An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Griswold the Goblin:
Islands of Fire — Chapter One

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Rating: 4.4/5 (110 votes)
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PsychotronicGriswold the GoblinI think we can all agree that episodic adventure games are good, as they represent a commitment from the developer to deliver a full, satisfying storyline without delaying the final product. Instead of gorging ourselves in one sitting, we can enjoy our meal in courses, already savoring our anticipation for the next entrée.

With that in mind, allow us to remove the dome cover from Griswold the Goblin: Islands of Fire — Chapter One, a beautifully compact and well-produced point-and-click adventure game from B-Group Productions. Take the reins of Griswold, a droopy half-alert fellow with ridiculous posture, as he embarks on a sure-to-be-epic quest, for no other reason than that his TV broke and he's just bored enough to look for some treasure. In the animated introduction, we see there is some sort of mysterious evil at large, armed with a robot fish and messing with important magical forces; but at the beginning of his day, Griswold is just feckless and greedy, as you'd expect from a proper goblin.

Navigate Griswold's adventure mostly with the mouse. Click the icons at the bottom of the screen (or rotate the mouse wheel) to switch between Walking, Looking, Handling, and Talking; then click on objects to interact with them. Click on the MENU button or press [space] to enter the inventory screen. A few events involve mini-games, and you can control all of those with the mouse as well.

Griswold the GoblinAnalysis: This is not the first story about Griswold; programmer/scriptor Casper Smith and artist Chris Gianelloni have a previous collaboration under their belts starring the lovable gawky hero. However, this new adventure is a step up in every way, featuring smooth cartoony artwork and animation, a fitting soundtrack by Brian Holmes, fewer farts, and a completely voiced script.

The voice talent is exceptional, doing as much to anchor us in Griswold's world as any other element of the game. The various characters suffer a bit from Random Funny Accent Syndrome (and Griswold himself sounds a lot like Abe from Oddworld), but they sound distinctive and, most importantly, believable.

I just have to call out the designers on one decision: an early action-oriented mini-game that doesn't add much to the story but might frustrate some players with the precise timing required. If you get hung up on that one, just know that the other mini-games are more brain-oriented, and there isn't anything else that arbitrary later in the game.

In a welcome departure for this game genre, the puzzles all have logical, physically plausible solutions. In fact, they may be almost too logical, to the point where you will instantly know the purpose of most objects, and the only challenge is in figuring out what you can interact with. There are none of the wild flights of fancy found in, for example, the Journeys of Reemus; but on the other hand, Smith might just be warming up. By populating the first chapter of Griswold with these prosaic trials, he earns our trust, and the right to get weird on us later on. I mean, we already know there's a big robot fish ahead. Who knows where this saga will lead?

Play Griswold the Goblin: Islands of Fire — Chapter One

[Warning for those with slow internet connections: Griswold the Goblin takes a long time to load, and it displays a white screen at the beginning for longer than you'd expect. Don't worry; the pre-loading screen will kick in about a third of the way through.]

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)


This is my first hint-through, so...Bear with me. Constructive criticism would rock, too. =]

Before I start, I'd recommend opening the menu, clicking options, and setting walk speed and scroll speed to fast. Speeds him up a LOT!

Okay, here goes! This hint-through takes a longer path through the game to avoid spoiling the puzzles early.

What was that?! Better go check!

Seriously? Go. Outside. And. Check.

Okay, we're obviously NOT going that way... Where else can we go?

Maybe behind the cave?

Two exits from here...Head up first.

She looks sad!

Maybe Griswold can help her?

No, seriously. Talk to her.

Check out the gate.

Maybe we can open it.

Okay, maybe we can't.

That's all to do here...So, head back down

And head left.

Whoa! Better keep an eye out for that thing! At least we got a chicken, though...I guess...Whatever.
Hmm...That's a large spider.
Check out the web! Do you see the one thing on it? (Not the spider.)

Yeah, a piece of paper. Those are ALWAYS important!

So, maybe we should do something about the spider. Try seeing what you can do with it right now.

Did you try EVERYTHING?

Did you try talking to it?

Okay, the spider seems to be hungry.

Wonder where we can get something to help...

We know what spiders like.

Spiders like bugs.

Where have we seen bugs?

Think back.

Oh yeah! We saw them on Griswold's TV!

But, how to get that to the spider?

You've already seen it.

What do you store flies in?

Jars! Right! So, where've we seen a jar?

Between two trees by the lava flow.
Now, fun minigame time!

This one's hard, watch out!

Really. I don't want you to hurt yourself when you see this!

Click the bugs.

Delivery time!

Now, grab that thing from the web!

A photo?

From a husband!

This looks precious! Maybe someone'll want that!

Like the widow at the Labyrinth Gate!

Her long lost husband will know where the Goblin City is?

Great. Now we have to find him. Maybe she'll know more.

So talk to her.

Okay, so, we need to find a different way in.

What's that gate made out of?

Metal! Right!

What if we melted the lock?

Then we could get in! But, how?

Remember the lava?

Can't carry it though...Maybe Griswold has something at home we can use...

That stone mug will work! (Look all the way left, it can be hard to see.)

I don't think we want to put our hand that close to the lava, though...We need a way to get the lava without getting close.

This next part is actually difficult, and not very logical.

Grab the stool from Griswold's home. Go behind the cave, and use the stool on the tall stump behind the well.

Sweet! A fishing rod! Now we know what to do!

Combine the fishing rod and the stone mug. Use the new rod on the lava to get a mug of lava. Use the lava on the gate.

Whew, that was tough, now go inside!
Okay, this is a grueling maze.
Try heading right first.

Whoa. REALLY dark. We'll need a light.

What could we use as a light?

You've already seen it.

How about a candle?

Like the one in Griswold's house.

Go grab it.

But we can't light it yet. So, I guess we should try going left in the Labyrinth now.

Explore around the labyrinth.

Eventually you should come across something interesting.

You'll know it when you see it.

Can't find it?

From the entrance to the Labyrinth, go Up, Left, Up, Left, Left, Down

Ooh, see that near the bones?

A lighter! Grab that! Now we can use the candle!

Check in the backpack, too. Never know what you'll find!

A map? Check it out!

That's...Interesting...Try unscrambling it.

There. Nice to have an accurate map.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way...Continue on, brave hero!

Light that candle!

Huh? It didn't work? Try it again.

Still didn't? Hmm, the wind seems to be putting it out.

How could we shield it from the wind?

Aha! The jar! That'll make a wonderful lantern!

Put the candle in the jar, light the candle.

Now we can go through!

Follow your map to the exit.

That's a...dangerous looking tentacle...Maybe we should find a way to get rid of it.

Check some of the nearby dead-ends

Did you find someone?

The lumberjack. In the top-right area. (Yes, it is strange, but the game jumps you back inside the dark area when you try to enter. Just head back and try it again.

Looks like he's lost. Maybe we should help him!

Show him your map.

He gives you his axe and leaves.

So try taking it.

Too hard for you?

He said something about Lumberjack Juice to make you stronger.

That he'd dropped some in the dark.

Explore the dark area and find the juice.

Drink it.

Now go get the axe.

Eww, what IS that all over it?

Sticky gum? Hmm...How to get it off?

The solution's similar to a solution from earlier.

Maybe we can melt the gum, too!

Use your lighter on it.

That should be able to help us get out.

So, use the axe on the tentacle.

Nice looking tree up ahead.

What's that all over the trunk?

Symbols? Odd.

Maybe that owl can help us.

Talk to it. It gives you a riddle.

It isn't too hard.

The answer's on your screen.

Full Moon

Input that on the rings on the tree.

Head on inside

Uh-oh! He's after you! Better do something fast!

What do you have in your inventory?

Something that could distract him?

How about the chicken?

Yes, use the chicken.

Now, go talk to the guy.

Isn't he familiar?

Right! He's the woman's husband!

Talk to him and let him free

He gives you a key to a chest on the western beach.

Where's this beach at?

West, of course.

But how do we get past the plant?

If we don't do something it'll eat you.

What if we gave it something else to eat instead?

Maybe like the really sticky gum?

Use the gum on the plant.

Head west

Ooh, a chest!

Open it!


We've got a key...

Some ROPE? We were promised VALUABLES!

Ah, well...What can we do with the rope?

Remember anything that could use one?

You were JUST there.

Maybe try the well?

It worked! Climb down!


To Be Continued!

Alright! Here it is. Hopefully I didn't nest the tags too deep. I went through a few times and broke them apart some to help out.


Where is the

stump??? I had to resort to the walkthough, but it refers to getting a jar from behind the stump outside the cave,

but can't find it for the life of me


Ah, the power of posting... in case you are as stumped as I,

just click on the bottom left of the front most tree, right around the root.

Don't know why I couldn't find it before!


There should be a red topped jar peeking out from between the two trees outside of the cave.


Hmm... not really a fan of "you can die" gameplay in point-and-clickers. I hope it doesn't mean the game also adapted the ever-popular Sierra-like "you can get irreversibly stuck" routine.

As for other nitpicks, I'm not sure there should be a big walkthrough button right there on the main game interface and grabbing items from the inventory seems to need just one click too many. On the other hand, this discourages the all-famous "try everything-on-everything" approach, so perhaps that's a good thing.

Other then that, this seems like a rather fun adventure with pretty graphics, decent voice cast and a rather quirky sense of humor which is always a plus. Count me in for trying the future installments...

Frustrated January 16, 2009 2:07 PM

Anybody have a link that actually works? Just getting the "missing object" frame here after ten full minutes...

[Edit: The author's page apparently doesn't support IE. I'm working on an alternate, but in the meantime, you might want to try a different browser. -Jay]


I don't like it when you lie to me, Jay. True, the game does display a "white screen" for longer than I expect -- FOREVER.

[Edit: Fixed. Reload the review page, and click the link again. I've changed the links to a site that has the proper embed code for IE. For future reference, you might want to use a better browser. -Jay]

RedRevolver January 16, 2009 3:09 PM

Hmm...'labyrinth to the Goblin City' eh? :P

Nice game, I like it!

wlangford January 16, 2009 3:13 PM

Man, Tasselfoot! I was gonna post my own walkthrough. Maybe if I wrote a hint-through instead...

I'll get to work on that. I often prefer a hint-through instead of a walkthrough.


Sorry Tasslefoot. Copying and pasting walkthroughs that you didn't write, and from another site, is strictly prohibited.

Will - by all means, would love a hint-through from you.

I'll even throw you a Big Fish game coupon for your efforts. :)

wlangford January 16, 2009 3:42 PM

Awesome! *gets to faster work, lol*
Also, the game was a tad shorter than I would have expected, considering the previous Griswold game.

Petalpink123 January 16, 2009 4:26 PM

Do you have to play the mini game?

[Edit: I'm afraid so. It's not that hard, but I was stuck on it for a few minutes. -Psychotronic]

wlangford January 16, 2009 4:55 PM

Question. When I'm posting spoilers, is there any way to add text to the part where it says "show spoiler"? If not that's cool. =]


Nope, sorry, Will. The spoiler headers are not customizable.


There's some awkward implementation (you can use the

mug on the Lava River but not on the River of Lava?

and I'm not a fan of the mini game thing, but it's cute and polished.

Reply January 16, 2009 6:11 PM

Really excellent production values, really typical adventure game nonsense. I'm glad they built the walk through right into the game because of stupid stuff like this:

The stuff in the initial cave is obvious. Get the mug, get the candle, get the stool. Then you wander outside and around behind the cave where you obviously use the stool to check inside the hollow log to get the fishing pole. Combine rod with mug, go to lava river and "fish" for lava. So far so good.

Then I went up to the labyrinth gates and spoke with the weeping widow. Nothing. Ok, no problem. So I tried the obvious: use the mug of lava on the gate to melt the lock. Hmmm.... nothing.

Wander wander wander. Get the bugs in the jar, go back to the spider, try to give him the bugs. Nothing. Talk to the spider. Try to give him jar of bugs again. It works now. Ok, that was a bit annoying, but made some sense.

Take the picture from the web. Go back to the widow. Give picture to widow. Lots of talk, but no progress. Hmmm... try mug of lava on lock again... voila!

Seriously, WTF?

You have to first give the pic to the widow before you can use the lava on the gate. Why do these types of game impose entirely artificial orders of operations on the solution?

This kind of junk design is why adventure games have been relegated to the ghetto of computer gaming.

wlangford January 16, 2009 6:21 PM


This is my first hint-through, so...Bear with me. Constructive criticism would rock, too. =]

Before I start, I'd recommend opening the menu, clicking options, and setting walk speed and scroll speed to fast. Speeds him up a LOT!

Okay, here goes! This hint-through takes a longer path through the game to avoid spoiling the puzzles early.

What was that?! Better go check!

Seriously? Go. Outside. And. Check.

Okay, we're obviously NOT going that way... Where else can we go?

Maybe behind the cave?

Two exits from here...Head up first.

She looks sad!

Maybe Griswold can help her?

No, seriously. Talk to her.

Check out the gate.

Maybe we can open it.

Okay, maybe we can't.

That's all to do here...So, head back down

And head left.

Whoa! Better keep an eye out for that thing! At least we got a chicken, though...I guess...Whatever.
Hmm...That's a large spider.
Check out the web! Do you see the one thing on it? (Not the spider.)

Yeah, a piece of paper. Those are ALWAYS important!

So, maybe we should do something about the spider. Try seeing what you can do with it right now.

Did you try EVERYTHING?

Did you try talking to it?

Okay, the spider seems to be hungry.

Wonder where we can get something to help...

We know what spiders like.

Spiders like bugs.

Where have we seen bugs?

Think back.

Oh yeah! We saw them on Griswold's TV!

But, how to get that to the spider?

You've already seen it.

What do you store flies in?

Jars! Right! So, where've we seen a jar?

Between two trees by the lava flow.
Now, fun minigame time!

This one's hard, watch out!

Really. I don't want you to hurt yourself when you see this!

Click the bugs.

Delivery time!

Now, grab that thing from the web!

A photo?

From a husband!

This looks precious! Maybe someone'll want that!

Like the widow at the Labyrinth Gate!

Her long lost husband will know where the Goblin City is?

Great. Now we have to find him. Maybe she'll know more.

So talk to her.

Okay, so, we need to find a different way in.

What's that gate made out of?

Metal! Right!

What if we melted the lock?

Then we could get in! But, how?

Remember the lava?

Can't carry it though...Maybe Griswold has something at home we can use...

That stone mug will work! (Look all the way left, it can be hard to see.)

I don't think we want to put our hand that close to the lava, though...We need a way to get the lava without getting close.

This next part is actually difficult, and not very logical.

Grab the stool from Griswold's home. Go behind the cave, and use the stool on the tall stump behind the well.

Sweet! A fishing rod! Now we know what to do!

Combine the fishing rod and the stone mug. Use the new rod on the lava to get a mug of lava. Use the lava on the gate.

Whew, that was tough, now go inside!
Okay, this is a grueling maze.
Try heading right first.

Whoa. REALLY dark. We'll need a light.

What could we use as a light?

You've already seen it.

How about a candle?

Like the one in Griswold's house.

Go grab it.

But we can't light it yet. So, I guess we should try going left in the Labyrinth now.

Explore around the labyrinth.

Eventually you should come across something interesting.

You'll know it when you see it.

Can't find it?

From the entrance to the Labyrinth, go Up, Left, Up, Left, Left, Down

Ooh, see that near the bones?

A lighter! Grab that! Now we can use the candle!

Check in the backpack, too. Never know what you'll find!

A map? Check it out!

That's...Interesting...Try unscrambling it.

There. Nice to have an accurate map.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way...Continue on, brave hero!

Light that candle!

Huh? It didn't work? Try it again.

Still didn't? Hmm, the wind seems to be putting it out.

How could we shield it from the wind?

Aha! The jar! That'll make a wonderful lantern!

Put the candle in the jar, light the candle.

Now we can go through!

Follow your map to the exit.

That's a...dangerous looking tentacle...Maybe we should find a way to get rid of it.

Check some of the nearby dead-ends

Did you find someone?

The lumberjack. In the top-right area. (Yes, it is strange, but the game jumps you back inside the dark area when you try to enter. Just head back and try it again.

Looks like he's lost. Maybe we should help him!

Show him your map.

He gives you his axe and leaves.

So try taking it.

Too hard for you?

He said something about Lumberjack Juice to make you stronger.

That he'd dropped some in the dark.

Explore the dark area and find the juice.

Drink it.

Now go get the axe.

Eww, what IS that all over it?

Sticky gum? Hmm...How to get it off?

The solution's similar to a solution from earlier.

Maybe we can melt the gum, too!

Use your lighter on it.

That should be able to help us get out.

So, use the axe on the tentacle.

Nice looking tree up ahead.

What's that all over the trunk?

Symbols? Odd.

Maybe that owl can help us.

Talk to it. It gives you a riddle.

It isn't too hard.

The answer's on your screen.

Full Moon

Input that on the rings on the tree.

Head on inside

Uh-oh! He's after you! Better do something fast!

What do you have in your inventory?

Something that could distract him?

How about the chicken?

Yes, use the chicken.

Now, go talk to the guy.

Isn't he familiar?

Right! He's the woman's husband!

Talk to him and let him free

He gives you a key to a chest on the western beach.

Where's this beach at?

West, of course.

But how do we get past the plant?

If we don't do something it'll eat you.

What if we gave it something else to eat instead?

Maybe like the really sticky gum?

Use the gum on the plant.

Head west

Ooh, a chest!

Open it!


We've got a key...

Some ROPE? We were promised VALUABLES!

Ah, well...What can we do with the rope?

Remember anything that could use one?

You were JUST there.

Maybe try the well?

It worked! Climb down!


To Be Continued!

Alright! Here it is. Hopefully I didn't nest the tags too deep. I went through a few times and broke them apart some to help out.


That game was excellent. And I liked how you can scroll through your whole inventory with the mouse wheel. Very handy. But yes, I am also not a fan of "death" in point and click games. I'd rather just be thwarted. I also don't like it when you try a combination and the text says you're being stupid or pointless. Like, right, none of the combinations that actually WORK are stupid?


Fun. Not too difficult. The only thing I had trouble with was

bug catching. I hate roaches - even if they aren't real *shudder*


Um, I dislike point-and-click death, like Anticon. It doesn't really help you solve the "puzzle." Besides which, the answer to that particular puzzle wasn't quite logical.

Overall, a fun game!


Cool game though I totally HATE that I have to click the "walk" button to walk and the "grab" button to take something.

Very interesting game though, I was entertained.

However, is it just me or does this game seem oddly familiar?? Please! Tell me I'm not losing my mind but the chicken, the lumber jack - even the weeping widow -- all seems like I've played a game with these characters!! is this deja vu or am I loony!??

or have I been playing one too many point and click games?? LOL


Never mind! Just found my answer - there is an original Griswold the Goblin game before this one!


I think I found some type of glitch. So when I first started the game, I had that


already. And then after a couple minutes, another one showed up in my inventory. I'm thinking whatever, no big deal, and I continue on in the game, not knowing that in the labyrinth I needed to

find the lumberjack so I can get an axe because I already had one (in which the description said "the axe has no gum stuck in it now").

So now I'm stuck because I'm permanently locked out of the labyrinth without any

gum to use on the plant.

Do I need to restart my game...?
RAWR! Some help please?!

emily kaye January 19, 2009 3:26 PM

Did anyone happen to notice the name of the ship?

"What's 'Diversity'?"
"Well, I could be wrong, but I think it's the name of an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era."
"Ron, I would be surprised if the affiliates were concerned about the lack of an old, old wooden ship, but nice try."
-from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy



Great game so far-- i love the story telling and the character. But it seems like there are several times when you can just get stuck, if you do things out of sequence. There seems to be no way to know that, or to restart the game when you realize you made a mistake.


I liked that Griswold doesn't have Several Journeys' gross-out moments. Unfortunately, so far Griswold just isn't as likable a character as Remus, and there's no cute sidekick either. It's hard to sympathize with Griswold because he's kinda flat; what's his motivation other than "get a gem"? And isn't it silly that a goblin doesn't know where the Goblin City is?

In a fantasy work, suspending disbelief for things like magic, giant carnivorous plants, and the like is easy, but that doesn't excuse fantasy creators from giving characters believable motivations and knowledge. Either that or do some fourth wall breaking to keep the humor high.


Can anyone tell me where i can get the lumberjack juice, i've searched all through the dark rooms and can't seem to find it anywhere. Am at my wits end.

Lord_Draconis February 15, 2009 9:58 PM

I think this game is fairly good (I gave it a 5 star rating). I'm having trouble finding the lumberjack though... also, the goblin chasing the chicken is the same goblin that was selling a human in the original Griswold the Goblin. ;) The game also has a great deal of similarities to What Makes you Tick (a game I found while searching through the old Weekend Downloads)


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