Cover Orange: Journey Knights is a game with one of the great word salad titles. Indeed, it's right up there with Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow and Alpha Black Zero Intrepid Protocol in the field of "maybe this name could use a little context". Of course, those familiar with Johnny-K's Cover Orange series of physics puzzles might figure this installment (featuring the talent of Vladimir Gusev) might involve covering anthropomorphic oranges from evil acid rain. Likewise, the opening cinematic pretty clearly shows said oranges going through some manner of time-warp to the middle ages, which explains the "knights" part. And the journey? Well, that's up to the player to experience for themselves.
To keep your oranges safe each level, you are given a number of wheels and blocks you drop from the top half of the screen by clicking, so as to push/cover your oranges or shift elements of the environment. Some levels now require you to place oranges in the same manner. Once you have placed the objects and oranges, the spike rain clouds will roll in. If just one hits an orange, the level ends and you must to try again. Extra level stars are awarded for placing objects quickly, and for clicking the hidden level star that is revealed once the spiked rain starts a fallin'. Some thought the last Cover Orange player pack was a little lacking, so happily this is a return to form. The puzzles involving placing the oranges yourself add a new and interesting wrinkle to the gameplay, and as strange as it is to mix some hidden-object-ing in with the physics-ing, hunting that extra star in each level does provide a nice distraction while waiting for that cloud to cross the screen. The 36 levels included have a nice learning curve, so both fans of the series and those encountering it for the first time should find it quite a-peeling.
Stuck when I click replay/retry too fast...
Totally don't know the purpose of the three star...
Also, stuck at 17 and 24
for 17
for 24
For the stars I think, the 1st is for completion, the second is for the time (see the icon in the bottom right of the ui) and the 3rd is for finding the secret star when it appears after everything is dropped and the action is going! The precise position of the star changes every run through out of 2 or 3 places it would seem
Finished, except a bug on lvl 16 prevents completion. I've gotten the orange to safety, all parts used, but the cloud never appears. The star pops up and disappears out of one of the flowers, but nothing ever happens. I've redone it three times now.
Having a problem with level 16 also: