An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Don't Escape 2

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Don't Escape 2

DoraScriptWelder's Don't Escape was, as the title suggests, a sort of anti-escape game where you had to figure out a way to lock yourself in to a place as securely as possible, with puzzles to match, and its unique concept proved itself very popular indeed. In Don't Escape 2, it's two weeks after a zombie outbreak, and you and your friend Bill are holed up in an abandoned building... maybe just a little too late for Bill himself, who got bitten in your most recent escape. Still, you're not quite ready to abandon your friend, and you've got more pressing matters on hand... namely, the massive horde of zombies headed your way. You figure you've got until sunset to figure out how to lock this place up snug as a bug, and it's going to take more than just shoving some furniture in front of a door. To play, just click to interact when your cursor expands its crosshairs and turns yellow. Mousing over the top of the screen will drop your inventory down, and also show you the clock. Unlike the original game, you really are on a limited time schedule here. You have eight hours, and since you can travel to more than one place in the surrounding area, time is deducted whenever you travel away from the abandoned building. So explore areas thoroughly, combine items in your inventory, and, well, here's hoping you live to see another sunset!

Don't Escape 2 is considerably more complex than its predecessor, more point-and-click adventure than simple puzzle, similar in concept to I Have 1 Day. The amount of time you have initially seems more than enough until you realize that some actions actually take hours, and when you get stuck, trying to retrace your steps to find out what you missed and where can wind up costing you a lot of time. It forces you to think carefully and really examine your surroundings, especially since some items are tiny and blend into the background and a few area transitions are very sneakily hidden. The larger scope ups the challenge in a big way, and most of the item-related puzzles are fairly intuitive if you've explored everything and picked up what you can, though there are times when it feels like the game hasn't accounted for every possibility in typical adventure game logic fashion. Logically, you may feel like there are some things you could do using certain items that you just can't because that's not the way the game wants you to proceed, which may rattle a little more than usual in a game so clearly speaking to survivalist MacGuyver problem solving. Chances are you'll still need to replay it several times as you learn where everything is, and what consequences certain actions have, but ScriptWelder has clearly put a lot of creative thought into making this one a challenge, and has succeeded in making a clever, tricky game that asks you to put that zombie survival plan I know you have to the test.

Play Don't Escape 2

Thanks to Chris for sending this one in!

Walkthrough Guide

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Don't Escape was one of my favorite room-escape games. The second in the series does not disappoint!


There are a couple items I don't know what to do with, but I think this guide leads to the best ending. It gives you the three "good" achievements.


Get shovel from left side of room
Get key(?) and copper wires from dumpster
Get metal cutter and bullet in front of building

Crash Site 1 (lower left):

Get gun

Church 1 (lower right):

Get axe

Gas Station (upper right):

Outside - Get bullet and canister
Inside - Get batteries, bottle of water, painkillers, and coin(?)
Use axe on door
Room - Get hose and bullet

General Store (upper left):

Use metal cutter on shopping cart
Use shopping cart on wire fence
Inside - Get alcohol and camera
Use bullet on gun
Kill zombie (shoot it?), get glasses
Use batteries on camera
Outside - Take picture of drawing on wall
Give glasses to survivor

Church 2:

Use shopping cart on bricks
Use shopping cart on cement
Inside - Show picture to survivor

Crash site 2:

Use hose on cop car
Use canister on cop car
(Don't use the gas on the car; there's a better use for it.)
Use axe to collect wood (takes 30 minutes with 2 survivors)

Base (end):

Use painkillers on Bill
Use wire fence on broken gate (takes 1:45 with Bill and 2 survivors)
Use copper wires and fuel canister on generator
Turn on generator
Use shovel to dig hole in front of base (takes 1:30 with Bill and 2 survivors)
Use sticks on hole (takes 45 minutes with Bill and 2 survivors)
Enter base and close door
Use cement and water on sand, mix with shovel
Use bricks on window (takes 45 minutes with Bill and 2 survivors)
Give alcohol to Bill
Kill Bill

Using the axe doesn't attract zombies, but you can afford to shoot him, and it gives an achievement. There might be a way to poison the alcohol or something.

Use metal cutter on padlock
Enter basement and close hatch
Wait the night

The above guide maximizes time left (1:25), though you could reorder things somewhat. There might also be other endings worth trying for (escaping with the car, surviving without other survivors, never using the gun, etc.)


BillyTehKid January 31, 2015 1:40 PM

Yay! Enjoyed this one. I like the idea of there being options that have different influences on the story narrative and eventual end point. Restarted half-way through my first play through, and finished successfully (alive) on my second (30 min of play or so). As I'm no expert escape-the-roomer, I suspect this means the game is on the easier side. But given that it has a good (albeit familiar) story line, I give it two thumbs up (out of a possible maximum score of two thumbs).


Don't Escape was one of my favorite room-escape games. The second in the series does not disappoint!


There are a couple items I don't know what to do with, but I think this guide leads to the best ending. It gives you the three "good" achievements.


Get shovel from left side of room
Get key(?) and copper wires from dumpster
Get metal cutter and bullet in front of building

Crash Site 1 (lower left):

Get gun

Church 1 (lower right):

Get axe

Gas Station (upper right):

Outside - Get bullet and canister
Inside - Get batteries, bottle of water, painkillers, and coin(?)
Use axe on door
Room - Get hose and bullet

General Store (upper left):

Use metal cutter on shopping cart
Use shopping cart on wire fence
Inside - Get alcohol and camera
Use bullet on gun
Kill zombie (shoot it?), get glasses
Use batteries on camera
Outside - Take picture of drawing on wall
Give glasses to survivor

Church 2:

Use shopping cart on bricks
Use shopping cart on cement
Inside - Show picture to survivor

Crash site 2:

Use hose on cop car
Use canister on cop car
(Don't use the gas on the car; there's a better use for it.)
Use axe to collect wood (takes 30 minutes with 2 survivors)

Base (end):

Use painkillers on Bill
Use wire fence on broken gate (takes 1:45 with Bill and 2 survivors)
Use copper wires and fuel canister on generator
Turn on generator
Use shovel to dig hole in front of base (takes 1:30 with Bill and 2 survivors)
Use sticks on hole (takes 45 minutes with Bill and 2 survivors)
Enter base and close door
Use cement and water on sand, mix with shovel
Use bricks on window (takes 45 minutes with Bill and 2 survivors)
Give alcohol to Bill
Kill Bill

Using the axe doesn't attract zombies, but you can afford to shoot him, and it gives an achievement. There might be a way to poison the alcohol or something.

Use metal cutter on padlock
Enter basement and close hatch
Wait the night

The above guide maximizes time left (1:25), though you could reorder things somewhat. There might also be other endings worth trying for (escaping with the car, surviving without other survivors, never using the gun, etc.)

LabChowChow January 31, 2015 5:48 PM

Great game! I loved the first Don't Escape, so I was pretty happy to see a second one!

Does anyone know how to get "The Governor" achievement? That's the only one I'm missing. I tried

shooting both Jeremy and Fater Bernard with the gun after I set up all my defenses

but that didn't work.



The key locks the door. Duh.

LabChowChow January 31, 2015 8:04 PM

Never mind. I figured out the last achievement.

Here's a guide for anyone needing help in getting all the achievements:

The Survivor:

Survive the night however you need to.

The Merciful:

Get what you need, but make sure you have:

the alcohol from the store, the gun from the crash site, and at least one bullet in the gun.

Back at the base:

Give Bill the alcohol to knock him out, and then shoot him while he's knocked out. Killing him with the axe won't net you the achievement.

Survive the night.

The Shadow:

Don't collect the gun at the crash site and survive the night. You shouldn't need it if you have enough defenses or follow bluemoose19's guide without picking up the gun.

The Savior:

You have to survive the night without letting either survivor get killed. bluemoose19's guide leads to this achievement.

The Governor:

Collect everything you need outside, but make sure you have:

both survivors, the gun from the crash site, and at least two bullets in the gun. Avoid collecting any wood from the crash site.

Once you have those, go back to the base and:

set up the electrified fence and dig the hole with everyone's help. Block the window if you have time. Don't put any spikes in the hole if you collected the wood.


shoot both survivors while on the screen with the hole. Kill Bill if you want (killing him with the axe will make it easier to survive, but isn't necessary), lock the door, and then survive the night.

The Lone Wolf:

You have to survive the night without interacting with either survivor and without receiving any help in performing tasks, including from Bill.

To maximize time left to set up your defenses alone:

At the base, collect the shovel, the key, the wires, the first bullet, and the metal cutters.

Go to the church (bottom right) and get the axe and the second bullet.

Go to the gas station (top right) and get the third bullet and the canister outside. Head inside and collect the bottle of water (and if you want, the coin in the cash register). Break the door with the axe to get the hose and the fourth bullet.

Go to the store (top left) and use either the metal cutters or the coin to get the shopping cart. Use the cart to get the reel of wire fence. Don't bother with Jeremy.

Go to the crash site (bottom left) and get the gun. Use the hose on the car, and then the canister on the car to get the gasoline. DON'T spend time collecting wood from the crash site.

Go to the church again and use the cart to collect the cement and the bricks. Don't bother with Father Bernard.

Go back to your base. You should have seven hours remaining.

Once you have everything you need:

Kill Bill using the axe. Don't use the gun, as you need all four bullets when the zombies attack.

Then set up the electrified fence, fix the window, and lock the door with the key (don't spend time digging the hole). You should have 30 minutes remaining.

Enter the basement, close the hatch, and survive the night.


I don't know how to use the

gas canister. it says to use it on the cop car but it just keeps saying it has no gas left but it won't put the gas in it. i'm confused.



You already filled the fuel canister. It just didn't give any indication that anything had happened. I was confused too. Hover over the fuel canister, and it will tell you that it's full.

andrew.patchell0 February 1, 2015 8:33 AM replied to Paul

You have a container. You need a way to get fuel from where it is stored to that container.

Head back to the gas station and see if there's anything to help you get that fuel out of the police car's tank... if you get frustrated, take your frustration out on that locked door.

Billy Nitro February 1, 2015 10:28 AM replied to LabChowChow

About the Lone Wolf achievement:

I'm unable to survive because I always seem to have 5 zombies left over.

Start with 50;

-15 from the electrified fence; (35)

-10 from the window; (25)

-10 from the door; (15)

-5 from falling into the basement; (10)

-5 from gun and axe leaving 5 total.

I'm clearly missing something somewhere. What is it?

Billy Nitro February 1, 2015 10:35 AM replied to Billy Nitro


I forgot to turn the electricity on. #duh

bdr198524 February 1, 2015 11:01 AM replied to Billy Nitro

Billy: If you're only getting 15 with the fence, you forgot to actually hook it up to the generator. You need to connect it with the pair of wires in the base dumpster in addition to fueling it.

bdr198524 February 1, 2015 11:02 AM replied to Billy Nitro

Ah sheesh, the comments didn't update and worse yet I forgot the spoiler tag. Mods, go ahead and remove my post above.


is there any way to kill the zombie in the store without the gun?

lynnehammar927 February 1, 2015 5:58 PM

Loved this game! Played it several times and finally lived to see the dawn.


I don't know, but maybe

since the next obvious choice - the axe - doesn't have the swing, maybe there's a way to use the pointy sticks?

Then again, I tried to use the shovel and that didn't work either.

Or maybe there's some way to use a hook or something to get the glasses without having to worry about killing the zombie.

I don't know, there were many more creative options unavailable in this game due to the limits of the game.

Let me know how it goes. I prefer being able to make lots of saves in games like this, in order to play through all the endings without having to play the entire game again.

Then again, I also used to 'cheat' when reading Choose Your Own Adventure stories, marking the last 'fork' in the journey just in case this ones leads to a dead end.


You can kill the zombie in the store

With the shovel, but it breaks. This is only a viable tactic when going for the Lone Wolf, as you don't have to dig the hole.




I just realized that there's no need to break the shovel on the zombie when going for lone wolf, because there's no need to kill the zombie. I think that means it's a bad choice no matter what.


how do I get the Shadow achievement, the guide didn't help at all


update: got the shadow achievement, as it turns out, do everything in bluemoose19's guide except for collecting the gun and getting the glasses for Jeremy also DO NOT collect wood for the pit, it will just waste time


update 2: but still give Bill the pain killers and alcohol then kill him with the axe

LabChowChow February 8, 2015 3:44 PM replied to Dayle Gibson

Ahh, my mistake. I guess I forgot bluemoose19's guide

required the gun to get Jeremy.

For The Shadow achievement, you could instead

Use the shovel to kill the zombie in the store and get Jeremy's glasses. The shovel does break, so you can't dig a hole or use it to mix the mortar. Use the axe to mix mortar instead, although it will take a little longer to do.

You can still get the wood at the crash site if you have both Father Bernard and Jeremy with you to help. When you set up your defenses, you just won't dig a hole for the spikes and can set a trap with the spikes alone.

Or you could

Follow bluemoose19's guide, but skip the gun, don't kill the zombie in the store, and don't get Jeremy. If you don't dig the hole in the front yard and just set up the wooden spikes (along with the other defenses) with Bill and Father Bernard's help, you should be able to survive the night.

sunnylauren February 9, 2015 4:56 PM

Okay, okay, I'm weird, but I totally dreamed about zombies last night after playing this game :)

I loved it. It was excellent at building suspense and tension without being disturbing and horribly scary. I hope there's a third one!


if you follow Blue Moose's guide but don't get the wood and ignore the zombie and don't get Jeremy, you have about 5 minutes left

sunnylauren February 10, 2015 10:26 PM replied to Dayle Gibson

Is this for trying to get the Shadow achievement? Because that sounds like what I did and it worked.

Calcanius February 12, 2015 10:34 AM replied to bluemoose19

amazing walkthrough, though one suggestion; please put

"close the door"

on a separate line, because each other step (i.e. pick up item X) was on a separate line, and wen i got to the end, i forgot to close the door, thus leading to

jeremy's brutal demise

JetSetVegas February 16, 2015 6:23 PM

Very nice! I love how you had to figure out how to do what, when, and in what order to achieve the result you wanted. I unlocked the Survivor, Merciful, and Savior achievements because that's how I wanted it. No Meat-Craving Freak made it into the house.


You can kill the zombie in the store without shooting it...

Just kill it with the shovel, then set up the spikes on their own...You don't have to dig a pit to use the spikes.

Swordrager March 4, 2015 3:31 PM

Where's the bullet at the church?

andr01d March 17, 2015 1:11 AM replied to Swordrager


There is no bullet at the church.

There is one bullet

at your home base.

There is another one

outside the gas station.

The last one is

inside the gas station, in the room behind the cash register.
If you cannot open the door,

use force

andr01d March 17, 2015 1:13 AM replied to Swordrager

Although this game retained some of the charm of its predecessor, I found it far less enjoyable both in theme and execution (no pun intended.)

Moral: Better simple than sorry.


I love this game

sunnylauren March 19, 2015 10:56 PM replied to andr01d

You didn't like it? I liked it better. I thought it had more sense of urgency and I liked the different strategies and achievements you could win.

Oh, well. To each his/her own :).

abi0809 March 30, 2015 4:23 PM replied to Swordrager

Swordrager and andr01d

There is a bullet at the Church :

It's located at the base of the second from the bottom stakes along the path.


While Bluemoose19's walkthrough explained the main gist of how to go about things, I found it lacking some minor details (to make it easier/reliable to follow) and nor does it guide you through all 6 achievements.
Namely, the 6 achievements are: Survivor, Merciful, Savior, Lone Wolf, Shadow, and Governor roughly in ascending order of difficulty, in my opinion (judging by how many different ways are available to attain a certain outcome.
I managed to achieve all of them in 3 separate runs. Hence, there are 3 separate guides below. Note, I've not mentioned Survivor achievement anywhere since that one is a given in order to successfully complete the game.

Lone Wolf:


In the left most room, collect: Shovel
Just left of Base building, collect: Bullet, Metal cutter
In the dump next to Base, collect: Key, Pair of wires (double-click).


Go to Church (bottom-right), collect: Axe, Bullet (at the base of the second post from the left).

Gas station

Go to Gas Station (top-right), collect: Bullet, Fuel canister
Head inside, collect: Bottle of water
Use axe on door behind cash register & enter, collect: Rubber hose, Bullet (at the back corner of the armchair).


Go to Shop (top-left), collect: Shopping cart (with Metal cutter), Wire fence (with Shopping cart).

Crash site

Go to Crash site (bottom-left), collect: Gun, Full fuel canister (with Rubber hose then Fuel canister on Police car).


Go to Church, collect: Cement bag (with Shopping cart), Bricks (with Shopping cart).


Go to Base, fix: Broken gate (with Wire fence), Generator (with Full fuel canister), Electrified fence (with Pair of wires attached to Generator) & switch it on (green light)
Head inside Base building, secure Door: close and lock it (with Key)
Make Mortar, add: Cement bag, Bottle of water & Shovel to the Sand pile
Secure Window, add: Bricks
Put Bill out if his misery: Axe
Open Padlock to Cellar: Metal cutter
Head inside Cellar & close Hatch
End the day with 30 minutes remaining.

Shadow & Savior:


In the left most room, collect: Shovel
Just left of Base building, collect: Metal cutter
In the dump next to Base, collect: Key, Pair of wires (double-click).


Go to Church (bottom-right), collect: Axe.

Gas station

Go to Gas Station (top-right), collect: Fuel canister
Head inside, collect: Bottle of water, Batteries, Painkillers
Use axe on door behind cash register & enter, collect: Rubber hose.


Go to Shop (top-left), collect: Shopping cart (with Metal cutter), Wire fence (with Shopping cart)
Head inside, collect: Camera & combine with Batteries
Take a Photo of the Child's drawing on the side of the Shop with the Camera.


Go to Church, collect: Cement bag (with Shopping cart), Bricks (with Shopping cart)
Secure Father Bernard, show him the Photo.


Go to base, secure Bill with Painkillers
Make Mortar, add: Cement bag, Bottle of water & Shovel to the Sand pile inside the Base building
Dig hole with Shovel outside Base building door.


Go to Shop, head deeper inside & kill Zombie with Shovel to collect Glasses
Secure Jeremy, give him his Glasses.

Crash site

Go to Crash site (bottom-left), collect: Full fuel canister (with Rubber hose then Fuel canister on Police car), Sticks (with Axe on the Branches).


Go to Base, fix: Broken gate (with Wire fence), Generator (with Full fuel canister), Electrified fence (with Pair of wires attached to Generator) & switch it on (green light)
At the hole trap, add Sticks
Secure Door: close and lock it (with Key)
Secure Window with Bricks
Put Bill out of his misery with Axe
Open Padlock to Cellar with Metal cutter
Head inside Cellar & close Hatch
End the day with 15 minutes remaining.

Merciful & Governor


In the left most room, collect: Shovel
Just left of Base building, collect: Bullet, Metal cutter
In the dump next to Base, collect: Key, Pair of wires (double-click).

Crash site

Go to Crash site (bottom-left), collect: Gun.


Go to Church (bottom-right), collect: Axe, Bullet (at the base of the second post from the left).

Gas station

Go to Gas Station (top-right), collect: Bullet, Fuel canister
Head inside, collect: Bottle of water, Batteries, Painkillers
Use axe on door behind cash register & enter, collect: Rubber hose, Bullet (at the back corner of the armchair).


Go to Shop (top-left), collect: Shopping cart (with Metal cutter), Wire fence (with Shopping cart)
Head inside, collect: Alcohol, Camera & combine with Batteries
Head in deeper, combine Gun with all 4 Bullets, shoot Zombie, & collect Glasses
Secure Jeremy, give him his Glasses
Take a Photo of the Child's drawing on the side of the Shop with the Camera.

Crash site

Go to Crash site, collect: Full fuel canister (with Rubber hose then Fuel canister on Police car).


Go to Church, collect: Cement bag (with Shopping cart), Bricks (with Shopping cart)
Secure Father Bernard, show him the Photo.


Go to Base, secure Bill with Painkillers
Just outside of Base building, fix: Broken gate (with Wire fence), Generator (with Full fuel canister), Electrified fence (with Pair of wires attached to Generator) & switch it on (green light)
Make Mortar, add: Cement bag, Bottle of water & Shovel to the Sand pile inside the Base building
Secure Window with Bricks
Dig hole with Shovel outside Base building door
On the screen with the hole trap, shoot Father Bernard then Jeremy as he attempts to run away for the Governor achievement
Secure Door: close and lock it (with Key)
Put Bill out of his misery Mercifully: give him Alcohol then shoot him with your final Bullet
Open Padlock to Cellar with Metal cutter
Head inside Cellar & close Hatch
End the day with 2 hours & 50 minutes remaining.

Other Notes:

The following aren't exactly guides as much interesting observations/deviations I found & general thoughts on the game.

Father Bernard

"Father Bernard looks at you with his tired eyes. 'It looks like I was right about not having any faith after all'"
That line got me. It got me more than ending Bill or anything else. The story of hope, or lack of it, was portrayed powerfully throughout the story. The child's drawing included.


You can use an Axe instead of Shovel to mix it up. Takes 40 minutes instead of 10.

Spike trap

There is no need to dig a hole to plant the spikes, you can simply plant the spikes on the flat ground to kill the same number of undead (15) as the hole alone. Note, this is less than the hole with spikes combined (20).


You can use the Coin from Cash register at the Gas station to get the Trolley withouth a Wire cutter.


You can use the Full fuel canister to refill the red undamaged Car & move between locations within 2 minutes instead of the usual 10. Also, it replaces the trolley by allowing you to carry heavy objects around. Plus, you get to roll 'round the neighborhood wif your crew & dem 9mm pew-pews.


So I actually managed to over-prepare even when I used a single bullet (for "Merciful" use only)

With only that added 5 undead from shooting Bill (I used the shovel to get Jeremy's glasses), I had 55 undead to deal with. And even with 3 other bullets, the ax, and getting in the basement thing, just by repairing and electrifying the fence, putting up posts (sans hole), shoring up the window, and locking the door (thats what that key is for) we survived.

I think that meant there was room to even get that Governor ending (something I was completely uninterested in).


I found "Don't Escape 2" more interesting than its predecessor. Given the simplistic graphic style, I was frustrated by the muddled graphics of "Don't Escape," and the darkness of the imagery. Thankfully, "Don't Escape 2" features a brightness setting, and objects are more easily identifiable.

The added aspect of a time limit was a challenge I appreciated. Point-and-click games are far too often formulaic; the genre is inherently simple, but it's nice to see when a game offers something out of the ordinary, even if it has been done by a comparatively few others.

The music for "Don't Escape 2" was also simple, but eloquent and enjoyable. The dialog was well thought out, proofread, and in keeping with the theme of the game, without veering into the cheddar cheese of so many other, more hastily made games.

The lack of an orderly inventory was a minor downfall to the game. While there was no "real time" pressure to access the inventory, I found it mildly frustrating to have no sense of order in my inventory. The fact objects moved based on their order of use added to my confusion at times, but I am prone to confusion more easily than my peers.

Perhaps, more than anything, I appreciate the fact "Don't Escape 2" allows for the freedom of choice, but doesn't deny moral consequences. While the game offers an achievement for being merciless toward others, it leans more toward the recognition of mercy and responsibility. Killing your fellow survivors leads to consequences, while treating them well yields rewards. Far too often in horror games, slaughter is encouraged without consequence, and "Don't Escape 2" offered a refreshing change.

I would give "Don't Escape 2" a very solid four stars out of five. The story, gameplay, and challenge combine to compensate for the lack of graphic detail and some minor frustrations. The game allows a player to engage with the story and strategy, rather than being caught up in the frustration of looking for the tiniest details.

I ended on the following, after multiple attempts:

Jeremy and Father Bernard rescued. Bill killed mercifully for the achievement.

50 Undead.
+10 Undead from gunshots.
-05 Undead from the electrified fence.
-15 Undead from the fence itself, after the power died.
-20 Undead from the spiked pit.
-10 Undead from the bricked window.
-10 Undead from the locked door.

Swordrager May 18, 2017 11:02 PM

You can use the coin to

pay for a shopping cart.


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