An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Find Dwarfs in Winter 2012

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elleFind Dwarfs in Winter 2012Elves, smelves. It's dwarfs you want to find in your stocking or under the tree. Or, behind that mound of snow. Or, under that thingy over there. Ten orangish pipsqueaks altogether are hidden about Nekonote's charming point-and-click snowscape, waiting for your keen gaze to Find Dwarfs in Winter 2012.

The goal is as simple as the title states it, yet these shy creatures are no mere simpletons when it comes to finding places to obscure their itty bitty selves. You'll have to jump through a few hoops, performing actions that might coax the dwarfs out of secreted spots or solving puzzles to earn a key or a coin or the help of the scenery's inhabitants. When you're ready to go—whether you have all ten or only a few dwarfs bouncing about in the cage—locate and click on the "exit" signpost to leave (but the ending varies according to your success). Although it's short on gameplay or challenge, giving only a wee glimpse of these characters' personalities, Find Dwarves in Winter 2012 presents an enjoyable dose of cuteness that infuses whimsy and cheer into the winter drear.

Play Find Dwarfs in Winter 2012

Walkthrough Guide

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Find Dwarfs in Winter 2012 Walkthrough

  1. You begin outside the House...

    • Click the "Welcome" sign to turn it around.

      • The itty bitty orange circle with even bitty-er legs? That's a dwarf.

      • Click him to put DWARF 1/10 in the cage.

  2. Click the left arrow to go left.

    • Notice: Do not click the "exit" sign until you're ready to leave.

    • Click the red box under the two trees on the left side of the screen to go there.

      • Something is written on the side of the tree. Click it to look closer:

      • Make a note of each symbol and the numbers of dots under them.

    • There is another dwarf in the vending machine. First you need a coin.

  3. Click the bottom of the screen to back up twice.

  4. Click on the barn on the right side of the scene to look inside.

    • In the upper right corner of the door frame is DWARF 2/10. Get him.

    • Notice that the hatch is locked so you'll need to find a key.

    • Click on the bigger of the two cows: she wants some water.

    • Examine the trough:

      • From this view, look in the hay along the left corner of the trough to get DWARF 3/10.

      • Then, click the hay along the top edge to see the clue.

  5. Back up twice then turn left.

  6. This snowman family looks a little familiar.

    • Arrange the arms of the left and right snowmen to match the drawing you saw in the barn, by the trough:

    • Snowman on the left = Left arm up, right arm straight out.
      Snowman on the right = left arm straight out, right arm down.

      • When arranged correctly, the BUCKET falls off the middle snowman so you can take it.

      • Look! There's also DWARF 4/10 who was under the bucket. Get him!

    • Trying to play real cool next to a rock on the left side of the scene is DWARF 5/10. Pick him up, too.

    • Finally, get third ROCK from the right.

  7. Click the "Do Not Disturb" sign to see what's over there.

    • Once you get closer to the sign, click it again to turn it around:

      • Behind the sign is an orange KEY. Take it.

    • The pool looks pretty frozen. But aren't you still curious what's inside there that needs no disturbing?

      • Through the ROCK in to break the ice.

      • Hmm. Nothing. Well, maybe it's not a good idea to stick around after all.

  8. Back up and turn left. You're back at the house, but with a KEY in your possesion.

    • Use the KEY to unlock the house and go inside.

  9. Inside the house, you see a chickadee on the sofa.

    • Click the pullswitch to turn on the light. Make a note of that yellow symbol (it looks like something you saw earlier.

  10. Turn right to face the window with closed blinds.

    • Click the lever to open the blinds.

      • Here is a red symbol. Take note of it, too.

    • There's also six snowmen out the window. If you click on each, they turn around.

      • Hey, there's something on the hat of the fourth snowman...

        • DWARF 6/10.

  11. Turn right. Here is a fridge but it's locked.

    • There are three colored magnets. From left to right: red, yellow, green.

    • Clicking on the upper edge of the fridge shows the place for the code:

      • You need a three-digit number. Let's look around more.

  12. Turn right again to face the door.

    • Oh, a hat and scarf is good before going outside.

      • Under the hat is a green symbol.

      • Well, now you've seen a red, yellow and green symbol. It turns out that you can open that fridge.

  13. Turn left to go back to the fridge and solve the 3-digit code:

    • Remember the symbols you saw on the tree?

      • Each symbol had a certain number of dots under it.

      • Each symbol you've seen around the house was a certain color.

    • Based on that information, and the colored magnets on the fridge, you can figure out the code for the fridge:

    • 7 5 9

      • When you enter the number correctly, the fridge automatically unlocks.

    • Click the door to open the fridge and look inside:

      • CAKE! Get it.

  14. Turn left twice to face the sofa again. Maybe you should share?

    • Give the CAKE to the chickadee.

      • In return, he hands you a black KEY. Take it.

    • Let's wait a bit until he finishes the cake. Maybe we can use the plate for something...

  15. Turn left or right then.... Turn back to the sofa to see if chickadee ate the cake:

    • Yes, he's done with the cake. And there's the plate...

      • With DWARF 7/10 eating the last of it. Get him.

  16. Turn left and this time, go out the door.

  17. Turn left and go back to the barn.

    • Use the black KEY to unlock the hatch.

      • Get the FISH FOOD.

  18. Back up and turn left. Then, click the "Do Not Disturb" sign to go back to the pond.

    • Yikes! Give the FISH FOOD to the giant catfish.

    • He'll sink back into the water, leaving something on the surface...

      • It's a COIN. Take it.

    • You can also now fill up the BUCKET WITH WATER.

  19. Back up and turn right and go into the barn.

    • Examine the empty trough. Using your BUCKET WITH WATER, fill the trough with water for the cows.

    • Back up and click on the cow. When she goes in for a drink...

      • ...quickly grab DWARF 8/10 from her back.

  20. Back out of the barn and go over to the red box under the two trees.

    • Put the COIN in the coin slot on the left side of the red vending box.

    • Click the knob on the right side.

      • A packaged dwarf will come out. Click it to open the wrapper.

      • Get DWARF 9/10.

  21. Now you need one last dwarf. Remember, they're shy but they also enjoy winter sports...

  22. Go back to the pond (back, left and to the "do not disturb" sign).

    • When you return to the pond, you'll see a dwarf riding by on his sleigh.

      • Click on him to get DWARF 10/10.

  23. Finally, back up and turn right then click the "EXIT." Choose "yes" if you have ten dwarfs and you can leave.

THE BAD END: If you want to experience the "bad" ending, refresh your browser to restart the game. Then, immediately go to the exit sign and choose to leave without finding ten dwarfs.

Dwarfs List by Location

  1. Behind the Welcome Sign.

  2. Inside barn; upper right side of screen.

  3. By the trough, inside the barn.

  4. On the middle snowman's head (after solving puzzle).

  5. On rock in bottom left corner of three snowmen scene.

  6. When in the house, outside window, on the fourth snowman's hat (after opening blinds).

  7. On the cake plate (after opening fridge and giving cake to chick).

  8. Inside the red vending box (after getting coin).

  9. On the cow's back (when she drinks water).

  10. After finding the others, the tenth dwarf shows up by the pond. He's on his sleigh.

Thanks to elle for the awesome walkthrough!


Find Dwarfs in Winter 2012 Walkthrough

  1. You begin outside the House...

    • Click the "Welcome" sign to turn it around.

      • The itty bitty orange circle with even bitty-er legs? That's a dwarf.

      • Click him to put DWARF 1/10 in the cage.

  2. Click the left arrow to go left.

    • Notice: Do not click the "exit" sign until you're ready to leave.

    • Click the red box under the two trees on the left side of the screen to go there.

      • Something is written on the side of the tree. Click it to look closer:

      • Make a note of each symbol and the numbers of dots under them.

    • There is another dwarf in the vending machine. First you need a coin.

  3. Click the bottom of the screen to back up twice.

  4. Click on the barn on the right side of the scene to look inside.

    • In the upper right corner of the door frame is DWARF 2/10. Get him.

    • Notice that the hatch is locked so you'll need to find a key.

    • Click on the bigger of the two cows: she wants some water.

    • Examine the trough:

      • From this view, look in the hay along the left corner of the trough to get DWARF 3/10.

      • Then, click the hay along the top edge to see the clue.

  5. Back up twice then turn left.

  6. This snowman family looks a little familiar.

    • Arrange the arms of the left and right snowmen to match the drawing you saw in the barn, by the trough:

    • Snowman on the left = Left arm up, right arm straight out.
      Snowman on the right = left arm straight out, right arm down.

      • When arranged correctly, the BUCKET falls off the middle snowman so you can take it.

      • Look! There's also DWARF 4/10 who was under the bucket. Get him!

    • Trying to play real cool next to a rock on the left side of the scene is DWARF 5/10. Pick him up, too.

    • Finally, get third ROCK from the right.

  7. Click the "Do Not Disturb" sign to see what's over there.

    • Once you get closer to the sign, click it again to turn it around:

      • Behind the sign is an orange KEY. Take it.

    • The pool looks pretty frozen. But aren't you still curious what's inside there that needs no disturbing?

      • Through the ROCK in to break the ice.

      • Hmm. Nothing. Well, maybe it's not a good idea to stick around after all.

  8. Back up and turn left. You're back at the house, but with a KEY in your possesion.

    • Use the KEY to unlock the house and go inside.

  9. Inside the house, you see a chickadee on the sofa.

    • Click the pullswitch to turn on the light. Make a note of that yellow symbol (it looks like something you saw earlier.

  10. Turn right to face the window with closed blinds.

    • Click the lever to open the blinds.

      • Here is a red symbol. Take note of it, too.

    • There's also six snowmen out the window. If you click on each, they turn around.

      • Hey, there's something on the hat of the fourth snowman...

        • DWARF 6/10.

  11. Turn right. Here is a fridge but it's locked.

    • There are three colored magnets. From left to right: red, yellow, green.

    • Clicking on the upper edge of the fridge shows the place for the code:

      • You need a three-digit number. Let's look around more.

  12. Turn right again to face the door.

    • Oh, a hat and scarf is good before going outside.

      • Under the hat is a green symbol.

      • Well, now you've seen a red, yellow and green symbol. It turns out that you can open that fridge.

  13. Turn left to go back to the fridge and solve the 3-digit code:

    • Remember the symbols you saw on the tree?

      • Each symbol had a certain number of dots under it.

      • Each symbol you've seen around the house was a certain color.

    • Based on that information, and the colored magnets on the fridge, you can figure out the code for the fridge:

    • 7 5 9

      • When you enter the number correctly, the fridge automatically unlocks.

    • Click the door to open the fridge and look inside:

      • CAKE! Get it.

  14. Turn left twice to face the sofa again. Maybe you should share?

    • Give the CAKE to the chickadee.

      • In return, he hands you a black KEY. Take it.

    • Let's wait a bit until he finishes the cake. Maybe we can use the plate for something...

  15. Turn left or right then.... Turn back to the sofa to see if chickadee ate the cake:

    • Yes, he's done with the cake. And there's the plate...

      • With DWARF 7/10 eating the last of it. Get him.

  16. Turn left and this time, go out the door.

  17. Turn left and go back to the barn.

    • Use the black KEY to unlock the hatch.

      • Get the FISH FOOD.

  18. Back up and turn left. Then, click the "Do Not Disturb" sign to go back to the pond.

    • Yikes! Give the FISH FOOD to the giant catfish.

    • He'll sink back into the water, leaving something on the surface...

      • It's a COIN. Take it.

    • You can also now fill up the BUCKET WITH WATER.

  19. Back up and turn right and go into the barn.

    • Examine the empty trough. Using your BUCKET WITH WATER, fill the trough with water for the cows.

    • Back up and click on the cow. When she goes in for a drink...

      • ...quickly grab DWARF 8/10 from her back.

  20. Back out of the barn and go over to the red box under the two trees.

    • Put the COIN in the coin slot on the left side of the red vending box.

    • Click the knob on the right side.

      • A packaged dwarf will come out. Click it to open the wrapper.

      • Get DWARF 9/10.

  21. Now you need one last dwarf. Remember, they're shy but they also enjoy winter sports...

  22. Go back to the pond (back, left and to the "do not disturb" sign).

    • When you return to the pond, you'll see a dwarf riding by on his sleigh.

      • Click on him to get DWARF 10/10.

  23. Finally, back up and turn right then click the "EXIT." Choose "yes" if you have ten dwarfs and you can leave.

THE BAD END: If you want to experience the "bad" ending, refresh your browser to restart the game. Then, immediately go to the exit sign and choose to leave without finding ten dwarfs.

Dwarfs List by Location

  1. Behind the Welcome Sign.

  2. Inside barn; upper right side of screen.

  3. By the trough, inside the barn.

  4. On the middle snowman's head (after solving puzzle).

  5. On rock in bottom left corner of three snowmen scene.

  6. When in the house, outside window, on the fourth snowman's hat (after opening blinds).

  7. On the cake plate (after opening fridge and giving cake to chick).

  8. Inside the red vending box (after getting coin).

  9. On the cow's back (when she drinks water).

  10. After finding the others, the tenth dwarf shows up by the pond. He's on his sleigh.

Thanks to elle for the awesome walkthrough!


The 10th guy is slippery! I don't know if it's my RAM or what, but he refuses to be caught!


*Whew* Finally! I just wish I knew what I did that worked.


Enjoyable, but riffing off Neutral much?


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