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We all float down here.... wait a minute, get out of here, Tim Curry! JakTube's horror text-based adventure game It has less to do with Stephen King than it does you being kidnapped and left trapped in a facility with a creature that's being tested for its ability to hunt and kill. Type commands such as "go north", "pick up", and "look at" and hit enter to execute them. You'll need to find food and items to solve puzzles, but It is never that far behind you. Light on story and more a straight-up blend of survival horror and escape, It is a game for people who enjoy being torn to shreds while they wear leather jackets, drink coffee, and argue with text parsers.
That movie is one of the reasons I'm afraid of clowns!
How do I use the extinguisher on the fire? I think I'm almost out besides that...
You use the extinguisher by turning it on. Took me a while on that one. Now if only I could figure out how to use the keys on the car...
Yeah, the parser is tricky...
The term you're looking for is "start car". You then get to choose what object to use to perform the task.
So I had to fight with the parser to not
put on the jacket
instead of
wear(ing) the jacket
"start car" saying "The car cannot be started if you aren't in it." when (a) it's a
destroyed car
or (b) I never actually had to enter the escape car anyway
On my one and only meeting with It, attempting to
attack it only to be told "I can't see that. (it)"
I eventually escaped but only visited about 4 rooms and didn't feel like I was solving any puzzles.
Overall, not impressed by the parser or objects that you can't examine but show up in the room description. No sense of horror or suspense except for some 'footsteps' that didn't seem to bear any relation to the location of It.
Parser is infuriating (I can put on a jacket but not wear it? I have to "turn on" an extinguisher?) and occasionally dangerous (I went through so many verbs to start the car that It attacked me halfway through), and the lack of description is hilarious. For instance, the game doesn't think it would be worth telling me that a raging fire is blocking the path until I try to move into it.
Also, you stumble and fall at random. It might be scary if I stumble while running away from It, but it becomes comical when I stumble in the act of picking up a set of keys. In fact, the random stumbles and coughs were so frequent that for a while I suspected that there was going to be a twist and I was going to turn into It or something. But nope.
Also, randomly the Entrance Key will spawn outside the Lab and make escaping even easier than it already is. Not sure what's going on there.
I think the coughing and stumbling were added recently. Played a few days ago and never had either happen.
I like how it is possible to beat the game even with 'fatal injuries'. Guess I won't be driving for very long.