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Castle Dracula

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Castle Dracula

DoraCall me crazy, but when you know you live right in the shadow of Castle Dracula, I don't think you get to be all that surprised when things inevitably get weird. And weird they are for Luke, the hero of GondeFire's indie point-and-click adventure, who wakes up one night to find his pregnant wife Grace being hauled screaming out the window by demons and up the cliffs to the castle looming above. Armed with only his wits and his family's silver crucifix (though personally I might have added a whole bunch of extra pointy things to that arsenal), Luke sets off for the castle to find his wife and unborn child and stop whatever sinister plan Dracula has in store for them. Is it sparkles? I bet it's sparkles. Vampires love them.

Castle DraculaUse the icons at the top of the screen to set what action you want to perform. Click the arrows to navigate through rooms, or the hand to pick up things, while the gears allow you interact with objects or items in your inventory. Bear in mind that while you can die, the game will boot you back to where you made your last poor decision after shaming you with a game over screen for a few seconds. Luckily, if you pay attention to your surroundings you can usually puzzle out where the traps and dangers lie. Like, say, pulling a lever directly over a nice big red smear on the ground. Look, just because you think you can tackle Dracula doesn't mean you can ignore Dawrinism. Oh, and if you've got an iOS, you can even enjoy your bloody peril on the go with the mobile version.

Castle Dracula is one of those games that's already pretty solid, but could be made great without a bunch of minor annoyances. At the time of this writing, the game is also currently a little buggy and finicky, from having to slowly drag objects from your inventory to the fussy click detection on selection your action buttons, over and over and over, each time you change locations. With a little more polish and smoother interaction and navigation the game would be a real joy to play, because otherwise the game is so delightfully cheesy and engaging even if it is on the short side. The voice acting is actually pretty exceptional across the board, and the artwork is great as well. What's nice is that the puzzles are all fairly logical, and the flamboyant vibe of the story and dramatic presentation makes this one a lot of gleeful fun. Classic point-and-click adventures are always welcome, and bite-sized ones like this are perfect for fitting inside the sort of breaks you want mobile gaming for. Are you ready for Dracula in your pocket? Only one way to find out.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Castle Dracula Walkthrough

General Info & Castle Map

  • At the top of the screen you'll find three buttons needed to play the game.

  • Use the directional arrow buttons to navigate up, down, left, or right between areas.

  • Use the gears button to interact with an object or to use an item from your inventory.

  • Use the hand button to pick up items.

  • Press the Menu button at the upper right corner to view the in-game options or to save and exit the game.

  • Refer to the link below for a full map of the castle.

  • Be cautious while exploring, Dracula's castle is littered with death traps.

Castle Entrance Area

  1. You start the game outside the front door. Walk forward into foyer of the castle entrance area.


    • Do not go through the right door without a light to see or your character will die inside the dark hall.

  3. Take the TORCH from the right wall sconce.

  4. Go through the right door to enter the dark hall.

    • With the TORCH in your inventory, you can now enter the wine cellar.

Wine Cellar Area

  1. Pick up the BUCKET on the floor by the right wine rack.

  2. Walk right again into the lever room.

  3. Pull the right lever to open the gate in the dining room.


    • Do not pull the middle lever.

    • It's booby trapped and will kill you immediately if you touch it.

  5. Go back to the castle entrance, then walk left into the dining room. Continue left to enter the Werewolf's room.

Werewolf Boss Fight

  1. Be careful not to click the werewolf out of turn or he will instantly kill you.

  2. First use the TORCH to burn the rope at the upper right corner of the room.

    • This will drop the chandelier on the werewolf's head and knock him to the ground.

  3. While he's incapacitated, use the SILVER CRUCIFIX to kill him.

  4. Pick up the loose ROPE on top of the body.

  5. Return to the wine cellar.

Wine Cellar Area

  1. Walk forward down the hallway to reach the well.

  2. Attach the ROPE to the winch at the top of the well.

  3. Add the BUCKET to the rope to lower it into the well and look inside.

  4. Take the DIAMOND-SHAPED KEY from the bucket.

  5. Go back to the castle entrance.

Castle Entrance Area

  1. Use the DIAMOND-SHAPED KEY to unlock the double doors.

  2. Continue forward into the gargoyle room, then walk through the right door into the torture chamber.

Torture Chamber Area

  1. Take the RING OF KEYS hanging from the shackles on the right wall, beside the iron maiden.

  2. Walk forward into the prison cell.

  3. Speak with Grace to learn that a demon holds the key to her manacles.

  4. Move back twice to return to the gargoyle room.

  5. Use the RING OF KEYS to unlock the left door.

  6. Walk left to go outside to the hangman's tree on the castle grounds.

Castle Grounds Area

  1. Pull the LEG BONE off the skeleton hanging from the tree.

  2. Move forward once to reach the statue.

    • Note that the statue is holding a sword that you can't grab just yet.

  3. Go left to the graveyard, then continue forward into the crypt.

  4. Use the LEG BONE to pry open the lid of the stone coffin.

  5. Take the SHIELD from the corpse inside the coffin.

  6. Go back to the statue.

  7. Place the SHIELD in the statue's empty hand to loosen its grip.

  8. Take the SWORD and SHIELD from its hands.

  9. Walk right to the fountain. Go right again to the cave entrance, then continue forward into Medusa's cave.

Medusa Boss Fight

  1. Do not attack Medusa unprotected, or she will turn you to stone.

  2. Use the SHIELD to block Medusa's eyes.

  3. Attack her with the SWORD to slay her.

  4. Pick up MEDUSA'S HEAD and the NECKLACE KEY on the ground next to the corpse.

  5. Go back to the torture chamber area.

Torture Chamber Area

  1. Walk forward to enter the prison cell.

  2. Use the NECKLACE KEY to unlock Grace's shackles, exposing the Succubus.

Succubus Boss Fight

  1. Do not attack the Succubus with the wrong item, or she will kill you instantly.

  2. Use MEDUSA'S HEAD on the Succubus to turn her to stone.

  3. Attack the frozen Succubus with the SWORD to remove her STONE WINGS.

  4. Your character will automatically leave the prison cell.

  5. Move back once to return to the gargoyle room.

Torture Chamber Area

  1. Add the STONE WINGS to the gargoyle sitting on the pedestal.

  2. The gargoyle will come to life and fly out of the room, revealing a hidden ladder behind the pedestal.

  3. Go down the ladder into the sewers.

Sewers Area

  1. Walk right to the Ferryman's dock.

  2. Ignore the Ferryman for now, as he will not let you into his boat without payment.

  3. Click around the area behind the left post to find a concealed VALVE.

  4. Return to the the castle grounds area.

Castle Grounds Area

  1. Walk forward once and right once to reach the fountain.


    • Do not click the basin of the fountain.

    • Piranhas in the fountain will kill you instantly if you touch the area around the water in the fountain.

  3. Insert the VALVE into the socket at the right side of the fountain's base, beside the sitting stone body.

    • The valve will drain the water, making it safe to search.

  4. Take the COINS inside the drained out fountain basin.

  5. Go back to the Ferryman's dock down in the sewers.

Sewers Area

  1. Give the COINS to the Ferryman.

  2. In exchange, he will take you in his boat across the river to the locked gate.

  3. From the gate, walk left twice (past the storeroom that has nothing useful) to find the Lizard Man's room.

Lizard Man Boss Fight

  1. Do not use the SILVER CRUCIFIX or the TORCH on the Lizard Man, or he will kill you instantly.

  2. Instead, attack him with the SWORD to kill him before he can strike you with his spear.

  3. The Sword will become lodged in the pillar and will be removed from your inventory.

  4. Take the LEVER from the Lizard Man's corpse.

  5. Walk back once and right once to return to the gate.

Sewers Area

  1. Add the LEVER to the mechanism at the right side of the wall to open the gate.

  2. Move forward to find a ladder, then climb up to enter the storage room at the inner chambers of the castle.

Inner Chambers Area

  1. Interact with the wooden chair to break off the leg, creating a make-shift STAKE.

  2. Go through the left door to enter the corridor, then continue through the left door to enter the observatory.

  3. Pick up the BOOK on top of the table.

  4. Go back to the corridor, then continue forward through the middle door into the library.

  5. Enter the laboratory through the door on the left.


    • Do not click the shelf on the wall to the left of the window.

    • The acids will spill from the shelf, killing you instantly.

  7. Take the EMPTY VIAL from the scales hanging beside the stuffed alligator.

  8. Go back out to the library, then continue through the door on the right to enter the side room.

  9. Put the SILVER CRUCIFIX inside the basin held up by the statue to purify the water.

  10. Collect the purified water with the EMPTY VIAL to complete the HOLY WATER.

  11. Exit the room to return to the library.

  12. Place the BOOK from the storage room on to the book stand behind the left table to reveal a secret passage.

  13. Enter the secret passage to reach the stairway to Dracula's room.

Dracula's Room

  1. You'll encounter the butler at the foot of the stairs.

  2. After talking to him, use the SILVER CRUCIFIX to make him reveal his true form and unblock the stairway.

  3. Continue forward to find Dracula.

Dracula Boss Fight

  1. Speak with Dracula to start the boss fight.

  2. First use the SILVER CRUCIFIX to make Dracula change to his bat form.

  3. Attack the bat with the TORCH to light its wing on fire.

  4. Use the HOLY WATER on Dracula's demonic form to blind him.

  5. Finally, slay Dracula with the STAKE.

  6. Click Grace to complete the game.

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Castle Dracula Walkthrough

General Info & Castle Map

  • At the top of the screen you'll find three buttons needed to play the game.

  • Use the directional arrow buttons to navigate up, down, left, or right between areas.

  • Use the gears button to interact with an object or to use an item from your inventory.

  • Use the hand button to pick up items.

  • Press the Menu button at the upper right corner to view the in-game options or to save and exit the game.

  • Refer to the link below for a full map of the castle.

  • Be cautious while exploring, Dracula's castle is littered with death traps.

Castle Entrance Area

  1. You start the game outside the front door. Walk forward into foyer of the castle entrance area.


    • Do not go through the right door without a light to see or your character will die inside the dark hall.

  3. Take the TORCH from the right wall sconce.

  4. Go through the right door to enter the dark hall.

    • With the TORCH in your inventory, you can now enter the wine cellar.

Wine Cellar Area

  1. Pick up the BUCKET on the floor by the right wine rack.

  2. Walk right again into the lever room.

  3. Pull the right lever to open the gate in the dining room.


    • Do not pull the middle lever.

    • It's booby trapped and will kill you immediately if you touch it.

  5. Go back to the castle entrance, then walk left into the dining room. Continue left to enter the Werewolf's room.

Werewolf Boss Fight

  1. Be careful not to click the werewolf out of turn or he will instantly kill you.

  2. First use the TORCH to burn the rope at the upper right corner of the room.

    • This will drop the chandelier on the werewolf's head and knock him to the ground.

  3. While he's incapacitated, use the SILVER CRUCIFIX to kill him.

  4. Pick up the loose ROPE on top of the body.

  5. Return to the wine cellar.

Wine Cellar Area

  1. Walk forward down the hallway to reach the well.

  2. Attach the ROPE to the winch at the top of the well.

  3. Add the BUCKET to the rope to lower it into the well and look inside.

  4. Take the DIAMOND-SHAPED KEY from the bucket.

  5. Go back to the castle entrance.

Castle Entrance Area

  1. Use the DIAMOND-SHAPED KEY to unlock the double doors.

  2. Continue forward into the gargoyle room, then walk through the right door into the torture chamber.

Torture Chamber Area

  1. Take the RING OF KEYS hanging from the shackles on the right wall, beside the iron maiden.

  2. Walk forward into the prison cell.

  3. Speak with Grace to learn that a demon holds the key to her manacles.

  4. Move back twice to return to the gargoyle room.

  5. Use the RING OF KEYS to unlock the left door.

  6. Walk left to go outside to the hangman's tree on the castle grounds.

Castle Grounds Area

  1. Pull the LEG BONE off the skeleton hanging from the tree.

  2. Move forward once to reach the statue.

    • Note that the statue is holding a sword that you can't grab just yet.

  3. Go left to the graveyard, then continue forward into the crypt.

  4. Use the LEG BONE to pry open the lid of the stone coffin.

  5. Take the SHIELD from the corpse inside the coffin.

  6. Go back to the statue.

  7. Place the SHIELD in the statue's empty hand to loosen its grip.

  8. Take the SWORD and SHIELD from its hands.

  9. Walk right to the fountain. Go right again to the cave entrance, then continue forward into Medusa's cave.

Medusa Boss Fight

  1. Do not attack Medusa unprotected, or she will turn you to stone.

  2. Use the SHIELD to block Medusa's eyes.

  3. Attack her with the SWORD to slay her.

  4. Pick up MEDUSA'S HEAD and the NECKLACE KEY on the ground next to the corpse.

  5. Go back to the torture chamber area.

Torture Chamber Area

  1. Walk forward to enter the prison cell.

  2. Use the NECKLACE KEY to unlock Grace's shackles, exposing the Succubus.

Succubus Boss Fight

  1. Do not attack the Succubus with the wrong item, or she will kill you instantly.

  2. Use MEDUSA'S HEAD on the Succubus to turn her to stone.

  3. Attack the frozen Succubus with the SWORD to remove her STONE WINGS.

  4. Your character will automatically leave the prison cell.

  5. Move back once to return to the gargoyle room.

Torture Chamber Area

  1. Add the STONE WINGS to the gargoyle sitting on the pedestal.

  2. The gargoyle will come to life and fly out of the room, revealing a hidden ladder behind the pedestal.

  3. Go down the ladder into the sewers.

Sewers Area

  1. Walk right to the Ferryman's dock.

  2. Ignore the Ferryman for now, as he will not let you into his boat without payment.

  3. Click around the area behind the left post to find a concealed VALVE.

  4. Return to the the castle grounds area.

Castle Grounds Area

  1. Walk forward once and right once to reach the fountain.


    • Do not click the basin of the fountain.

    • Piranhas in the fountain will kill you instantly if you touch the area around the water in the fountain.

  3. Insert the VALVE into the socket at the right side of the fountain's base, beside the sitting stone body.

    • The valve will drain the water, making it safe to search.

  4. Take the COINS inside the drained out fountain basin.

  5. Go back to the Ferryman's dock down in the sewers.

Sewers Area

  1. Give the COINS to the Ferryman.

  2. In exchange, he will take you in his boat across the river to the locked gate.

  3. From the gate, walk left twice (past the storeroom that has nothing useful) to find the Lizard Man's room.

Lizard Man Boss Fight

  1. Do not use the SILVER CRUCIFIX or the TORCH on the Lizard Man, or he will kill you instantly.

  2. Instead, attack him with the SWORD to kill him before he can strike you with his spear.

  3. The Sword will become lodged in the pillar and will be removed from your inventory.

  4. Take the LEVER from the Lizard Man's corpse.

  5. Walk back once and right once to return to the gate.

Sewers Area

  1. Add the LEVER to the mechanism at the right side of the wall to open the gate.

  2. Move forward to find a ladder, then climb up to enter the storage room at the inner chambers of the castle.

Inner Chambers Area

  1. Interact with the wooden chair to break off the leg, creating a make-shift STAKE.

  2. Go through the left door to enter the corridor, then continue through the left door to enter the observatory.

  3. Pick up the BOOK on top of the table.

  4. Go back to the corridor, then continue forward through the middle door into the library.

  5. Enter the laboratory through the door on the left.


    • Do not click the shelf on the wall to the left of the window.

    • The acids will spill from the shelf, killing you instantly.

  7. Take the EMPTY VIAL from the scales hanging beside the stuffed alligator.

  8. Go back out to the library, then continue through the door on the right to enter the side room.

  9. Put the SILVER CRUCIFIX inside the basin held up by the statue to purify the water.

  10. Collect the purified water with the EMPTY VIAL to complete the HOLY WATER.

  11. Exit the room to return to the library.

  12. Place the BOOK from the storage room on to the book stand behind the left table to reveal a secret passage.

  13. Enter the secret passage to reach the stairway to Dracula's room.

Dracula's Room

  1. You'll encounter the butler at the foot of the stairs.

  2. After talking to him, use the SILVER CRUCIFIX to make him reveal his true form and unblock the stairway.

  3. Continue forward to find Dracula.

Dracula Boss Fight

  1. Speak with Dracula to start the boss fight.

  2. First use the SILVER CRUCIFIX to make Dracula change to his bat form.

  3. Attack the bat with the TORCH to light its wing on fire.

  4. Use the HOLY WATER on Dracula's demonic form to blind him.

  5. Finally, slay Dracula with the STAKE.

  6. Click Grace to complete the game.


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