Mercedes Benz Mixed Tape 07
Filed under music, this is to remind anyone who appreciates excellent free music to check out the latest Mercedes Benz Mixed Tape now online. Providing both streaming feeds and mp3 tracks to download separately or in its entirety, Mercedes Benz proves time and time again they care about their present (and potential) customers. With each new mixed tape made available, I have been pleasantly surprised by the quality of selections offered.
In a world where record labels sue their own customers instead of providing easy access to their massive libraries, and where millions of dollars are spent on creating anti-piracy technologies that keep only paying customers from using the music any way they choose, it's refreshing to be on the receiving end of some exceptional free music tracks without a guilty conscious. Click.
does one ever feel guilty when downloading free tracks? lol
This is real chill. where can i get tapes 1 through 6?
Just letting you know jay, keep up the good work, I waste entirely too much time browsing games on your site =D
Not at all, :D
I feel music should be free, or atleast that someone should come up with a better way for the sale of music than the model we have today.
Well acually I download free tracks all the time but I never felt guilty untill you asked.
Did you find a way to get to the previous mixed tape ?
Anyway great blog and great link, many thanks jay !
you don't have to, MBenz have paid for it (if needed). A part of the contributions are also voluntairy i.e. to promote upcoming artists looking for recognition among a bigger crowd.
good job for MB thus :)
Re: feeling guilty.
Of course I do. Not a song or two here and there, but when I download a whole album or soundtraick, yeah I feel bad. Has everyone lost their conscience?
Sweet mix - can you please tell me how to get the other six mix tapes?
Very kewl tunes.
Anyone care to point me toward some of the older mix tapes?
simple :) ask google for 'mixed tape' and you'll find a few fora where these older mixes are offered.
enjoy! (my colleagues and I sure do ;))
As maxim said, try Google. Other than that, since MB takes down the old one when they put up the new, I don't think they are legally available any more.
But, if you DO find them... #4 is awesome. =)
Jay - do you have #4?
Yes, I do. In fact, I'm listening to it now. =p
And since you asked and I just filled out their survey and it says, and I quote:
"It is completely legal to pass copies of Mixed Tape on to your friends. Do you ever make use of this option?"
Hellya! =)
Sharing the love of Mixed Tape 4. Available only to the first 25 visitors who download it. Then it's coming down. I can't be giving away my bandwidth to just anyone, now can I? Cheers!
dang! arrived too late, all 25 gone. Any chance you might re-post?
Just googled "mixed tape" and found about 30,000 English and other language sites talking about, but not offering, the old mixed tapes for download.
Anyone interested in helping point me to a site offering Tapes 1 & 2, or helping me do it the semi-old-fashioned way, through the mail with CDs? I have money, I want the music!
I know it's August but I found a site with the tapes listed on it!!!!!! I've only got the last one but I'm going to download the rest as the music is great! It does however require you to use the eMule network to download them.