An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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Rating: 3.7/5 (86 votes)
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DoraI'm not entirely sure about the plot behind Gotmail's escape game Gifted, which is apparently about a genius young autistic girl who has never spoken a word, and yet one day boots up her computer to display a projection of a person trapped in a strange room somewhere. And that person, apparently, is you. So... you're being held captive by some burgeoning megalomaniac? I guess? Well, regardless of how or why it happened, you're stuck unless you can combine all the cryptic clues scattered around to solve the puzzles locking you in. Just click to interact and explore, and double-click objects in your inventory to zoom in on them to interact up close, whether to search for more clues and uses, or just combine them.

The combination of item useage and clue interpretation is balanced nicely, and the surreal sci-fi design makes for some wonderfully out-there puzzles that use both elements. You'll actually do a fair amount of taking things apart and putting them back together in your inventory, and this is actually where the game stumbles a bit since some of those combinations might be technically logical, but not necessarily that intuitive. Similarly, Gotmail's lack of a changing cursor and clearly defined area transitions can make missing a new perspective or angle easy. Fortunately, the space's tight design means exploring and finding everything you need is a simple matter of being methodical.

The ending is just as confusing as the opening, especially since it seems to leave itself open for a sequel, and I'm not entirely sure we needed another story about a developmentally impaired person turning into a villain. Taken purely in terms of its gameplay, however, Gifted is a satisfying escape experience that'll give you a brisk mental workout without leaving you ragged at the end.

Play Gifted

Walkthrough Guide

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Gifted Walkthrough

General Information

  • There is one ending to the game.

  • Remember to examine items that you pick up. They may be hiding clues.

  • Feel free to combine items to see what you can make. Yes, there is construction.

  • There will be directions for the colorblind.

  • Good luck!


  • You begin facing a wall with two alcoves. In the left alcove are some pipes and a sink. In the right alcove is a strange puzzle with three shapes, a circle, a square, and a diamond.

  • Click on the sink for a close up (click on the lower part of the alcove).

  • You can click on the faucet and water will come out. Good, we might get thirsty. Back up.

  • Click on the upper part of the alcove with the sink, where the pipes are.

  • On the pipe you will see a valve and a square shaped block. Take the block and back up.

  • To the left of the alcoves, in the left corner, is some sort of table, click on it for a close up.

  • There appears to be a lock and a clue here, but the whole thing is covered with glass. Back up.

  • Turn right.

  • You are now facing a door. To the left of the door is what looks like a lion, click on it.

  • It is a lion figurine, and its mouth is open. Back up.

  • In the wall to the right of the door is a small alcove, click on it for a close up.

  • In this alcove is a deep box. Looks like we need a key. Back up.

  • Click on the door for a close up twice and you will find that you need a key card to open it. Back up twice.

  • To the left of the door is another of those corner tables, click on it for a close up.

  • On this table is a red button. If you push it, nothing happens.

  • There is also an empty wine glass on the table. You can't take it.

  • The third item on the table is a note. Click on it to see that it shows a beaker, some liquid, a thermometer, and the temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. Back up.

  • Click above the door and you can see a vent. There appears to be rope up there, but you can't reach it. Back up.

  • Turn right.

  • There's a large alcove on this wall with a green slide-down door which is locked. There is also a smaller drawer below the green door which is also locked.

  • To the left of the alcove is another corner table, click on it.

  • On this table is a 3 x 3 grid, with a triangle shape in the upper left corner, and some T shapes on each side. Back up.

  • Turn right.

  • There's a lot to see on this wall. There's a large opening in the wall, with red curtains at the back of the opening. There is a fan above and to the left of the large opening. Click on the fan for a close up.

  • There is a chain hanging from the fan, click on it to shut the fan off.

  • Now that the fan is off you can see the four fan blades, each a different color. The top blade is pink, the right blade orange, the bottom blade gray, and the left blade is purple. Back up.

  • Above the large opening is some sort of picture, click on it for a close up.

  • In close up you can see a key is hanging up there on a string, but you can't reach it. Back up.

  • To the left is another corner table, click on it for a close up.

  • There is a large blue ball on a stand here. The stand has six colored pebbles and a switch.

  • The pebbles in the stand are, from left to right, top row red, blue and orange. Bottom row yellow, white, and green.

  • Back up.

  • Click on the large opening for a close up.

  • Click on the right side of the opening and you will see a pillar with a small door on it (it won't open). Behind the pillar, on the wall, is some sort of code lock. This lock has eight buttons which change colors when you click them. Back up.

  • Click on the left side of the opening and you will see some lights above. Click again and you will see a red button up there, but you can't reach it. Back up twice.

  • Click on the red curtains for a close up, then click again to open them.

  • Behind them is a small alcove with a figurine inside. Below that is a small panel. Click on the panel for a close up.

  • The panel has a four letter code and the word "ESCAPE".

  • Back up three times and turn right. You should be back where you started, facing the two alcoves.

  • Time to solve some puzzles!

The Blue Ball

  • Turn left to face the red curtain wall.

  • Click on the corner table to the left of the opening.

  • While the ball is in this view, click on the switch on the right side of the base. Notice that the six white areas on the ball light up with colors in a particular order, yellow, blue, green, white, red, and orange.

  • Now click on the base where the pebbles are for a close up.

  • All you need to do is click the pebbles in the same order as you saw on the ball. For the colorblind: bottom left, top middle, bottom right, bottom middle, top left, and top right.

  • Back up once and the ball will move off of the base. Take what is inside (beaker) and back up.

The Eight Colored Buttons

  • Click on the red curtain opening once, then click on the right side to see the pillar and the puzzle with the eight buttons.

  • Click on the puzzle on the wall behind the pillar for a close up.

  • Notice that each button is a semi-circle, and the eight buttons actually look like four circles.

  • How do we solve this one?

    • The clue is in the fan blades. Remember the colors?

    • The colors of the fan blades were: pink (top), orange (right), gray, (bottom), and purple (left).

    • But none of those colors is on this puzzle!

    • However, this puzzle contains colors that can create the colors seen on the fan.

    • In other words, you want to set the buttons to colors that will mix to create the colors seen on the fan blades.

    • For the top set of buttons: click the left button once to turn it red, and click the right three times to turn it white. Red + white = pink.

    • For the right set of buttons: click the left button four times until it turns red and click the right button five times to turn it yellow. Red + yellow = orange.

    • For the bottom set of buttons: click the left button twice to turn it white, and click the right button four times to turn it black. White + black = gray.

    • For the left set of buttons: click the left button four times until it turns blue, and click the right button five times to turn it red. Blue + red = purple.

  • If you set the buttons correctly it will tell you that the lock has opened. Click on the puzzle to open it and reveal a large button. Click on the button then back up once.

  • Click on the pillar for a close up, then click to open the small door. Take the object (metal rod) and back up three times.

The Rope and the Lion's Mouth

  • Turn right (or left) twice to face the door that needs a card reader.

  • Click on the lion to the left of the door for a close up.

  • Note that the lion's mouth is open. Back up.

  • Now click above the door and look at the vent in the ceiling.

  • There's a piece of rope up there, use the metal rod to get it.

  • Back up and click on the lion for a close up.

  • Use the rope on the lion to shut its mouth.

  • You hear a sound behind you. Back up and turn right.

  • That green sliding door alcove has opened up. Click on the now open alcove for a close up.

  • Take the item that is inside (knife) and back up. Notice that the drawer below the alcove is still locked.

  • Turn left to face the lion, click on it for a close up, and take back the rope. Back up.

Behind the Green Drawer

  • Turn left (or right) twice to face the red curtain alcove.

  • Click on that picture hanging above the alcove. See the key?

  • We probably need that key. And now we have everything we need to get it.

  • Pull up the metal bar from your inventory. Use the knife, then the rope on it to make a cutting device.

  • Use the cutting device on the key to get it.

  • Turn left to face the alcove with the green sliding door. Notice that the door is back down.

  • Click on the bottom of the door (the drawer) for a close up, then use the silver key you just cut down to open the drawer.

  • Open the drawer to take out a thermometer. Back up.

The Red Curtain Alcove Red Button

  • Pull up the cutting tool from your inventory. Remove the rope and knife.

  • Turn right to face the red curtain alcove.

  • Click on the alcove once, then click on the left side to see that red button.

  • Use the metal bar to click on the button. Back up once.

  • A green line drops down, with a square shape at the bottom. Click on the square shape for a close up.

  • Use the knife on the square shape (frame) and it will open revealing a book. Take the book and back up three times.

  • Pull up the book from your inventory and click on it to open it.

  • Click on the right side and it will say that you can't read the letters. Click on the left page and it will turn, revealing an object. Take the object (glass cutter) and shut down the book.

The Glass Cutter

  • Turn right to face the two alcoves with the sink.

  • Click on the corner table to the left of the alcoves.

  • This is the table with a puzzle that is covered by glass. Good thing we just found a glass cutter, isn't it?

  • Use the glass cutter on the glass. This will open up a large hole revealing a code lock and a chart.

  • Click on the code lock first. Right now it is set to three shapes, circle, pentagon, and square.

  • Note the numbers above and below each shape. Also note that the first number is always blue, and the second number is always red.

  • Back up once then click on the chart below the code lock.

  • This is a 3 x 3 chart of shapes. Notice that the numbers above the chart are blue, and the numbers to the left are red.

  • Okay, so now what?

    • The numbers above and below the code lock correspond to numbers in the chart. Match up the numbers to get the top and bottom half of shapes.

    • The first code has a 1 1 above it. The blue one (top row) and the red one (left) meet at a triangle shape with the point at the top. The blue two and red three point to a triangle shape with the point at the bottom.

    • The second code has a 3 2 above and a 1 2 below. The blue three red two points to the top part of a square, the blue one and red 2 points to the bottom half of a square.

    • The third code has a 1 3 above and a 2 1 below. The blue one and red three lead to the top half of a circle, the blue two and red one lead to the bottom half of a circle.

    • Back up once, then click on the code lock again. Click on the top and bottom of each shape to match the shapes found in the chart. You should end up with a solid diamond, an open square, and an open circle.

  • Enter the code that you just figured out. A click will tell you if you got it right.

  • Back up once and the grid section has opened up. Click on the circle in the middle and it turns into a red button. Click the button.

  • A shelf will drop down, revealing a magnifying glass. Take it and back up.

Reading the Book and the Red Curtains

  • Pull up the book from your inventory. Click on the right page and you will see that you cannot read the writing.

  • Use the magnifying glass on the book. This will reveal some letters. Top row: ECRAP, next row SSAEO, next row EOAPE, and the bottom row is MAPCS.

  • Notice that most of those letters spell the word ESCAPE?

  • Close down the book and turn left to face the red curtain alcove.

  • Click on the red curtains until they open. Click on the small black rectangle below the alcove.

  • Here's the four letter code, and the word ESCAPE. Now what?

    • The clue is the word escape. Notice that most of the letters in the book are in that word.

    • If you eliminate all the letters in the note that are also in the word ESCAPE (including duplicates), you will find yourself left with four letters, R, O, O, and M.

    • Thus the code is ROOM.

  • Enter the code correctly and you will hear the lock open. Back up once.

  • Note that the alcove is now open. You can take the figurine from inside. Once you have the figurine, take a closer look. It is holding a gold key.

  • Click on the now empty alcove and you will find that there is a beam of sunlight shining down. Just what we need to encourage us to escape!

  • Back up twice to the main room.

How to Boil Water (or Warm it Up)

  • Turn right (or left) twice to the lion door.

  • Click on the alcove to the right of the door, the one with the deep box.

  • Use the figurine that is holding the key on the box to open it.

  • Click on the top of the box to open it and take the black paper. Back up.

  • Click on the corner table to the left of the door for a close up.

  • Remember this one, with the empty wine glass and the note indicating a liquid at 25 degrees Celsius?

  • Time to heat up some water. Back up.

  • Turn left to face the alcove with the sink. Click on the lower part of the alcove for a close up.

  • Turn on the water and use the beaker to get some.

  • Pull up the full beaker and insert the thermometer. Only 10 degrees, we need to warm this up.

  • Back up and turn left to face the red curtain alcove.

  • Click on the red curtains three times to open them.

  • Pull up the metal rod from your inventory.

  • While the rod is open, use the black paper on the top end to create a torch.

  • Place the makeshift torch in the alcove in the beam of sunlight.

  • Now use the magnifying glass on the torch to set it alight.

  • Pick up the flaming torch.

  • Pull up the beaker of water from your inventory.

  • Use the torch on it, then click to remove the torch. The thermometer should now read 25 degrees.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the lion door.

  • Click on the corner table to the left for a close up.

  • Pour the water in the wineglass, then click on the red button for a close up and press it.

  • Back up once and you will see a shelf that dropped down with a triangular shaped block, take it and back up.

Getting Out

  • Turn right to face the green sliding door alcove.

  • Click on the corner table to the left of the alcove for a close up, then click on the puzzle again for a close up.

  • Now what?

    • Place the triangle shaped block in the triangle shape in the upper left of the puzzle. Click on the 3 x 3 grid and it will light up. Notice that the "T" Shape on the top of the grid now has a red light in it.

    • The trick is to now recreate the shape of that T by pushing buttons. Since the T is upright, you want to push the top row of buttons, and the middle middle and middle bottom buttons.

    • Once you do that the T will flip, and the T to the right of the grid is now lit up. You want to recreate that shape. Since the T is on its side, you want to light up the right column of buttons, and the middle middle and left middle buttons.

    • Now the bottom (upside down) T is lit. Light the bottom row of buttons, and the middle middle and top middle buttons.

    • Lastly you will recreate the left T by lighting up the left column of buttons, and the middle middle and middle right buttons.

  • If you completed the sequence correctly, clicking on the grid will lift it up to reveal a circular shaped block. Take it.

  • Back up, then click on the table again and click on the puzzle again for a close up. Take back the triangle shaped block.

  • Back up twice, then turn left (or right) twice to face the wall with the sink.

  • Click on the alcove next to the sink for a close up.

  • Note the shapes, square, circle, and triangle.

  • Isn't it lucky we found those blocks with the same shapes?

  • Place the blocks in their proper positions by shape.

  • Once the blocks are in place the door will unlock. Click on it to open and get the swipe card.

  • Take the card, back up, and turn right to face the lion door.

  • Click on the door for a close up twice to see the card reader.

  • Use the card on the reader, then click on the door to escape.

  • The End!


What happened to EnhanCement .. I was pretty irritated with it on a number of levels but curious where it went ?


Enhancement was pulled due to poor reception. We'd rather not have games on the site that have such a strong and unanimously negative reaction.


Thanks Dora, not just me then


Meh. Puzzles were way too easy.

The color-mixing puzzle was nice, but I hit upon it immediately. The 3x3 lock was much too easy. The 4-letter code was guessable without the clue, and the clue made it require no thought at all.

Only things that slowed me down were red herrings resulting from poor design.

It took way too long to realize that I had to flip the switch on the light-ball from medium distance rather than close-up. Being able to remove the triangular block but not the square block from their final resting-place was counterintuitive, and kept me from trying to get it back for a while. The torch was selectable from my inventory even though it was both grayed out and still in place in the alcove.

Remove the delays due to poor design and you're left with a five-minute cake-walk.


guess there's no pleasing people today.

I thought the game was good. Thanks!

letoiledunord13 December 3, 2013 7:33 PM

Straightforward game, fun if brief. One plot hole: if Maria can speak 4 languages already, why can't she speak to her parents?


It's great to see more games from Gotmail! ^^

MrsRavoon December 3, 2013 9:17 PM

Well, I'm stumped. I've solved puzzles & gotten objects. There are three active items left:

metal rod, magnifying glass, and beaker of cold water.

They don't seem to combine, or be useful anywhere. Can anyone give a hint about them--or about the yellow grid?

(Not a blow-by-blow script, please; just a hint.)

vulpisfoxfire December 3, 2013 9:26 PM

Hmph. People are calling it easy, but I'm stuck fairly early on at a point where nothing seems to be responding in a useful manner, unless I missed a clue someplace.

I've got a rod, used a square block on the EA-logo-like device, hit the button in the left alcove by the curtain as well as opened the panel on the right. Unless there's a clue to a code for the globe with the gems that I missed, there's nothing else that seems to do anything--the shutter with the drawer doesn't open, I can't use the rod to get the key behind the picture with the squares, and neither the goblet, the 9-square, nor the green water knob do anything at all. What am I missing?

vulpisfoxfire December 3, 2013 9:29 PM

Ah...and kdausman's complaint gives me the clue I needed. thanks!

Patreon Crew SonicLover December 3, 2013 9:30 PM


There IS a clue to the "globe with the gems". It's closer than you think...


Not bad but not great. I got through it without a walk-through at least. The puzzles were fairly straight forward but, as is mentioned above, it's a matter of finding the right hotspot or combining items or being in the right view that's a hindrance. I was annoyed that

combining the knife with the rod didn't work but combining the rod with the knife did.

Here's my theory about the story.

She's autistic, IQ of 200 and can't communicate with her parents... So she builds a room that only gifted people can escape from. She's looking for someone she can communicate with, someone as gifted as her. She just wants a friend. Of course I'm not sure I'd want to be chummy with someone who had just kidnapped me and locked me in a room full of annoying puzzles but let's face it, this girl clearly doesn't have ordinary social skills. Still... it's better than making friends on Facebook.


I'm stuck in the same place as MrsRavoon. I'm guessing based on the clue

showing the temperature 25C

and the

place where the light shines in


we are supposed to use the magnifying glass with the light to heat up the water.

But I've tried clicking all around there with each of the 3 objects in inventory and nothing happens. Other unsolved things are

yellow grid and projector looking thing above the big door.

Any hint?


Actually I forgot I also have

black paper. It looks grayed out so I forgot I had it.

I'll look for places to use that now.


Ok I figured out what to do in case anyone is stuck where I was. I can't think of a subtle hint so beware the following is a real spoiler

the paper combined with the rod

You'll probably be able to figure out what comes after that. I'm not sure why

the paper was black. I thought the color would have something to do with its use.


Clicking in the game is frustratingly unresponsive.


Gifted Walkthrough

General Information

  • There is one ending to the game.

  • Remember to examine items that you pick up. They may be hiding clues.

  • Feel free to combine items to see what you can make. Yes, there is construction.

  • There will be directions for the colorblind.

  • Good luck!


  • You begin facing a wall with two alcoves. In the left alcove are some pipes and a sink. In the right alcove is a strange puzzle with three shapes, a circle, a square, and a diamond.

  • Click on the sink for a close up (click on the lower part of the alcove).

  • You can click on the faucet and water will come out. Good, we might get thirsty. Back up.

  • Click on the upper part of the alcove with the sink, where the pipes are.

  • On the pipe you will see a valve and a square shaped block. Take the block and back up.

  • To the left of the alcoves, in the left corner, is some sort of table, click on it for a close up.

  • There appears to be a lock and a clue here, but the whole thing is covered with glass. Back up.

  • Turn right.

  • You are now facing a door. To the left of the door is what looks like a lion, click on it.

  • It is a lion figurine, and its mouth is open. Back up.

  • In the wall to the right of the door is a small alcove, click on it for a close up.

  • In this alcove is a deep box. Looks like we need a key. Back up.

  • Click on the door for a close up twice and you will find that you need a key card to open it. Back up twice.

  • To the left of the door is another of those corner tables, click on it for a close up.

  • On this table is a red button. If you push it, nothing happens.

  • There is also an empty wine glass on the table. You can't take it.

  • The third item on the table is a note. Click on it to see that it shows a beaker, some liquid, a thermometer, and the temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. Back up.

  • Click above the door and you can see a vent. There appears to be rope up there, but you can't reach it. Back up.

  • Turn right.

  • There's a large alcove on this wall with a green slide-down door which is locked. There is also a smaller drawer below the green door which is also locked.

  • To the left of the alcove is another corner table, click on it.

  • On this table is a 3 x 3 grid, with a triangle shape in the upper left corner, and some T shapes on each side. Back up.

  • Turn right.

  • There's a lot to see on this wall. There's a large opening in the wall, with red curtains at the back of the opening. There is a fan above and to the left of the large opening. Click on the fan for a close up.

  • There is a chain hanging from the fan, click on it to shut the fan off.

  • Now that the fan is off you can see the four fan blades, each a different color. The top blade is pink, the right blade orange, the bottom blade gray, and the left blade is purple. Back up.

  • Above the large opening is some sort of picture, click on it for a close up.

  • In close up you can see a key is hanging up there on a string, but you can't reach it. Back up.

  • To the left is another corner table, click on it for a close up.

  • There is a large blue ball on a stand here. The stand has six colored pebbles and a switch.

  • The pebbles in the stand are, from left to right, top row red, blue and orange. Bottom row yellow, white, and green.

  • Back up.

  • Click on the large opening for a close up.

  • Click on the right side of the opening and you will see a pillar with a small door on it (it won't open). Behind the pillar, on the wall, is some sort of code lock. This lock has eight buttons which change colors when you click them. Back up.

  • Click on the left side of the opening and you will see some lights above. Click again and you will see a red button up there, but you can't reach it. Back up twice.

  • Click on the red curtains for a close up, then click again to open them.

  • Behind them is a small alcove with a figurine inside. Below that is a small panel. Click on the panel for a close up.

  • The panel has a four letter code and the word "ESCAPE".

  • Back up three times and turn right. You should be back where you started, facing the two alcoves.

  • Time to solve some puzzles!

The Blue Ball

  • Turn left to face the red curtain wall.

  • Click on the corner table to the left of the opening.

  • While the ball is in this view, click on the switch on the right side of the base. Notice that the six white areas on the ball light up with colors in a particular order, yellow, blue, green, white, red, and orange.

  • Now click on the base where the pebbles are for a close up.

  • All you need to do is click the pebbles in the same order as you saw on the ball. For the colorblind: bottom left, top middle, bottom right, bottom middle, top left, and top right.

  • Back up once and the ball will move off of the base. Take what is inside (beaker) and back up.

The Eight Colored Buttons

  • Click on the red curtain opening once, then click on the right side to see the pillar and the puzzle with the eight buttons.

  • Click on the puzzle on the wall behind the pillar for a close up.

  • Notice that each button is a semi-circle, and the eight buttons actually look like four circles.

  • How do we solve this one?

    • The clue is in the fan blades. Remember the colors?

    • The colors of the fan blades were: pink (top), orange (right), gray, (bottom), and purple (left).

    • But none of those colors is on this puzzle!

    • However, this puzzle contains colors that can create the colors seen on the fan.

    • In other words, you want to set the buttons to colors that will mix to create the colors seen on the fan blades.

    • For the top set of buttons: click the left button once to turn it red, and click the right three times to turn it white. Red + white = pink.

    • For the right set of buttons: click the left button four times until it turns red and click the right button five times to turn it yellow. Red + yellow = orange.

    • For the bottom set of buttons: click the left button twice to turn it white, and click the right button four times to turn it black. White + black = gray.

    • For the left set of buttons: click the left button four times until it turns blue, and click the right button five times to turn it red. Blue + red = purple.

  • If you set the buttons correctly it will tell you that the lock has opened. Click on the puzzle to open it and reveal a large button. Click on the button then back up once.

  • Click on the pillar for a close up, then click to open the small door. Take the object (metal rod) and back up three times.

The Rope and the Lion's Mouth

  • Turn right (or left) twice to face the door that needs a card reader.

  • Click on the lion to the left of the door for a close up.

  • Note that the lion's mouth is open. Back up.

  • Now click above the door and look at the vent in the ceiling.

  • There's a piece of rope up there, use the metal rod to get it.

  • Back up and click on the lion for a close up.

  • Use the rope on the lion to shut its mouth.

  • You hear a sound behind you. Back up and turn right.

  • That green sliding door alcove has opened up. Click on the now open alcove for a close up.

  • Take the item that is inside (knife) and back up. Notice that the drawer below the alcove is still locked.

  • Turn left to face the lion, click on it for a close up, and take back the rope. Back up.

Behind the Green Drawer

  • Turn left (or right) twice to face the red curtain alcove.

  • Click on that picture hanging above the alcove. See the key?

  • We probably need that key. And now we have everything we need to get it.

  • Pull up the metal bar from your inventory. Use the knife, then the rope on it to make a cutting device.

  • Use the cutting device on the key to get it.

  • Turn left to face the alcove with the green sliding door. Notice that the door is back down.

  • Click on the bottom of the door (the drawer) for a close up, then use the silver key you just cut down to open the drawer.

  • Open the drawer to take out a thermometer. Back up.

The Red Curtain Alcove Red Button

  • Pull up the cutting tool from your inventory. Remove the rope and knife.

  • Turn right to face the red curtain alcove.

  • Click on the alcove once, then click on the left side to see that red button.

  • Use the metal bar to click on the button. Back up once.

  • A green line drops down, with a square shape at the bottom. Click on the square shape for a close up.

  • Use the knife on the square shape (frame) and it will open revealing a book. Take the book and back up three times.

  • Pull up the book from your inventory and click on it to open it.

  • Click on the right side and it will say that you can't read the letters. Click on the left page and it will turn, revealing an object. Take the object (glass cutter) and shut down the book.

The Glass Cutter

  • Turn right to face the two alcoves with the sink.

  • Click on the corner table to the left of the alcoves.

  • This is the table with a puzzle that is covered by glass. Good thing we just found a glass cutter, isn't it?

  • Use the glass cutter on the glass. This will open up a large hole revealing a code lock and a chart.

  • Click on the code lock first. Right now it is set to three shapes, circle, pentagon, and square.

  • Note the numbers above and below each shape. Also note that the first number is always blue, and the second number is always red.

  • Back up once then click on the chart below the code lock.

  • This is a 3 x 3 chart of shapes. Notice that the numbers above the chart are blue, and the numbers to the left are red.

  • Okay, so now what?

    • The numbers above and below the code lock correspond to numbers in the chart. Match up the numbers to get the top and bottom half of shapes.

    • The first code has a 1 1 above it. The blue one (top row) and the red one (left) meet at a triangle shape with the point at the top. The blue two and red three point to a triangle shape with the point at the bottom.

    • The second code has a 3 2 above and a 1 2 below. The blue three red two points to the top part of a square, the blue one and red 2 points to the bottom half of a square.

    • The third code has a 1 3 above and a 2 1 below. The blue one and red three lead to the top half of a circle, the blue two and red one lead to the bottom half of a circle.

    • Back up once, then click on the code lock again. Click on the top and bottom of each shape to match the shapes found in the chart. You should end up with a solid diamond, an open square, and an open circle.

  • Enter the code that you just figured out. A click will tell you if you got it right.

  • Back up once and the grid section has opened up. Click on the circle in the middle and it turns into a red button. Click the button.

  • A shelf will drop down, revealing a magnifying glass. Take it and back up.

Reading the Book and the Red Curtains

  • Pull up the book from your inventory. Click on the right page and you will see that you cannot read the writing.

  • Use the magnifying glass on the book. This will reveal some letters. Top row: ECRAP, next row SSAEO, next row EOAPE, and the bottom row is MAPCS.

  • Notice that most of those letters spell the word ESCAPE?

  • Close down the book and turn left to face the red curtain alcove.

  • Click on the red curtains until they open. Click on the small black rectangle below the alcove.

  • Here's the four letter code, and the word ESCAPE. Now what?

    • The clue is the word escape. Notice that most of the letters in the book are in that word.

    • If you eliminate all the letters in the note that are also in the word ESCAPE (including duplicates), you will find yourself left with four letters, R, O, O, and M.

    • Thus the code is ROOM.

  • Enter the code correctly and you will hear the lock open. Back up once.

  • Note that the alcove is now open. You can take the figurine from inside. Once you have the figurine, take a closer look. It is holding a gold key.

  • Click on the now empty alcove and you will find that there is a beam of sunlight shining down. Just what we need to encourage us to escape!

  • Back up twice to the main room.

How to Boil Water (or Warm it Up)

  • Turn right (or left) twice to the lion door.

  • Click on the alcove to the right of the door, the one with the deep box.

  • Use the figurine that is holding the key on the box to open it.

  • Click on the top of the box to open it and take the black paper. Back up.

  • Click on the corner table to the left of the door for a close up.

  • Remember this one, with the empty wine glass and the note indicating a liquid at 25 degrees Celsius?

  • Time to heat up some water. Back up.

  • Turn left to face the alcove with the sink. Click on the lower part of the alcove for a close up.

  • Turn on the water and use the beaker to get some.

  • Pull up the full beaker and insert the thermometer. Only 10 degrees, we need to warm this up.

  • Back up and turn left to face the red curtain alcove.

  • Click on the red curtains three times to open them.

  • Pull up the metal rod from your inventory.

  • While the rod is open, use the black paper on the top end to create a torch.

  • Place the makeshift torch in the alcove in the beam of sunlight.

  • Now use the magnifying glass on the torch to set it alight.

  • Pick up the flaming torch.

  • Pull up the beaker of water from your inventory.

  • Use the torch on it, then click to remove the torch. The thermometer should now read 25 degrees.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the lion door.

  • Click on the corner table to the left for a close up.

  • Pour the water in the wineglass, then click on the red button for a close up and press it.

  • Back up once and you will see a shelf that dropped down with a triangular shaped block, take it and back up.

Getting Out

  • Turn right to face the green sliding door alcove.

  • Click on the corner table to the left of the alcove for a close up, then click on the puzzle again for a close up.

  • Now what?

    • Place the triangle shaped block in the triangle shape in the upper left of the puzzle. Click on the 3 x 3 grid and it will light up. Notice that the "T" Shape on the top of the grid now has a red light in it.

    • The trick is to now recreate the shape of that T by pushing buttons. Since the T is upright, you want to push the top row of buttons, and the middle middle and middle bottom buttons.

    • Once you do that the T will flip, and the T to the right of the grid is now lit up. You want to recreate that shape. Since the T is on its side, you want to light up the right column of buttons, and the middle middle and left middle buttons.

    • Now the bottom (upside down) T is lit. Light the bottom row of buttons, and the middle middle and top middle buttons.

    • Lastly you will recreate the left T by lighting up the left column of buttons, and the middle middle and middle right buttons.

  • If you completed the sequence correctly, clicking on the grid will lift it up to reveal a circular shaped block. Take it.

  • Back up, then click on the table again and click on the puzzle again for a close up. Take back the triangle shaped block.

  • Back up twice, then turn left (or right) twice to face the wall with the sink.

  • Click on the alcove next to the sink for a close up.

  • Note the shapes, square, circle, and triangle.

  • Isn't it lucky we found those blocks with the same shapes?

  • Place the blocks in their proper positions by shape.

  • Once the blocks are in place the door will unlock. Click on it to open and get the swipe card.

  • Take the card, back up, and turn right to face the lion door.

  • Click on the door for a close up twice to see the card reader.

  • Use the card on the reader, then click on the door to escape.

  • The End!

Patreon Crew SonicLover December 4, 2013 7:32 AM

@Jamilworm: It does, in a manner of speaking...

Darker-colored surfaces heat up more easily, because they don't reflect as much light. Thus, black paper catches fire under focused sunlight more easily than white paper does.


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