Build-a-Lot 4: Power Source
Who knew that something as boring as real estate management would make a good time management game? Hipsoft, the creators of the wildly successful Build-a-Lot series, did, and boy were they right! The latest installment in the series, Build-a-Lot 4: Power Source, has arrived, bringing with it the same balanced and challenging gameplay with a brand new theme: energy efficiency.
All of the Build-a-lot games are built on the same premise: to develop a neighborhood with homes, shops, services, etc. while keeping an eye on resources like time, labor, building materials, and money. This makes for an entertaining and occasionally frantic time management game, attempting to meet all the needs of the community within a certain timeframe. Build-a-Lot 4 continues the same idea but adds something new and timely — dealing with the crumbling infrastructure of an aging and near-capacity power grid.
Gameplay in Build-a-Lot 4 is easy: you receive instructions from a mayor (or other source) in what the community needs. Simply click on a colored empty lot, select a structure, make sure you have the resources, and build. It is up to you to figure out how to provide those needs within a certain time-limit and budget. Should you concentrate on infrastructure first? Or build homes to increase your income? The permutations multiply with each level you move up as the demands from the communities become increasingly complex. Each community is a small, self-contained challenge which is kept track of in your handy-dandy day-planner (recycled from the "passport" of Build-a-Lot 3). Play one small campaign at a time or spend hours plowing through the multiple and escalating challenges.
In Build-a-Lot 4, the first and most important thing you need to track is available energy. Before you build a single thing you must assess the available power structure and add to it if necessary. This adds a layer of complication to the basic Build-a-Lot dynamic due to the fact that if you add a house or business without taking into account power needs, the entire neighborhood will black out. And since you cannot collect rent or money from businesses during a blackout, you need to fix the situation, fast!
Modern, so-called "clean" energy facilities are available to build, but watch out, like all complicated technology they can break down, causing wide-spread blackouts. Houses can be improved with up to three levels of energy efficiency, reducing the strain on the grid. The bigger the structure, the more drain on your power plants. Wind farms produce the least amount of energy but have the smallest negative footprint. Nuclear plants will produce the most energy, but have a correspondingly massive negative impact on the community. Who wants to live next to Three Mile Island?
Analysis: HipSoft has wisely kept the same basic game structure as the first three games of the series. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! As always new houses, facilities, and shops have been added for variety. There's no appreciable difference in the backgrounds from the third in the series (perhaps the walking paths are an exception) but no matter. The core of the game is to develop, develop, develop. Also retained from the previous game are the weather patterns, which still affect gameplay. Rain slows down outdoor construction, such as building or painting, and if it rains a lot in your community, perhaps a solar power plant is not the way to go.
A few layers of complexity have been stripped from the series' ongoing formula, dropping some aspects introduced by Build-a-Lot 3 and leaving more basic dynamic from the first two games. This allows the complexity added by the challenges of the power grid to fit snugly in the game without destroying the casual gameplay we love so dearly. And what complexity it is! A new occupation has been added to the workforce: the energy technician. Only technicians can repair power plants, make homes energy efficient, or supercharge a plant. They need their own support structure — a Tech Center — for training. Now instead of managing one labor force (construction workers) you are managing two. Twice the fun! In a Union-approved sort of way, of course.
Build-a-Lot 4 is, like the previous games, is divided into a Main Campaign (with the tutorial blessedly broken out as a separate, skippable unit) and a Casual Campaign, with two new ones added: a Challenge and an Expert Campaign, definitely for folks who have first mastered the basic levels. Although you are on a deadline, the pacing is such that this is one of the more relaxed time-management games, at least in the early levels. Casual gameplay at it's finest.
All in all, Build-a-Lot 4 is a fast-paced, entertaining time management game. Never mind the collapsed real estate market, get out there and build!
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Walkthrough Guide
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Build a lot 4: Power Source
You can replay every level by using the"Planner", in which your current achievements are displayed.
The costs for energy-savers are the same as the costs for upgrading a house.
There are two ways, you can use the low-ball offer to make profit.
1. You want to sell a house, but there is already another one of the market, which means, you will get less for your house. Make a low-ball offer, which will not be accepted (except there are two other house of the same kind for sale as well), the house goes off the market and you will get the full amount.
2. A house comes on the market. You already own tow houses of the same kind. Put up your houses for sale, make a low-ball offer for the other one. It will be accepted. Unlist your houses again. Now you can sell the purchased one for the full price. As bigger the house, as higher the profit. Or having a cheap house.
Do not paint or landscape houses while it is raining, if it is not necessary. While rain, the workers will be much slower.
There is a sound that warns you when the construction of a new building will exceed the currently available amount of power.
Additional to the Build-a-lot 1,2 and 3 games, where you didn't get rent, when a house is up for sale, is under upgrading or repair, you will here do not receive rent, when there is a blackout.
Additional goals are already included to this walkthrough.
Build power constructions and building on single lots or next at least to each other. Do this when ever possible and your goal includes a positive goal. This buildings have negative appeal and influence to the appeal of the houses next them .
Main Campaign
Level 1
Goal: 3 A-Frames, 1 Wind Farm, $3,000 Rent
Build one Wind Farm and twoA-Frames.
Upgrade two A-Frames to 1 star and one A-Frame to 2 stars.
Level 2
Goal: 1 Technician, 1 Triple Energy Saver A-Frame, 1 Duplex, Rent: $4,500
Train a technician.
Upgrade the A-Frame with 3 Energy Savers.
Build a Duplex.
Upgrade the Duplex to 3 stars.
Upgrade the A-Frame to 2stars.
Level 3
Goal: 3 painted houses, +15 appeal, Rent: $5,500
Paint the two houses you already have.
Upgrade them with 3 Energy Savers.
Upgrade them to 3 stars.
Build a A-Frame and paint it.
Level 4
Goal: 1 Tennis Court, +30 appeal, $100,000, no empty lots
Train a worker and build a Wind Farm on one of the lots in the right upper corner.
Paint the A-Frame.
Build one Tennis Court.
Build it on the middle lot, top left, so that it has influence to the houses next to it.
Buy the empty lot as soon as possible.
Sell the A-Frame.
Build three Duplexes on the empty lots and paint them.
Sell one of the Duplexes.
Level 5
Goal: 1 Workshop, 6 workers, own 3 houses, Rent: $9,000
Build a Wind Farm on one of the two single lots top right or low left corner.
Build 2 Duplex.
Upgrade them both to 3 stars and paint them.
Sell one of the Duplex for max. price.
Buy one empty lot as soon as one is up for sale.
Build two more Duplexes.
Paint your houses.
Upgrade your houses to 3 stars.
Build the workshop on the other single lot.
Buy another empty lot.
Build an A-Frame.
Train two workers.
Level 6
Goal: 2 Wind Farms, +20 appeal, 2 painted Duplexes, $150,000
Build one Wind Farm on one of the two empty lots top right.
Paint your A-Frame, you already own.
Build a Tennis Court at the middle lot in the lower row.
Build a Duplex and sell the A - Frame.
Paint the Duplex.
Buy one empty lot.
Build another Duplex.
Build a third Duplex.
Build the second Wind Farm on the other empty lot top right.
Paint the two Duplexes.
Upgrade two Duplexes to 2 stars and the third Duplex to 3 stars.
Sell the 3-star Duplex when you have around $50,000.
Level 7
Goal: 3 demolitions, 4 painted Duplexes, Rent: $15,000
Build a Wind Farm.
Demolish 3 A-Frames.
Build 4 Duplexes.
Paint those Duplexes and upgrade them to 3 stars.
Buy an empty lot and build a fifth Duplex on it.
Use multitasking and send always all workers out, doing the jobs.
Level 8
Goal: 1 Bakery, 1 Tennis Court, $200,000
Build 1 Wind Farm.
Build 1 Duplex.
Paint and upgrade the Duplex you already own two one star and sell it.
Train 1 worker and build the bakery
Paint your two remaining houses.
Buy one empty lot.
Build two more Duplexes and paint them.
Sell one Duplex and one A-Frame.
Try to sell your a frame the same time, as the other one is on the market and do a low-ball offer.
It will be accepted and you can demolish a house, you did not pay the fully amount for. Reject a lower offer for your house, when a quick buyer comes in in the meanwhile. After the other one is off the market, you will receive an offer for the complete amount.
If this does not work out for what reason ever: Buy an A-Frame and demolish it.
Build a Tennis Court.
Paint the two Duplexes and sell them.
Level 9
Goal: 1 Public Pool, 1 Workshop, 7 workers, +40 appeal, Rent: $4,000
By restart you can try to get the two lots the in the right upper corner free for building. If not, try to build the Wind Farm and the Workshop at the side, next to each other.
Build one Wind Farm and a Workshop.
Demolish the A-Frame, when it needs to be repaired.
Build two Duplex.
Paint both, upgrade them both with 3 Energy Savers.
Upgrade one with 1 star and sell it, when nothing else is up on the market.
Buy an empty lot.
Upgrade the Duplex with 2 stars.
Train 2 workers and build the Public Pool.
Build the Public Pool in a middle lot, with houses right and left next to it.
Build a Duplex.
Train two workers.
Level 10
Goal: Own 3 Wind Farms, Money: $300,000
Build 1 Wind Farm.
Build 3 Duplex, upgrade them two three 3 and paint them.
That gives you a steady income of $10.250.
Buy empty lots, when they come up for sale.
Build another Wind Farm.
When you need to build one of your Duplex next to a lot you have to build a Wind Farm on, then sell the house, before you build the Wind Farm.
Sell at least one Duplex to get money for your material.
Wait for the right moment to get the max. price for it.
Make low-ball offers to get rid of other houses.
Build the third Duplex and sell the other two Duplex to reach your money goal.
Level 11
Goal: 1 Solar Tower, 6 houses, 1 Bakery, Rent: $16,000
Build 1 Duplex, paint it, upgrade to 1 Star and sell it.
Train a worker and build a Solar Tower.
Buy the two empty lots, coming up for sale.
Build 3 Duplex, paint and upgrade them to 3 stars.
Buy 1 A-Frame, paint and upgrade it to 3 stars.
Use a low-ball strategy: If a Duplex is up for sale, put two of your Duplexes for sale and acquire the third one with a low-ball offer. Then unlist your Duplexes. Use this strategy twice. This will help you to reach the rent goal and own six houses. Try to do so, during the rent - phase, so that you will get the rent for all your houses at the end.
Paint the new Duplexes and upgrade them to 3 stars.
Build a Bakery.
Level 12
Goal: 1 Garden Center, 3 landscaped houses, 1 Three-Star Duplex, +30 appeal
Build a Solar Tower.
Build 1 Duplex, paint and sell it. Hurry up with it, because it will start raining and then it takes longer to paint.
When there are other houses coming up for sale, while you try to sell, make a low-ball offer.
Build a Garden Center and buy two empty lots, as soon as you can afford it and they come up for sale.
Build three Duplexes, paint and landscape them.
The +30 appeal - goal is coming up later.
Upgrade one Duplex to 3stars.
Build a Tennis Court on a lot between two houses.
Level 13
Goal: 4 Triple Energy Saver Duplexes, Rent: $18,000, Own 2 recreations
Build a Solar Tower.
Build 2 Duplexes. Paint one, upgrade it to 3 stars and with 3 Energy Savers and sell it, if possible to the max. price.
Build in the meanwhile two more Duplexes.
Paint and upgrade them all to 3 stars and with 3 Energy Savers.
Buy the empty lot and a A-Frame.
Demolish the A-Frame, build a Duplex instead.
Paint and upgrade it as the other ones.
When the Duplex comes on the market you sold at the beginning, buy it with the low-ball trick (see Spoiler "General")
Do this again with a fifth Duplex.
Paint and upgrade the fifth Duplex, but not with Energy Savers.
Level 14
Goal: 3 Three-Star Craftsmen, 2 painted Duplexes, 3 Three-Star A-Frames, 8 workers
Build a Solar Tower.
Build two times in a row 1 Craftsman and 1 Duplex.
Buy 1 empty lot and build the third Craftsman.
Upgrade the six houses to 3 stars and paint them.
Buy two more A-Frames - for the first one put your A-Frame for sale and make a lower offer. For the second one put both A-Frames for sale and make a low-ball offer.
Upgrade these last two A-Frames to three stars.
Train three workers. You will get enough rent to be able to train one worker each rent period.
Level 15
Goal: 4 Wind Farms, 3 Technicians, Rent: $15,000, Money: $500,000
Build a Wind Farm.
Build three Craftsmen.
Upgrade and paint the Duplex and the Craftsmen.
Try to find the right moments between building and upgrading/painting.
While raining it is better to build, as upgrading and painting will take longer.
Buy the empty lots.
Build two more Wind Farms.
Build 2 A-Frames, demolish them and build Craftsmen instead.
Paint them and upgrade those to 2 stars.
Sell them at a good moment. Make low-ball offers to get rid of other houses on the market.
Train a technician.
Build the last Wind Farm.
Level 16
Goal: Own 1 Boutique, +85 appeal, 2 Triple Energy Saver Craftsmen
Build 1 Solar Tower at side lot, where the next lot is at least empty, if it is not already yours.
When ever you will have this lot, buy a Boutique there. As this, the Solar Tower will have no negative appeal influence to another house.
Paint your A-Frame and your Craftsman.
Sell your Craftsman.
Build 2 Craftsman.
Buy the empty lots.
Build two Public Pools and a Tennis Court between houses, so that they do have appeal influence.
Paint your Craftsmen.
Level 17
Goal: 1 Recycling Center, 6 Three-Star-Craftsmen, 6 painted Craftsmen
Build 1 Solar Tower and a Recycling Center.
As soon as you have the Recycling Center, you can buy your material for half the prize. As you need a lot of material, you need to build it at once.
Build 6 Craftsmans.
Build the last empty lot and a A-Frame.
Demolish the A-Frame to build a Craftsman on the lot.
Each Craftsman needs 1 Energy Saver.
Upgrade all Craftsmans to 3 stars and paint them.
Level 18
Goal: 1 Workshop, 8 houses, 5 inspections, +50 appeal
Build 1 Solar Tower on one of the single lots on top.
Build the Workshop also on one of the single lots, when one is available.
Build two Craftsmans.
Upgrade the Craftsmans with 3 Energy Savers, paint them and upgrade one with two, one with three stars.
Sell those Craftsmans.
Buy the empty lots, coming up on the market.
Build a Public Pool at one of the middle lots in the upper row.
Build three Duplex and paint them.
Buy A-Frames or build them, till you have 8 houses.
Inspect at least 5 of them.
Level 19
Goal: 1 Tech Center, 6 Technicians, 3 Triple Energy Saver Duplexes, $500,000
Build a Solar Tower.
In the meanwhile paint your Craftman and sell it.
Buy the three empty lots, which will come on the market.
Train 1 worker and build the Tech Center.
Train a Technician.
Build 3 Duplexes, upgrade all of them with 3 Energy Savers
Upgrade those Duplexes with3 Energy Savers.
Build 4 Craftsmans and paint them.
Then sell the 4 Craftsmans, make low-ball offers, when another house is coming up on the market.
Train 2 Technicians.
Level 20
Goal: 2 Condos, 2 supercharged Solar Towers, +80 appeal, Rent: $50,000
There are is a double lot in the low right corner.
Use it as possible to build both Solar Towers.
There is a single lot on the left side, middle row.
Use it to build the Tech Center
Build a Solar Tower.
Build two Condos and paint them.
Upgrade one Condo with 1 Star and sell ist.
Build the second Solar Tower.
Buy an empty lot if it is available.
Build a Tech Center and do Supercharge for both of the Solar Towers.
You do this by clicking a Solar Tower and the button "Supercharge".
Build 2 more Condos.
Paint all Condos, upgrade them with 2 stars.
Buy two A-Frames and demolish them.
Build two public pools.
Build another Condo or buy it with the low - ball trick.
Paint and upgrade it.
Buy the rest of the houses, paint them and upgrade them.
One you need to demolish and build a third public pool.
Make sure, that two of your public pools are in the middle lots in the top and low row.
Make sure, all houses are painted and upgrade them with 2 stars, till you reach your rent goal.
Level 21
Goal: Own 5 painted Condos, own 2 shops, no empty lots, 5 Three-Star Condos, 1 Public Pool.
Build a Solar Tower.
Build a Condo, paint and sell it at once.
Build a Bakery.
Build a Condo and paint it.
Buy all empty lots as soon as they come up for sale.
Build a Boutique.
Build three more Condos and paint them.
Build a second Solar Tower.
Buy an A-Frame and demolish it.
Build a Condo there and paint it.
You will have more than enough money, so train three or four more workers and upgrade all Condos with 3 stars.
Buy 1 A-Frame, demolish it,and build a Public Pool there.
Level 22
Goal: Own 1 Mini Golf, +90 appeal, Money: $1,000,000
Build one Solar Tower.
You need to place it middle row, left.
There are two lots. The Towers have to stand alone, otherwise it will be hard to reach the appeal goal.
If there is a house standing on one of the lots, try restarting the level, till you have at least one empty lot and one you own.
Best constellation of course is, both are already yours.
You will also have to build 2 Mini Golfs to reach the appeal goal. Make sure to not place them on a side lot, but between two houses.
Build two Condos and paint them.
When you run low on money, sell one of the Condos. It is important that you do have enough money to buy material as there will be a lot of repairing in this level.
Buy empty the lots whenever they come up on the market and you can afford them.
Build another Solar Tower.
Build a Condo and paint it.
Start upgrading the two Condos with Energy Savers, otherwise you will run out of energy.
Build a Mini
Build a Condo and paint it.
Upgrade it with 3 Energy Savers while you build the second Mini Golf.
Sell your three Condos.
Make sure to get the max. price for it. Make low-ball offers, when other houses come up on the market.
Level 23
Goal: 1 Garden Center, 1 Tennis Court, 1 Public Pool, 1 Mini Golf, Rent: $45,000
In this level you can take advantage about the fact, that Garden Center and Solar Towers have a negative influence on the houses next to it.
You will have to build two Solar Towers and 1 Garden center. Try to place them next to A-Frames or Duplexes. That will make them cheaper, when you need to buy them.
Same time you can try to build the Tennis court, Public Pool and Mini Golf later on the other side of the houses, you own, to higher the rent. It does not matter, if it does not work out, as you will reach your goal anyway, but it makes it easier.
Build a Solar Tower.
Build one Condo, paint it and sell it at once.
You need to get the max. price, so do low-ball offers, when other houses come on the market.
Build a Condo.
Buy an empty lot as soon as it coming up on the market.
Upgrade the Condo with 3 Energy Savers and three stars and paint it.
Build a second Solar Tower.
Buy a A-Frame or Duplex, demolish it and build another Condo.
Upgrade with 3 Energy Savers, 3 stars and paint it.
Buy houses as you can afford them, but take care, you need money for material.
Build a third Condo, paint and upgrade it with 3 Energy Savers and 3 stars.
Build a Garden Center, Tennis Court and Public Pool when you have the lots for it.
Landscape your three houses.
If you did not reach your rent goal yet (depends a little, what's standing next to your houses), buy another Duplex. This should do the trick.
Level 24
Goal: 1 Hydro Turbine, 5 Triple Energy Saver Condos, $1,500,000
Train 1 worker.
Build one Hydro Turbine near the river on the lot with the water sign.
Demolish the Craftman as soon as it needs to be repaired. Do not build anything else then a second Hydro Turbine on the lot.
Build three Condos.
Sell one Condo.
Upgrade the other two Condos with 3 Energy Savers.
Build three more Condos and upgrade them with 3 Energy Savers.
Buy the empty lot, when it comes on the market.
Build the second Hydro Turbine.
Buy cheaper houses, demolish them, build Condos on it and sell them again.
Try to get the max. price by using the low-ball trick.
Go on until you reach your money goal.
Buy an empty lot.
Build two Condos and sell them.
Keep buying cheaper houses and replace them by Condos. Sell those new Condos, too.
Build a second Hydro Turbine.
Level 25
Goal: 6 painted Craftsmans, 6 landscaped houses, 1 Bakery, 4 empty lots
Build 1 Hydro Turbine.
Demolish your two houses, when you need the lot or when they have to be repaired.
Build a Bakery, this will give you fast a monthly income. Do not build the bakery on a the lot with the water sign. Build a Craftsman there, as it brings more rent.
Build 3 Craftsmans and paint them.
Sell one of them, but not the one on the water-sign lot.
Buy an empty lot, when it comes on the market.
Build a fourth Craftsman and paint it.
Buy and demolish the A-Frames.
Build a Garden Center and start landscaping your houses.
Build three more Craftsmans, paint and landscape them.
After landscaping the last Craftsman, demolish the Garden Center.
Buy three Duplexes one after the other and demolish them to get the four empty lots.
Level 26
Goal: 1 Workshop, 10 Workers, 7 Three-Star Condos, 3 Wind Farms
Train 1 worker.
Build a Hydro Turbine.
Build 1 Condo and sell it at once.
Build four Condos and upgrade them with 3 stars and 3 Energy Savers.
Buy an empty lot as soon as possible.
Build a workshop.
Buy the efficiency training.
Buy and demolish A-Frames or other houses, you can buy.
Demolish the houses on the lots and use them to build three more Condos and 2 more Wind farms.
Upgrade the three Condos with 3 stars
Level 27
Goal: 4 painted Condos, 3 painted Craftsmans, 2 shops, +50 appeal
In this level it is very important to train new workers when you have assigned one to a shop, because in opposite to the games of the series before, the worker will not come back but stay at the shop permanently.
Build a Solar Tower on one of the single lots in the low row. If there is none, you should consider to restart, till you have one, as there will come the appeal goal after a while.
Build a Boutique and a Condo.
Demolish your A-Frame.
Build a workshop if possible at one of the side lots or a single lot, but if not, it does not matter, you will demolish it later.
Train a worker.
Upgrade the Condo with 3 stars, paint and sell it.
Buy the lot with the water sign as soon as possible, demolish the house and build a Hydro Turbine.
Demolish your A-Frame, buy empty lots and build 4 Condos.
Train three or four more workers.
Paint and upgrade them with 3 stars.
Inspect your houses, when you are done with painting and upgrading.
Buy A-Frames and/or Duplexes, coming up on the market, demolish them and build the 3 Craftsmans.
Inspect them and demolish your Workshop.
Build a Bakery.
If you couldn't reach your appeal goal yet, build a Mini Golf in best case between two houses.
Level 28
Goal: 3 Triple Energy Saver Georgians, 7 Technicians, Rent: $100,000, $3,000,000
Train a worker.
Build one Georgian.
Buy the lot near the river where you can build a Hydro turbine as soon as possible.
Build a Hydro Turbine.
Demolish your A-Frame and your Craftsman.
Paint your Georgian, upgrade it with 3 energy savers and 1 star and then sell it.
Build a Solar Tower.
Build three Georgians with 3energy savers, 3 stars, and paint them.
Train the technicians.
Buy and demolish A-Frames.
Build Gregorian instead, paint and upgrade them with 3 Energy Savers and 3 stars.
4 Gregorian will bring you the rent goal ($27.700 for each).
Go on building Gregorians, upgrade them all with 3 Energy Savers and 3 stars, paint and sell them, till you have your money goal as well.
Level 29
Goal: 3 supercharged Hydro Turbines, 8 Duplexes, 8 landscaped Duplexes
Train a worker.
Build a Hydro Turbine and buy in the meanwhile the max. at material.
Build two Georgians and sell them.
Build a Tech Center.
Buy the other two lots where you can build a Hydro Turbine and build them.
Train one technicians and supercharge your three Hydro Turbines (2 Technicians each)
If one of the Hydro Turbines do need to be repaired, you will have to train to more Technicians, but I played three times, it never happened. So save the money unless it is really needed.
Buy the Duplexes, coming up on the market.
Buy A-Frames, demolish them and build Duplexes instead.
Demolish your Tech Center and build a Garden center instead.
Landscape all 8 Duplexes.
Level 30
Goal: 1 Grocery Store, 10 houses, +100 appeal, no empty lots
Build a Solar Tower and train a worker in the meanwhile.
Build a Grocery Store.
Remember to train another worker, when you have to assign one to the shop.
Build 2 Craftsmans, upgrade to 2 stars, paint them and sell one.
Buy empty lots, coming up on the market.
Build at least 4 Craftsmans and paint them.
Build a Mini Golf and a Public Pool. Build them on middle lots with houses left and right.
Buy A-Frames and paint them, till you reach the appeal goal.
Level 31
Goal: 1 Business Center, 1 Fancy Grocery Store, 1 Fancy Boutique, 1 Fancy Bakery, Money: $5,000,000
Build a Solar Tower.
Try to avoid building Solar Towers or the Business Center next to a lot, when you want to build a Gregorian on. That will lower the price, when you want to sell it.
Train a worker in the meanwhile and buy the max. of material you can afford.
Build a Gregorian, upgrade it with 1 star and sell it.
Build a Grocery Store.
Build a second Solar Tower.
Buy empty lots as they do come up on the market.
Buy a Gregorian, paint it and upgrade it with 2 stars and 3 Energy Savers.
Build a Business Center.
Buy A-Frames and demolish them.
Build a third and a fourth Solar Tower.
Build a Bakery and a Boutique.
Make the stores fancy.
Build three more Gregorians, paint them, upgrade them with 3 stars.
Upgrade 1 one of them with 3 Energy Savers, the other two with 2 Energy Savers.
Wait till you have $1.500.000 and start selling your Gregorians.
Get always the maximum price - use the low-ball trick, when other houses come on the market.
Level 32
Goal: 1 Amphitheater, +100 appeal, Rent: $120,000
The trick in this level is, how to place the three Solar Towers and the Wind Farm you need.
On the right side of the map, you have in the top row two lots separated from the others. In the lower row, there is one single lot.
You should be able to own all three of this lots.
One of this should be available at once, the other two should be empty or at least with a A-Frame or Duplex, so that it is not to expensive to buy them.
Try restart, if it is not like this. The fourth lot should be also a side lot, where you can leave a lot free before building a house there. Like this, the negative appeals of this buildings will not additional harm houses.
Build a Solar Tower.
Train a worker and get the max. amount of material you can afford.
Build a Georgian, upgrade it with 1 star, paint and sell it.
Build a second Solar Tower.
Build 2 Georgians, upgrade them to three stars and paint them.
You will need to build at all 4 Gregorians, upgraded to three stars and painted to reach the rent goal.
Buy (and demolish) empty lots, A-Frames and Duplexes.
Build an Amphitheater between two houses.
Build a third Solar Tower.
Build a Wind Farm.
Build a second Amphitheater between two house.
Level 33
Goal: 5 supercharged Wind Farms, 1 Tech Center, 7 Technicians, 5 Triple Energy Saver Condos, 5 landscaped Condos
Build 1 Wind Farm and sell your Condo right away.
Build a second Wind Farm.
Build two Condos and upgrade them with 3 Energy Savers.
Build a Tech Center and a third Wind Farm
Train three technicians.
Buy and demolish A-Frames. It can take a while, till they come up on the market.
Buy the empty lot.
Build another Condo and upgrade it with 3 Energy Savers.
Build a fourth Wind Farm and start supercharging them.
In this level you will need a lot of material, as all the time there is something to repair. But do NOT train another worker.
Build a fourth Condo with 3 Energy Savers.
Build a Condo and sell it right away.
Buy and demolish Duplexes.
Build a Garden Center
Build a Condo with 3 Energy Savers.
Build a Garden Center.
Landscape your five Condos.
Train 3 technicians and build the last Wind Farm
Supercharge the last Wind Farm and train the last technician.
Try to get all buildings in order before times run out.
Level 34
Goal: 1 Hydro Turbine, 5 supercharged Solar Towers, Money: $5,000,000, 4 empty lots
In this level it is very important, the you already own at least two empty lots on the right side and that three other lots only have A-Frames and Duplexes. Do not use the level, when you have even one Georgian on one of the lots.
Try restart till you have something alike. When you get three empty lots, take it!
It took me about 10 restarts to get the right constellation.
Build a Solar Tower.
Build a Workshop and a Recycling Center.
After the Workshop is finished, train a worker.
Build a Georgian and sell it at once.
Build a second Solar Tower and a third Solar Tower.
Buy and demolish cheaper houses.
Build five Georgians, all on the left side. Upgrade, paint and inspect them.
Build 2 more Solar Towers.
After having 5 Solar Towers, build a Tech Center, train 2 technicians and supercharge your Solar Towers.
Demolish the Tech Center.
Buy 5.000 units of material and demolish your Recycling Center.
Use the low-ball trick and buy as soon as possible the Georgian on the lot with the water sign.
Keep it, till it needs to be repaired, then demolish it and build a Hydro Turbine instead.
Use the low-ball trick, buy cheaper Georgians, upgrade them and sell them for a higher price.
Each Geogorian will bring you $ 819.000 - So start sell them, when you are a little over the $1.000.000.
When you are around $ 3.200.000 sell your Georgians.
Level 35
Goal: 3 painted Apartments, 3 Fancy Shops, 3 Three-Star Duplexes
Build a Solar Tower.
Demolish your 5 A-Frames.
Train 3 workers.
Build an Apartment and sell it at once.
Buy an empty lot.
Build a Grocery Store, a Bakery and a Boutique
Build Business Center and make your shops fancy.
Build three more Solar Towers.
Buy A-Frames and 1 Craftsman to demolish them, build Apartments instead and paint them.
Buy the 3 Duplexes and upgrade them with 3 stars.
Level 36
Goal: 6 Triple Energy Saver Apartments, 1 Tennis Court, 1 Public Pool, 6 painted and landscaped Apartments
Train 3 workers.
Build an Apartment and sell it.
Build Hydro Turbine.
Build an Apartment and upgrade it with 3 Energy Savers.
Buy empty lots, buy and demolish A-Frames.
Build one more Apartment, upgrade it also with 3 Energy Savers.
Build a workshop.
Train 3 more workers.
After your Apartments are upgraded with the Energy Savers, inspect them.
You can paint and landscape a house without that you have to redo the inspection.
When you add Energy Savers after inspection, the inspection is gone.
Train 3 Technicians.
Build 2 Solar towers
Buy and demolish A-Frames.
Build 4 more Apartments with 3 energy savers.
Paint them.
Train workers, you should have 15.
After you inspected 4 Apartments, demolish the Workshop and build a Garden center instead.
Landscape your houses.
After landscaping all houses, demolish the Garden Center and build a Public Pool instead.
Build a Tennis Court.
Level 37
Goal: 1 Cinema, +120 appeal, Rent: $200,000, $10,000,000
Try to get a game picture, where in the low row you already own at least two lots (the one with the water-sign and another one). Avoid every scene, where the low already contains an Apartment.
Beside the 4 Apartments you will need to reach the rent goal, buy whenever possible Apartments with the low-ball trick, paint them or upgrade with one star after buying and sell them at once for the full price. As doing so, you will reach your money-goal in time.
Train 3 workers.
Build a Hydro Turbine.
Build, paint and sell 1 Apartment.
Build all in all three Solar Towers in the lower row as soon as you have empty lots.
Buy and demolish cheaper houses.
Build and paint 3 Apartments.
Upgrade them with three stars and two Energy Servers.
Build three Solar Towers.
Build a workshop, train three more workers and inspect your Apartments.
Build one more Apartments, paint them, upgrade them with 3 stars and 2 Energy Savers.
Inspect them and demolish the workshop.
Build a Cinema in the low row.
Build two Amphitheaters between two houses.
Level 38
Goal: Own 1 Nuclear Reactor, 12 workers, 12 Technicians, 4 Three-Star Duplexes, 4 Triple Energy Saver Duplexes
Train three workers.
Build and sell an Apartment.
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
Build the 4 Duplexes and upgrade those with 3 stars and three energy savers.
Buy an empty lot for the last Duplex.
Train 3 workers and seven technicians.
Level 39
Goal: 2 supercharged Nuclear Reactors, 12 painted houses, 12 landscaped houses, +200 appeal
In this level you should try to find for one of the Nuclear Reactors a side lot, with the option to buy a cheap house (or even having an empty lot) next to it.
Also: Try to build in the middle row: House-Amphitheater-House-Amphitheater-House-Amphitheater-House. As this you will have no problems to reach the appeal-goal.
Train 3 workers.
Build and paint an Apartment, then sell it.
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
Paint your two houses.
Build a Tech Center.
Build another Nuclear Reactor.
Supercharge your Nuclear Reactors, then demolish the Tech Center.
Build a Garden Center.
Landscape and paint your houses.
Buy houses and paint them.
Build an Apartment, paint it, upgrade it with one star, landscape and sell it.
Build the 3 Amphitheaters.
Build a third Amphitheater.
Keep buying and building houses, paint and landscape them.
When 12 houses have been painted, demolish the Garden Center.
Build a Public Pool, if you still have problems, reaching the appeal - goal.
Level 40
Goal: 10 painted Condos, Fancy Cinema, Fancy Grocery Store, Fancy Boutique, Fancy Bakery.
In this level you need every lot except one.
Build a Georgian and sell i t.
Train two workers.
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
Build an Apartment and sell it.
Build all the four different shops.
Build a second Nuclear Reactor.
Train three more workers.
Build a Business Center,make your four shops fancy.
Begin buy houses, demolish them, build and paint Condos instead.
Your Business Center should be the last building, you demolish, other wise you will need to much workers to assign to the stores!
Level 41
Goal: 6 Three Energy Saver A-Frames, 9 empty lots, 6 painted and landscaped A-Frames
You will have to buy all houses in this level. Try to build Solar Towers, Workshop and Garden Center next to the houses, you have to buy, that will make them cheaper.
Demolish your Craftsman as soon as it needs to be repaired.
Build a Solar Tower.
Train two workers.
Build a Cinema.
Buy empty lots.
Build a second Solar Tower.
Build 5 A-Frames and upgrade them with 3 Energy Savers, paint them.
Build a Workshop and inspect your house.
Buy a sixth A-Frame and upgrade it with 3 Energy savers, paint and inspect it.
Build a Grocery Store.
Build a Garden Center and landscape the A-Frames.
Demolish the Garden Center.
Start building houses and demolish them as soon as they need to be repaired.
You will need the Workshop, till you have bought all houses.
The store will need workers, but you need 7 workers to demolish the Cinema and the Georgian.
After having all houses and demolished them, train the workers you need, then demolish everything except the A-Frames
Level 42
Level 42 - Goals: 21 workers, 21 technicians, 10 Apartments, +200 appeal, 2 Fancy shops.
Train two workers.
Build a Georgian.
There will be an blackout, till you build the Nuclear Reactor, there is nothing you can do about this.
Paint and sell the Georgian.
Build a Nuclear Reactor - try to find a side lot, where the two next lots are free or at least do not have an Apartment.
Build and paint an Apartment, sell it as soon as you can get the fully amount.
Build 1 Nuclear Reactor, a Tech Center and a Workshop.
Train workers.
Supercharge your Nuclear Reactors, otherwise you will cause a blackout.
Train the technicians and demolish the Tech Center.
Build three Apartments, paint and inspect them.
Build a Cinema right next to the Nuclear Reactors.
Build a Grocery Store.
Build a Business Center and make the two Shops fancy.
Buy cheaper houses, demolish them and build Apartments instead.
Paint and inspect your Apartments.
Build 3 Amphitheaters - place them always between houses.
Buy the Apartments coming up on the market with the low-ball offer trick.
As soon as you demolish Business Center, you will have to assign workers to the shops.
Train more workers as you need, demolish your Business Center.
Demolish your Workshop at last.
Level 43
Goal: Rent: $300,000, Money: $15,000,000, 1 Craftsman with 3 stars
Try to get a scene, where you have an empty side lot with a no Apartment next to it.
Build a Workshop and a Recycling Center.
As soon as the Recycling Center is ready, buy $5.000 units material.
Build a Nuclear Reactors.
Build an Apartment, upgrade it with 2 Energy Savers and sell it.
Buy the Efficiency training.
Build three Apartments with 3 Stars, 2 Energy Savers, paint and inspect them.
Train additional workers till you have 15.
Train 1 more technician.
Buy first the cheaper houses, demolish them and build Apartments.
All Apartments do need 2 Energy Servers, 3 stars, paint and inspection.
Buy one of the Craftsmans and upgrade it with three stars and 2 Energy Savers. Inspect it.
Use the low-ball trick to buy Apartments, upgrade them also with 2 Energy Savers, 3 stars, paint and inspection.
Buy 10.000 units material and demolish your Recycling Center.
Build an Apartments with everything instead.
When you have around $5.000.000 start selling your apartments, 6 of them have to stay because of the rent goal.
Level 44
Goal: 3 Supercharged Nuclear Reactors, 5 Supercharged Solar Towers, 7 Supercharged Wind Farms.
In this level, take care, that you only demolish houses when they need to be repaired (or you urgently need a lot, then use the cheapest one you have). Do NOT repair them.
You will need to collect as much rent as possible.
Sell the Apartment.
To get lots, demolish one house after the other and start with the A-Frames
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
Buy and demolish cheaper houses.
Build 2 Cinemas and 2 Grocery Stores.
Build a Business Center.
Make your shops fancy.
Build two more Nuclear Reactors.
Build a Tech Center.
You will need a total amount of 15 technicians supercharge all power supplies. Train them when they are needed.
Supercharge the Nuclear Reactors.
Buy all houses (except the Apartment, you do not need that lot) and remind the hint from the beginning, do only demolish, when it is needed.
Slowly begin to replace the remaining houses by five Solar Towers.
Supercharge each one as soon as it is build.
Demolish your Business Center first, when you start needing lots for the Wind Farms.
You will need to assign workers after, don't forget to train new ones, as you need 7 workers to demolish the Cinema.
Supercharge each Wind Farm as soon as it is build.
Demolish the 2 Grocery Stores next, each in the moment when you are in need for a lot.
Go on building Wind Farms, demolish the 2 Cinemas (Again: Only in the moment you need the lot)
Finish building the Wind Farms and supercharge them.
Level 45
Goal: 15 houses, 2 fancy shops, 2 recreations, +300 appeal
One trick to beat this level is demolishing your Nuclear Reactor as the very last step to get the appeal goal, if needed. Even though, it is going into a black out the level will count as complete.
Place the Nuclear Reactor on a lot, where you can place a shop next to it. So it will not lower the rent for any house.
Put the Recycling Center between two houses, same with the Garden Center. You will replace them later by Amphitheaters.
Place the Workshop if possible on a side lot.
You need to landscape 15 houses or you will not make appeal goal. Do not demolish the Garden Center before.
You will need 8 Apartments total. To keep energy consumption low, build only A-Frames und just paint and landscape other house you buy after the eighth Apartment.
Build a Workshop and a Recycling Center.
When the first two A-Frames come up for sale, buy them.
By the Lightning Efficiency training.
Construct an Apartment, paint, add an Energy Saver and upgrade to 1 Star.
Sell the Apartment.
Yes, black out, but we will take care of it soon.
Buy material the max. amount of material twice.
From now on, you should buy material as needed in 5.000 units or as much as you can afford.
Have an eye on the material. When you see, that you are down to 1.000 units, you should consider ordering the next 5.000 units.
Build a Nuclear Reactor on a side lot.
Build 2 Apartments, paint and inspect them.
Buy every property under $ 300.000 demolish and build Apartments instead, till you built 6 Apartments.
Build a Tech Center and buy the Genius Training.
Super Charge the Nuclear Reactor.
Build the Garden Center.
Train 3 more technicians.
Upgrade three Energy Servers to the 2 Apartments, you already painted, upgrade them with three stars, landscape and inspect them.
Do the same with the next four Apartments you build.
Train workers, till you have 27.
Train technicians till you have 12.
Demolish the Tech Center as soon as you added the last three Energy Savers to the last Apartment.
Build a bakery next to the Nuclear Reactor.
Build a second Bakery
Build a Business Center and make your shops fancy.
Buy the two Apartments with the low-offer trick, paint, upgrade, landscape and inspect them.
From now on, buy houses, landscape, paint and inspect them.
Build A-Frames, landscape, paint and inspect them.
Demolish your Business Center.
After having all 15 houses, buy 15.000 units material and demolish the Recycling Center.
After landscaping all houses, demolish the Garden Center.
Build the two Amphitheaters.
If you have a free lot, just build a Tennis Court.
If not, demolish the Nuclear Reactor. Both will let you win the level.
Please see the screenshot about how to place houses and shops.
Congratulations! You finished the Main Campaign!!
And as always special thanks to Kayleigh for writing up this awesome walkthrough. We'll be back with more soon :D
Posted by: Kero
August 25, 2009 4:33 PM
Challenge Campaign
Level 1
Goal: 3 pink Craftsmans, 2 supercharged Hydro Turbines, 7 empty lots, 4 Triple Energy Saver A-Frames
Take care, that your get a scene, where lot next to the "water sign", where a Condo is standing on, is free. You need do build a Solar Tower next to this lot, to drive down the price of it.
Train 2 workers
Build a Georgian and sell it at once.
While you wait, that it sells, build the Recycling Center.
Buy 10.000 units material but wait till the Recycling Center is completely built.
Train 2 more workers.
Build 2 Solar Towers. Put 1 of them next to the Condo- Hydro Turbine lot, the other can go anywhere.
Build a Cinema.
By A-Frame and Duplexes that come up on the market and demolish them.
Build the Tech Center and supercharge the 2 Solar Towers.
Build a 2nd and a 3rd Cinema.
Buy the Condo on the Hydro Turbine lot as soon as you can afford it. You will need $250.000 for it. Demolish the Condo at once.
Build the Hydro Turbine and supercharge it.
Buy all buildings under $400.000 - keep the 2 Craftsman and paint them pink, demolish everything else.
If you want, you can set these two houses up for sale, when you buy another house and offer less.
Build a workshop in between and buy Lightning Efficiency.
Inspect the Craftsmans.
Train three more workers and three Technicians.
If you do not have enough power at a certain point, demolish the Recycling Center. You can easily build it again for just 600 units material.
Save money for the second Hydro Turbine house. Do it with the "offer less" trick.
Build the second Hydro Turbine and supercharge it.
If you don't have a Recycling Center right now, rebuild it and buy 15.000 units material.
Demolish the the Recycling Center, start building the 4 A-Frames.
Buy the Genius Certification from the Tech Center.
Upgrade them all with 3 Energy Savers and inspect them.
Demolish the 2 Solar Towers.
Demolish the Tech Center as soon as you have all 4 A-Frames upgrade mit the Engery Savers.
Buy the last houses if you didn't already.
Demolish the 3 Cinemas and the Workshop.
Level 2
Goal: Own 4 Fancy Shops, own 3 Recreations, own 8 landscaped houses.
Train two workers.
Build a Gregorian and sell it immediately (you need to get the full price)
Build the Recycling Center.
Train two more workers
Buy empty lots and A-Frames if they become available. You need to demolish all houses you buy (A-Frames as well).
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
Build the first of 4 Cinemas.
You need to build the 3 other Cinemas as soon as possible, but not before you did not build a Tech Center.
Build a Tech Center and supercharge your Nuclear Reactor.
Demolish the Tech Center at once.
After having all four Cinemas, build a Business Center.
Make sure, that you have enough money and/or material to make all four Cinemas fancy.
Demolish the Business Center.
You might will have a blackout, but it will be ok, after the Business Center is demolished.
Buy houses as they come on the market and you can afford them.
Demolish them at once.
Buy 15.000 units material, demolish the workshop and build a workshop instead.
Buy Lightning Efficiency.
Train up to 20 workers.
Start building A-Frames, upgrade them all with 3 Energy Savers.
Inspect the houses, so that you do not have repair costs.
Once your 8 landscaped A-Frames are build, demolish your Garden Center.
Build a Tennis Court instead.
Build a second Tennis court on the last lot.
Demolish the workshop and build the last Tennis Court instead.
Level 3
Goal: 2 Solar Towers, 3 houses with +30, Money: $10,000,000
The trick with this level is placement and preparation.
You need at the end in the upper row or middle row this arrangement: Georgian-Amphitheater-Georgian
Somewhere else: Apartment and Amphitheater next to each other.
And: Try to get a scene where one of the double lots has one free lot and one cheap house on.
Train 2 workers.
Build a Georgian - try NOT to build on a lot you want to have for the three-in-a-row-arrangement.
Sell it immediately (you need to get the full price)
Build a Recycling Center - if possible choose a lot, where you plan to build the Amphitheaters.
Buy materials and build a Nuclear Reactor, if possible, on that empty lot next to a cheap house in a double lot.
Build a Cinema. This can also go on a future Amphitheater spot.
Build a Solar Tower - perfect solution: Next to the Nuclear Reactor, if not, just stay away from the lots you need for your appeal later.
Build an Apartment, paint it, and upgrade to 3 stars.
Buy 10 - 15.000 units material and demolish the Recycling Center for now.
Build a Workshop instead and buy Lightning Efficiency Training.
Inspect your Apartment.
Buy cheap houses and demolish them.
Build the second Solar Tower - next to the Nuclear Reactor, if not, just stay away from the lots you need for your appeal later.
Build a Tech Center, train 3 more Technicians and supercharge your power supplies.
If you have a blackout, don't worry, energy comes back as soon as you demolish the Tech Center.
Build a Recycling Center, buy materials and start building Apartments and the two Georgians for your Georgian-Amphitheater-Georgian - arrangement.
Upgrade all Apartments and the Georgians to 3 Stars, paint and inspect them.
Train up to 15 Workers.
If you need a lot, buy 10 - 15.000 materials and demolish the Recycling Center again.
If needed, you can temporarily rebuild it one more time.
Buy the Georgians, coming up on the market with the low-ball offer trick, demolish them and build Apartments instead.
After having 4 Apartments (3 stars, painted, inspected), demolish the cinema and build the first Amphitheater there (at least, when you have it at one of this spots)
When you are about §7.000.000 in cash, start selling the Apartments you do not need.
Do not sell the Georgians from your arrangement and the apartment with a Amphitheater next to it.
Build the second Amphitheater.
You should have at least 4 Apartments to sell.
Level 4
Goal: 6 supercharged Wind Farms, +20 appeal, Rent: $300,000, 2 Three-Star Duplexes
Try to build the Wind Farms in pairs in the areas with just two lots, and one set of 2 Wind Farms and the Workshop next to them.
Train two workers.
Build a Georgian and sell it immediately.
Build a Recycling Center. Try to build it on a lot, where it will have houses right and left, but at least one house. That will drop down the house prices.
Buy 10,000 units of materials.
Build a Wind Farm.
Build an Apartment, paint and upgrade it to 3 stars. Inspect it.
Build the second Wind Farm.
Build a workshop. Make sure, that you will have a lot for it, where it does only influence one house on one side and maybe build a Wind Farm on the other side.
Buy the Lightning Efficiency Training.
Build a second Apartment, paint and upgrade it to 3 stars. Inspect it.
Build two more Wind Farms.
Build another Apartment, paint and upgrade it to 3 stars. Inspect it.
You will need 5 - 6 Apartments as the three before to reach the rent goal.
Build two more Wind Farms.
After having all six Wind Farms, build the Tech Center. Don't worry about a blackout. Power will be soon back.
Supercharge the Nuclear Reactor and the Wind Farms.
Buy the Genius training.
Train 6 more Technicians and upgrade your Apartments with 3 Energy Savers each.
Demolish the Tech Center and build a painted Duplex instead. Upgrade to 3 stars and inspect it.
Buy 15.000 units of materials and demolish the Recycling Center.
Build a Garden Center instead.
Landscape all your houses and demolish the Garden Center.
Build an Amphitheater instead.
Build a second painted Duplex and upgrade with 3 stars.
Demolish the Nuclear Reactor to reach your goal.
Level 5
Goal: 8 houses, 1 shop, +15 appeal, Rent: $40,000, 1 fancy shop
Try to get a scene, where you already own the single lot top left.
Train 2 workers.
Build a Georgian, paint it and sell immediately.
Build the Recycling Center. Where you build it does no matter, as you will demolish, but do not build it on the single lot top left.
Buy 10,000 materials.
Build the Workshop. Where you build it does no matter, as you will demolish, but do not build it on the single lot top left.
Buy Lightning Efficiency Training.
Train 3 additional workers.
Build the Nuclear Reactor on the single lot top left.
Right now only buy empty lots and the houses under $100.000 - the rest you can buy, when the Apartments, you will build, bring you enough cash.
Build the Cinema.
Build two Apartments, paint them, upgrade to 3 stars and inspect them.
Build a Tech Center and supercharge the Nuclear Reactor.
Buy the Genius Training and train 6 more Technician.
Build a third Apartment, paint and upgrade it to three stars.
In the meanwhile: Buy the other houses on the market and upgrade your Apartments with 3 Energy Savers.
Inspect them after.
When you upgrade all three Apartments with the Energy Savers, you do not need to do this with the other houses as well.
Paint the houses you buy.
Inspect them.
Demolish the Tech Center and build a Business Center.
Make your Cinema fancy and demolish the Business Center.
Build a Garden Center, landscape all houses you have and demolish the Garden Center afterwards.
When you have the 3 Apartments painted, landscaped and upgraded, buy 15.000 units material and demolish your Garden Center.
Buy the Georgian, paint and inspect it.
Build A-Frames on the last lots and paint them.
For the last house, demolish your Workshop and build another A-Frame. If you have to paint it depends on how many houses you landscaped.
Level 6
Goal: 1 green Georgian, 1 Tennis Court, +50 Appeal, $15,000,000, 17 empty lots
Have a look at the scene and choose three empty lots in a row. The middle lot will be for the Georgian, the ones right and left for a Tennis court and a Amphitheater. You will need this constellation at the end for the appeal goal.
Train 2 workers.
Build a Georgian, paint it green, and sell it.
Build a Recycling Center to one side of the Georgian. You will demolish this at the end of the level and build an Amphitheater there.
Do not buy any lots or houses, till you built your first Cinema and having a cash income.
Build a Workshop and buy the Lightning Efficiency.
Train 2 more workers.
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
Build a Cinema.
Build 2 more Nuclear Reactors.
Build a Tech Center and train 9 Technicians.
Supercharge all 3 Nuclear Reactors.
Demolish your Tech Center
Build 3 more Cinemas.
Build a Business Center on the other side of the Georgian and make all 4 Cinemas Fancy.
Build 4 more Cinemas and make them fancy also. You will be making money very rapidly now.
Demolish the Business Center after making all Cinemas fancy.
Train at least additional workers till you have 20.
From now on, build Apartments.
On your first 3 Apartments you need to add 3 Energy Savers each.
Paint and upgrade all Apartments with 3 stars.
You will need to add Energy Savers to 3 of the Apartments, but the rest won't need them.
Buy all houses and empty lots.
Buy the Georgian, upgrade it with 3 stars and inspect it.
When it comes to the end of the level, buy material, demolish the Recycling Center and build the Amphitheater there.
Wait till you have the $15.000.000 and then demolish everything.
Start with the Cinemas, then the Apartments.
When you have standing something on the other lot, next to the Georgian, demolish it first and build the Tennis Court.
Demolish the Nuclear Reactors last.
As soon as the last one is demolished you will win the level.
Level 7
Goal: 3 supercharged power generators, +100 Appeal, 1 Tech Center, 9 houses
Even though you can supercharge what ever kind of power generator you want, I recommend to use 1 Nuclear Generator and 2 Wind Farms on three single lots. This will lower the negative appeal and you do not have to use Energy Savers.
You can also use the double lot on top to place two power generators and two single lots for the Tech Center and the Workshop.
You will need to have 2 times a Amphitheater between two houses in a row (House-Amphitheater-House).
Train two workers.
Build an Apartment, paint it and sell it at once.
Build the Recycling center. If possible, put it on a lot between two houses where you will put an Amphitheater later.
Buy any empty lots or buildings under $100,000 that come up for sale - that gives you better opportunities to plan ahead.
Buy the houses on the 4 single lots as soon as you can. You need to put the power generators and the Tech Center there.
Build the Workshop and buy the Lightning Efficiency. Try to place it on a side lot or on a single lot, when you want to use the double lot for power generators.
Train over the level additional workers till you have 21.
Build a Nuclear Reactor on one of the preferred lots.
Build a Cinema.
Build the two Wind Farms as soon as you have lots available.
Build a Tech Center as soon as you have a appropriate lot available.
Train 3 additional Technicians and supercharge all three power generators.
Build a second Cinema and the Business Center.
Make the two Cinemas Fancy.
Buy the Craftsmans and the Georgian as they become available, paint them, upgrade them to 3 stars, and inspect them.
Build a row of 3 of painted Apartment, empty lot, painted Apartment.
Upgrade the Apartments to 3 stars and inspect them.
Buy a storage of material and demolish the Recycling Center.
Demolish the Business Center and the two Cinemas and build three houses instead.
You can build A-Frames - just paint and inspect them.
Once you own 9 houses, build the Garden Center on one of the empty lots you keep for a Amphitheater.
Landscape the 9 houses, and then demolish the Garden Center.
Build two Amphitheaters that each influence two houses.
Your appeal should be high enough, so that you do not have to demolish your Workshop.
Level 8
Goal: 2 Wind Farms, 1 Grocery, 16 houses, rent $500,000
You need to own 10 Apartments to reach the rent goal. Build 11 and the last five house can be A-Frames.
Train 2 workers.
Build an Apartment and sell it at once.
Build the Recycling Center.
Build the Workshop and buy Lightning Efficiency.
Build 2 Nuclear Reactors.
Build the Grocery Store.
Build 3 Apartments, paint them and upgrade them with 3 stars.
Build a Tech Center, train additional Technicians till you have 12.
Supercharge the Nuclear Reactors.
Upgrade the Apartments you already built with 3 Energy Savers.
Train additional workers till you have 20.
Now build 7 painted 3-Star Apartments as quickly as you can and add 3 Energy Savers to each.
Buy the Apartment you sold in first place, upgrade it with 3 stars, paint it and add 3 Energy Savers each.
Build 2 Wind Farms and supercharge them.
Buy 5.000 units material and demolish your Recycling Center and the Tech Center.
Build 2 A-Frames instead, inspect them.
Demolish the 2 Nuclear Reactors and build 2 A-Frames instead.
Demolish the Workshop and build the last A-Frame.
Level 9
Goal: 6 painted houses, 1 Public Pool, Appeal +85, 1 Fancy shop
Train 2 workers.
Build an Apartment, paint it, and sell it immediately.
Buy just enough materials to build the Recycling Center.
From now on, buy every property that becomes available, you need all of them.
Build the Recycling Center on a lot between two houses.
You'll use it later for the pool.
Build the Workshop and buy Lightning Efficiency.
You will need to train additional workers up to 16 during the level.
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
When you buy the Duplex, just paint it, upgrade it 3 times, and inspect it.
Build a Cinema.
Build a Tech Center, train 3 Technicians and supercharge the Nuclear Reactor.
Demolish the Tech Center and build the Business Center instead.
Make the Cinema fancy and demolish the Business Center.
Demolish the Business Center.
Build 2 Apartments, upgrade with 3 stars, paint and inspect them.
When you own 4 houses, build a Garden Center and landscape this four houses.
Demolish the Garden Center and build an A-Frame instead, paint and inspect it.
Buy the Apartment, you sold in first place, paint, upgrade and inspect it.
Buy enough materials to build the Public Pool, demolish the Recycling Center and build the Public Pool instead.
Demolish the Workshop and build an A-Frame instead. Paint it.
Demolish the Nuclear Reactor and you will have reached the appeal goal as well.
Level 10
Goal: 8 painted Duplexes, 3 recreations, $15,000,000, 3 Fancy shops
Train 2 workers.
Build an Apartment and sell.
Build the Recycling Center.
Buy any houses under $175,000 that become available and demolish them.
Build the Workshop and purchase Lightning Efficiency training.
During the level train up to 30 workers.
Build 2 Nuclear Reactors.
Build 3 Cinemas.
Build the Tech Center, supercharge the Nuclear Reactors and train additional Technicians, till you have 16.
Demolish the Tech Center, when you have them.
Build the Business Center and make all 3 Cinemas Fancy.
Build an Apartment, add 2 Energy Savers, than build the next Apartment.
Add the third Energy Saver at the first Apartment, upgrade to 3 stars, paint and inspect it, while you add two Energy Savers at the second Appartment.
Go on, till you have 7 Apartments with 3 stars, 3 Energy Savers, painted and inspected.
If you build an Appartment before you added at least 2 Energy Savers at the one before, you will cause a blackout.
Buy back the Apartment you sold in first place, paint and upgrade to 3 Stars, add 3 Energy Savers.
Now wait till your reach $17.000.000 - buy 15.000 units of material and demolish the Recycling Center.
Build a Duplex instead. Paint and inspect.
Demolish the Business Center and build a Duplex instead. Paint and inspect.
When you reach $18.000.000 demolish your Apartments.
Build 6 painted Duplexes instead. Inspect them
Replace two Apartments with Tennis Courts.
Demolish the Workshop and replace it with the last Tennis Court.
Congratulations! You finished the Challenge Campaign!!
Again thanks to Kayleigh for writing this up! Super awesome.
Posted by: Kero
August 27, 2009 6:27 PM
Expert Campaign
Level 1
Goal: 6 painted Condos, 3 Triple Energy Saver Duplexes, 1 Fancy Cinema, +150 Appeal, No Empty Lots
You will need a Nuclear Reactor to not spend money adding Energy Savers on others then the 3 Duplexes. As you have a +150 Appeal goal, make sure, that you place the Nuclear Reactor on a single lot. Try to get a scene, where at least one, better two single lots are already yours. The one with the water sign will never be free. But there is one top right and one low left. There is also a double lot low left. You can use this, when you can't get the two single lots.
You will need the Workshop for the entire level, so place it on a single lot (or both on the double lot).
Place other buildings in between two houses, as you will replace them by Duplexes or Amphitheaters.
Train 2 workers.
Build 1 Georgian and sell it immediately.
Build a Recycling Center.
Build the Workshop on single lot. Train along the level up to 21 additional workers, when ever you can afford it.
Build a Nuclear Reactor on a single lot.
Build a Cinema.
If you get a lot where you want to have a house, build a condo, paint it, and upgrade it to 3 stars.
If you get a lot where you want to place an Amphitheater later, build the Tech Center.
Supercharge the Nuclear Reactor.
When you have a lot where you want to place an Amphitheater later, build a Business Center, make the Cinema fancy, then demolish the Business Center again.
Build and buy 6 Condos.
Upgrade them to 3 stars, paint and inspect.
As soon as you can afford it, buy the Genius Training and train 12 Technician
Buy material on storage and demolish the Recycling Center.
Start building the Duplex, paint them and add 3 Energy Savers each. Inspect.
Build a Garden Center and landscape all houses.
Demolish the Garden Center and the Tech Center.
Build the 2 Amphitheaters.
Level 2
Goal: 2 Solar Towers, 6 landscaped Craftsmans, 4 painted Georgians, +180 Appeal, 1 Fancy Boutique
Make sure, that the Solar Towers do not influence the houses, as you will get the appeal goal later. Use the double-lot at the right side to place them.
Plan ahead and use one lot for a Garden Center between two houses and same for the Recycling Center. You will replace both of them at the end of the level for Amphitheater and Mini-Golf
Train two workers.
Build a Georgian, paint it, and sell it.
Build the Recycling Center.
Build a Workshop and buy Lightning Efficiency.
Build a Nuclear Reactor. You can put it anywhere. It will be demolished later.
Build a Boutique.
Build a Georgian, paint it, and upgrade it to 3 stars. Inspect it.
Build 2 Solar Towers next to each other and isolated from any houses.
Build a Business Center, make the Boutique fancy, and demolish the Business Center again.
Build the Tech Center instead and supercharge all power generators.
Train additional Technicians up to 12 and demolish the Tech Center again.
Train additional workers up to 20 when ever you can afford it.
Buy and build Craftsmans, paint and add 2 Energy Stars each.
Build 2 more Georgians, upgrade to 3 stars, paint and add 2 Energy Savers each. Inspect them.
Add 2 Energy Savers to your first Georgian and inspect it again.
Build a Garden Center between two houses (it will be replaced later by a recreation).
Start landscaping your houses.
Buy back the Georgian, you sold in first place, add 2 Energy Savers, upgrade and inspect it.
When you have at least 4 Craftsmans and 4 Georgians, each with at least 2 Energy Savers, demolish the Nuclear Reactor.
Buy material for storage and demolish the Recycling Center.
Build an Amphitheater instead.
Demolish the Workshop.
Build two more Craftsmans, paint and landscape them and add 2 Energy Savers.
Demolish the Garden Center after you landscaped the last Craftsman and build a Mini Golf instead.
Level 3
Goal: 2 Wind Farms, 4 public pools, 4 blue 3-Star Apartments, 1 Fancy Bakery
Make sure, that you only buy the lots you absolutely need in the beginning. You will start earning enough cash after having two Apartments, but buying before will let you run out of cash.
Train 2 workers.
Build a Georgian and sell it immediately.
Buy 500 materials.
Build a Recycling Center.
Buy 15,000 materials.
Build a Workshop. Train 2 workers - don't forget to buy the Lightning Efficiency as soon as you can afford it..
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
Build 2 Apartments, paint them blue, upgrade them to 3 stars, and inspect.
Build the Tech Center, supercharge the Nuclear Reactor, train 3 additional Technicians and buy the Genius Training as soon as you can afford it.
Add 3 Energy Savers to each Appartment, build a third Appartment, paint, upgrade to 3 stars and add 3 Energy Savers.
Don't forget to inspect your first two Apartments again.
Train additional workers, when you can afford it.
Build 2 Wind Farms and supercharge them.
Build the last Appartment not earlier than having three Apartments with at least 2 Energy Savers each.
Build the Bakery.
Buy 15,000 materials and demolish the Recycling Center.
Build the Business Center where the Recycling Center used to be, make the Bakery Fancy, and demolish the Business Center.
Build 1 pool where the Business Center was.
Demolish the Tech Center and build one Pool there.
Demolish the Nuclear Reactor (make sure all 4 Apartments do have 3 Energy Savers before you do so) and build a Public Pool instead.
Demolish the Workshop same time, so it will be done fast and build the last Publik Pool.
Level 4
Goal: 11 Georgians, 8 Craftsmans, +200 Appeal
In the moment, you build the Nuclear reactor, you need to have a side lot for it. The lot next to the Nuclear Reactor hast to be an Amphitheater before you demolish the Nuclear Reactor at the end of the level.
Try restart, till you get a scene, where you already own one of the 6 side lots.
Its hard to reach the Speedy time here. So make sure, you know exactly what you do and do not waste time. Also you do not have much money. Make sure to buy what you need, not more, not less.
Sell each of the three A-Frames you own as quickly as you can, for full price.
While selling the A-Frames, build a Condo. Sell it, as soon as you sold all A-Frames. Do not paint the Condo.
As soon as the Condo has finished building, start building a Recycling Center.
As soon as the Recycling Center has finished building, buy 10.000 materials.
Don't buy any other properties yet unless you don't own a corner lot. In that case, you may buy the first empty corner lot that comes available, but only that 1 lot.
Build the workshop and buy the Lightning Efficiency and train 6 more workers.
Build the Nuclear Reactor on a corner lot.
Immediately build 2 Georgians, paint them, and upgrade each to 3 stars. Inspect them.
Don't waste time waiting to earn enough to buy units of 5.000 materials. Buy 2.500 units three times. Do not buy smaller units, this would be to expensive.
Add 2 Energy Savers to each of the Georgians - inspect them again.
At this point you can start buying property, but no more than 2 at a time.
Build a Tech Center and supercharge the Nuclear Reactor.
Buy materials and build a 3rd Georgian, paint it, upgrade to 1 star, and add 3 Energy Savers.
Buy the Genius training.
Train additional Technicians till you have 12, workers till you have 15.
Keep building painted 1-Star Georgians and add 3 Energy Savers to each until you have 10. But don't start a new Georgian until all previous Georgians have at least 2 Energy Savers or you'll get a black-out.
Keep the Georgians inspected to avoid repairs.
Once you have at least 5 Georgians collecting rent, build the Garden Center and start landscaping everything.
You also have enough cash to buy all properties coming up on the market.
Once you have 10 Georgians, start on the Craftsmans. Just build them as quickly as you can. Just remember you still need to build the 11th Georgian also.
Paint the first 3 Craftsman, but you don't need to paint the last 3.
Landscape the first 4 Craftsmans, but you don't need to landscape the last 2.
Inspect your houses. You landscape your houses without loosing your inspection, but after adding Energy Savers, you will have to inspect them again.
Once all Georgians have 3 Energy Savers each and you have trained 12 Technicians, demolish the Tech Center and build a Craftsman there.
Buy 15,000 materials, demolish the Recycling Center.
Build the Amphitheater next to the Nuclear Reactor. It must be on that spot and no other, because if there is a house next to the Nuclear Reactor, the level won't count for you before the black-out hits.
Once all 11 Georgians and 4 Craftsmans have been landscaped, demolish the Garden Center and build a Craftsman there.
Demolish the Workshop and build a Craftsman there. It doesn't have to be painted or landscaped.
Once you've met all goals except the appeal goal. demolish the Nuclear Reactor. Make sure there is no worker activity like painting or constructing still going on or you'll go into black-out before winning the level.
Level 5
Goal: 1 Hydro Turbine, 1 Fancy Grocery Store, $10.000.000, 12 painted A-Frames
Have a look at the scene while building the first house. You will build 2 Nuclear Reactors, Recycling Center and Workshop first. As more of this you can place next to expensive houses as better for you. You will be pretty short in cash and every dime you can save while buying all buildings will be helpful.
Train 2 workers and build a Georgian. Upgrade it once and sell it immediately.
In the meanwhile, buy 100 units material and build a Recycling Center.
Buy material and build a Workshop.
Train 2 more workers and buy the Lightning Efficiency.
Do not buy any house! Build 2 Nuclear Reactors and a Cinema.
Now wait till you can afford one of the cheaper houses. Demolish it and build an Appartment.
Add 2 Energy Savers, paint and upgrade it with 3 stars. Inspect it.
This will take a moment, as you have to wait for cash to buy material.
Buy the next lot you can afford, demolish the house and build a Grocery Store.
On the next lot, you buy, build a Business Center, make both shops fancy, demolish the Business Center and build a Tech Center.
Train 3 Technicians and supercharge both Nuclear Reactors.
Buy Genius Training.
Train 9 more Technicians.
Train additional workers till you have 20 during the level.
Now build 3 more Apartments. Add to all Apartments 3 Energy Savers.
Add a third Energy Server to your first Appartment.
Upgrade all Apartments to 3 Stars, paint and inspect them.
As soon as you have 2 Apartments, buy all houses by "Offer less" - Set 2 of your Apartments for sale and buy the wanted house with "offer less". The bid will be accepted. Unlist your Apartments.
As soon as you can afford it, buy the Georgian on the Hydro Turbine lot (also with "offer-less"), demolish it and build the Hydro Turbine.
Supercharge the Hydro Turbine.
As soon as you have 4 Apartments with 3 Energy Savers and the Hydro Turbine, demolish one Nuclear Reactor and the Tech Center.
Build A-frames instead, paint them and add 3 Energy Savers each.
Buy the two Georgian, paint and upgrade them to 3 stars, add 2 Energy Savers each. Inspect.
Buy 15.000 units material and demolish the Recycling Center.
Build an A-Frame instead, paint it and add 3 Energy Savers
When you have around $5.000.000 cash, sell one of your Apartments for the full prize.
It will take a while till you can buy it back with the low-ball trick to make profit.
At $7.000.000 demolish your Georgians and build A-Frames instead.
Paint, add 1 Energy Server and inspect.
Demolish one after the other your Apartments and build A-Frames instead.
All A-Frames need one Energy Server. Paint and inspect.
When you are at $9.500.000 demolish the Nuclear Reactor and the Workshop (in this order).
Build the last 2 A-Frames and paint.
Level 6
Goal: 10 painted Condos, 6 Tennis Courts, Appeal 240+, Rent $150,000, 1 Fancy Boutique
In this level, you need to have at the beginning the right possibilities: On the top are 1 single lot and two double lots. The single lot, you will need for a Solar Tower, one of the double lots for a workshop and the Boutique.
As you want to have the Solar Tower and at least the Workshop early in the level, the single lot should be owned by you and at least one of lot of one of the double lots. The other one shouldn't be bigger than an A-Frame or Duplex. Without this constellation you will not be able to make the level in Speedy.
Also: To reach the appeal goal it is necessary, that you will have the middle and the low row build as followed:
Condo - Tennis Court - Condo-Tennis Court - Condo - Tennis Court - Condo.
One Condo you will own at the start. If it is not on a lot for a Condo, you will not be able to finish the level in Speedy.
All other buildings should be build on the Tennis Court lots. As this, you can demolish them later and build Tennis Courts instead.
Train 2 workers.
Paint the Condo you already own and sell it.
Build a Recycling Center on a lot for a Tennis Court.
Build a Workshop, buy the Lightning Efficiency.
Buy material and build a Georgian, paint and sell it.
Train 2 more workers and build a Nuclear Reactor on a lot for a Tennis Court.
Start buying lots and cheaper houses.
Build Condos, paint and upgrade them with 3 stars.
Add 3 Energy Savers to each.
Demolish the houses or paint/upgrade them, when you buy a Condo on the right lot.
Don't forget to use "offer less" or "low-ball" trick.
Build the Solar Tower on the single lot.
Build a Tech Center, train up to 9 Technicians.
Supercharge the Solar Tower.
Buy Genius Training.
As soon as you have the lot next to the Workshop, build a Boutique.
Build a Business Center, doesn't matter where, make the Boutique fancy and demolish the Business Center at once.
Build a Garden Center and landscape all your houses.
When you have 9 Condos with 3 Energy Savers each, demolish the Nuclear Reactor and build a Tennis Court instead.
Buy 15.000 units material and demolish the Recycling Center. Build a Tennis Court instead.
Build Tennis Courts on the already empty lots.
Landscape all 11 Condos and demolish the Garden Center. Build the last Tennis Court.
Level 7
Goal: 2 Solar Towers, 9 Apartments, Appeal 100+, Rent $500,000
There are three very important things in this level: The first is, that you will have to place during the level three Solar Towers next to each other, in a way, that you start on a side lot. The third Solar Tower will be removed later and you have to build a house instead. But because of the appeal goal, you can only afford one house getting a negative appeal because of the Towers.
Second: You will keep the Workshop nearly to the end of the level and replace it by a Amphitheater. So make sure, that you place the Workshop between two houses.
Third: Do things in the right order - You can't afford to demolish one of the buildings to earlier, that will cost you speedy. And you can't afford to be in the beginning or middle of the level to long without energy. At the end, it is ok, as you have more than enough cash and only need to add Energy Savers to get the power back and win the level.
Train 4 workers and build an Appartment. Sell it immediately.
Buy every house except the Appartment.
Buy 1.000 units of material and build a Recycling Center.
Buy material and place the Workshop on a lot, where it will have a house each side at the end.
Train 3 more workers, buy the Lightning Efficiency.
Build 2 Solar Towers on lots as described.
Build 2 Apartments and improve them in the following order: Both: star-Energy Saver-star-Energy Saver-star-Energy Saver, paint, inspect.
Build a Tech Center and supercharge the Solar Towers.
Train additional Technicians.
Buy the Genius Training.
Build a third Solar Tower and supercharge it.
Build Appartment 3 and 4. Improve them as following: Both: 2 Energy Savers, upgrade to 3 stars, 1 Energy Saver, paint and inspect.
Train up to 12 Technicians and 21 workers when ever you can afford it.
Build a Garden Center and landscape the four Appartment. You also want to landscape the next four Apartments. Appartment 9 will be the one on the Garden Center's lot.
Maybe you can now buy your Appartment back, you sold in first place. Don't forget to buy it with the low-offer trick. If so, add 3 Energy Savers, upgrade with 3 stars, landscape, paint and inspect it. If not, you will be able to one Appartment later.
Buy 25.0000 units material and demolish the Recycling Center. Build there Appartment 6 (assuming that the one you have to buy is number 5). Add 3 Energy Savers, upgrade to 3 stars, landscape, paint and inspect.
Latest now you should be able to buy back the Appartment you sold in the first place.
As soon a, 6 Apartments do have 3 Energy Savers, demolish the third Solar Tower and build your seventh Appartment there.
Add 3 Energy Savers, upgrade with 2 stars, landscape, paint, inspect.
As soon as you have 7 Apartments with 3 Energy Savers, demolish the Tech Center.
Build Appartment 8 on the lot of the Tech Center.
Even if you run into a blackout now, it does not matter. Landscape this Appartment first, then upgrade with 3 stars, paint and add 3 Energy Savers.
As soon as you have landscaped the 8th Appartment, demolish the Garden Center. Build an Appartment instead.
Upgrade and paint this 9th Appartment.
Demolish the Workshop as soon as this is done and build an Amphitheater instead.
Add Energy Savers to the 9th Appartment, till the power comes back.
Level 8
Goal: 3 supercharged Wind Farms, $30.000.000, 1 Fancy Grocery Store
As more often, the right positioning is very important here.
You will need to build the lower row as following:Apartment-Amphitheater-Apartment-Apartment-Amphitheater-Apartment-Apartment-Amphitheater-Apartment.
The middle row should be build: Three power generators isolated - Appartment-Amphitheater-Apartment.
The top row should be build: Left or right a lot for Tech Center (later Grocery Store)-Apartment-Amphitheater-Apartment-Amphitheater-Apartment.
The Amphitheater-lots we will use for a lot of other buildings in the beginning.
Demolish the four houses, you already own.
Train 4 workers.
Build an Apartment on a lot you want to place Apartments and sell it immediately.
Buy 500 units material and build the Recycling Center on a lot, where later will be an Amphitheater.
Build the Workshop on a lot, you do need for an Amphitheater and buy Lightning Efficiency.
Train 3 workers - train additional workers till you have around 24, when ever you can afford it.
Build a Nuclear Reactor on any of the utility row lot of 3 lots.
Build 2 Cinemas on Amphitheater lots.
Build a 2nd Nuclear Reactor and one Wind Farm as soon as you have the third lot free.
Build the Tech Center top left or right, buy Genius Training and supercharge your three power generators.
Train 3 more Technicians and train additional Technicians, till you have around 12.
Build a 3rd Cinema on an Amphitheater-lot
Build the Business Center where ever you want and make all 3 Cinemas fancy.
Demolish the Business Center as soon as you clicked the "Make fancy" button for the 3rd Cinema.
Build 4 Apartments on the Appartment-lots. Paint and upgrade them to 3 stars. Inspect.
Once you have 4 Apartments built, start adding 3 Energy Savers to each.
Build the Garden Center on an Amphitheater lot and landscape your four Apartments.
Build a 5th Apartments and start buying material units, till you have 30.000 units.
Build Appartment 6, 7 and 8, landscape, upgrade to 3 stars, add Energy Savers and inspect - by now, you should have the 30.000 unit stack material - demolish the Recycling Center - build a Nuclear Reactor instead and supercharge it.
Demolish one of the Nuclear Reactors in the utility row. Build a Wind Farm and supercharge it.
Build the 9th Apartment, landscape it and and as soon as you clicked the "Landscape-button", demolish the Garden Center and build a Nuclear Reactor instead.
Demolish the last Nuclear Reactor in the utility row, build a Wind Farm and supercharge it.
When you ran into a blackout, supercharge it the Nuclear Reactor, but it should be ok, as soon as you start adding Energy Savers at Apartment 9.
Once all Apartments have three Energy Savers and you supercharged all three Wind Farms, demolish the Tech Center and build a Grocery Shop.
Demolish one of the Cinemas, build a Business Center, make the Grocery fancy, demolish the Business Center and build an Amphitheater instead.
When you are at around $17.000.000, demolish the two Nuclear Reactors and build Amphitheaters instead.
Demolish the Workshop and build an Amphitheater instead.
Build Amphitheaters, between Apartments, where you have a free lot.
Start selling your Apartments, till you reach your goal
Level 9
Goal: 7 3-Star Georgians, 7 painted Georgians, 4 Fancy shops, 7 landscaped Georgians, 50 workers
As you have no appeal goal, it does not matter, where you place your buildings in this level.
Be careful with buying in the beginning. Only buy the houses under $100.000 coming on the market. You will have to be a bit patient, but after the shops and the first two Georgians, you will not have cash problems anymore.
To get the amount of workers, you will have to start training them as soon as you start building your Georgians.
Train 2 workers.
Build a Georgian and sell it immediately.
Build the Recycling Center.
Build the Workshop.
Train 2 more workers.
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
Build a Cinema.
Build the Tech Center and supercharge the Nuclear Reactor.
You do not have the money yet to train Technicians. But you will have as soon cash is coming in from the shops and the first Georgians.
Build a 2nd Cinema.
Build the Business Center and make the 2 Cinemas Fancy.
Build a Bakery and make it Fancy.
Demolish the Tech Center and build the 2nd Bakery there. Make it fancy and demolish the Business Center.
Start building Georgians, paint and upgrade them with 3 stars. Inspect them.
Now you will have the money to buy Lightening Efficiency and train additional Technicians till you have 6.
Start training workers and buy material not only for building but also for making a stack of 30.000 units.
After 2 Georgians, add 3 Energy Savers each.
After 3 Georgians, you should have the material stack - so demolish the Recycling Center and build a Garden Center instead.
Landscape all Georgians.
After 5 Georgians you will be in need for a lot. Demolish the Nuclear Reactor and build the next Georgian there.
You will run into a blackout, but you have enough money and material to go on.
Do always first the painting, upgrading to 3 stars and landscaping as you have the speed of Lightning Efficiency, but no Genius Training.
Do not forget to train workers! This can make the difference between winning speedy or not.
When your 6th Georgian is upgraded, painted and landscaped, demolish the Workshop and build the 7th Georgian instead.
Landscape it first, then do the rest.
As soon as the 7th Georgian is build, demolish the Garden Center and build a Nuclear Reactor instead
Finish the 7th Georgian - the last one does not need the Energy Savers.
Level 10
Goal: Construct 17 houses, Sell 12 houses, $10,000,000, 17 empty lots
Train 4 workers.
Build an Apartment and sell it.
Build the Recycling Center.
Build the Workshop and buy Lightning Efficiency.
Train additional workers till you have 18 for the moment - over the level train more, so that you have 30.
Build a Nuclear Reactor.
Build a Cinema.
Build another Apartment and sell it.
Build a 2nd Cinema and a 2nd Nuclear Reactor.
Build the Tech Center, supercharge both Nuclear Reactors, and demolish the Tech Center.
Build the Business Center and make both Cinemas Fancy.
Build an Apartment, paint it, and upgrade it to 3 stars.
Build 2 more Cinemas, make them fancy and demolish the Business Center.
Build 5 A-Frames. Demolish them. Build them again. Sell them and rebuy them for the rest of the level until you've sold 11 houses total.
Build a 2nd Apartment, paint it, and upgrade it to 3 stars.
Buy materials until you have 3 Apartments and 20,000 materials in inventory, then demolish the Recycling Center.
Build a 4th Apartment where the Recycling Center was, paint it, and upgrade it to 3 stars.
Once you have started work on the 4th Apartment, sell one Apartment. Make sure, you get the full price of it.
Buy it back when you can do it with the low-ball offer.
Once you have sold 12 houses, demolish all the A-Frames as you buy them back.
Replace the first 3 you buy back with painted 3-Star Apartments, so you have a total of 7 Apartments.
Sell 1 more Apartment for full price, then buy it back with the low-ball offer.
Now just keep collecting money.
As soon as you have $12 million start demolishing.
Buy any unowned house and demolish it.
Demolish first Apartments and Cinemas, then the Nuclear Reactors.
Last thing to do is demolishing the Workshop.
Congratulations! You finished the Expert Campaign!!
I don't even think I have to say how awesome Kayleigh is at this point.
Posted by: Kero
August 30, 2009 1:33 PM