SmartCode's Cheeez Huntr is the sort of simple physics puzzling lazy downtime was made for. As a mouse with a hankering for cheese in a house where safe food storage apparently consists of stacking it out in the open on top of a dirty fridge, you've got a handful of shots to try to knock down all the cheese pieces in each level just by clicking at them. You can click and drag anywhere onscreen to rotate the entire level, letting you plan your angle just right. Though it starts out simple, the addition of immovable objects and other obstacles like blocks you can't let fall off quickly makes things tricky, and if you want all three stars, you need to use as few shots as possible to get all that golden goodness.
The lack of any real bells and whistles means Cheeez Huntr might be best suited for really casual players or kids, though its catchy style, simple gameplay, and light twists like different shapes of cheese and objects are nice touches. Unfortunately, while sixty levels is a fair chunk indeed, if you want to play the rest, you'll need to get the Android version of the game which is not free, and having those extra unavailable 120 levels sort of mocking you from the level select screen in the browser version seems a little tacky. There also seems to be a little odd bugginess, with objects occasionally and unpredictably remaining fixed in midair with nothing to support them. Still, this is the sort of simple little game that browser gaming was made for, and though it might need a bit more depth or complexity to really bring in a wider audience, truly casual, sometimes-gamers and kids will get a kick out of it.
Like the artwork (background, refrig, products on shelves) almost better than the game itself!