Midnight Spooks: The Photo
Are you ready to help solve another mystery? In the previous episode of Midnight Spooks, some of the employees at Mr. Spooky's Museum of the Weird expressed their doubts about the mysteriously haunted nature of the basement down below. After some insistence and persistence, Noah was able to get inside and proudly toss back the basketball that had gone missing inside weeks past. Or at least, that's what he claimed he threw back out to them!
You start afresh this time with a completely different cast of characters. Captain Crunch tells you about his latest expedition in which he has recovered two objects of particular interest: a chest belonging to the infamous Captain Morgan - and a mysterious photo of a girl, holding up two fingers. Sensing some sort of weird vibe coming from the picture, a sudden impulse takes hold of Dan, demanding that he must have the photo. At first, Captain Crunch refuses, insisting that the photo is not for sale, but he soon gives in, instead agreeing to hand over the photo if Dan and Tycen can manage to open Captain Morgan's chest. Having a bit of a suspicious mind, Dan even insists on keeping the Captain in his sight and guarding the photo!
You play as Tycen, exploring Captain Crunch's maritime museum shop. You'll be on the prowl for any clues that might help you break into Captain Morgan's chest and provide the museum's owner with a stash of loot. You'll have to be a little creative, following chains of logic and solving puzzles to make it through the rooms and gather objects. Is there something to be seen in that telescope at the far right that might help with the solution? Maybe, but it is missing its lens! You'll have to go find it.
I liked this installment of Midnight Spooks even better than the first one, particularly due to the initially upbeat atmosphere and the twist at the end. The puzzles are fairly crisp and shouldn't present much difficulty to any regular player of Carmel Games' adventures. So is there some secret that the photo of this girl holds? I'll leave it to you to discover for yourself!
One plays with the usual point-and-click controls. When you move over an element of the background that can be interacted with, the cursor changes to an icon with two gears next to it. Items that you gather appear at the bottom-right of your screen, and you can click on them to combine them with each other or use them on the environment. Good luck - and just maybe you'll help Dan find out what's up with that photo after all!
Piqued my interest in Midnight Spooks. But, like 'The Thing in the Basement'...
Well, spoiler alert, but
cant wait for the walkthrough :)
hope it'll come soon :)
Midnight Spooks: The Photo