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Link Dump Friday №330

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Link Dump Fridays

DoraSometimes you don't have a lot of time, but that's no excuse for not getting your doctor recommended amount of gaming! After all, you don't want to come down with AllWorkAndNoPlayMakesReaderSomethingSomethingItis do you? So make sure you fit some electronic entertainment into your day with these itty-bitty beauties!

  • The Hornets Would Like to TalkTHE HORNETS WOULD LIKE TO TALK - Hornets and I don't typically get along very well, as evidenced by the time one flew up my sleeve and got stuck there when I was on the monkey bars when I was six. But maybe after playing this silly, shouty Twine game about the little buzzers airing their grievances, I'll feel differently. ... mmmmmnope, still probably going to lock the bathroom door and wait for my husband to come home from work to deal with it the next time one of them comes down through the vent again. At least it's funny.
  • Monkey GO Happy GuessMonkey GO Happy Guess - Part puzzle, part Pictionary, the latest installment in the Monkey GO Happy is both on the simple side and drastically different than what you might expect, but that's already. Solve word and picture puzzles to spell out what the game really means and earn coins to buy your monkeys and bit of happiness. Which is silly, because money can't buy... is that a trampoline?! Awwwww yeah, lemme at that business!
  • Find the Escape Men 57: Eel2Find the Escape Men 57: Eel2 - It's hard to believe there have been a whopping 57 of these tidy little escape games by no1game. I mean, doesn't the notion that there are tiny green men hidden all over your house, your car, the places you go, watching everything you do... sort of squick you out a bit? In any case, here you are stuck in a room with a surly electric eel, so why don't you root around and see if you can track down any of the little green men while you're at it? For once, uttering those words isn't going to get me a visit from the men in white and the special hug jacket!
  • Rooms of Picture Completion Puzzles 26Rooms of Picture Completion Puzzles 26 - Hottategoya is practically synonymous with "short but sweet", and this latest is no different. If you're hoping for a typical escape game where you wander around solving puzzles with screwdrivers you made out of bits of junk littered around the place you'll probably be disappointed, since freedom here just depends on rearranging cutup pictures, but hey, as long as you get out that door, who cares how it happens?


Unsurprisingly the hornets talk in ALL CAPS. But with our primitive human visual systems, the white on black forms an optical illusion of pale stripes across the page. Makes me feel like putting up curtains.

stupidcheeseboy July 26, 2013 6:56 PM

A great link dump this week :)
Find the Escape men 57 isn't loading for me...just me?


i've found 9 of the 10 escape men.


scratch that, i found all 10, can't find a use for the pepper.

ottoman July 27, 2013 8:53 AM

Regarding the pepper:

Put the pepper in the microwave and press the big button at top. Wander around the room until you hear it ding and then you can remove it and add it to the dish.

Don't forget that at the beginning of the game, we learn there are four possible endings!


thanks. can't figure out how long to put in microwave time

ottoman July 27, 2013 5:23 PM


You don't need to enter a time. Just press the rectangular button below the triangle and above the numbers. Then back up and navigate around the room a few times. When you hear a ding you can retrieve your cooked pepper.

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy July 27, 2013 7:15 PM

I found the hornets rather funny, but wondered if there was only one ending?


@ottoman when i do that, it pulls up a numberpad for me to punch in 4 didget number.


Find the Escape Men 57 - Eel 2

Shop entrance - Green Men 1, 2, 3

Open cabinet and take the SAKE.

Open right sliding door and take GREEN MAN 1.

View plant. Click top branches to get JAPANESE PEPPER. Click wall just to the right of branches to get GREEN MAN 2. Click rocks to get FLAT STONE.

Examine inventory item: Flat stone, click to view back and take GREEN MAN 3.

Zoom out and turn right.

Fish tank - Green Man 4

There is a shelf in the foreground with a rice cooker (if you zoom in on this you find it shows a red light, meaning the rice is not yet ready). Click the shelf under the rice cooker to get BOWL.

You cannot yet do anything with the fish tank (the eel makes a threatening electrical sound if you approach it). However if you click the floor underneath it you can get the MATCHES. Examine the matches, and open them to get GREEN MAN 4.

Also if you zoom in to the wall to the right of the tank, close to the floor, you see the characters EEL2. Remember this.

Zoom out and turn right.

Sink - Green Man 5

Click the sink to turn on the tap, then select the sake bottle and click the stream of water. You will get a noise as if something has happened. This is the process of the water starting to dissolve the label. For now you will have to wait to remove it.

Click to the right of the sink to see the cutting board, then click the board to lift it. Underneath is GREEN MAN 5.

Zoom out and click the drawer under the cutting board. Take the KITCHEN KNIFE.

Zoom out and turn right.

Grill - Green Men 6 and 7, and Ending 1

You can get Ending 1 immediately. Click the right side of the grill near the red button. You'll zoom in on the grill. Click the red lever, then wait for a minute. You will get Ending 1 of 4: Explosion End. But don't worry - you can continue the game from here!

Click the microwave to zoom in on it, then click the door to open it. Click the plate to view the bottom and you can get GREEN MAN 6.

Click the top of the microwave to get the SKEWER.

Zoom out. Click the large jar between the microwave and the grill. Click the ladle in the jar and wait for the sauce to drain out. Then you can get GREEN MAN 7.

Fish Tank - Greem Man 8

By now you can inspect your sake bottle and see the green label has started to fall off. This reveals GREEN MAN 8.

Select the sake bottle then click the fish tank. The eel will get drunk and float. Click him and you will be able to take him.

Sink - Green Man 9

Zoom in on the cutting board, select the eel and click the board. Select the rock from your inventory then click the nail on the board. This will secure the eel to the board.

Now for the gross part: select the knife from your inventory and click the eel. It will be cut open, revealing GREEN MAN 9.

Select the skewers from your inventory and click the eel. This prepares the eel for cooking.

Fish Tank - Green Man 10

Now that you have gotten 9 green men, the rice cooker will show a blue light indicating it is done cooking. Click it to open, then get the GREEN MAN 10.

This will trigger a customer to enter the store (Shop entrance view) requesting eel and rice. Turn right to go back to the Fish Tank view.

Fish Tank

Click the rice cooker to open it. Select the bowl from your inventory and then click the cooker. This will fill it with rice.



Zoom in on the large jar and click the ladle. Select the eel from your inventory and then click the stream coming out of the ladle. This will add sauce to the eel. Zoom out.

Zoom in at the right side of the grill and click the red lever. This turns on the gas. Select the matches from your inventory then click the circle where the gas is coming out. This will light the gas.

Zoom out, then click the top of the grill. The coals will be turning red.

Select the skewered eel from your inventory and place it on the grill.

This is where you can get different endings. Fortunately our author has a "Replay from the middle" so you don't have to worry about saving your progress!

Ending 2 of 4:

Wait for the eel to cook until it is dark and automatically returns to your inventory. View the rice bowl in your inventory to zoom in on it, then select the eel and click the bowl so it is placed on top of the rice. Go back to the entrance view, select the bowl in your inventory and click the green man customer. He will not like your burnt eel.

Ending 3 of 4:

Light the grill and place the eel on it. When 3 or 4 puffs of smoke come off of it, click it to take it off the grill. View the rice bowl in your inventory to zoom in on it, then select the eel and click th ebowl so it is placed on top of the rice. Go back to the entrance view, selec the bowl in your inventory and click the green man customer. He will like your properly cooked eel.

Ending 4 of 4:

Prepare the eel exactly as written in ending 3. However, instead of giving it to the customer, zoom in on the microwave. Click the door to open it, select the Japanese pepper from your inventory and click the plate in the microwave. Then click the door at left to close it. Now, the microwave will not turn on, but ask you for a code.

Remember the wall by the fish tank? It said EEL2. Upside down on a digital readout, that would display 2733. Click 2733 and then the E button (for Enter). The microwave window will turn orange. (If you entered the code arlier, then click the black button between the arrow at top and the numbers on the microwave to turn it on.) Zoom out, then click around the room a few times in order for time to elapse. You will hear a ding. Zoom in on the microwave again, click to open the door, then click on the cooked pepper to add it to your inventory.

Zoom in on your bowl of rice and eel. Select the pepper from your inventory then click the bowl to add the pepper. Navigate to your customer, select the final dish and give it to him. Congratulations, your dish has become a sensation!

On a personal note, I think eel is really delicious. Enjoy!


anyone figure ending one?

ottoman July 29, 2013 9:44 PM

For Ending 1, look at my little walkthrough ... at the section entitled "Grill - Green Men 6 and 7, and Ending 1"

BubbaJoe July 30, 2013 3:30 PM

Chrome is throwing up a malware warning for


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