An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold Episode One

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Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold Episode One

KimberlyThe Wild West has always been the perfect backdrop for adventure. Guns, saloons, and men in black can all be found in the classic style point-and-click adventure game from Replay Games, Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold Episode One. When Fester gets word from his brother Bud that he's found gold, Fester heads out with his trusty mule Martha to help stake the claim. But when he gets to town, no one has seen Bud in weeks, and Fester is determined to find him.

Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold Episode OneYou control Fester on his adventure. Simply tap or click where you want him to walk. Your inventory is always open at the bottom of the screen, with the action interface to the left of it. Tap the action you'd like to perform, then move your finger around the screen until you are targeting the object you want. This can be something in the environment, or an item from your inventory. Release your finger to execute the action. A handy action bar at the top of the screen tells you what you are currently interacting with. Be sure to explore each scene thoroughly for objects and clues.

Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold is point-and-click mobile adventuring at its best. There are plenty of humorous conversations to be had with the quirky cast of characters. The game has a unique sense of humor (and fair share of fart jokes) and never takes itself too seriously. How can you not love that the man who runs the General Store is a retired general with the last name Store? There's plenty of interesting scenery to look at, with wonderful retro graphics, and the soundtrack perfectly evokes images of the old West.

The inventory puzzles never get too far fetched, which is a problem with some adventure games. However, you do end up collecting a fair amount of inventory items which don't disappear once they've outlived their usefulness. This leads to a cluttered inventory that gets a bit difficult to navigate by the end of the game. Billed as a tribute to the golden era of adventure gaming, fans of Sierra and LucasArts (as well as people too young to remember the golden era of adventure gaming) will not be disappointed.

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NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPad 2. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.

Walkthrough Guide

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Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold Episode One Walkthrough

This walkthrough covers just the basics you need to win. For more laughs, it's a good idea to explore all dialog options and look at various scenery items.
The game isn't strictly linear, so many things can be done in any order.

Outside the Saloon:

  1. Talk to the bouncer to learn you need an ID to enter the saloon.

  2. Go inside the Doug Store. Show him the pill bottle to find out using it can produce unpredictable effects.

  3. Talk to Doug. Tell him you don't have enough money to buy anything and he'll ask you for a favor—to gather blue herbs near the lake of the farting fish.

  4. Look at the blue bowl of fish cookies on the counter. Doug will tell you take as many as you'd like.

  5. Pick up some fish cookies, then leave the store and exit the screen to the right.

Bank/Sheriff Office:

  1. Notice that the dog won't let you pick up the green bottle.

  2. Enter the bank and watch the cut scene, then you'll be back outside.

  3. Pick up the horseshoe.

  4. Exit to the right.

Shed/Gun Store:

  1. Enter the shed. Pick up clippers from the crate in the center of the room.

  2. Move the step ladder.

  3. Use the step ladder to climb it. Take the jar from the shelf.

  4. Exit the shed.

  5. Walk to the right and enter the gun store.

  6. Talk to the shopkeeper to find out he's missing his nose, and he won't help you until he has a new one.

  7. Exit shop and head right.

Outside General Store:

  1. Watch cut scene with reporter. Keep in mind that you get your picture taken.

  2. Walk to the right and use the clippers on the noose to take the rope.

  3. Exit up into the ally, left of the general store.


  1. Pick up clothes to discover string and clothespins. Notice the cat.

  2. Exit down.

  3. Pick up the lipstick lying on the ground and exit left.

  4. Exit up to the plains. Travel to the lake.


  1. It smells too bad to get close to the lake. You need something to keep your nose plugged.

  2. Use the clothespin from the ally to choose your favorite, then use that one to pinch your nose.

  3. Use the cutters you found in the shed on the herbs above the lake to gather them.

  4. Use the jar from the shed on the lake to catch a fish.

  5. Exit the lake and head back to town.

Doug Store:

  1. Enter the Doug Store.

  2. Give Doug the herbs you cut at the lake, and he'll give you two dollars.

  3. Exit and go right until you get to the shed.


  1. Talk to the newsboy to try to get a newspaper. No way to get one for free, so enter the shed.

  2. Pick up a newspaper through the window. Look at it to see your picture is in there!

  3. Return to the alley.


  1. Explore the dialog options until the man shows you his wares. He sells ID cards!

  2. Ask about the card to find out it costs two dollars and you have to provide a picture of yourself.

  3. Give the newspaper you pilfered from the newsboy by the shed and the two dollars you earned collecting herbs to the man, and he'll give you an ID.


  1. Use one of the fish cookies you got from the Doug Store on the cat. It will follow you as you exit back to the General Store.

  2. If you wait too long to feed it, the cat will leave. If this happens, just go back to the Doug Store and get some more cookies.

  3. Use another fish cookie with the cat in front of the General Store, then exit down.

  4. You'll be back at the saloon. Give the cat a cookie and exit right to the bank/sheriff area.

  5. The dog will chase the cat. Then you can pick up the bottle.

  6. Use the bottle on the bottle return machine, then push the button. It won't give you your money!

  7. Kick the machine. The coin is still stuck.

  8. Use your magnetic horseshoe on the coin tray to get your 20 cents.

  9. Go back to the General Store.

General Store:

  1. Notice the sign outside advertising free sponges.

  2. Enter the General Store.

  3. The sponges are in a barrel on the bottom right. Take a couple.

  4. Head back to the saloon.


  1. Show the bouncer your ID you got from that weird guy in the ally.

  2. Enter the saloon.

Inside the Saloon:

  1. Take the knife out of the dead guy's back.

  2. Talk to mean-looking man sitting at the same table as the dead guy.

  3. Exhaust all dialog options to find out he knows your brother Bud, and that bud has a shack to the east.

    • You'll also find out about Wild Bill Hiccup in Room four upstairs.

    • He's a champion drinker and you could challenge him to a drinking contest...if you dare.

    • You'll also discover the name of Wild Bill Hiccup's rival is Wyatt Burp.

  4. Talk to the bartender. Exhaust all dialog options.

  5. Talk to Lance, the man in black. He'll give you a list of things you need to have before he'll escort you to Gold Valley.

  6. You'll need a gun with ammo, a ride, and to find Lance's pocket watch.

  7. Head upstairs.

First Floor in the Saloon:

  1. The window on the landing is stuck. Use the knife you pulled from the dead guy on the window to pry it open.

  2. Go out the window, walk across the roof and enter the other open window.

  3. Look at the corpse—there's something in it's pocket. Pick it up. It's a coupon for the general store.

  4. Look at the bottle, then pick it up from the table. Exit the room, then head to the second floor.

Second Floor in the Saloon:

  1. Knock on the door to room 4.

  2. Talk to Wild Bill Hiccup and challenge him to a drinking contest.

  3. Tell him you are Wyatt Burp.

  4. While he's polishing his lucky golden tooth, put the pill from the trash in his cup, and a sponge from the General Store in your own.

  5. Bill will pass out. Now's your chance to steal his golden tooth!

  6. Open the door.

  7. Use the string you found in the ally on the golden tooth, then use it again to tie it to the door.

  8. Use rope you cut outside the General Store with Wild Bill, then again to tie it to the bed.

  9. Exit the room, then close the door.

  10. Open the door and go back into the room to pick up the golden tooth.

  11. Head to the Doug Store.

Doug Store:

  1. Look at the shelf above Doug to notice something called boost-a-mule

  2. Give the gold tooth to Doug. He'll give you a bottle of boost-a-mule.

  3. Head to the Gun Store.

Gun Store:

  1. You can make the shopkeeper a nose with some inventory items.

    • Use lipstick on the sponge from the General Store to paint it red.

    • Use cutters from the shed on the red sponge to make a hole.

  2. Give the red sponge with a hole in it to the shopkeeper.

  3. Explore dialog options to discover he can't sell you a gun because he lost his gun license in a poker your brother.

  4. Use your 20 cents in the ammo dispenser.

  5. Exit store and head up to the plains.

  6. Travel to Bud's shack.

Outside Bud's Shack:

  1. Try to open the door. No one is home and the door is locked. Good thing there's a chimney!

  2. Use tree to try to climb it. You need to get rid of the squirrel.

  3. Use the jar with the fish in it on the hole in the tree to get rid of the squirrel.

  4. Use tree to climb to the chimney.

Inside Bud's Shack:

  1. There's a loose board near the bed. Pick it up.

  2. Pick up the note underneath. It's some sort of code.

  3. Use the note with the stove knob. It's really a safe! Open the stove.

  4. Pick up the key from inside the stove.

  5. Pick up coat by the door to find Bud's ID.

  6. Exit and travel back to town to the bank.


  1. Enter the bank.

  2. Talk to the clerk.

  3. Ask to access your account and show her Bud's ID that you found in the shack. She isn't fooled. Good thing your picture is just taped to the ID.

  4. Look at your ID. Pick up your picture from it.

  5. Look at Bud's ID. Pick up his picture as well.

  6. Now use your photo with Bud's ID.

  7. Talk to the clerk to inquire about your account.

  8. Show her Bud's ID.

  9. When she asks for the password, show her the key you took from Bud's shack.

  10. Ask to see the safe deposit box.

  11. Use the key on the box, you'll take the paper inside. It's the gun selling license!

  12. Return to the gun shop.

Gun Shop:

  1. Give the shopkeeper the license you got from the safe deposit box. He'll give you a gun.

  2. Head to the General Store.

General Store:

  1. Show your the coupon you found in the saloon to the clerk.

  2. Pick up the shovel (Near the sponges).

  3. Pick up the funnel (Under the candy canes).

  4. Pick up the whoopie cusion (near the wagon wheel).

  5. Pick up heat resistant gloves (near the hats).

  6. Give the clerk your coupon.

  7. Head to the Sheriff's office.

Sheriff's Office:

  1. Talk to the sheriff. He's very busy.

  2. When the sheriff isn't looking, pick up the pink donut from the corner of his desk.

  3. After the sheriff leaves to get more donuts, talk to the prisoner.

  4. He wants a bottle of Stinky Gringo to drink, which you got from the corpse at the saloon earlier. Hand it over and you'll get the pocket watch.

  5. Go back to the saloon.

Outside the Saloon:

  1. Use the funnel with Martha the mule.

  2. Use boost-a-mule you got from the Doug Store with the funnel from the General Store.

  3. Enter the saloon.

Inside the Saloon:

  1. Give the pocket watch to Lance.

  2. Talk to Lance and tell him you got everything on his list.

  3. Off you go to Gold Valley!

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