More mobile Conceptis puzzles, hooray! The team that practically invented the online presence of pen and paper logic puzzles has released an iOS conversion of one of its browser-based offerings. This time it's Conceptis Nurikabe, a touch screen friendly incarnation of Nurikabe Light. It has a very similar interface to the browser games, offering an easy way to work on hundreds of puzzles on the go without having to sharpen a single pencil.
Nurikabe is all about filling a grid with a network of connected squares. Tap a space once to fill it in, tap it twice to mark it with a dot noting that it should not be filled in, and tap a third time to clear it. You determine which spaces to fill by looking at the numbered tiles which note the number of squares that directly touch that square. It's like little weaving together islands with pathways of land (or, like in Princess Nuriko, another of our favorite mobile nurikabe games, farmland carved in the wilderness). There are a few other rules to become acquainted with, but these are the basics that will get you in the game. From there, it's all up to your powers of logic.
The little extras we've grown accustomed to from Conceptis are also here, including a solving helper, tutorial tips, and a checking system to see if you're on the right track. The free download includes three puzzle packs, one for each easy, medium and hard difficulty levels, for a total of 120 puzzles in all. You can more than double that amount with a few well-placed in-app purchases, cherry picking the level of challenge you want for the next few hours of head-scratching grid filling.
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPad 3. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.