So... Think you're the Sultan of Sokoban? The Titan of Tiles? The Big Cheese of Block Pushing? HA! Let's see how you fare now that James Newcombe has come back with a new release in his popular Amiga-inspired Cyadonia series. There'll be all sorts of things to trip you up: pushblocks, dissolvers, switches, glue patches, bounce-backs, teleporters, one-way walls, and much, much more. It's Cyad 2, and it's ready to bring you all the pleasures of pure puzzling.
As before, the goal is to use the [arrow] keys to guide the Cyad Cross to the green X-it. When you tap a key, the Cross will continue in that direction until it hits a wall or another obstacle. Many levels will not unlock the X-it until all the diamonds therein are collected. Others have a time limit. New wrinkles are introduced as time goes on, like the kill-upon-collision mines and the redirecting-momentum arrows. All the levels are unlocked from the start, however, so if you get stuck, salvation is just a key tap away.
Analysis: Cyadonia was one of the sleeper puzzling hits of 2009, and Cyadonia 2 is just the perfect sequel to remind you why this game is so awesome. Its one hundred levels are nothing to sneeze at, especially when they are this good.
It is probably too simplistic an analysis to say that Cyad 2 captures the quality that the original had in raw quantity, but make no mistake: this is very much a streamlined game, and there are very few duds in the collection of challenges herein. The streamlining shows that Newcombe definitely paid close attention to player suggestions, and the result is the rare kind of sequel that new players will feel just as comfortable playing as old. Elements of the previous game that didn't work (most particularly the ill-fitting action elements and "slowdown" mode) are removed, and new ones more fitting to the central sobokan concept take their place. It's still filled-to-bursting with all sorts of tile-pushing ideas, but here they build upon each other much better into a unified whole.
Stylistically, unlike the original and its thematic level packs, there's more of an emphasis on the gimmicks of individual levels. The abstracted story-telling of the original was one of its high points, so it was a little disappointing at first to see it have an apparently lesser focus. However, it soon becomes clear that nothing has been lost: the levels being self-contained allow for a lot more variety in their "plots", and if a concept can be expressed in one level rather than fifteen, it makes for a tighter game overall. One thing that would have been appreciated is the return of the "Timer Off" option, since some of the limits can get pretty stringent.
Sliding block games tend to be love-em-or-hate-em affairs, but if you do love 'em, obviously you want ones that have thought and a passion for the genre evident throughout. Cyad 2 is that kind of game. All that remains is to choose some music to play in the background, since, there's no sound. The fusion-rocker in me wants the appropriately-titled Muse track, but then again, you can't go wrong with the classics.
Walkthrough Guide
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Cyadonia 2 Walkthrough
General Info and Levels 1-77
General Info
In the walkthrough below, hints are given before the solution, when possible.
For the solution, steps are given in both the LRDU (left, right, down, up) format and general directions, depending on the complexity of the level.
Spoilers below general directions are the same steps in LRDU format to help specify, when needed.
While most of the naming conventions have been taken directly from the game, from time to time you may see an object referred to by a different name.
Most of the levels have several different ways of being solved (i.e., they don't require an exact set of steps), so please consider this walkthrough a solution and not the solution.
Main Walkthrough
Level 1, The Basics 1
Level 2, The Basics 2
Level 3, The Basics 3
Level 4, Diamonds 1
Level 5, Diamonds 2
Level 6, Diamonds 3
Level 7, The Cavern
You should be in the top square of the far left column.
You should be one square above the righthand grey block.
You should be one square below the righthand grey block.
You should be in the exit!
Level 8, Diamond Hedge Maze
You should be in the dead end below the start point.
You should be back to the start point.
You should be in the dead end on the right side of the level.
You should be in the upward dead end by the exit.
You should be in the dead end by the previous one.
You should be in the exit!
Level 9, Look Before you Leap
Just because the blue glue is right there, doesn't mean you need to use it right away.
Head LDL into the lower left area.
Circle around counterclockwise to collect the ring of diamonds.
Now go clockwise and right into the area to the right.
Move down, then circle clockwise to collect the ring of diamonds.
Snake upward to the upper left area.
Go left, then circle counterclockwise to collect the ring of diamonds.
Now snake to the right into the upper right area.
Circle around clockwise to collect all the diamonds.
You should be on the blue glue. Head LDL into the exit!
Level 10, Mines 1
Head down and circle counterclockwise to the right of the top stone block.
Again, go down and circle counterclockwise into the exit!
Level 11, Mines 2
Left Mini-Room:
Right Mini-Room:
Level 12, Mines 3
Upper-Right Mini-Room:
Lower-Right Mini-Room:
Lower-Left Mini-Room:
Upper-Left Mini-Room:
Level 13, Diamonds and Mines 1
Bottom Mini-Room:
Top Mini-Room:
Level 14, Diamonds and Mines 2
Choose which side you go to first carefully. One side does not give you access to the other.
This will collect the lower right column of diamonds.
This will collect the upper right column of diamonds.
This will collect the lower left column of diamonds.
This will collect the upper left column of diamonds.
This will collect the last column of diamonds and exit!
Level 15, Diamonds and Mines 3
Keep an eye on the direction you collect the diamonds.
Level 16, Arrows 1
Level 17, Arrows 2
Move down to travel to the next mini-room.
Go UL to travel to the next mini-room.
Circle around clockwise to the righthand arrow to travel to the next mini-room.
Head RD to the left arrow.
Move DR to the exit!
Level 18, Arrows 3
There is no way to re-enter a mini-room once you've left, so watch your step carefully.
Collect the diamond below, then circle around to collect the other.
Step on the up arrow to get sent to the next mini-room.
Collect the diamond above, then step on the down arrow.
Go onto the up arrow to collect the next diamond, then get the last one and step on the up-left arrow to the next mini-room.
Move LD to collect the lower left diamond.
Step on the up-right arrow to collect the righthand diamond.
Collect the diamond to your left, then circle around to the left arrow to collect the last one.
Go up to the exit!
Level 19, Diamond Mine Maze
Level 20, Pushblocks 1
You don't have to be near an object to have access to it.
Push the pushblock below to the right, then up.
Head into the next mini-room.
Go DL and push the nearby pushblock up.
Now push the pushblock right, then head down to exit!
Level 21, Pushblocks 2
Head down and around to move the pushblock down.
Push the pushblock right against the mine, then go down into the next mini-room.
Go RUL and move the pushblock down.
Now move the pushblock right, then head up and around to one square above it.
Head right into the last mini-room, then circle around counterclockwise to above the pushblock.
Push the pushblock down then right.
Now push it up, then head go left onto the down arrow and exit!
Level 22, Pushblocks 3
You will need to take a pushblock into the final mini-room.
Head down and around to the top of the upper pushblock.
Push that block down, then head left.
Now move the left pushblock right, then go down into the next mini-room.
Go right and push the nearby pushblock up.
Now move it left and down so you're one square left of the other pushblock.
Push that pushblock to the right into the last mini-room.
Head up, then counterclockwise to get below the pushblock.
Move the pushblock up, then go left and move the other one to the right.
Go down and exit!
Level 23, Pushstops 1
Move the top pushstop to the right until you can take the path down.
Head down, then move the push stop below you until you can take the path left.
Go left and move the push stop to your left until you can go down and exit!
Level 24, Pushstops 2
Go to the right and circle around to the top of the bottom pushstop.
Move it down until you are left of the diamond, then collect it.
Circle around to below the bottom pushstop and push it all the way up.
Head right to get to the right of the other pushstop.
Push the pushstop left until you are above the exit and head down!
Level 25, Pushstops 3
Move right, then down and around to the right side of that top pushstop.
Now move left until you are right above the other nearby pushstop.
Move down until you are to the left of the top diamond in the lower left quadrant.
Go right to collect the first diamond, then back to the left, up and around to be above the pushstop again.
Move down one square so that you're to the left of the lower left diamond.
Again, go right to collect the diamond, then left, up and around to above the pushtop.
Now head right to the next puststop.
Move to the right until you are between the left set of diamonds.
Head up, then down to collect the two diamonds. Now go left and around so you're to the left of the pushstop.
Move to the right until you are between the next set of diamonds.
Go up, then down to collect the next two diamonds. Now go right and around so you're to the right of the pushstop.
Move to the left until you're below the last pushstop.
Go as far up as you can. You should be to the left of the last diamond.
Head right to collect the last diamond.
Move up and left, then continue going left until you are above the grey block.
Go down, left, then up to the exit!
Level 26, Dissolvers 1
Level 27, Dissolvers 2
Move to the dissolver to the right.
Collect the diamond above, then head down.
Use the dissolver to the left to collect the other diamond.
Go to the square above the last dissolver, then head right into the next mini-room.
Move down and around to touch the lefthand dissolver.
Head up, then go right to each dissolver and collect the diamond below. The last one will lead you into the next mini-room.
Go left, then circle around to touch the middle two dissolvers.
Collect the last diamond, then go right.
Move up and touch the remaining dissolvers so you can go left to exit!
Level 28, Dissolvers 3
Remember, pushblocks treat dissolvers like regular blocks.
Head right and push the pushblock down.
Collect the diamond to your left, then hit the dissolver below.
Circle around right and hit the dissolver below the pushblock.
Go around the top and push the pushblock into the lower right corner.
Move left to the dissolver, then collect the last diamond.
Head toward the right to the top of the pushblock, then exit!
Level 29, Elevators
Be aware of your access to a pushblock once you leave it.
Push the left pushstop down four squares.
Collect the diamond to your right, then push the right pushstop up two squares.
Get the diamond to your left, then circle around the bottom to below the left pushstop.
Move the pushstop up six squares, then collect the diamond to your right.
Push the left pushstop up two more squares, then collect the top diamond.
Now move the right pushstop down so you can collect the last diamond.
Circle around the top, then push the left pushstop down four squares.
Head right and up to the exit!
Level 30, Switches 1
Level 31, Switches 2
Look around before deciding to hit a switch.
Hit the switch in the lower right of the mini-room.
Head LD into the red mini-room, then up to the ledge to hit the switch there.
Go right into the yellow room, then circle up counterclockwise to hit the switch from the left.
Move back LU and enter the last mini-room.
Head up into the exit (do not hit the last switch)!
Level 32, Switches 3
Go down, then circle up to below the two red blocks.
Hit the switch to your left.
Move URD into the next mini-room.
Circle around counterclockwise to the left of the red block.
Hit the switch above, then head right to the right of the red block.
Go up and collect the diamond to the left.
Head right through the arrow, then UR to hit the top switch.
Move left and circle around to hit the bottom switch.
Circle down and push the pushstop two blocks up, then exit!
Level 33, Glue Patches 1
Level 34, Glue Patches 2
Go to the glue patch to the right.
Move to the glue patch below, then collect the diamond to the left.
Head up, then collect the diamond to the right.
Go down, then collect the diamond to the left.
Circle around to the bottom glue patch, then collect the last diamond.
Head back to the right, then use the middle glue patch to exit!
Level 35, Glue Patches 3
Go left to the top glue patch, then over to the left one.
Move right and down, then collect the diamond to your left.
Head back up to the top glue patch.
Use the top three blue glues to collect the right diamond.
Go to the bottom glue patch, then use the blue glues to go left to the next mini-room.
Hit the switch below you.
Move up and over to the blue glue, then down to the switch.
Head to the blue glue, then hit the switch on the left.
Go to the down-right arrow into the next mini-room.
Move up and circle around to the bottom glue patch.
Head to the blue glue above, then the two glue patches to the left.
Use the blue glue, then glue patch to the right to exit!
Level 36, The Swimming Pool
Don't let the blue glue flood your mind; you won't stop in the same square as a diamond.
In tandem with the previous hint, approaching a diamond with a mine behind it is disastrous!
Head right to jump in the 'pool'.
Move one square down, then left to the diamond.
Go five squares down, then collect the diamond to the left.
Head right and down, then collect the diamond to your right.
Move up two squares, then collect the diamond to your left.
Go up two squares, then right one square.
Collect the diamond above you, then go right two squares.
Head down three squares, the collect the diamond to your right.
Go down two squares, then collect the diamond to your left.
Move down one square, then right until you're above the bottom diamond.
Collect the diamond below, then move left one square.
Now collect the diamond above, then the one to the left.
Head up four squares, then right one square.
Collect the diamond below, then the one to the right.
Move down three squares, then collect the last diamond.
Go all the way up to the arrows and exit!
Level 37, Wheels Within Wheels
You cannot just grab each diamond in a circle then go down to the next.
While you plan your weaving path, consider where you'll be able to go into the exit (the innermost red block).
Go right to the blue glue, then right again to collect the diamond.
Move down through the next blue glue to collect the diamond below.
Head left through the next blue glue to collect the last outer diamond.
Use the blue glue above to go right into the next level.
Collect the diamond below then above.
Go right to the blue glue.
Now collect the diamond to the right and go down to the blue glue.
Collect the diamond below, then go left to the last middle blue glue.
Get the diamond below, then the one above.
Collect the diamond to the right, then the left.
Go to the blue glue above, then collect the diamond to the left.
Head back to the right and collect the diamond above.
Move right to the next blue glue, then collect the two diamonds above.
Go back down and collect the diamond to your right.
Head down to the last blue glue, collect the two remaining diamonds, then move left into the exit!
Level 38, Bouncebacks 1
Hit the bounceback below you.
Collect the first diamond.
Move around the corner and hit the bounceback above.
Collect the next diamond.
Move around the next corner and hit the bounceback above.
Collect the next diamond.
Move around the corner and hit the bounceback below.
Collect the next diamond.
Now collect the last diamond.
Hit the bounceback to your right, then exit!
Level 39, Bouncebacks 2
pushblocks treat bouncebacks as regular blocks.
Hit the bounceback below, then head down and push the pushstop two square right.
Collect the diamond to the upper right of the pushblock.
Push the pushblock all the way left.
Head right and up to the down-left arrow to collect the rest of the nearby diamonds.
Move up to the left arrow to enter the next mini-room.
Go to the up-left arrow, then hit the bounceback in the upper left corner.
Head up and push the pushblock down to the bounceback.
Hit the nearby bounceback from the left, then go to the up-right arrow to move the pushblock to the mini-room's upper right corner.
Move right into the next mini-room, then use the up-right arrow.
After hitting the dissolver, go back to the up-right arrow.
Head down through the arrow, then push the pushblock down to the bounceback.
Hit the up-right arrow to push the pushblock to the upper right corner.
Collect the diamond above you, then the one below.
Move right, then circle around counterclockwise to collect the last diamond.
Use the down arrow, then hit the bounceback from above.
(from two squares below the nearby mine)
Now circle around to the left arrow into the last mini-room.
Once you've used the top row of bouncebacks, move to the right arrow below you to exit!
Level 40, Locks and Keys 1
Push the red key down and right into its lock.
Now push the green key up and right into its lock.
(from the red lock)
From the blue glue, head right to exit!
Level 41, Locks and Keys 2
If you want something to go in one direction, sometimes you have to push it elsewhere first.
Push the green key up and right to its lock.
Now push the blue key up and around to its lock.
(from the green lock)
Head back and push the red key up and around to its lock.
(from the blue lock)
Circle back around and push the yellow key down and right before pushing it up and around to its lock.
(from the red lock)
Go up through the yellow lock to the exit!
Level 42, Locks and Keys 3
You'll need to use one of the other keys to get to the blue one.
Don't trust the order of the colored pillars blocking the exit, it's not hardset.
Go to the upper left corner and push the green key right.
Now push the green key down and right.
Head up and push the blue key down.
Move the green key up, then, using the top glue patch, push it into its lock.
Push the blue key right into its lock.
Head up and touch the two remaining dissolvers.
Now move the red key right, down and right again into its lock.
Go left into the exit!
Level 43, One-way Walls 1
Head through the bottom and left one-way walls, then head back down to stop on the left one.
Collect the diamond to your right, then go back left.
Go up and right to stop on the top one-way, then collect the diamond below you.
Move right and up, then collect the diamond to your right.
Now head left into the blue room.
Collect the diamond above, then circle around clockwise to collect the others.
Enter the enclosed room and exit!
(from the last diamond)
Level 44, One-way Walls 2
All of the mini-rooms are interconnected so if you miss a diamond in one, you can just cycle back into the room to get it.
Yellow Mini-Room:
Red Mini-Room:
Blue Mini-Room:
Green Mini-Room:
Yellow Mini-Room:
To Exit:
Level 45, One-way Walls 3
Consider the diamonds available to you before you change a one-way wall.
It is possible to put yourself in a situation where you can't finish a level.
Head to the lower right corner and hit the switch.
Move left through the one-way wall, then back right to stop at it.
Collect the diamond above, then hit the lower right switch again.
Go left to stop at the bottom one-way wall, then up through the one-way above.
Hit the switch above you again, then go down to stop on the one-way wall.
Now collect the diamond to the right.
Head DLU to hit the top switch, then go down and up to stop at the one-way wall.
Go left to collect the diamond, then hit the switch again.
Move right through the one-way, then hit the switch again.
Head left to stop at the one-way wall, then up to collect the diamond.
Circle DLUR to hit the upper right switch, then go left and right to stop on the one-way wall.
Collect the diamond below, then head up through the one-way above.
Go down to stop on the one-way wall, then collect the diamond to the left.
Circle around to stop on the one-way walls to hit the left switch.
Stop on the top one-way, then collect the last diamond.
Hit the left switch again, then stop at each one-way to get to the top one and head right to exit!
Level 46, Teleports 1
Head left into teleporter 1.
Go down to the glue patch and up into teleporter 3.
Move right into teleporter 2.
Head down again to the glue patch and up into teleporter 3 to the exit!.
Level 47, Teleports 2
Pay attention to the surroundings of the exits before you go into a teleporter.
Collect the diamond, then circle around counterclockwise and enter teleporter 1.
Now collect the second diamond.
Enter teleporter 2 from the left (going right).
Get the diamond above, then enter teleporter 3.
Head into the exit!
Level 48, Teleports 3
Remember that the direction you enter a teleporter is the direction you come out the exit.
This level should be able to be done in one fluid path (no cutting across the level).
Head left into teleporter 1.
Go down into teleporter 4.
Move left into teleporter 3.
Head up into teleporter 1.
Go right into teleporter 2.
Move up into teleporter 2 again.
Head right into teleporter 4.
Go down into teleporter 3.
Finally, move right into teleporter 2 to exit!
Level 49, Ghost Walls 1
Level 50, Ghost Walls 2
Level 51, Balls 1
Go right to the blue glue and push the ball down.
Head to the last blue glue and again push the ball down.
Move to the right and push each of the three remaining balls into the exit, then exit yourself!
Level 52, Balls 2
Pay attention to the arrows. You cannot go down those paths!
Do not use the balls for the mines. This goes back to the previous point.
Head left and push the two balls up to the two glue patches above.
Go to the top and push the top two balls down to the two glue patches below.
Move down through the left and push the bottom ball right.
Now push the next ball to the left.
Go back the way you came to push the next ball to the right.
Head up and circle around to push the last ball left.
Move up and push the green switch yourself.
Go down through the glue patches and exit!
Level 53, Balls 3
Remember, when you hit a ball, you stop in whatever square you're in.
Push the left ball down.
Once the ball has settled, move down to circle around the room and push the ball down again.
Now head right into the next mini-room.
Go down to circle around and push the right ball up.
Head up to go around the room again and push the ball up.
Move right to exit!
Level 54, Laserframes 1
Collect the laserframe in the middle.
Head back left and shoot the red block.
Collect a laserframe and shoot the lower right red block.
Go back to collect the last laserframe, shoot the last red block and exit!
Level 55, Laserframes 2
Collect the lower laserframe and, using the middle horizontal path, shoot the mine below.
Now collect the other laserframe and move to the down arrow.
Once you've traveled over the left arrow, shoot the last mine and exit!
Level 56, Laserframes 3
Shoot the blue blocks as needed to get to the diamonds as needed.
While creating paths, don't forget about the diamonds below you as well as left/right.
Collect the purple laserframe, then head left.
Shoot two blocks above you, then head up.
Now shoot one block right, then go right.
Shoot the block below you and collect the diamond.
Head back up and shoot the block to your right.
Collect the diamond to your right, then go back left.
Shoot four blocks above you, then go up.
Now shoot the two blocks to your right and collect that diamond.
Circle around to the middle left, then shoot four blocks above you.
Go up and shoot one block to your left.
Move left and shoot the four blocks below you.
Collect the diamond below you, then head back up.
Shoot the block to your left and collect the last diamond.
Head back right and shoot one block above you.
Go up and shoot one block to your left.
Move left and shoot the remaining blocks above you.
Head up to the other purple laserframe and exit!
Level 57, Shoot Switches 1
(when to use slow is up to your discretion)
Collect the nearby laserframe and shoot the nearby switch.
Collect the lower right laserframe and shoot the switch below.
(from the upper left corner of the level)
Collect the next laserframe up and shoot the switch to the left.
Head into the upper right to collect the laserframe and shoot the upper right switch.
Now collect the last laserframe and shoot the lower left switch.
(from two squares above the middle right switch)
Go down to the arrows and exit!
Level 58, Shoot Switches 2
Just because there's a shoot switch doesn't mean you should shoot it.
Switches aren't the only thing you can shoot.
Traveling back and forth, use the laserframes in slow to destroy the five mines to the exit's immediate left.
From the right side, collect a laserframe and shoot the switch above you.
After traveling down from the arrow, take the exit!
Level 59, Shoot Switches 3
It's not just shooting the correct shoot switch but also how you approach it.
Balls treat laserframes like blocks.
Collect the laserframe at your right and shoot the bottom switch from below.
Head up and collect the available laserframe.
Go to the square above the green shoot switch.
Shoot the switch below you, then push the ball that appears to the right.
Collect the top laserframe and push the ball down.
From one square above the ball, shoot the red switch to your left.
Now collect the other laserframe, then push the ball down so you can go left out the mini-room.
Head down towards the yellow block, then shoot the remaining green switch.
Use the green block to go left and exit!
Level 60, The Lido
The paths between mini-rooms are one-way, so be sure you're ready to leave before you make your way.
The red switch in the bottom mini-room makes the bottom blue block disappear and one to appear two squares above the right arrow in the exit's mini-room.
Top Mini-Rooms
Collect the two diamonds below you.
Now collect the middle set of diamonds.
Get the left set of diamonds.
At last, get the final set of diamonds.
Head through the path into the next mini-room.
Go to the down arrow to your right.
Move RU to the left arrow.
Collect the nearby diamond and head down.
Again, collect the nearby diamond, then head right to the down-left arrow.
Now collect the diamond above, then head back down and get the last diamond.
Head down into the last mini-room.
Bottom Mini-Room
You should be two squares left of the bottom blue block.
Go over to the glue patch.
Push the bottom ball right, then follow after it.
Send the ball up, then follow after it and send it right.
Head back to the glue patch and push the ball down.
Move the ball right and up.
Now hit the red switch, then circle around to the right ball.
Push it left and go down into the mini-room to exit!
Level 61, Mirrors 1
Collect the laserframe below.
In slow, head up and shoot: the bottom mirror, between the top two lone blocks and through the top opening.
Head over to the other purple laserframe, then up to exit!
Level 62, Mirrors 2
When you already have a laserframe, a second one will act like a block.
Not all mines need to be destroyed.
Collect the laserframe above, then go into slow mode.
Head right and shoot the first mirror below you.
Once you've collected the next laserframe, shoot the mine to the right.
After getting the following laserframe, shoot below you, before the right arrow.
When in the corner with another laserframe, shoot below you.
Now you can come out of slow, then head down and left.
Go up and, using the right three laserframes, shoot the right three mines below.
Collect another laserframe, then head down to the right of the remaining two mines on that row.
Shoot right to turn the mine to your left into a block.
Head back up to get the laserframe, then down to the row with the mine blocking two laserframes.
Now shoot that mine and collect one of the laserframes.
In slow mode, shoot one of the mines below you.
Go back to get the last laserframe, then shoot the remaining mine.
Come out of slow, then head down and travel along the arrows to the exit!
Level 63, Mirrors 3
When figuring out how to shoot at the mines, start at them and work your way backward.
There are quick ways of shooting the mines; you don't have to bounce off of every mirror.
Don't forget to put yourself in slow when needed.
(you're only told when you need to be in slow, once you've used the laserframe, you can come out of it)
Head down to the blue glue.
In slow, go left to collect the laserframe, then shoot the first mirror below to destroy the mine.
Move back right and go down to the arrow.
Now head to the next blue glue, then put yourself in slow.
Go right and shoot the first mirror below you to destroy the next mine.
Head back left and down onto the arrow.
Move down to the blue glue and put yourself in slow.
Go left to the laserframe and shoot the first mirror below you.
Head down to collect the last laserframe, then head up and right to the last arrow.
Shoot the mine below you and exit!
Level 64, The Courtyard
This level tests your use of the pushstop, pushblock, blue glue and ball.
Remember that balls can collect diamonds while pushstops and pushblocks are stopped by them.
Each mini-room is independent, so can be done in any order.
pushstop Mini-Room
Head up to collect the three diamonds above you, then come back down.
Go right and move the pushstop all the way left.
Move the pushstop all the way up.
Collect the two diamonds to your left, then the two on your right.
Now collect the two diamonds above you, then get the four on the bottom row.
Get the last two diamonds, pushing the pushstop one square right in the process, then head down.
pushblock Mini-Room
Head right to collect the three diamonds in the middle row, then come back out.
Go down and move the pushblock up.
Move the pushblock right, then collect the two diamonds above you and the two below.
Now collect the four diamonds on the left.
Finally, collect the two diamonds on the right, pushing the pushblock down in the process.
Head left out of the mini-room.
Blue Glue Mini-Room
Head down into the mini-room.
Collect the two diamonds to your left, then the two to your right.
Get the diamonds below you, then circle around the room counterclockwise to the remaining blue glue.
Head up and out of the mini-room.
Ball Mini-Room
Head up toward the ball and push it down.
Follow after it, then push it left.
Go left yourself, then collect the two diamonds above you.
Get the diamond to your right, then the two to the left, pushing the ball into the mine in the process.
Move right, then down to get the left two diamonds.
Finally, collect the last two diamonds, then head right into the exit!
Level 65, Laser Cannons 1
There are multiple ways of approaching the switches, so choose your path wisely.
If you haven't activated a switch from the right direction, you may not be able to move on.
Approach the first green switch from the right.
Now approach the second green switch from the left.
The third switch should be approached from the right.
Head out the exit!
Level 66, Laser Cannons 2
Each green switch activates/deactivates a laser cannon.
Shooting either of the dual laser cannons on the right will get rid of the laser, so choose wisely.
Collect the diamond below you, hitting the green switch in the process.
Head up to the laser cannon and collect the left diamond.
Hit the green switch to your right, which will reactivate the left laser.
Collect the diamond above you, then hit the switch to your left.
Now collect the diamond below you, then hit the next green switch.
Collect the diamond below you, then get the left diamond, which should also earn you a laserframe.
Shoot the laser cannon to your right, then head back down and right to the dissolver.
Now collect the laserframe and diamond above you, then go back down.
Shoot the bottom laser, then head up and collect the left diamond.
Now collect the middle, top, then bottom diamonds.
Hit the green switch below you, which will disable the laser below, then exit!
Level 67, Laser Cannons 3
Balls can activate switches.
Lasers can destroy regular grey blocks.
Push the ball below you down.
Now push the right ball to the right.
Move the left ball left to hit the red switch and deactivate the nearby laser cannon.
Head down to the red switch and hit it to destroy the column of bombs.
Hit the switch again and head up the path.
Push the pushblock to your right to the right.
Move the pushblock below you down.
Circle around and move the bottom pushblock left.
Head back up and push the middle pushblock left and down so it's above the bottom one.
Hit the red switch to your right.
Go down and around and hit the red switch below the right laser cannon.
Now hit the other nearby red switch to activate the top laser cannon.
Once the mine's been destroyed, hit the switch again.
Circle around and exit!
Level 68, Balls to the Wall
Remember that when you hit a ball, you stop in the square you're in. The same applies when one ball hits another.
Head to the upper right and push the nearby ball to the left.
Circle around to the lower left and push the nearby ball up.
Move around to the upper right again to the right of the two balls.
Push the balls left. One should end up on the far left wall.
Circle around and push that ball down.
Move the ball right, then up.
Go back around to the lone ball and push it left.
Follow after the ball, then head down into the blue-walled mini-room.
Go to the upper right corner and hit the red switch, which will create a ball.
Send the ball down, left and up.
Repeat until you have a column of three balls.
Now create a ball and just push it down.
Repeat until you have a column of four balls.
Move yourself on top of the four ball column.
Push the ball to your left to the left, then exit!
Level 69, Diagonal Shot
Before you begin, take a look at the dissolvers and how you can approach them.
Remember, when you touch a dissolver, you stop in the square you're in.
Move to the up-left arrow.
Go down to the up-right arrow, then back to the up-left arrow.
Move left, through the one-way wall, and back to the up-left arrow.
Do this again to get into the top mini-room of diamonds.
Collect all the diamonds, then go down through the one-way wall to the dissolver.
Push the ball down, then follow after it.
Go left and circle around to the left of the pushstop.
Move the pushstop two squares right so it's above the ball.
Head down and push the ball right.
Follow after it, then go to the up-right arrow.
Go left through the one-way wall, then push the pushstop all the way down.
Move right, then push the ball down.
Now push the ball onto the up-right arrow and follow after it.
Collect all the diamonds, then go down through the one-way wall to the exit!
Level 70, Move Switches 1
Head down to the move switch, which controls the green block.
Position the block one square above and right of the lower right diamond.
Collect the middle and lower right diamonds, then head back to the move switch.
Now position the block one square right.
Collect the upper right diamond and head back to the move switch.
Position the block two squares above the bottom diamond.
Collect the top diamond and head back to the move switch.
Position the block one square left.
Now collect the last diamond, then head up to the exit!
Level 71, Move Switches 2
Go up to the move switch.
Position the block up and to the side.
Collect the diamond below, then head back to the move switch.
Put the block back where it was, one block above where you collected the diamond.
Head down to the right move switch.
Position the block right and either up or down.
Collect the diamond to the left, then head back to the move switch.
Put the block back where it was, one block right of the diamond you just collected.
Head left to the move switch below.
Use the block to destroy the mine above.
Go up and right to the next move switch.
Position the block one square below and left of the right diamond.
Collect the diamond and head back to the move switch.
Put the block in the square of the diamond you just collected, then collect the last diamond.
Head back to the move switch and place the block one square above and left of the downward one-way wall.
Move through the one-way wall and exit!
Level 72, Move Switches 3
Be sure you're done with an object your moving with the move switch before continuing.
Remember that blue glues disappear after one use, so they're positioned in places for a reason.
Don't forget that [S] puts you in slow.
Head to the move switch, which controls the ball in the lower left mini-room.
Use the ball to collect the nearby diamond.
Now use the ball to hit the green switch, which turns the mine above you into an up arrow.
Send the ball up through the one-way wall.
Use the ball to destroy the mine in the middle, below the pushblock.
Head up through the arrow to the blue glue.
Move the pushblock right, then go back out and up to the next move switch.
Put the in its lock, which turns the mine to your right into a right arrow.
Now head right through the arrow to the next move switch, picking up a laserframe on the way.
Position the mirror two blocks below the one in the upper left corner of the mini-room.
Using slow, shoot through the opening, allowing you down to the next move switch.
Now position the teleporter exit below the bottom diamond.
Head to the right and enter the teleporter from below (so you're going up).
Go out the one-way wall and back down to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit to the right of the right diamond.
Enter the teleporter from the right to collect the diamond.
Head back around to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit above the top diamond.
Enter the teleporter from the top to collect the diamond.
Head back around to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit to the left of the last diamond.
Enter the teleporter from the left to collect the diamond.
Circle back around through the one-way wall and make your way to the exit!
Level 73, Move Switches 4
Head up to the nearby move switch.
Position the block up one square, then collect the top diamond and go back to the move switch.
Now position the block down two squares, then collect the bottom diamond and go back to the move switch.
Use the block to destroy the mine blocking the path into the next mini-room.
Head into the next mini-room and go to the move switch.
Position the block in the lower right corner of the mini-room.
Collect the right diamond and head back to the move switch.
Now position the block one square up and left of the remaining diamond.
Collect the diamond and head back to the move switch.
Use the block to destroy the mine blocking the path into the next mini-room.
Head into the next mini-room and go to the right move switch.
Move the mine right to destroy the block in the path into the last mini-room.
Go onto the left move switch and position the block down two squares and right one square of the exit.
Head to the top and move the pushstop right one square.
Collect the last diamond, head into the last mini-room, then exit!
Level 74, Move Switches 5
You need to take the blue blocks into each 'mini-room' of the level.
Each move switch controls both blue blocks.
Although both blocks move synchronously, one will still move if the other is unable to.
Move right to the first move switch.
Position the blocks so one is blocking you seven squares to your right so that you can't access the 'hallway' beyond the first mini-room and the second block one square above the lower left corner of the mini-room.
R*6 D*3 L*8 UR
Collect the bottom diamonds, then up to collect the top ones.
Go down and right to get back onto the move switch.
Now move the blue blocks into the second mini-room. One should be to the upper left of the top diamond and the other to the lower left of the bottom diamond.
DR*12 U*2 R*3 DRD*5
LDL*3 D*5 L*3
Collect the two diamonds and head left to the next move switch.
Move the blue blocks into the third mini-room. One should be two squares above the right diamond and the other two squares down and one square to the left.
U*5 DL*4 D*4 L*3
Collect the top diamond by heading DRU.
Now collect the right diamond by going RDLU.
Finally collect the last diamond by moving LDLU RDL.
Now head to the final move switch by first going to where the previous one was and going RUL.
At last, move the two blue blocks to their final destinations. One should be used to destroy the mine and the other to the upper right of the exit.
LU*3 RU*4 R*6
Level 75, Oh No! So Many Switches!
Each of the switches makes another one appear/disappear everytime it's pressed.
Remember the order the switches activate the next!
(because of the structure of this level, only the direction of the path you must go down will be given)
Up, Right, Left, Down
Left, Right, Up, Left
Up, Right, Down, Left, Up
Level 76, Rotation
Each quadrant is identical, so figuring out one part is figuring out them all.
You'll become less disoriented if you focus on the goal of each of your moves versus the direction.
Head up, toward the upper left quadrant, and push the pushstop all the way up.
Now push it to the left until it is above the other pushstop.
Move the ball down, then to the left to collect one of the diamonds.
Go back up and move the top pushstop to the left.
Push the lower pushstop all the way down, then collect the diamond to your left.
Shove the ball up to collect the other diamonds and destroy the mine, then go after it.
Move the top pushstop all the way right, then head down to exit the mini-room.
Now follow the same steps for each mini-room:
Push the first pushstop as far in the initial direction as possible.
Now push it toward the other pushstop until they're lined up.
Push the ball away from the you, then toward the diamonds.
Now push the initial pushstop toward the mines, then push the other one all the way to the far wall.
Collect the diamond available to you, then push the ball to collect the others.
Follow after the ball, then move the nearby pushstop into the far corner.
Now head out of the mini-room into the next.
After collecting the last diamond, a way to a nearby exit will appear so you can leave!
Level 77, Keys in Order Please!
Although presented all together, the keys move individually when under the influence of the move switch.
Use the ditches by the keys to your advantage for re-ordering.
Move down to the move switch.
Using the nearby ditch, position the green key to the right of the yellow key (place the green key in the ditch, move the yellow key one column left of the ditch, then put the green key back up).
Repeat to place the blue key to the right of the green key, then place the red key to the right of the blue key.
Now push the keys left and down until each key is to the left of its corresponding colored block.
Move yourself onto the down arrow to activate the green switch, which destroys the colored blocks.
Use each of the glue patches to push the keys into their locks.
Circle around the bottom and head up through the locks to the next move switch.
Move the keys down and left so that the green key is below the green lock.
Put the green key in its lock, then move the red key back down.
Now move the keys left and put the yellow key in its lock, destroying the green lock to get there.
Put the blue key back down, then put the red key in its lock, destroying the yellow lock.
Finally, put the blue key in its lock.
Now hit the green switch below you, head all the way down, then left so you can exit!
Posted by: Kyh
February 23, 2012 3:30 PM
Cyadonia 2 Walkthrough
Levels 78-100
Level 78, Reflection
Mirrors are good for more than just reflecting lasers; they make good surfaces too.
The mini-room you start in has an arrow at the exit. That means you have to have everything placed for the end before you leave!
Go to the move switch to your right.
Position the mirror down two squares to line up with the top mine, then move it right until it hits the laser.
After the mine is destroyed, place the mirror one square left and three squares down so it's in the row above the lefthand mine.
Go to the other move switch, then position the mirror one square above the left mine.
Return to the right move switch and place the mirror under the laser to destroy the left mine, then put it one square left.
Head to the top move switch and position the mirror right until it's above the middle mine.
Using the right move switch, position the mirror under the laser to destroy the middle mine, then put it one square left.
Go back to the top move switch and position the mirror to the right until it's above the right mine.
Return to the right move switch and place it under the laser to destory the right mine, then position the mirror one square right of the last mine.
Head to the rop move switch and position the mirror six squares above the bottom left diamond.
Move to the arrow and out of the mini-room.
Collect the two diamonds on the left.
Now go DRULDR and collect the last three diamonds.
Finally, use the mirrors to get to the exit!
Level 79, Labyrinth
The timer doesn't start until you make your first move. You can also pause and still be able to see the screen, although shaded.
The level has several loops, so you have to keep your eye out for paths you can take and still get back to a split to take the other path.
Level 80, Colour Clues
As far as I can tell, it's not possible to collect the diamond in this level.
Follow the name of the level, it's a clue as to the general direction you need to go.
You should be in the far right square of the top row.
You should be above the lone block to the left of the two block pillar sticking out of the right wall.
You should be in the lower left corner of the red block section.
You should be four squares right of the diamond.
You should be three squares above the vertical two block group on the left.
You should be one square below the lone block above the leftmost blue block.
You should be in the lower right corner of the yellow section.
Level 81, Journey to the Emerald City
Analyze the 'Emerald City'. You must use the push stop to your advantage, but will not have the right access to it from every 'pillar'.
Push the left yellow key right and up.
Head to the right and push the right yellow key down.
Now move the left yellow key right and down into the bottom lock.
After destroying the bottom lock, move the remaining yellow key left and up into the last lock.
Go out the opening into the 'Emerald City'.
Collect the diamond to your left, then push the push stop left one square.
Move DL to collect two of the diamonds, then back up to the push stop.
Push the push stop left one square and collect the diamond below.
Using the arrow, collect the far left diamond, then push the push stop left four squares so it's below the yellow block.
Collect the diamond below plus the two to the right.
Move the push stop two squares to the right, then circle around to its left.
Push the push stop one square to the left and collect the last diamond.
Now move the push stop to the left until it is below the dissolver.
Use the arrow to get to the push stop's left side, then step through the dissolver and hit the red switch.
Send the push stop all the way to the right and head up through the one-way block.
Once into the original mini-room, go left and up to the exit!
Level 82, Mirror World
The red switch at the top renews the blue glue column below it each time you hit it.
The key to this level is getting one side to a state where you can do the same on the other side and then come back and finish the first.
Just because you can put a key in a lock doesn't mean you should.
Push the yellow key down.
Head ULD to get to the bottom half and push the push stop left two squares.
Go up through the one-way blocks, then right onto a blue glue.
Move DL, then move down and push the red key left.
Push the push stop to the left, then push the red key up.
Now move the yellow key right, then move ULD to the bottom half and move the push stop right one square.
Go up through the one-way blocks, then push the red key right and the yellow key down.
Move back up and move right through the red lock to the top blue glue.
Travel RUL to activate the red switch, then travel down.
Head left, go up one blue glue, then head right into the rightside.
This assumes you're one square right and two squares above the push stop. Also, the bottom two blue glues have been used.
Move the push stop left one square, then head up and move the yellow key down.
Travel back down and move the push block left one square.
Head up through the one-way blocks, then head left to the blue glue.
Go DRD and push the red key right.
Move the push stop right one square to get below the red key, then move it up.
Push the yellow key left, then travel down and push the push stop left one square.
Collect the four diamonds in the lower right.
Go up through the one-way blocks, then push the red key left into the lock.
Move the yellow key down, then move left into the leftside.
Collecting the Diamonds
This assumes you're one the leftside two squares left and one square above the yellow lock.
Collect the four diamonds in the lower left.
Head up through the left one-way blocks and activate the red switch.
Move the left yellow key into its lock.
Go up and right through the red lock and collect the upper right diamonds.
Using the bottom two blue glues, push the right yellow key into its lock.
Head through the left one-way blocks and hit the red switch.
Collect the last four diamonds, then make your way to the blue glues and go down to the exit!
Level 83, The Green Horizon
Look at the positions of the diamonds before deciding what order to move the push blocks.
Unlike balls, push blocks cannot collect diamonds, so they will stop at them.
The Lower Diamonds
Go all the way down and push the lower left push block to the right.
Collect the diamond below you, then head up to the glue patches.
Now collect the diamond right of the lower left push block.
Circle around and push the lower left push block right.
Repeat the previous three steps until you collect the diamond one square left of the middle. Do not push the push block left at this point.
Collect the diamond left of the lower right push block.
Move the push block left, then collect the diamond below you.
Repeat the previous two steps until you've pushed the lower right push block up against the lower left one.
The Upper Diamonds
You should have the push blocks positioned so you have a route up the middle gap.
Head up the middle and push the upper left push block left.
Collect the diamond above you, then circle around and collect the diamond one square left of the upper left push block.
Move the upper left push block left and repeat until all the upper left diamonds are collected.
Now push the upper right push block right and collect the diamond above you.
Collect the diamond right of the upper right push block, then push it right.
Head back left and push the upper left push block up against the upper right one.
Now collect the last two diamonds, then head up the middle via the bottom row and exit.
Level 84, Help-ball
Each of the move switches controls the ball.
Once you leave a mini-room, you cannot reenter it. The same goes for the grey ball.
A grey ball cannot be pushed onto or over a move switch.
(numbered 1-4, clockwise starting in the upper left)
Mini-Room 1
Head down to the move switch.
Use the ball to collect the bottom diamond.
Position the ball one square to the left of the top green block.
Circling counterclockwise around the room, go to where you're one square left of the ball.
Collect the diamond above, then go back to the move switch.
Position the ball in the lower right corner by first heading UR.
Follow after the ball yourself, then go right into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 2
You should be on the move switch and the grey ball is in the lower right corner of the previous room.
Positon the ball one square to your left.
Move yourself one square to the left of the ball.
Collect the diamond above you, then go to the blue glue.
Head back up to the move switch and position the ball in the upper right corner.
Collect the last diamond, then go back to the move switch.
Send the ball down into the next mini-room, then follow yourself.
Mini-Room 3
The ball should be one square above and to the left of the red switch and you should be above the ball.
Collect the diamond to your left, then push the ball right.
Follow after the ball, then hit the red switch below you to create a block in the upper left corner.
Now collect the diamond above you, then go to the move switch.
Position the ball above the bottom red block in the next room.
Head left into the last mini-room.
Mini-Room 4
You should be three squares above the left red block.
Move so that you're one square above the ball.
Collect the diamond to your left.
Push the ball to the right.
Now collect the diamond above you.
Head to the lower right corner and push the ball up.
Snake around the room toward the left and exit!
Level 85, Exit Strategy
Before you even move, consider where you have to go.
As the title suggests, how are you going to get back through the green part?
Collect the right purple shooter.
Shoot left twice.
In slow mode, go left. When you have a block directly above and below you, hold shift and shoot the two blocks below.
Now, when you're above the lower two block cluster, shoot one block below and one above.
After you've stopped, turn off slow mode and shoot the block above you.
Go up, then shoot the block to your left.
Touch the other purple shooter to cancel it out, then collect the diamond below.
Head back to where the second purple shooter was, then go (RDRD RUR) and exit.
Level 86, Follow the Path of Gold
Listen to the tips!
Not every gold block will be touched.
Level 87, The Knock-on Effect
When a grey ball hits another one, it completely transfer its momentum. This means that the moving grey ball will stop in the square it's in when it hits another grey ball and the hit grey ball will instead move in that direction.
Go right, then push the grey ball up seven squares. It should be to the left and one square below the leftmost diamond.
Now push the grey ball to the right.
Move up, over and down, which will knock the grey ball into the laser below.
Go right to collect the first diamond, then hit up to create a block over the left laser.
Now head left, down and over to the middle section.
Hit the middle red button to create another grey ball.
Push it up so it's to the left and one square below the upper middle diamond, then push it right.
Head back down and create another grey ball.
Push this one up so that it's to the left and two sqaures below the lower middle diamond, then push it right.
Head all the way up, to the right and down.
Collect the upper middle diamond.
Go left, down, then right to collect the lower middle diamond.
Push the nearby red button, then head left, down and around to the right section.
Create a grey ball and push it up so it's to the left and one square below the upper right diamond, then push it right.
Head back down and create another grey ball. Push this one two squares below the second diamond down.
Create another grey ball and push this one three squares below the third diamond down.
One more grey ball and push it four squares below the lower right diamond.
After all four grey balls are pushed to the right, go all the way up.
Go right, then down to each grey ball, collecting the diamonds along the way.
Now head down and exit.
Level 88, The Rainbow Palace
Some of the diamonds will be collected by you, some by the grey balls.
The push block needs to move somewhere else in order to be useful.
Push the grey ball above you straight up to travel through the double green-walled path.
Send a grey ball to the right through the lower double brick-walled path to push the push block up.
Now send a grey ball to the right through the upper double brick-walled path to collect the diamond within.
Push a grey ball to the square to the left of the push block to send them both against the left arrow.
Head to the right, against the grey ball you just pushed, collect the diamond below, then head back left to the glue squares.
Move a grey ball up through the path of the first ball to move the push block down.
Now push a grey ball down from the lower left glue square to move the push block right.
Send a grey ball up from the upper left glue square through the green/blue-walled path to move the push block down.
Now send yourself through this path.
Head RUL to collect the two diamonds and head through the double left arrows to push a grey ball back onto the glue squares.
Move the other remaining grey ball through the upper path to the left to collect the diamond and destroy the mine.
Now move the last grey ball to the upper left glue square.
Go through the path to the left where the mine was, then head right and down to push the grey ball to the lower left glue square.
Push the ball left to get it into the far right square.
Press the red button to change the bottom middle arrow, then head through the same path. The push block should be to the left of the last grey ball you pushed, and you should be to the left of the push block.
Head down to get below the push block, then push it up and exit!
Level 89, Little Shopper
Remember, when a grey ball hits another one, the one that was moving, stops in the square it's in when it hits the other one.
You cannot collect the diamonds through each section consecutively, it takes a lot of grey ball movement.
It's not just about setting up to collect a diamond, it's also about how collecting that diamond will setup for collecting the next one.
For ease of reference, I call the grey balls and diamonds by the colored section they're in.
Push the bottom green ball up.
Move the ball you pushed into the glue patch two patches to the right so it's over the red section.
Send the upper left red ball to the right.
Now head down and come up the middle of the red section to collect the upper red diamond.
Go back down the way you came and move to the right to get to the right side of the upper red ball.
Push that grey ball to the glue square over the green section.
Move down and come up the middle of the green section to collect the upper green cyrstal.
Go back the way you came, then come up on the left and push the lower green ball to the right.
Now send the upper green ball down.
Head down between the green and blue sections and push the lower green ball to the glue square below the red section.
Push the upper red ball to the right, then come down the middle to collect the lower red diamond.
Go up and around to the right to send the lower red ball to the glue square below the blue section.
Send the middle blue ball to the right.
Coming down through the middle, collect the two diamonds as you push the balls down.
Again coming down the middle, collect the last green diamond.
Head up and around to the right, then push the remaining balls all the way to the left.
Move onto the up arrow yourself, then exit to the right.
Level 90, The Right Tool for the Job
For most of the mini-rooms, you won't be allowed back in after you leave, so plan carefully.
When deciding between the pushstop and grey ball, remember that grey balls can both collect diamonds and detonate mines.
You must complete the mini-rooms from left-to-right.
(numbered 1-5, left-to-right)
Mini-Room 1
Create a grey ball.
Push it to the right, then get onto the blue glue above it.
Send the ball down, then head down yourself.
Collect the two diamonds on the left, then the two on the right and head out.
Mini-Room 2
Create a pushstop, then push it over the entrance to the second mini-room.
Head to the blue glue above it and push it all the way down to the bottom, touching the grey block to the right to make it disappear before entering the mini-room.
Go left to collect the lower left diamond, then push the pushstop to the right one square.
Travel clockwise around the room, then push the pushstop to the left one square.
Move up to collect the two righthand diamonds, then travel clockwise again and move the pushstop to the left one square.
Now head counterclockwise around the room and move the pushstop right one square.
Go up to collect that last diamond, then go counterclockwise again to move the pushstop right one square.
Head up out of the mini-room.
Mini-Room 3
Create a pushtop, then push it over the entrance to the third mini-room.
Head to the blue glue above it and push it down four squares, touching the grey block to the right to make it disappear before entering the mini-room.
Go left to collect the upper left diamond, then back right above the pushstop.
Move down again, then head right and up to collect the top diamond.
Travel down, then push the pushstop all the way to the left.
Collect the last diamond, then push the pushstop all the way up.
Go right and up to leave the mini-room.
Mini-Room 4
Create a grey ball, then push it over the entrance to the fourth mini-room.
Head to the blue glue above it and push it down.
Travel down yourself. First head right, then circle around the room clockwise to collect the diamonds.
Exit the mini-room.
Mini-Room 5
Create a pushstop, the push it over the entrance to the fifth mini-room.
Head to the blue glue directly above it and push it D*4 L. It should be above the righthand square of the dual blue block.
Travel back up and create a grey ball.
Push it over the entrance to the fifth mini-room.
Head to the blue glue above it and push it down.
Go down yourself and position yourself one square to the right of the grey ball.
Travel right to collect the diamond, then left to get the last one and detonate the mine.
Move up, then counterclockwise to the left of the pushstop.
Head right until you can travel up out of the last mini-room, then exit the level.
Level 91, Bouncing Back
Bouncebacks are exactly as they're named, whatever hits them bouncing back in the direction it came. One use only.
Diagonal arrows can get you into areas that look otherwise unattainable.
(numbered 1-5, clockwise, starting in the upper left)
Mini-Room 1
Hit the bounceback to the right.
Now hit the other bounceback from above.
Collect the diamond to the right.
Move to the right of the upper left square.
Now collect the last two diamonds and head out the mini-room.
Mini-Room 2
You should be one square to the left of the top red block.
Hit the bounceback from the left.
Collect the diamonds from top to bottom, then head right into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 3
You should be one square to the left of the lower right yellow block.
Push the grey ball up, then collect the diamond to the right.
Collect the other diamonds from left-to right.
Head down into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 4
Move LD to the move switch, which controls the down-right arrow.
Position the move switch to the left and down so that it's three squares above you.
Travel to the arrow, then hit the bounceback.
Now collect the diamonds to your right.
From the lower blue glue square, move DL back to the move switch.
Position the arrow up three squares so that it sends you to the leftmost diamond.
Travel to the arrow, then collect the remaining diamonds.
Go back to the move switch and position the arrow one square to the right.
Head up to the glue patch, then down and left into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 5
It's important where you positioned the arrow before leaving mini-room 4, so check the previous part if you're having trouble with that.
Head down, then move the push block to the left.
Collect the diamond below you, then position yourself above the push block.
Move the push block down , then collect the diamonds to your right.
Go up and left. From each of the regular glue squares, head down to collect the remaining diamonds.
Now travel right back into the fourth mini-room.
Head to the move switch and position the arrow four squares below the righthand glue square in the fifth mini-room.
Travel back into the fifth mini-room, head down onto the arrow and exit!
Level 92, The Gallery
Each mini-room is self contained until you get to the last few.
Careful planning is needed on this level as a single wrong move will often require you to restart.
(numbered 1-12, starting in the lower left corner traveling up and down, left-to right)
Mini-Room 1
Collect the bottom diamond from the left.
Now collect the top diamond from the right.
Head back to the right and go up into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 2
You should be on the square where the lower blue glue was.
Head left, then continue traveling counterclockwise to collect the bottom two diamonds.
Again, head left, then continue traveling counterclockwise to collect the top two diamonds.
Travel up to the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 3
You should be one square below the left arrow.
Head to the up arrow.
Now go to the right arrow.
Travel UR to go to the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 4
You should be one square above the upper left diamond square.
Head down and back up to collect the three left diamonds.
Push the push stop all the way to the right.
Go down to collect the right three diamonds.
Move the lower push stop to the left.
Head RUL to collect the top diamond.
Travel DR to collect the last diamond.
Now move down into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 5
You should be one square left of the top row of diamonds.
Head right to collect that top row.
Travel LD to push the grey ball to the right.
Move clockwise around the room so that you're above the grey ball.
Go left to collect the last diamonds, then exit to the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 6
You should be to the right of the top diamond and above the grey ball.
Collect the diamond to your left.
Circle around and push the grey ball to the left.
Move yourself to the left, then collect the bottom diamond.
Push the grey ball up to collect the last diamond.
Head RU and through to the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 7
You should be two squares below the rightmost diamond.
Circle clockwise around the room to collect the outer two diamonds.
Go down, the successively head left, up and down to collect each of the other diamonds.
Collecting the final diamond will also get you into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 8
You should be one square below the lone grey square.
Head to the downward right arrow to collect the left two diamonds.
Now go up to get the last diamond and go into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 9
You should be one square below the righthand push stop.
Position yourself below the other push stop and move it up two squares.
Collect the two diamonds, then move the left push stop up into the corner.
Travel clockwise around the lone grey square, then push the right push stop down two squares.
Circle around to the left of the push stop and move it into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 10
You should be pushing a push stop from the previous mini-room into this one.
Line up the push stop with the middle of the room so that you are below the three left diamonds.
Travel up to collect the three diamonds, then head back and push the push stop one square to the right.
Head up to collect the lower left diamond, then circle clockwise around the room so that you're to the right of the push stop.
Move the push stop one square left so you can go UD to collect the right two diamonds.
Push the push stop two more squares to the left.
Travel through the opening in the lower right to get to the next mini-room. There should still be one diamond left.
Mini-Room 11
You should be in the upper right corner of the mini-room.
Position yourself one square above the grey ball.
Collect the diamond to your left, then head up and push the push block in the previous mini-room up three squares so it's to the left of the diamond above.
Circle counterclockwise around the push stop and go down one square.
Get the last diamond in that mini-room, then move the push stop all the way down.
Push the grey ball to the left, then head left yourself.
Collect the last diamond, then move to the blue glue square.
Now move the grey ball down and follow after it into the last mini-room.
Mini-Room 12
You should be one square above a grey ball you pushed into this mini-room from the previous one.
Push the grey ball to the right.
Circle around clockwise to push the grey circle down.
Head down yourself and collect the last three diamonds.
Move right, which will push the grey ball into the mine, then head up and circle around counterclockwise to the exit.
Level 93, Baseball
Figuring out how to maneuver around this level is key. Corners are your friends!
Ther is an optimal order of collecting the diamonds. While this order can be adjusted, it takes much more careful movement in doing so.
Push the switch above to create a ball.
Get yourself above the ball and move it down.
Move yourself down as well, then position yourself to the ball's left and push it right.
Head up and right, then push the ball down.
Go up to the top glue square and head LURD so that you're to the left of the ball.
Now push the ball right to collect the leftmost diamond.
Create another ball and again push it down.
Push the ball right and follow after it to collect the next diamond.
Move the push stop up one square.
Head RULU to get to the upper left square.
Now successively create five balls and push them down to form a column.
Go DL and, using the push stop, send the top ball right, moving yourself right afterward collect the crystal.
Repeat with each ball until all crystals are collected.
You should be one square to the left of the third glue patch, counting up.
Head RDR to exit.
Level 94, The Shape of Future Things
The move switch controls all three green blocks, but each block moves individually (if one block is prevented from moving in a direction, the other two will still move).
Each of the green blocks is needed for each portion of the level (that is to say, don't destroy them with mines).
Head down to the move switch and position the three green blocks under each of the diamonds to the right.
DR*2 UR*3 U
R*2 DL*2R
Go to the top blue glue and move down and right, collecting each of the top diamonds as you're above them.
Move back over to the move switch.
Position the green blocks to the left of the three right diamonds.
(assuming the green blocks start one row above the three mines in the top mini-room)
UR*4 U*2 R
D*2 LU*2 D
Head up and around to the blue glue and go into the next mini-room.
Go down to each blue glue, collecting the three diamonds to the right as you pass each one.
Move up and circle back to the move switch.
Position the green blocks above each of the diamonds at the bottom.
(assuming the green blocks start one row to the right of the three mines in the right mini-room).
Head down to the bottom blue glue and go into the mini-room.
Travel left through the blue glue, moving up to collect the last three diamonds.
After exiting the mini-room, travel counterclockwise to the move switch.
Move the green blocks so that two go towards the exit (one to destroy the mine, the other to sit at the end of the path) and the other sits one square above the enclosed lower left corner.
(assuming the green blocks start one row above the two mines in the last diamond mini-room)
R*2 U*2 L*2 UR*2
Head down to the blue glue and into the mini-room the green blocks started in.
Circle counterclockwise and go down and to the exit.
Level 95, The Infernal Machine
The move switch controls the teleporter exit.
There is only one set of ways to use the push block and ball, so move them wisely.
Beware the switch at the top!
Collecting the Outer Diamonds:
Go down and move the teleporter exit to above the push block.
Head up into the teleporter and push the push block down.
Move up and around to the set of left arrows, then go back to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit two squares to the right of the push block.
Enter the teleporter from the left (so that you're going right).
After collecting the diamond, push the push block left.
Head back around to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit below the top diamond.
Enter the teleporter from below.
After collecting the diamond, push the push block down.
Head back around to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit left of the right diamond.
Enter the teleporter from the left.
After collecting the diamond, push the push block left.
Head back around to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit to the right of the top lower left diamond.
Enter the teleporter from the right.
Head right and up to get back to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit in the lower left red corner.
Enter the teleporter from the left.
Head up and around to the move switch.
Collecting the Inner Diamonds:
(assuming the push block is in the lower left corner of the blue section and that the grey ball is untouched)
Position the teleporter exit two squares below the push block.
Enter the teleporter from below.
Head right to collect the diamond, then back left and around to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit to the right of the top diamond, entering the blue section from above.
Enter the teleporter from the right.
Head left and around back to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit to the right of the last diamond.
Enter the teleporter from the right.
Head left and around back to the move switch.
Getting to the Exit:
(assuming the grey ball is untouched)
Position the teleporter exit one square to the left of the ball.
Enter the teleporter from the left.
Head up and around back to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit below the ball.
Enter the teleporter from below.
Head up and around back to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit to the right of the ball.
Enter the teleporter from the right.
Head right back to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit above the ball.
Enter the teleporter from above.
Follow the ball and go back to the move switch.
Position the teleporter exit below the exit along the green corridor.
Push the ball up into the teleporter, then go up yourself to exit.
Level 96, Round the Bend
You need to use each of the laserframes to shoot a laser cannon, but which cannon with which laserframe and how do you get yourself in the right direction to do so?
Hitting the switch will create a push block. If there's already a block, hitting the switch will make it disappear.
As always, corners are your friends, so create them in the right places.
Head right to create a push block.
Move the push block down and to the left.
Go RU to create another push block, then push it left so it's above the first one.
Now create a push block and move it to the right of the first block.
Head RUL and push the block down, being careful to cancel the push block you'll create with the switch.
Position yourself to the block's left and push it right up to the laser cannon.
Repeat until you have a line of three push blocks.
Head UR to collect the laserframe.
Shoot the laser cannon to your right.
Move down and around to create another push block.
Push the push block down and to the right of the first block, then push it down.
Head right, travel counterclockwise, then move the push block to the left.
Go back up and create another push block.
Move the push block so that it's to the right of the previous one, in the lower left corner.
Now create a push block and position it above the previous one.
Head to the right to collect the last laserframe, then, using slow, shoot the right laser cannon above.
Create a new push block and push it DLD, positioning it above the previous one.
Go LD and push the push block to the right.
Now push the lone push block in the lower left to the left.
Create a push block and push it DLD into the lower left area. Repeat.
Head left and push the push block below you down.
Move the push block to your right to the right.
Go back up and create another push block, then push it DLDR into the lower right area. Repeat.
Travel DR and push the push block above you up.
Now push the lone push block in the lower right to the right.
Create a push block and push it DLDR into the lower right area.
Push that block down, then right.
Travel back to the upper left and create a push block.
Move the push block to the lower right corner, then push it up. Repeat.
Now push the last push block to the left and exit.
Level 97, Temple Raider
The top row of mini-rooms are interconnected while the rest are (mostly) independent.
The top move switch controls a ball, the bottom one controls a golden block.
A ball, even when controlled by a move switch, will travel all the way in one direction before stopping.
(numbered 1-8, right-to left in the bottom, the middle row, then left-to-right on the top)
Mini-Room 1
Move the push block to the right.
Hit the red switch to create a one-way block.
Go to the upper right arrow to collect the diamond.
Move the push block to the left.
Head into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 2
You should be two squares left of the left one-way block.
Collect the lower right diamond.
Now collect the upper right, then lower right diamonds.
Head URD to collect the last diamond.
Go down through the down one-way block again, then back up and left into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 3
You should be between the right two diamonds.
Collect the lower right diamond and push the bottom ball left.
Head up and collect the last two diamonds.
Push the top ball down and activate the green switch.
Go right back into the previous mini-room.
Move DRULU into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 4
Head LDLUL, then send the left ball to the right.
Follow after it and push the ball up.
Now push the ball right and follow after it.
Move the ball up, then head right.
Push the right ball left, then up.
Now push the ball left, then down.
Again, push the ball left, then up.
Head LU so that you're under the right ball, then push the left ball left.
Follow after the ball, then go up into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 5
You should be one square to the left of the top ball.
Move the left ball down.
Now move the key to the left.
Push the top ball to the left, then the right ball down.
Send the key up, then right.
Now send the right ball left, up, then right.
Follow after it to the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 6
You should be to the left of the grey ball which you brought with you from the previous mini-room.
Collect the two upper left diamonds and push the ball down.
Follow after the ball, then head RU to collect the upper right diamonds.
Go back down and collect the bottom diamond, pushing the ball into the lower left mine.
Head UR into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 7 and 8
You should be in the middle row to the right, having collected the laserframe.
Shoot the block to your right.
Go to the bottom move switch and position the golden block one square up and three squares to the right.
Head to the top move switch and move the ball URD so it's above the golden block you moved.
Return to the bottom move switch and position the golden block in the final mini-room, one square left of the bottom mine.
Back up to the top move switch, move the ball right to the left of the golden block.
Now position the golden block one square to the left of the top mine.
Go up to the top move switch and have the ball collect all the diamonds, then destroy the bottom mine.
Using the bottom move switch, position the golden block one square below the top switch.
Finally, head up and to the exit.
Level 98, Space Station Alpha
All mini-rooms are independent except for the lower left grey and the green rooms, so it really doesn't matter what order you do them in.
This level is really a test of how well you know many of the objects, how you interact with them and how they interact with each other.
(numbered 1-7, starting in the upper left corner, going clockwise)
Mini-Room 1
Enter the mini-room from the starting position.
Move to the glue patch, then head left.
Go up, then travel clockwise to collect the top diamond.
Head back left toward the top push block.
Go down, then counterclockwise to collect the bottom diamond.
Move DR out the of the mini-room and head over to the next one.
Mini-Room 2
You should be two squares below the diamond.
Push the red key down.
Now push the green key down and right.
Move the red key left, then the green key down.
Head left to the blue glue, up to the collect the diamond, then down to exit the mini-room and on to the next.
Mini-Room 3
You should be one square left of the bottom ball.
Send both the bottom and top balls right.
Now send the top ball down, then the bottom ball up.
Head up into the teleporter, collect the two diamonds, then go left out of the mini-room and into the next.
Mini-Room 4
You should be in the far right column, two rows up from the bottom push stop.
Push the bottom push stop left and collect the diamond above.
Travel counterclockwise around the room and move the bottom push stop all the way right.
Position yourself above the bottom push stop, then push the top one left.
Collect the diamond above, then push the top push stop up two squares and exit left, heading into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 5
You should be one square to the left of the ball, which is one square left of the glue patch.
Move the ball two squares right, then head down and right to activate the switch.
Collect the right diamond, then reactivate the switch.
Head left and around and push the ball down, then right to activate the switch again.
Exit the mini-room and head into the next.
Mini-Room 6
You should be on the glue patch.
Move the push block to the left.
Exit the room and head into the next. You will revisit this mini-room shortly.
Mini-Room 7
You should be right of the up arrow, and the push block should have been moved from the previous mini-room.
Step onto the up arrow to get the balls moving.
Head right into the previous mini-room.
Hit the bounceback from above, then collect the diamonds right-to-left.
Exit the room and head back into room 7.
You should be one square above the lower ball.
Push the top ball up, then send yourself up so that you're on top of them.
Position yourself in the lower right corner and continue to send the balls onto the up arrow.
Once a ball is in the row below the diamond, stop, then step onto the down arrow.
Collect the diamond, then head out the room to exit the level.
Level 99, Laser Quest
Lasers will destroy diamonds, preventing you from completing a level.
Mirrors not only reflect lasers, but are also a great block to stop yourself with.
The top two move switches control a mirror while the bottom one controls a grey block.
(numbered 1-6, starting in the upper left corner, descriptors are also provided for ease of reference)
Mini-Room 1 (purple blocks)
Hit the green switch.
Now hit the red switch from the left.
Reactivate the red switch, then hit the next green switch from below, which will send you into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 2 (row of mines)
You should be two squares above the up one-way block.
Head DR to the move switch.
Move the mirror so that it's two squares to your left.
Go left and activate the red switch.
Return to the move switch and position the mirror two squares above the mirror to your right. Be careful not to run the mirror along the top while passing you or it'll redirect the laser and kill you!
Run the mirror all the way right and back.
Move the mirror down one square, then position it one square to the right of the one-way block, which will destroy it.
Head LURD into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 3 (multiple laser barrier)
You should be on top of the uppermost laserframe.
Head LD and shoot the laser cannon to your left.
Go back up and get the next laserframe off the top.
Using slow, move up and shoot the top laser cannon.
Repeat twice to destroy all the upper laser cannons.
Head down to get the last laserframe, then shoot the last laser cannon.
Go left into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 4 (u-turn laser)
You should be two squares right of the diamond row.
Get on the move switch and move the mirror to one square above the laser cannon to destroy it. Be careful not to reflect the laser upward, which can destroy the diamonds.
Position the mirror to the left of the lower mirror.
Head down and around to collect all the diamonds, then back up to the move switch.
Move the mirror into the lower right mini-room. Leave it two squares right of the right-facing laser cannon.
Go down and left into the lower left mini-room.
Collect the laserframe and destroy the laser cannon to your left.
Head right into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 5 (crisscross lasers)
(assuming the mirror has been positioned in front of the right-facing laser and that the right cannon in the lower left room has been destroyed)
You should be one square left of the solo grey block.
Grab the lower left laserframe, then head up and shoot the down-facing laser.
Head to the right and collect all the diamonds plus the laserframe.
Go left into the last mini-room.
Mini-Room 6 (column of diamonds)
You should be on the move switch.
Shoot the laser to your left.
Move the grey block down two squares and left one square.
Collect all the diamonds, then head back into the previous room and exit!
Level 100, The Crystal Maze
Some objects are ruses and don't actually make a difference in the level.
Each of the four rooms are independent. The only interaction is creating a means of entering the next room.
Don't forget to hit switches.
(numbered 1-4, going clockwise starting in the lower left)
Mini-Room 1
Head to the top move switch and position the glue patch down one square.
Go to the lower right move switch and position the metal block three squares above the ball.
Push the ball up, then move to the lower right move switch.
Position the grey ball one square below the right laser, then head up to the top move switch.
Now position the glue patch one square to the right of the left laser, lined up with the grey ball.
Push the ball onto the glue patch.
Head back to the top move switch and position the glue patch one square down to below the grey ball.
Send the ball down onto the glue patch again.
Go back to the top move switch and position the glue patch one square right.
Move to the lower right move switch.
Position the metal block one square above the left laser cannon.
Send the ball left, then head back to the lower left move switch.
Now position the metal block to the right to block the right laser.
Move to the upper move switch and position the glue patch one square up.
Head back down to the lower left move switch.
Position the metal block one square above the left laser cannon.
Go up to the glue patch, then collect the top four diamonds.
Hit the switch, then send the ball down to collect the last diamond and destroy the mine.
Head back to the lower left move switch and position the metal block to the right, blocking the right laser.
Move up and right into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 2
You should be to the right of the top row of diamonds.
Collect the diamonds to your left, then go to the right glue patch.
Now collect the diamonds to your left. When on the blue glue, hit the red switch above you.
Push the left push block to the left and up, making sure the brown block is on the left by using the lower left red switch.
Activate the switch again to move the brown block to the right, then push the right push block right and up.
Head to the right glue patch, then push the two push blocks together.
Go up through the one-way block, then collect the left two diamonds.
Move the left push block up.
Activate the switch to move the brown block left, then head up to it and push the right push block right.
Head left and around to push the right push block up.
Go down and around to push the left push block right.
Move down through the one-way block and collect the last diamonds, heading right into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 3
You should be on top of the teleporter exit.
Head to the move switch to the right.
Position the grey stone four squares left and one square down.
Activate the red switch to your right to make the grey block below the teleporter exit to disappear.
Move the red key LD so it's above the grey stone.
Move the red key right so that it's one square left of the blue glue.
Head over to the move switch and position the grey stone one square above the green key.
Now go up and push the yellow key downward to the lock.
Return to the move switch and position the grey stone somewhere to the left, out of the way.
Move up and push the green key down to its lock.
Hit the green lock to make it disappear, then go up through the one-way block to get back to the move switch.
Position the grey stone in the upper left corner, two blocks above the teleporter exit.
Go left and move the blue key right and down.
Return to the move switch by going through the upward one-way block and position the grey stone one square below the leftward one-way block.
Move the blue key RDR to the blue lock, but do notmake the lock disappear.
Head up through the one-way block back to the move switch and position the grey stone two squares left so it's below the column of brick.
Go down to the blue glue and push the red key left to the grey stone.
Travel through the leftward one-way block, then push the red key DR to it's lock.
Collect the last diamond and hit the nearby red switch.
Head back to the move switch and position the grey stone one square right.
Finally, go down through the one-way block you made appear and head into the next mini-room.
Mini-Room 4
You should be one square below the downward one-way block and one square above a push stop.
Push the top push stop right, then circle around it so you're on its right.
Move the push stop two blocks left so it's over the lefthand gap below.
Now push the upper left push stop left, then circle around it so you're on its left.
Move this push stop right until it's below the push stop above it.
Push the top push stop right one square, then push the push stop below you down four squares so it's lined up with the bottom row of metal blocks.
Collect the four diamonds to your right.
Move the middle push stop down one square, then head back up.
Circle counterclockwise around the room, then push the top push stop left four squares.
Go around to the push stop's left and push it one square right.
Head down and activate the red switch, which will open the way to the middle.
Move the bottom push stop right, then go up and move the middle push stop right one square also.
Go up and circle around the room clockwise until you're in the upper left corner.
Collect the two diamonds to your left, then head back out to the right.
Push the top push stop right until you can head down the righthand gap, then go down.
Move the bottom push stop left until it's lined up with the lefthand gap.
Head left and up and push the middle push stop left until it's above the bottom push stop.
Push the bottom push stop left one square, then push the middle push stop up three squares.
Collect the four diamonds to your left.
Move the middle push stop up one more square and collect the diamond to your right.
Now push the middle push stop all the way up.
Head back down and move the bottom push stop to the right until you can head up the righthand gap.
Go up the gap and push the upper left push stop all the way to the left.
Collect the lower two diamonds, then get the last four. The push stop should then be in the lower left corner.
Move right, then circle around to the top push stop's right.
Push the push stop left until you can go up to the exit and do so.
Congratulations! You've beat the game!!! (unless you played the levels out of order :P)
Posted by: Kyh
February 23, 2012 4:07 PM