An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Dreaming Mary

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Dreaming Mary

DoraPlease be warned that despite this game's appearance it is not intended for children. This game deals with themes that some people may find upsetting or triggering.

When a game claims to take inspiration of such massive heavy hitters as Ib and Yume Nikki, to name just a few, you get a little nervous. Those are some big shoes to fill, and accha is gunning for them big time with her free indie adventure game Dreaming Mary. The game opens with a cryptic warning about dreams, and then starts you in a lusciously sweet and painfully pink bedroom. Use the [arrow] keys to move, hold [shift] to run, use [S] to save, and [Z] to interact with things and make choices. Choice, as it happens, is a key part of the game, both in mechanics and in themes. See, Mary loves to dream, and her dreams are typically very happy, innocuous things filled with friends and magic. But is that really any way to spend your life? And how innocent are her dreams, really? You'll need to play the game multiple times to find the truth and all the endings, which is going to require a lot of exploration, determination, and fast feet. Make sure to talk to characters multiple times, since they might have different things to say!

Dreaming MaryDespite Dreaming Mary's cotton candy pink visuals, which are gorgeous to behold, it quickly becomes apparent there's something just a little... off about everything. Though Mary's friends assure her all is well, the longer you play, the more unsettling themes will begin to crop up. Some of the imagery and tones are more subtle than others, but even the more obvious bits manage to make you uncomfortable, especially when things go suddenly, shockingly pear-shaped. The game's distinctive style and colour palette make other sequences all the more alarming... and yes, that means you should brace yourself for jump scares. Of course, Dreaming Mary isn't perfect. Interacting with people and things often depends on standing in exactly the right spot, which is a problem when finding the other endings depends on searching everywhere, even in places you wouldn't think to find anything. The pace is initially extremely slow, and the simplistic puzzles won't do much to endear players who don't persevere to find the rest of the content.

Even if you stick with it, Dreaming Mary's ending, even the "good" ending, might be a bit too ambiguous for you, and the subject matter is undeniably dark despite the bittersweet notes. Still, it won't take you long to play once you know what you're doing, and Dreaming Mary is still a phenomenal achievement for one person to have made on their own (excluding music by Trass), and deals with some heavy themes in the process. Clearly a lot of thought has gone into all sorts of symbolism, as well as showing versus telling a story, and if you don't mind a tale that might not have a happy ending, Dreaming Mary is a story worth cracking open.

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Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Never mind, figured it out.

Also, since I loved this game so much, I'm going to post a walkthrough for this game.

Dreaming Mary Walkthrough

Notes on Walkthrough

This is the bare bones, non-spoiler (or as spoiler-free as possible) version of the walkthrough. If you want to get extra endings and content, consult the Ending Guide.

General Tips and Hints

Talk to everybody more than once. Sometimes they can have interesting things to say.

The game relies a lot on placing yourself correctly to find some stuff. Remember that.

Sometimes it takes more than one time to prompt something before something happens.

Running with Shift helps a lot, especially in some situations like Foxanne's Hide and Seek challenges.

Save often, and especially before important decisions.

Welcome To The Dream

You start out in a room with a painting, a bed, a radio, and a vase with a lily in it. While the radio does give you hints towards some endings if you listen carefully, it's not necessary to pay attention to it.

You can pick up the lily right now or leave it alone. At some point in the game you will be required to have it.

Go to the door and you will notice that it is locked. There is a chocolate on the bed. Try to eat it, and you will get a Gold Leaf Key to open that door.

Walk out.


You will find yourself in a hallway with three doors. Go to the white one (the leftmost one) and enter. Talk to Bunnilda.

After you're finished talking to her, exit and go next door to Penn's room (the middle blue door). Talk to him.

Afterwards, go to the right orange door and talk to Foxanne.

At this point, you can open the door in the Hallway and talk to Boaris, but that isn't necessary.

First Round of Puzzles

Go to Bunnilda and she will ask you to help her by placing some statues in the correct order. The information she provides you is a myth in which two goddesses, one of love and the other of the underworld, fight for love over a man, who ends up being killed as a result of the conflict.


The puzzle is based off the myth of Adonis, Aphrodite, and Persephone and it all depends on how the statues face towards the middle. From left to right, put down the Confident (Aphrodite), Wounded (Adonis), and Longing (Persephone) statues.

Talk to Bunnilda afterwards when you have solved the puzzle.

Go to Penn. He will ask you to provide a detail on a certain book. Check the bookshelves until you find the book he describes, and come back to him and report your answer.

[The questions he asks are randomized, so I will put down a full list later.]

Go to Foxanne, and she will challenge you to a game of Hide and Seek to win in under 45 seconds. Talk to her again when you are ready.


She can be found right next to the leftmost stool if you face the wall and counter (up).

Now it's time for the second round.

Second Round of Puzzles

Go to Bunnilda and she will ask you to place the fruits correctly according to the myth.

The information she provides is that after the man died, the goddess of love mixed his blood with nectar to produce flowers. The leftmost and rightmost statues attribute the red fruit to death and the gold fruit to victory.


The Confident statue (Aphrodite) has the flower for mixing the blood with nectar. The Wounded Statue (Adonis) gets the red fruit for dying. The Longing Statue (Perspehone) gets the golden fruit for claiming Adonis in the end.

Go to Penn. His second challenge is basically his first challenge, except testing on two books instead of one.

He also offers you a hint on an "angel" after you're done with his second challenge, should you talk to him.

Foxanne will challenge you to another round of Hide and Seek, this time under 25 seconds.


She can be found on the rightmost counter if you face up.

Now it's time to go to Boaris.

Red Seeds and Goodbyes

At this point, if you haven't gotten the White Lily back in the first room, you should get it now, as this segment requires you to have it.

Boaris asks you for three seeds, which all of your friends will show reluctance to give up. They will issue you a last set of challenges. The penalty for losing one is to give up a petal, though they will still give you a red seed in the end.

Bunnilda asks you a question based on the myth she told you, on who Adonis loves.


This is a trick question; Bunnilda never told you who the man ended up loving.

Penn requests that you find a brown journal written by Ana, and to describe the person it is dedicated to.


Don't bother thinking it's one of the books on the shelves. It's located in another hallway entirely. Consult ending guide for further information.

If you haven't found it, Penn makes a second reference to an "angel" you have to find.

Foxanne has you try to find her in under 10 seconds.


She can be found in the closest silhouette in the foreground, with Mary facing the player (down).

With three seeds, Boaris commends you on getting them so quickly. But you need one last seed to open the door, and Boaris offers it to you in exchange for a petal. Make your choice.

Endings Guide


Notes on Endings

Your ending depends on certain requirements and items you have.

At the end of every ending you are given the option to exit the game (yes) or continue (no). Continuing allows you to go through the game again and saves your answers to Penn's puzzles. Attaining the Normal ending, the True ending, one of the ??? endings, and the Good ending with a single save will give you a password to unlock a Bonus .zip and some extras.

Normal Ending

Requirements: None
Say yes and give Boaris the petal. Enter the door. Scroll through credits.

True Ending

Requirements: At least two petals
Say yes and give Boaris the petal. Enter the door. Get treated to a little extra cutscene. Scroll through credits.

All Other Endings

This is where most of the spoiler content comes in.

You've probably noticed a painting in your room, with a weird splotch on it.

And guess what? You can also take out the Gold Leaf Key after you've opened the first door by standing next to it and pressing Z.

The radio would have warned you not to go looking for a fourth door in the hallway. Look for it anyways and you should find it next to Foxanne's door. It opens after you prompt it 2-3 times.

Inside you find another painting and a fishbowl with a sea angel inside of it. You can't do anything with the painting right now, but if you prompt the fishbowl four times, you get it to crack and spill over, releasing the angel. There's a password after cracking it, but you don't know it yet. Consult Bonus section for that.

Exit, and you'll get a short cutscene of the angel heading right. Where could it be going?

Head back to the room at the start, and examine the painting. Choose to touch it, and...

THE DARK, HIDDEN SIDE end up in HOLY MOLY THIS CREEPS YOU OUT an alternate version of the room at the start, except much bleaker (and bloodier).

There's a book that tells you to hold Shift to run. HEEP THAT IN MIND.

There's a door to the right. If you have the key, open it with it and advance.

The content in the next room varies based on what you've done so far in the game.

Before Getting Red Seeds

You'll find some creepy music, a sofa with three stuffed animals on it, a stuffed boar's head on the wall, a painting that's the same as the one in the fourth room, and another locked door (which can't be opened). It is SAFE to walk around, mind you.

Check the animals, and you'll find out that they correspond to your friends and the third round of puzzles. The bunny gives you some pages of the Adonis myth, the penguin the journal Penn asked you to find, addressed to


and the fox the directions needed to find Foxanne in the third hide and seek round.

After Getting Red Seeds

If you've solved a puzzle in the third round for a friend, you'll find his/her corresponding stuffed animal ripped up. You'll get a brown key if you search.

Walking back from the hallway in the first room will also cause a brief jump scare to be triggered. You can now jump between the "sides" through the hole/painting.

There's also something else to note about the game.

The final decision with Boaris in terms of offering him a petal is pivotal, the turning point of the game.

So SAY NO, and keep on saying no. You'll see Boaris suddenly act up and start acting rather darkly. Images will start flashing now and then.

When you enter "the other hallway," the background starts swimming and "HE'S COMING" is chanted as the background music. Venture a little beyond the sofa, and a man will approach from the right and start chasing you. Run as fast as you can to the left to prevent a scary "SWEET DREAMS" game over.

Continue running to the left even when you're in the first room, as the man will continue chasing you until you manage to get into the hole and back onto the "good" side..

Go to the fourth room and you'll find that the painting in it is flashing. Touch it.

The man will be on you left and the door is open to your right. Run immediately to the right. The next room you enter should have a red painting in it. Continue running as the man follows you and get into the red painting as soon as possible.

You'll now find yourself in a dark hallway. Walk to the end, towards the light.

You'll find a nicer version of Boaris' room, with a double door with three locks. Your ending depends on what you have with you at the moment.

??? Ending

Requirements: At least one petal, at most two brown keys
You don't have enough keys to open the door.

Suddenly, the man appears, and slowly walks towards you...

Scroll through credits.

??? Ending Alternate

Requirements: At least one petal, three brown keys
You finally escape the dream (for real) with all the keys and wake up in the real world.

You can't leave the room, however, as the door is locked. You can only go back to bed. Scroll through credits.

Good Ending

Requirements: At least one petal, three brown keys, Gold Leaf Key
You finally escape the dream (for real) with all the keys and wake up in the real world.

It turns out you've brought the key with you and are able to unlock the door to your actual room.

Congratulations. Experience the credits and the production values behind them.

Bonus Content

Getting all four types of endings gives you a password to unlock the .zip file included with the game. It also allows you to browse Mari's real life room and get some extra information.

Checking the stuffed penguin will give you a card with an odd Street Fighter reference and the "magic word"


Starting a new game and unlocking the button in the fishbowl unlocks HADOUKEN MODE. Going to the "other hallway," you can now dispatch the shadowy figure who creeped you out so much in arcade fashion.

The .zip file gives you a link to a bonus gallery, with lots of goodies, dev notes, and CGs.


clay.sweetser April 26, 2014 6:55 PM

Though not nearly as long as Ib, or other related games, this story does as well as the others when it comes to hidden messages, art, and sound (although, to be honest, I've never been able to see any clear message with Ib).


Loving the game and its art. People keep underestimating RPGMaker.

I've gotten the true ending, but the frustrating thing is, I can't find the "magic word" or

how to get the key to open the locked door in the "dark side" of the world, even after I've cracked the sea angel.

Penn only offers "where" as a hint. And Sleeping Beauty doesn't seem to have much significance.

It's also very difficult to get tips to help me through the game, as aacha seems determined to keep the game's details under wraps, even after release.


Never mind, figured it out.

Also, since I loved this game so much, I'm going to post a walkthrough for this game.

Dreaming Mary Walkthrough

Notes on Walkthrough

This is the bare bones, non-spoiler (or as spoiler-free as possible) version of the walkthrough. If you want to get extra endings and content, consult the Ending Guide.

General Tips and Hints

Talk to everybody more than once. Sometimes they can have interesting things to say.

The game relies a lot on placing yourself correctly to find some stuff. Remember that.

Sometimes it takes more than one time to prompt something before something happens.

Running with Shift helps a lot, especially in some situations like Foxanne's Hide and Seek challenges.

Save often, and especially before important decisions.

Welcome To The Dream

You start out in a room with a painting, a bed, a radio, and a vase with a lily in it. While the radio does give you hints towards some endings if you listen carefully, it's not necessary to pay attention to it.

You can pick up the lily right now or leave it alone. At some point in the game you will be required to have it.

Go to the door and you will notice that it is locked. There is a chocolate on the bed. Try to eat it, and you will get a Gold Leaf Key to open that door.

Walk out.


You will find yourself in a hallway with three doors. Go to the white one (the leftmost one) and enter. Talk to Bunnilda.

After you're finished talking to her, exit and go next door to Penn's room (the middle blue door). Talk to him.

Afterwards, go to the right orange door and talk to Foxanne.

At this point, you can open the door in the Hallway and talk to Boaris, but that isn't necessary.

First Round of Puzzles

Go to Bunnilda and she will ask you to help her by placing some statues in the correct order. The information she provides you is a myth in which two goddesses, one of love and the other of the underworld, fight for love over a man, who ends up being killed as a result of the conflict.


The puzzle is based off the myth of Adonis, Aphrodite, and Persephone and it all depends on how the statues face towards the middle. From left to right, put down the Confident (Aphrodite), Wounded (Adonis), and Longing (Persephone) statues.

Talk to Bunnilda afterwards when you have solved the puzzle.

Go to Penn. He will ask you to provide a detail on a certain book. Check the bookshelves until you find the book he describes, and come back to him and report your answer.

[The questions he asks are randomized, so I will put down a full list later.]

Go to Foxanne, and she will challenge you to a game of Hide and Seek to win in under 45 seconds. Talk to her again when you are ready.


She can be found right next to the leftmost stool if you face the wall and counter (up).

Now it's time for the second round.

Second Round of Puzzles

Go to Bunnilda and she will ask you to place the fruits correctly according to the myth.

The information she provides is that after the man died, the goddess of love mixed his blood with nectar to produce flowers. The leftmost and rightmost statues attribute the red fruit to death and the gold fruit to victory.


The Confident statue (Aphrodite) has the flower for mixing the blood with nectar. The Wounded Statue (Adonis) gets the red fruit for dying. The Longing Statue (Perspehone) gets the golden fruit for claiming Adonis in the end.

Go to Penn. His second challenge is basically his first challenge, except testing on two books instead of one.

He also offers you a hint on an "angel" after you're done with his second challenge, should you talk to him.

Foxanne will challenge you to another round of Hide and Seek, this time under 25 seconds.


She can be found on the rightmost counter if you face up.

Now it's time to go to Boaris.

Red Seeds and Goodbyes

At this point, if you haven't gotten the White Lily back in the first room, you should get it now, as this segment requires you to have it.

Boaris asks you for three seeds, which all of your friends will show reluctance to give up. They will issue you a last set of challenges. The penalty for losing one is to give up a petal, though they will still give you a red seed in the end.

Bunnilda asks you a question based on the myth she told you, on who Adonis loves.


This is a trick question; Bunnilda never told you who the man ended up loving.

Penn requests that you find a brown journal written by Ana, and to describe the person it is dedicated to.


Don't bother thinking it's one of the books on the shelves. It's located in another hallway entirely. Consult ending guide for further information.

If you haven't found it, Penn makes a second reference to an "angel" you have to find.

Foxanne has you try to find her in under 10 seconds.


She can be found in the closest silhouette in the foreground, with Mary facing the player (down).

With three seeds, Boaris commends you on getting them so quickly. But you need one last seed to open the door, and Boaris offers it to you in exchange for a petal. Make your choice.

Endings Guide


Notes on Endings

Your ending depends on certain requirements and items you have.

At the end of every ending you are given the option to exit the game (yes) or continue (no). Continuing allows you to go through the game again and saves your answers to Penn's puzzles. Attaining the Normal ending, the True ending, one of the ??? endings, and the Good ending with a single save will give you a password to unlock a Bonus .zip and some extras.

Normal Ending

Requirements: None
Say yes and give Boaris the petal. Enter the door. Scroll through credits.

True Ending

Requirements: At least two petals
Say yes and give Boaris the petal. Enter the door. Get treated to a little extra cutscene. Scroll through credits.

All Other Endings

This is where most of the spoiler content comes in.

You've probably noticed a painting in your room, with a weird splotch on it.

And guess what? You can also take out the Gold Leaf Key after you've opened the first door by standing next to it and pressing Z.

The radio would have warned you not to go looking for a fourth door in the hallway. Look for it anyways and you should find it next to Foxanne's door. It opens after you prompt it 2-3 times.

Inside you find another painting and a fishbowl with a sea angel inside of it. You can't do anything with the painting right now, but if you prompt the fishbowl four times, you get it to crack and spill over, releasing the angel. There's a password after cracking it, but you don't know it yet. Consult Bonus section for that.

Exit, and you'll get a short cutscene of the angel heading right. Where could it be going?

Head back to the room at the start, and examine the painting. Choose to touch it, and...

THE DARK, HIDDEN SIDE end up in HOLY MOLY THIS CREEPS YOU OUT an alternate version of the room at the start, except much bleaker (and bloodier).

There's a book that tells you to hold Shift to run. HEEP THAT IN MIND.

There's a door to the right. If you have the key, open it with it and advance.

The content in the next room varies based on what you've done so far in the game.

Before Getting Red Seeds

You'll find some creepy music, a sofa with three stuffed animals on it, a stuffed boar's head on the wall, a painting that's the same as the one in the fourth room, and another locked door (which can't be opened). It is SAFE to walk around, mind you.

Check the animals, and you'll find out that they correspond to your friends and the third round of puzzles. The bunny gives you some pages of the Adonis myth, the penguin the journal Penn asked you to find, addressed to


and the fox the directions needed to find Foxanne in the third hide and seek round.

After Getting Red Seeds

If you've solved a puzzle in the third round for a friend, you'll find his/her corresponding stuffed animal ripped up. You'll get a brown key if you search.

Walking back from the hallway in the first room will also cause a brief jump scare to be triggered. You can now jump between the "sides" through the hole/painting.

There's also something else to note about the game.

The final decision with Boaris in terms of offering him a petal is pivotal, the turning point of the game.

So SAY NO, and keep on saying no. You'll see Boaris suddenly act up and start acting rather darkly. Images will start flashing now and then.

When you enter "the other hallway," the background starts swimming and "HE'S COMING" is chanted as the background music. Venture a little beyond the sofa, and a man will approach from the right and start chasing you. Run as fast as you can to the left to prevent a scary "SWEET DREAMS" game over.

Continue running to the left even when you're in the first room, as the man will continue chasing you until you manage to get into the hole and back onto the "good" side..

Go to the fourth room and you'll find that the painting in it is flashing. Touch it.

The man will be on you left and the door is open to your right. Run immediately to the right. The next room you enter should have a red painting in it. Continue running as the man follows you and get into the red painting as soon as possible.

You'll now find yourself in a dark hallway. Walk to the end, towards the light.

You'll find a nicer version of Boaris' room, with a double door with three locks. Your ending depends on what you have with you at the moment.

??? Ending

Requirements: At least one petal, at most two brown keys
You don't have enough keys to open the door.

Suddenly, the man appears, and slowly walks towards you...

Scroll through credits.

??? Ending Alternate

Requirements: At least one petal, three brown keys
You finally escape the dream (for real) with all the keys and wake up in the real world.

You can't leave the room, however, as the door is locked. You can only go back to bed. Scroll through credits.

Good Ending

Requirements: At least one petal, three brown keys, Gold Leaf Key
You finally escape the dream (for real) with all the keys and wake up in the real world.

It turns out you've brought the key with you and are able to unlock the door to your actual room.

Congratulations. Experience the credits and the production values behind them.

Bonus Content

Getting all four types of endings gives you a password to unlock the .zip file included with the game. It also allows you to browse Mari's real life room and get some extra information.

Checking the stuffed penguin will give you a card with an odd Street Fighter reference and the "magic word"


Starting a new game and unlocking the button in the fishbowl unlocks HADOUKEN MODE. Going to the "other hallway," you can now dispatch the shadowy figure who creeped you out so much in arcade fashion.

The .zip file gives you a link to a bonus gallery, with lots of goodies, dev notes, and CGs.


Also, there's a mac version of the game already. But I guess the rule states I can't drop links here...


Ah, you're welcome.

I plan to get in some other playthroughs before I put in all of Penn's questions. Seriously, the game needs more attention.

There are a few typos, though, especially with the

sea angel heading "right"--it should be "left."

Some spoiler tags didn't make it through either.

Not bad for my first walkthrough though.

aqmkgbiq April 28, 2014 6:38 PM

Hello. I run the rpgosx tumblr blog (responsible for the Mac OS X distribution of the game) and I appreciate the mention on this article. However, if I ever change file hosts, or sometimes when releasing a new version of the game, the file URL you linked here will change and become useless. I would appreciate it if you linked to the blog's game list instead, where the link is guaranteed to always work. Thank you!

thegreatescaper April 28, 2014 11:41 PM

Just a question, is sound necessary to beat the game?

thegreatescaper April 28, 2014 11:57 PM

Argh... how do you backspace in an answer to Penn's questions?

thegreatescaper April 28, 2014 11:59 PM

Nvm, found out right after I posted that comment. POP, I guess.

thegreatescaper April 29, 2014 1:54 AM

Whew, just finished the game... quite an experience, to say the least.

This game achieved the shock factor quite well; the moment that the playful facade of the game fell apart, my heart was racing.

But this sudden change in tone was also what made this game less frightening in a way; there was no slow build. Sure, there were a few glimpses of clues that something might be wrong, but the darker parts of the game were just too far removed from the 'main' section of the game.

Another minor quibble I had was the dialogue; I know this has probably been translated, but some lines came off as cheesy or sudden, especially the endings to the hide and seeks ("Oh! You found me!").

'You deserve my seed'

was one of the annoying lines that kind of detracted from the atmosphere.

It's a lovely first work, no doubt, with an unforgettable art style and memorable story, but the horror aspect for me was just a little clumsily handled; it was too jarring to be a realistic change in mood.
I enjoyed Dreaming Mary while it lasted, but it won't be a game that I would play again.

(P.S. Thankyou Thaddeus for the amazing first walkthrough!)


@ TheGreatEscaper

As far as I know, the game was developed natively in English. I still like the dialogue, it reminds me a lot of JRPGs.

Plus the

"You deserve my seed" line can be taken as a unfortunate (and disturbing) double entendre, considering what you learn about Boaris' character. As in "seed" meaning...well you know the saying, "sow my oats"?

thegreatescaper April 29, 2014 9:17 AM

Yeah, I know the double meaning, and that's what i took the true meaning to be, but it was in my opinion less subtle then it could have been... It felt more awkward to me than disturbing.

That being said, I still think this game is a great effort and better than most 'horrible horror' you see these days. Like I said before, just a few minor quibbles which are probably just a matter of personal taste.


No joke, this game is terrifying; at least for me, anyway. I think I've discovered that this kind of extreme juxtaposition really gets to me. Survival horror monsters suddenly pale in comparison to

toothy-smiling foxes and rabbits.

It just goes to show how naive I am, but I seriously didn't read into the

double meaning of Boaris' dialogue

in my first couple of playthroughs. Only got it after I read people's spoilered comments.

I found the

hidden, dark world

quite quickly and early on in the game, which made me feel as if the dream was

a fantasy world that Mary created to escape into and for the most part it seems to be but at the end, when she goes further into the dream, it's only into continued abuse? Also, if it was a fantasy world she created, Boaris still exists in it so that meant she could never escape even in her dream? If it's not a fantasy world she created, then what is it?

I think I'm having a bit of trouble interpreting this bit, so I'd be very happy if someone could explain it all or give their opinions.

thegreatescaper April 29, 2014 10:59 AM

Hey DAM,

The dream world is kind of a place where Mary thinks she will find the 'key' to escaping her predicament in the real world.

As revealed in the good ending, Mary's mum says that you can do anything in dreams. Some bad endings tell Mary not to forget the key, which unlocks her bedroom door in the real world

That's how I saw it, anyway.

On another, unrelated note,

Penn plays an unusually predominant role in the story. Even subtle details all point to Penn; he is in the center room, which is a different, calmer colour, he is the only animal which doesn't go mad near the end, he is the only animal trying to help, and he is the only one with anything of personal significance, the journal.
Does anyone else think that Penn is Mary's vision of a better father figure?

thegreatescaper April 29, 2014 11:00 AM

Whoops, I meant Astrea. My mistake, and no offense meant if any was taken.



Thanks, Dora and TheGreatEscaper,

Those were really quick replies - I just thought I'd give the refresh button a go without really expecting anything.

That helped a lot, but I'll probably still need a few sleeps to make sense of/consolidate everything... It's a bit too much for my poor student brain which has recently been reading a lot of neuro research articles and been having migraines!

Dora's interpretations of the three animals sound pretty good. I only listened to the radio messages once so don't actually remember much.

That being said, I thought that Penn

was related to her uncle, Gwendel, who gave her the stuffed toy and also books. Because the penguin is the only one which we see in her room and it sits on her bed, she might consider him her only friend which might explain why he's the only really nice one in the dream.

Also, I thought that Glenn was Penn's real name, because of the puzzle question. That also made me think that Ana was Mary's real name, but this is incorrect - so who is Ana?

Two comments about her mum:

What she said about being able to do anything in dreams - I got this from another part, not the good ending. Can't remember which, though. Also, didn't at least one of the animals (Penn?) speak of her mum as if they knew her? I find that... interesting, but perhaps there's nothing more to it.


@Dora, Astrea, and TheGreatEscaper

You guys probably summed up the backstory of the game better than I could. I was initially confused about the Good Ending,

because I initially thought that the words came from Mary/Mari's father. Those words coming from her deceased mother make the story much more comprehensible.

If we continue the theme of Mary (Mari in the real world)'s dream friends being representations of figures in real life, Foxanne is most likely "Ana," the writer of the notebook addressed to "Glenn." I don't know how the journal read, though, so I have relatively little knowledge on what Ana's character could possibly be like.

The radio transcript is available on the developer's blog, if you google search


I'm only leaving a comment to make a lil detail clear.

Ana is Acha.

Glenn is Trass.

Those are their real names.

The journal is most likely Acha thanking him, sorta like an easter egg. They're not characters in the game, but Pen Guindell is a reference/shout out to Trass since he always has penguins in his avatar.

If you don't believe me, you can do a little searching, go to their site, ask their friends, etc.


Thanks for that piece of info, Maria! Would never had discovered the truth otherwise!


Do you know... Penn Guindel's name just faded into the background for me during my own playthrough so I never actually noticed it (only did just now, watching a playthrough on Youtube). I feel... a little bit dumb now, haha. It's a good one though. But! Guindel - Gwendel. I believe I was on the right track!


I finished the game times and got all of the endings and saved them into 1 save file, however, it doesn't give me the password to the bonus zip. file. :''


I have a problem! I put "SUPERMARY" as the password for read the link on the bonus, but he said that it's the wrong password :C

lenuzo2020 June 7, 2014 10:49 AM

Some comments about the animals and what they may represent:

If you remain in each of the three puzzle rooms for about 15 seconds after the animals disappear, you will notice a creepy black & white static image in each of them. Each image will blink then disappear for the next 15 seconds, so it's kind of tricky to make it out.

In the bunny room, there's an image of a maid falling down, presumably about to crash into the ground killing herself, or already dead. In the penguin room, there is a decapitated male body in the armchair. In the fox room, there is a body of an elegant woman who looks as if she was covered in blood and had her eyes gouged out.

I wonder if this may be a hint that the animals represent the people the psychotic father murdered in real life? It would correspond with the toys/items ripped to shreds in the dark version of the hallway. It might also explain why none of the people from Mari's life (the maid, the private tutor and the woman in the bar - I haven't found any hint as to who she was, Dora's suggestion seems likely) intervened in the sexual abuse. The ending song lyrics suggest that the father was not only sexually interested, but heavily obsessed with Mari so given the fact they live in a desolate mansion (as per radio message), it seems likely that he resorted to murder to keep the girl for himself.

Also, Boaris's facial expression when he tries to persuade Mary to accept his "seed" is ominously similar to that of her father's in the brief jump scare that happens after you leave the dark hallway for the first time.

Finally, the "good" ending leaves me wondering if Mari's mother is really deceased or only deep in coma, suffering the very fate Mari is trying to avoid.
It may be a bit far-fetched, but... the angel has a voice of a mature female and guides Mari through her nightmare to the dream inhabitants' dismay, as if she knew very well how dreams work and as if she wasn't part of this one. Can the angel be Mari's mother in coma communicating with he daughter through the dream world? She does, after all, mention the key she herself needs to find to escape.


I don't think anyone has mentioned this interpretation yet, about the animals.

People seem confused about who Foxanne represents. The radio mentions four people in Mary's life: her father, a maid, a tutor, and an uncle. The bunny is obviously the maid. The "pun" on his name, among other things, makes it clear that Penn Guindel is Uncle Gwendel. Boaris is Mary's father. So, I think Foxanne must be the tutor.

kangel619 June 23, 2014 11:58 PM

Hi Julia,

"SUPERMARY" is not the password for the bonus link ...

It is the password for the fish tank! The password you are looking for can be found after achieving all four endings of the game.

Hope that is helpful!

Spirit_Song July 3, 2014 5:16 PM

I've gotten all of the endings several times and I still haven't gotten the password to the zip file. Can someone help please?

Spirit_Song July 3, 2014 5:20 PM

I've completed the game several times and have gotten all of the endings, but I still don't have the password to the zip file. Can someone please help?

Spirit_Song July 3, 2014 5:21 PM

Sorry for the double post :P

Scapegoatie July 11, 2014 12:13 AM

I completed the game and I think it told me the password for the bonus file was


, but it's not working. Did anyone else get a different password? Also, if you complete all the endings and get a black screen with sound playing, just keep pressing the down button. I think it's supposed to show credits there, but something malfunctioned. At least, it did for me. If you hold it down long enough, the screen will eventually change and a text box will come up saying,

Congratulations on waking up from the dream!

Then it will tell you the password for the zip file. I don't think it'd be random for everyone, would it?

Reply July 21, 2014 5:40 PM

Can someone please help me with the bonus password. The ones provided here don't work and after I finished the game I can't remember if it gave me one or not. Who gives you the password and in what part? Thank you in advance.


anybody know where i can find the brown keys?


I think that

Ana might be Mary's mother. Probably Gwenn was friend with her mother.

Also, after reading the message in the good ending,

maybe Mary's mom has been raped by Mary's dad (her husband) too? And was and still is unable to leave somehow?

Reply September 7, 2014 5:01 AM

I'm on my third play-through and after opening the door I forgot to take my flower with me.

So I went to the secret door and tried to open it, but there comes a text that reads 'It feels like the wall is covered in cement.'
So I went back took my flower and now the text is still there.
What to do?


Im having troubles as to locating either the keys, or the fishbowl ending :( its sad because I REALLY want to see the other endings
could you please help?

ezlospirit November 19, 2014 1:19 AM

I haven't posted on this site in years, even though I still follow it closely, but I wanted to acknowledge all of the people who have posted possible interpretations of Dreaming Mary's plot and characters. Even though Dora mentioned in her review that there are potentially triggering elements and that they are subtle, I didn't get just how subtle when I played through the game; all I managed to get out of it was an ever-present sense of foreboding and wrongness. When I saw the Good Ending, I managed to pick up on

Mari's father abusing her in some way

but still missed out on the details.

It wasn't until I read through the comments above and other people's interpretations of the game that I fully grasped the magnitude of the themes and content of this game and thus gained a deeper respect for the developers for striking such a delicate balance between allusion and flagrance, especially dealing with such delicate issues. So thanks to you all! And thanks to Dora for covering this game on JiG; it was a (twisted) delight to play, hearkening back to the best parts of Ib, which I also first heard about here 2+ years ago!


Hopefully, you've figured this out in the past 2.5 months, but in case you haven't,

I believe that the secret fourth door is covered over with cement for the rest of a playthrough as soon as you open the door to Boaris's room for the first time, if you haven't already opened the secret door. (Notice that if you go to open Boaris's door, you can hear someone whisper "Don't go in there yet,"

presumably the angel fish from inside the secret room


I have managed to open said door before taking the lily, so I don't think that has anything to do with your problem.


I have a Mac computer. Is there anyone here who can refer me to a reliable Dreaming Mary download? PLEASE not RPGHub or vgperson, because I tried to work RPGHub and it doesn't work for me.

nothingbutaroleplayer January 17, 2015 5:51 PM replied to ezlospirit

ezlospirit, I had your same problem for a while.
The program I use is called 'Wine', or 'WineBottler'. You need WineBottler for Wine to actually work.
There is no wine conversion of this game, so what you ned to do is download WineBottler and just open it.
After that, any .exe file you try to open should have two options.
Run directly in /Users/etc. and Convert to simple OS X App Bundle with WineBottler
I usually use the first option, because it is faster and much simpler. Saves still save, and I haven't had any major problems so far.

jalini.jeyaraman January 21, 2015 5:45 PM

I just realized something about the riddle Bunnilda gives Mary

In it she says that two goddesses fall in love with the same man (Adonis). If you take it in the context of the real world, it seems like Bunnilda (maid) and Roxanne (tutor) may have been in love with Mary's dad. It explains why they are so ok with the father's terrible treatment of Mary and possible sexual abuse. I also think the 3rd riddle alludes to the fact that neither knew who the father loved the most (because he loved Mary the most)

jordancarey08 January 27, 2015 7:28 PM

how do i open that damn secret door? i decided to continue after reaching the true and normal endings, if that helps.

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Okay, I've looked up and read, watched, all sorts of walkthroughs. I always take the key and get all of the seeds without giving a petal, and no matter when I try to go through the painting it never works.

I've heard that you need to go through it to answer penn's question (but it never lets me through before I answer it OR after.

I just really need help on what to do. I want to get the ending where she wakes up but nothings working. :


Does anyone know what to do if you mess up the second round with Penn??? I put The Giving Tree (which is the title of the book??? but it says its wrong, and its one letter too short, so i guess they mean the author, like the last challenge, but it did say the title)
But the thing is, it won't let me backspace. I go over to him and he asks if I know the title, and it opens the little keyboard thing and the title I typed is still there! I can't backspace it. I've tried walking in and out of the room, but that wont reset it! I'm going to have to go back to my last save, but I was just wondering if anyone else had a problem with him asking for a title instead of author, or with backspacing?


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