Find the Escape-Men 53 in the Service Area
There's nothing like a really long car ride with the throb of a well-tuned engine... the thrum of tires against asphalt... the hum of the climate controls... the rattling of one of the fan vents... the numbness in your left leg... the whining of your passengers... the crackle of the radio as you JUST TRY TO FIND A DECENT STATION IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE... uh, eventually, in any long-distance ride, a person needs to just pull over and stretch their legs, hit the restroom, and maybe find something to eat. Not a problem in more populated areas, but if you are in the vast stretches between towns sooner or later you might want to brave the nearest rest stop, also known in other parts as the service area, home to squabbling families, long-haul truckers, interstate serial killers, and apparently escape men. No1game is back with the road trip that refuses to die in Find the Escape-Men 53 in the Service Area, yet another road trip themed escape. Are we there yet?!?!
The inevitable sequel to Part 51 (Traffic) and Part 52 (Gas Station) sees the long-suffering traveler attempting to catch a break at a fairly decent looking Service Area, one that is home to restrooms, restaurants, a gift shop, and the inevitable green escape men. Why these little international symbols of an exit want to keep hiding in the scenery is a mystery that is once again explored in point-and-click format. The problem, you see, is that although it's nice to get out of the car and move around a bit, you won't be able to get back on the road until you find ten of the little slackers and make them get back to their jobs. No1game serves up an amusing little mini-escape with a couple of puzzles, some combining of found items, and a lot of annoying the folks around you. Find the Escape-Men 53 in the Service Area reminds us that in the vast excursion that is life it is not the destination but the journey that is important. And, you know, the escaping.
Walkthrough Guide
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Walk through: (or location of green men : and how to get them)
(in no particular order)
Sat at table food hall
click on his newspaper till he gets angry and stands up
under left stack of boxes in shop on the boxes
currency exchange
ring bell on desk and wait
in ticket machine
click on coin return until man appears
toilet signs
combine the male (blue) and female (yellow) signs
smoking area
drench him with water from the cleaning cupboard in toilet
men in toilet
give him toilet roll, which is to left of ticket machine
in staff room
in order to do this you will
need a 4 symbol code: Yen Symbol
Food Symbol
Smoking Symbol
Cleaning Symbol
in rice bowl
give food server back his buzzer after it goes off
which is obtained by
giving food server ticket from ticket machine
hobo escape man!!
wait outside until truck drives past -you need to go into store/smoking area/ toilet, than back out to get this
Posted by: little_geoff
June 9, 2013 1:45 PM
Find the Escape-Men 53 in the Service Area Walkthrough
General Information
Don't forget to change the language before you start.
As always, you must find 10 escape men to escape.
Remember that the escape men are green, and what colors make up green.
There are some colors involved, so the walkthrough will include directions for the colorblind.
Don't hold back, be as annoying as possible to your fellow customers.
Good luck!
Enjoy the opening road sequence in which you realize you need a bathroom and food, in that order.
The game begins outside the service area. There are doors in front of you, and areas to the right and left of the building.
Click on the right side of the building. Congratulations, you've found the smoking area.
There's an escape man here, but he's enjoying a cigarette, so you can't take him yet. Back up.
Click on the left side of the building.
Congratulations, you've found the restrooms. Note that the men's room sign is blue and the ladie's room sign is yellow.
You can't enter the ladie's room, so click on the open men's room doorway to enter.
There are two stalls here, one is a regular stall, one is a broom cupboard.
You can click on the left stall, but it is occupied.
Note the sign on the right stall, a square, blue sign with a broom on it. Click on the door to open it.
Inside you will find a broom, a hose, and a bucket of water. Back up twice.
Time to go into the main service area. Click on the double doors to enter.
You are now in the main service area. There are food and drink counters in front of you. There are tables and a guy reading a newspaper just to the right of the counters. There is a ticket machine to the left. You can also go left and right from here.
Go right.
You are now facing the gift shop. There is a blue sign here with a Yen symbol on it, an upside down pentagon shape. There are stacks of books or something to the left of the counter, which is unmanned. Go left.
Once you are facing the food counter, go left.
You are now facing the staff room. The door is locked, and the lock seems to use two different types of symbols.
Go right.
You are now back at the food counter. Click on the ticket machine for a close up.
Looks like it's a machine to get rice. Yummy!
Click on the left side of the ticket machine.
Hey, there's toilet paper here! Take it and back up twice to the food counter.
Time to find some escape men!
The Restrooms
Back up to the outside view of the service area.
Click on the left of the building to go to the restroom area.
Click on the male and female restroom signs to take them. Note that one is blue, and one is yellow.
Pull up the female sign into close up, then use the male sign on it to create a green escape man. Click on him to take him (Escape man #1).
Click on the left (men's) doorway to enter.
Click on the right door (broom closet) to open it and take the bucket of water.
Click on the left stall door. Still occupied?
Maybe they can't leave because they are missing something?
Use the roll of toilet paper on the door.
Yes, he just needed the toilet paper!
Take the escape man (Escape man #2).
Back up twice.
The Smoking Area
Click on the area to the right of the building.
Yep, the escape man is still here, still smoking.
Looks like you can't take him until he is finished.
Use the bucket of water on the escape man to extinguish his cigarette. Smoking is bad!
Take the escape man (Escape man #3) and back up.
Once you are outside the service area building, wait a minute and a truck will drive by.
An escape man will be on the outside of the truck, take him (Escape man #4).
The Food Court
Go into the service area building.
Notice the guy with the newspaper sitting at the table?
Click on him. Looks like it disturbs him.
Click on the newspaper reading guy several times quickly, and he will get ticked off and throw away the newspaper.
Yes, he is an escape man, take him (Escape man #5).
Notice that the food counter has a diamond shaped sign with a rice bowl symbol. You hungry?
Click on the ticket machine for a close up.
Use your wallet on the machine to get a ticket.
Once you have your rice ticket, click on the coin return lever several times. An escape man will drop into the coin return slot, take him (Escape Man #6).
Back up and click on the food counter for a close up.
Give the rice ticket to the guy behind the counter.
The guy will give you a buzzer. Once you have it, just wander around until it goes off. Time for dinner!
Go back inside the service area building, then click on the food counter for a close up.
Use the buzzer on the guy behind the counter. This will get you a bowl of rice with an escape man in it. take him (Escape Man #7).
Back up.
The Gift Shop
Turn right to the gift shop.
The counter is still unmanned.
Start going through the piles of books/boxes/whatever.
There is an escape man hiding in the far left pile (Escape Man #8). Take him.
Ring the bell on the empty counter.
Wait a minute and the clerk will appear. It's an escape man! Take him (Escape Man #9).
Back up.
The Staff Room
Click on the staff room door.
Look closely at the symbol lock.
Note the symbols on the top of the lock, a Yen sign, a rice bowl, a cigarette, and a broom.
We've seen these symbols around the service area.
Do you remember what shape the signs were that had those symbols?
The Yen symbol is an upside-down pentagon. The rice bowl was a diamond. The cigarette was a circle. The broom was a square.
Set the symbols to the proper shapes, then click "enter".
Click on the now unlocked door to open it.
The last escape man is in there, enjoying a cup-o-ramen! Take him (Escape man #10).
Congratulations! The staff is in a lot of trouble and you can finally get back on the road.
Posted by: grinnyp
June 9, 2013 2:21 PM