was exactly right, just not putting my little clicker in the right area (which isn't always the logical one). I dunno, I guess it's a problem with all of them, but boy will it drive you up the wall.



  1. Spoiler

    Zoom in on the kitchen and click the bottom shelf of the right most cupboard to get the first card.

  2. Spoiler

    click on the beaker under the cupboard and next to the cofee maker to get it

  3. Spoiler

    in the hallway by the door rip door down by clicking on the top

  4. Spoiler

    get the shoehorn from the cabinet

  5. Spoiler

    click on the picture above where you got the shoehorn to see an 8

  6. Spoiler

    go to the bedroom and click on the desk near the wall until you see two footsteps appear and then click the card

  7. Spoiler

    mess up the bed fully and open the drawer under the bed. also move the pillow to get a coin

  8. Spoiler

    in the drawer you will see half of a key mould and a diagram showing you how to operate the red box. it works like this: all closed and you get a diagram. all opened and you get an item

  9. Spoiler

    close drawer and move chair and open the second drawer under the bed. click ladder to get it

  10. Spoiler

    open top nightstand drawer and get a third card

  11. Spoiler

    go to entertainment room and get fourth card from top left drawer under the t.v.

  12. Spoiler

    open the right drawer under bookcase and notice how it doesn't come out as far. click towards the back until it comes out and grab the other key mould and then put it back

  13. Spoiler

    click the closet to open it and click on the jackets to get a note that contains characters

  14. Spoiler

    go back into bedroom and look at the computer and not the date (march 23)

  15. Spoiler

    click on the picture above the comp and find the numbers when you click the tiles

  16. Spoiler

    i got the next part throuhg guess work but you're supposed to use the numbers and the paper and the glowing thing where the door was when you turn off the lights to find out the order. the numbers are 57623, but the order is



  17. Spoiler

    click on the pad above the lightswitch by where the door used to be abd enter the code




  18. Spoiler

    click on the door next to the bathroom to open it and get the ladder

  19. Spoiler

    go to entertainment center and put back in drawers in book case and put the step ladder there and use the shoehorn to get the key

  20. Spoiler

    use the key on the bathroom

  21. Spoiler

    lift the toilet tank to get the bottle a and open the medecine cabinet to get the last card also close the plug turn on the water and note the number four

  22. Spoiler

    close everything and make the bed close the blinds then open the red box to get the note

  23. Spoiler

    the note says to bounce the coin off of the bed so click the coin then click the center of the bed (took me a dozen tries)

  24. Spoiler

    open the blinds and check the set up click the cards then the five slots

  25. Spoiler

    click the last thing on the sil and enter the date mar. 23

  26. Spoiler

    click the button to make the light green then close the blinds turn off the lights and look at the blinds note the constellation turn on the lights

  27. Spoiler

    click on the books in the bookcase until you get an astronomy book.

  28. Spoiler

    the book mark say to note the bottom left page number go to the page that has the constellation and note the number 14.

  29. Spoiler

    examine the cards, the squigglies represent the water which you found the 8 on the frame

  30. Spoiler
    • circle:coin on the back is seven

    • + is a +

    • square: the bathroom tile which was a four

    • star: 14 for the constellation

  31. Spoiler

    87+414 = 501 which is first code for computer

  32. Spoiler

    go out and look at the cads again the + has tilted 87*414 = 36018 which is the second code for the computer

  33. Spoiler

    open everything, set the clock to a random date and close the box then open it to get the knob.

  34. Spoiler

    put the knob in and put the rope ladder up on the knob

  35. Spoiler

    go out and look at the cads again the + has tilted 87*414 = 36018 which is the second code for the computer

  36. Spoiler

    move the ladder to reach the top shelf and click on it until you get footsteps then get bottle b.

  37. Spoiler

    examine beaker and pour bottle a and b into it

  38. Spoiler

    examine key mould and pour beaker into it and then use coin to pry it open

  39. Spoiler

    put key on door and take elevator

and you're out!

anelson July 30, 2008 2:42 PM

Question about the walkthrough step 35


I put the ladder on the knobs. It says to move the ladder to the top shelf. Which shelf are you talking about and does it matter if the trap door is already open?

anelson July 30, 2008 2:55 PM

I finally got out. The pixel hunting gets frustraiting though. You know you're clicking on the right area, but it won't do anything unless you are cliking on the exact spot, which is really small. The red box thing almost made me quit too.

Jim Gamma July 30, 2008 3:01 PM

#34 in the walkthrough is in the wrong position... you need to


input the second computer password to open the trap door before you get the knob


[Edit: I've made the change to the walkthrough per your recommendation. Would someone verify that it's correct, please? Thanks! -Jay]


There is no way I would have even come close to finishing this game in a million years, without a walkthru. I like a challenge as much as the next guy, but puzzles that have absolutely no rhyme nor reason are beyond me. My hat's off to all you brilliant people who figured this out (and have made it clear, that I haven't got the brains for these games)


I am lost as to how to get the Knob. Does it have something to do with the picture in one of the bed drawers? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Sorry for the error Jim Gamma. i had thought about that then remembered that some people said if you


open the trap door

too early you would need to restart.




yes it does the diagram shows what the conditions need to be in order to get the knob.

Username July 30, 2008 4:16 PM

I cannot get the knob either. I also haven't figured out how to open the door in the floor. Here is what my room looks like so far

From what I've read, there is NO reason the knob shouldn't be there. I've reset the calender date back to nothing.

Username July 30, 2008 4:25 PM

Never mind my last post, I'm out now. Thanks to the walkthrough I opened the trap door,


can't get the knob without opening that first.

KingofTown July 30, 2008 5:53 PM

I was having a problem getting the knob in the chest as well. I had everything open, and was sure of it. I even took the library drawer completely out of the cabinet. That still didn't fix it.

But then, after putting it back into the cabinet and opening it again, the stupid thing was there.

If you think you have everything right, I would say to try an take out that drawer and put it back, then open it. It worked for me anyway.


OK, I usually try to be constructive in my criticisms, but this game is just stupid. I realize that room escape games rarely make a whole lot of sense, but this takes it to the extreme. I can't even solve this with a walkthrough! Like so many others, the knob eludes me, and I'm not going to waste any more time on it. It is obvious that a lot of work went into it, but it's not a game, it's torture.

*deep breath*

Letting go now...


I tried everything but restarting....For more than half an hour...No knobs have shown up :(
Seems just like the Madagascar thingy in Pandemic 2.
It's late for me now, MAYBE I'll try tomorrow or simply leave it unfinished. Good game which could have been way better.

italian ciao

Denita TwoDragons July 30, 2008 10:43 PM

Oof. This had to be one of the most challenging escape games I've played in a long time. I had to ditch it until Gibel's walkthrough was posted, because...


...I couldn't figure why I couldn't pick up the key on the top of the bookcase and the card on the windowsill!

Plus the birds-eye view actually made it a lot harder for me to figure things out. And I had to strain to see details. But maybe that was because of m browser window, and not the game itself. Anyone else have that problem...?


Anonymous July 30, 2008 11:14 PM

For those of you having trouble getting the knob:


I don't think anyone else has mentioned this so far, but in addition to everything being open (except the shower curtain, for some reason), the box itself must be open and contain the note. Which means you have to go around and close everything, open the box, then open everything again and hope you have it right, because if you mess up and get an empty box you have to close everything again.
If you want to check that you have everything correct, the screenshot posted earlier has everything but a closed shower curtain and the note in the box.

octochan July 31, 2008 12:01 AM

the red box puzzle was more of a trial and error obstacle rather than a real puzzle - the instructions were so vague they were practically useless. also, I had some kinda glitch in my game where


the cards on my windowsill were squiggle, circle, cross, square and star; the squiggle and square were switched, but the game would only accept 501 as the answer instead of the 861 I got with my combination.

sfoonpork July 31, 2008 6:40 AM

About the knob,


Open everything, change the time, blah blah blah.. I think the cabinet in the bed that must be opened is the one where the key molder is found.

I tried many possibilities and it worked, for me.

Hope it helps.

Anonymous July 31, 2008 9:31 AM

omiword...i did everything and now i cant get that knob! :/

I agree that this game is stupid and kinda defeats the purpose of a escape the room game :P


More about the knob...

I had a hell of a time....'bout 35 trys. When they say everything, they mean it. Open bath door, medicine chest, toilet tank cover, all closets and drawers, mirror closet door, mess up the bed and pillows. I finally got the knob using Jan. 38th as the random date. In the basement, I used the box in the corner to reach the B vial on the shelf.


Ok...for everybody having my same troubles in finding the knob: click the spoiler in this post and open my screenshot. THANKS TO JIGuest.

Hope this helps even better :)


i agree, this game is a total waste of life.

shobaday August 1, 2008 3:11 AM

Thank you so much for all you diligent puzzlers at working out especially the knob puzzle and the number codes and the coin hitting thing.

Coin hitting


have a made bed (when it's smooth), and select the coin,
then click approximately centre of the bed to bounce the coin

Knob puzzle


Thanks to Roby31_italy - the picture says a thousand words!
-the red box needs to be OPEN with the note in it
-the date needs to be messed up
-shower curtain is OPEN (not closed)
-both bathroom tap and shower is on, without plug
-the upper drawer of the bed (where the "jeans" are)
-blinds are up

Couldn't have done it without a walkthrough. Thanks so much!


fantastic game!



The knob hunt did it for me. A single piece of a puzzle shouldn't require all these walkthroughs, screenshots, trial-and-error approaches and mad luck. That's just plain bad game design. No twinkie for Ayano Yamamoto.

Nice game up until that.


A lot of folks having trouble with the instructions on how to find the knob...

Try this:


after following the instructions and before opening the box, make sure you don't have any items in your inventory selected!!!!

Drove me nuts for about half an hour.....


i have updated the picture with shobaday's and WowBob's


helpful comments. thank you guys. the picture is available at the same address
with the new credits and knob-getting to-do list.

should be better now.

Jennifer Fletcher August 2, 2008 7:45 AM

JIGuest above was right - for the knob puzzle, you've probably racked your brains and messed the room up over and over - but try this:

When you have the room messy, including the box open.. tidy up, then close the box last. After this, mess up the room again (being sure to close the shower curtain) and open the box last).

Hope that helps.. let me know - this is my first post for a walkthru!!

Jen :)

zbeeblebrox August 3, 2008 8:02 AM

ARRRRRRGH! I can't believe it!! I was totally on a roll, chuggin along, only had to look up two hints...SUCH a rare occurance...then, just after I opened the trap door, all set to win this thing, my mouse strays too far to the right and I click an ad.

For some stupid, horrifying reason, this website is not set to open ads in a separate window. And of course there's no savegame cached, because that wasn't designed into it.

Well, bye bye near-complete game. :(


I liked the idea of this game but it was a bit of a pixel hunt and the puzzles required leaps of faith (with a big run up before the leap). I'd like to see another game like this but better thought out.


I am out but could not have done it without all the help of those who solved the knob and all the other problems. Not only could not have done but would not have bothered to have worked through to the end. This was more a game of following the explanations of others, not a true game of room escape. A game of many unrealistic 'problems' to solve, not a good game.

houseworkisevil August 4, 2008 3:55 PM

This game wasn't just difficult, it was irritating and not fun. Escape games that are going to take a long time to solve really, REALLY need a save feature, so that players can whale away at them a little at a time without losing everything they've done to that point.

Interesting idea though, the bird's eye perspective; I appreciate the new take on the genre.

bxgurl0813 August 4, 2008 8:16 PM

Well, 2 things I didn't like at all - the constant pixel-hunting and the illogical connections to different items. These must have been the tiniest pixels in history and too many of the puzzles really made no sense. As someone else said, if not for the persistence of others, I'd have given up rather quickly. Illogical puzzles really don't make for much fun. Not to mention I got a terrible cramp in my index finger.

sad little person August 7, 2008 8:17 PM

i cant figure out where to click to put the ladder to get the key.

i thought of doing this before i looked at the walkthrough but it didnt work. so i looked at walkthrough which said to do the ladder.

why wont it work?

Brazilian August 15, 2008 1:36 PM

Question about the walkthrough step 37

"examine beaker and pour bottle a and b into it" how do i do that?


I spend a lot of time with puzzles, maybe the way others watch TV. But if someone tells's me that somebody can figure this one out, I'd call him a liar. Sure, we all adore puzzles, more or less difficult, but this one is utterly beyond my comprehension. I don't even understand the purpose of it.
Why would someone spend so much time in programming a game nobody can solve? As Lasse (above) rightly stated: "I hate these far fetched" puzzles" and so do I. The bottom line is even worse: You waste (and I mean waste) so much time before you actually realize that you facing an utter nonsense.
One only can wonder what the author wants to prove? On top, it takes everything away from the actual potential of the game. As far as I'm concerned, I have enough of these games and I think there are too many around. Like here, where you can't see the logic or solution even after reading the walkthrough. e.g. the way you suppose to establish the sequence of the numbers (among others). Games are not getting better, once they reach a certain degree of difficulty. So my advice, unless you are a macho, don't play it. Its hurts.
How good is an escape with no way out!! At least I escaped it. By clicking the X on the top right corner of its containig window



A few things already noted and not yet noted.

Unlike a lot of games, you *are* able to zoom in when you right-click. I think beyond the scary pixel-hunting, that was the true weakness of the game. We can't hunt for what's hard to see, and many of the details were obscured by distance.

The center of the bed


Is in line vertically between the two pillows (as with the drawing) and horizontally with the end of the partition/trash can.

The REAL REASON you can't get the knob


You can't look in the box too soon! A wrong guess means you have to start from scratch, i.e. getting the Coin Bounce note. Start from the note, close the box, and then open everything. If you can retrace your steps exactly, you'll get the knob. Two sticking points


The sinks are not overflowing and the date has to be reset.

I'll be with the tiny minority and say I liked this game. It's an innovative concept that ought to be expanded upon. It's something of a punishment for anyone who relies on walkthroughs, ironically, because to win it on your own, you have to pay attention to everything you clicked instead of going straight to the drawer mentioned in step five. There's that typical Japanese obsession with tidiness and putting everything back in its place. There *were* visual rewards for each level, except as before, it was hard to see.

How difficult was the drawer note compared to Room Bath's diagram? How much harder was clicking on a secret compartment compared to looking around furniture, something nearly every point-and-click escape puts us through? Was it really so illogical compared to Escape Artist or Gotmail's escape games or the Trapped series?

Honestly, the real test is how patient you can be. I wasted a lot of time because I didn't look at the drawer note carefully and *understand* what it was saying. If you're impatient, you'll hate this game. If not, it's easier to be methodical in trying things. And "zoom in" does wonders for your blood pressure, really.


How to get the knob?


if you cant get the knob;


when you opened all the doors and put the taps on (not flooding though and all that stuff (like some one said above)

make sure the first aid kit box is open too


A lot of people have mentioned how to get the knob for the ladder, but nobody that I read said anything about this.


Once you have everything but the shower curtain open, the water turned on, the footsteps on the desk, and the clock set to something HAVE to check the window blinds to make sure they're white. You'll hear a ding and you know you've got it.

Clueless June 19, 2009 11:58 PM

Really liked the game and now I'm wondering if there has been a sequel to it. Needed a lot of help with couple of puzzles but I'm out! Thanks to many of you who helped me finish!


how can we open the trap door
please tell me


how do i pass the second level? i have done everything and that red button tells me i have to leave only 6 seeds, when i leave only 6 nothing happends. please tell me


Asinine. Nothing but asinine.

I was skeptical about this game from the very start simply because of the viewpoint. I mean, I got the novelty, and it was a bit intriguing. But really. That's not how a person views their environment when trying to escape a room and all it does is make it difficult to recognize and interact with things. Pixel hunt nightmare.

Pretty soon you realize just how complicated escaping is going to be, and there's no save feature. Morale is decreasing rapidly.

Then...the puzzles. The puzzles with fairly easy-to-find hints. Hints that are misleading at best, and completely nonsensical at worst. Hints that require you to guess at an answer rather than solve a puzzle. Hints that require you to try extremely complicated maneuvers which, upon failure, make you think that perhaps you were supposed to do something else, until you've tried several things three times each and then...Oh! something finally worked the fourth time!!

An hour later, you finally have the damned doorknob, and you just don't give a crap any more, because let's face it, you just wasted an hour of your time...AND YOU WERE EVEN FOLLOWING THE WALKTHROUGH!

Let me let you in on a little secret.

The fastest way to escape this room is...




O.O WOAH. I clicked on the translating thingy and found out


that if you click the ones that look a little like numbers (Ra, he, te, ro, no) they spell out 57236.

Interesting... So THAT'S how you find out the order...


OMG that is quite possibly THE HARDEST escpae game EVER! and I mean the hardest, I have never cheated on an escape game (please don't think I'm lying because I'm not, I have a disorder that gives me photographic memory and a very about average IQ, so I am currently studying for uni at the age of 14) but this was so complex it was stupid, but very satisfying to get right! (I only cheated when it came to the coin bouncing, I mean, what was up with that?!


It's hospital corners, Ebby. If you've ever made a bed -- really made a bed -- the sheets have to be so tight you can bounce a coin on it.

missycity August 22, 2011 11:20 AM

even though i've played this game for 2 hours, it's great i can complete it by the walkthrough. Most importantly, MUST BE PATIENT!! You can get out from there safely :)


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