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Bury My Bones

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Rating: 4.3/5 (132 votes)
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Bury My Bones

DoraYou know, you could probably sell undertaking as a more popular career choice if you told people about all the fire-breathing dragons, the spikes, the balloons, and the swanky accompanying tunes. V. Osinski's physics puzzler Bury My Bones turns what should be a grim and solemn occasion into a toe-tapping puzzle fest, as getting the body (or in this case, the bones) into the waiting grave is a bit more complicated than usual.

Bury My BonesAll you need to do to play is click, and you need to do to win is drop the skeleton into its grave. Easier said than done when this cemetery was apparently built by Rube Goldberg, with switches, planks, ramps, bouncing boards, and much, much more. Your score is determined by how quickly you solve the stage, but don't worry... the number's strictly for bragging rights. Bury My Bones is in concept a relatively simple game, but the sheer amount of elements used to get your bony buddy around the stage help keep things fresh. There are fans, punching gloves, plows, and more, and each level is constructed in a unique way.

The problem is, it can occasionally feel like the physics are fickle beasts indeed, and other annoyances, like the way vehicles don't stop immediately when you click them, mar what is otherwise a pleasantly creative and goofy experience. The amount of pixel-perfect precision it feels like you need to have in some cases borders on the unreasonable, and it's disappointing since the game is otherwise really clever and entertaining. Bury My Bones has a lot going for it and is well worth a play if you're a patient fan of the genre, with its charm, creativity, and ghoulish sense of fun... just don't expect it to be very forgiving.

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Sadly, the MAIN problem of this game is graphic content, which is stolen from Iriysoft's Magic Blaster


Looks like someone disassembled our Magic Blaster and took some art (and probably engine).


... I'm not sure what you mean? I played a few levels of Magic Blaster and they don't look similar to me. Have you tried contacting the developer if that's true?


1. the coffin in level select the coffin in level 1


My comments got deleted? Nice work, JayIsGames!


@IriySoft I think it is because you have include website link in the reply... Maybe you should just say that the game can be found in Kong


I did not delete your comments, so I don't know what happened. All I can think is someone mistakenly deleted them because they included links without reading the context. :( I'll see if I can't contact the sponsor and find some information for you as to the creator's e-mail.


Ah I see, sorry. I thought it may be caused by the links. Actually I just have noticed that the comment rules include "No link dropping" so deleting the posts with links could occur automatically %)


By the way. Merry Christmas! %D


I sent a mail to the developer where comes from the game to have his answer.
I did not try the game Magic Blaster (I can't at the moment) so I don't know about the mechanics but I've downloaded the dropbox images and if I understand well, your complaint is about a piece of wood, a piece of stone, a coffin and a wagon?
If the game had the same theme I could understand your complaint but from my point of view, the elements you quoted are basic elements which we can find in many games and the piece of wood or stone you mentionned it very common.
Anyway let's see what the developer will answer.


Thank you for finding and contacting the developer, Jeff. :) I know IriySoft does all their own art and takes great pride in their work, so to see these graphics taken from their game and put into another must be very frustrating, even if it's only a few things! (I can imagine how angry I'd be if I saw something I'd drawn show up in another game without permission... though since I can only draw stick figures I'd be stunned too!) Hopefully this all turns out to be an accident that can be fixed.


Jeff, it's an obvious 100% copy-paste. OK let us decompile the SWF and check out what's inside ;)


@Jeff. man, i tell you, this is not similiar elements, it is THE SAME art, with little changes. just try to combine two images in an editor. even smallest point on the stone block will match


Below is the answer of the developer Vitaly Osinski:

"I have never disassembled and "took some art (and probably engine)" of someone else game. Yes, maybe some details of my art in this game is inspired by some games arts, but its not the same and not stolen!!!!

It's the first time someone say I disassembled and stole arts for my game, and I even don't know what to do. So Im ready make new swfs for the sponsor. I have prepared new images. Sorry about piece of wood - it's almost stay the same because I just don't know how I must draw it in other way. For proof I make it by myself and not have stolen it from Irissoft I even made this video:

Decision has been taken to ask him to change the 3-4 elements which are the same or very similar. Between, when a game has more than 200 different elements in 25 levels, I suppose changing 3-4 won't take a big time and if there were stolen, it was a bit stupid to not have changed them at the beginning.
My opinion.

@IriySoft: Yes you can decompile it. No problem.And tell us here if you have found similar lines in the code.

Here at JayIsGames, you know, we can not admit people steal the work of someone else but really, the elements you mentionned are very common plus the developer provided the video of the wooden bar which takes 55 seconds to do so really we can not remove the game which a good game with solid and funny mechanics. Of course if you find similar elements in the code we will remove it instantly and we will send a mail to the sponsor as a warning.

Hoping it's the decison which goes in the right way for everyone.

Have a good day all :)



The developer sent to the sponsor and us, a new version of the game with new graphics for the coffin, the wood and stone bar and even the wagon.

He said again "he has not stolen art but has just taken inspiration of existing art in the same way, some new games take same mechanics from successful games".

Anyway, I wish the problem is fixed now and I hope people think the team of JayIsGames took the complaint with serious and managed some efforts to contact the developer and find a solution.


Can you ask him where is the music from too please ? There is no credits, which is unfortunate. If the music is from him, I'd like to know if he made more, I really liked it.


I would want to just argue that it would have been kind of IriySoft to let an answer about the work done by JayIsGames for satisfy a request from them. I see, this studio acts fast for posting 'rude' words against people but don't care when all the concerned persons have shown a good attitude.


@Jeff, please do not follow the bad pattern (�acting fast for posting 'rude' words"). We have New Year holidays till January 9 in Russia, I was away from December 27 and didn't have Internet access so I just didn't have a chance to check this thread. Two days before 27th I was very busy trying to solve several bank issues and pay salary to my team. As far as I understood, you are the sponsor of the game, aren't you? If you are not going to care about such feedbacks, then it's your fault as a sponsor, which can become a huge problem if some expensive protected IPs are involved.

I appreciate the efforts to address the issue and actually I didn't ask for any satisfaction like removing the game or something - after all it's the sponsor's decision to allow such things in the sponsored games or not.

To the developer: if the piece of art looks exactly the same as in the other game, you must be ready for the negative comments. I do not mean the author of the original game - if the original game is popular (unlike Magic Blaster) the players will just post comments like "the art is stolen, 1/10" no matter if the art was not actually stolen.

Anyway, thanks everybody for the quick responses and sorry for the delayed answer %)


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