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Monkey GO Happy Mayhem

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Monkey GO Happy Mayhem

DoraSome of the Monkey GO Happy games have been on the short side, but Pencilkids provides a great big chunk of point-and-click puzzle games delivered rapid-fire in Monkey GO Happy Mayhem. Solve thirty(... ish) levels and make your monkeys smile by clicking around to combine items and make some literal mayhem happen. I know nothing puts a smile on my face like massive property damage. Throw in a pile of ill-gotten toys and hat-dispensing slot machines and you have yourself a recipe for simian capers galore.

Monkey GO Happy MayhemWhile Monkey GO Happy Mayhem does have a lot of levels, you shouldn't expect the majority of them to last longer than a few seconds since the difficulty level is set very low and some stages simply consist of swapping out whatever hat you're wearing, or the toy your apathetic monkey children are knocking around. (And is it just me, or if you saw a shady looking building with "Touch a chicken" scrawled over it, would you be a little suspicious too?) Some of the puzzles do get more elaborate as you go along, however, requiring a bit more thought, and you can never accuse them of not providing enough variety at the very least. It'll still be over before you know it, but Monkey GO Happy Mayhem lives up to its name with a pile of puzzles, hats, toys, and more to get your day started off right. Which of course is to say... weird.

Play Monkey GO Happy Mayhem

Walkthrough Guide

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Monkey GO Happy Mayhem Walkthrough

NOTE: For the highest score, these stages are meant to be completed as fast as possible in succession. If you stop before they're done, your progress will be reset and you'll be returned to the first stage.

1: Hats Off to You!

  • Pull the lever for a randomly generated hat.

  • On "stage complete" click the arrows to move on to the next scene.

2: Clown Act

  • Click on the clown's nose, mouth, eyes and ears.

3: Danger! Keep Out!

  • Open the chest and get the EXPLOSIVE.

  • Drag the EXPLOSIVE into the base of the ruined building, demolishing it.

4: Termite Be Giggles

  • Click the termite jar to break it open.

  • Pick up the TERMITE.

  • Drag the TERMITE to the wooden stool.

5: Overflowing Toy

  • Pull the lever for a randomly generated toy.

6: In Plane Sight

  • Click the PILOT.

  • Then, drag the pilot to the plane.

  • As the plane is flying around in the background, click on it to cause the pilot to parachute out.

7: Cup Cup Choose

  • Note where the ball is located, then watch as the cups are shuffled.

  • Click on the cup containing the ball:

  • The cup on the right

8: Pop Ten

  • Click on the bouncing balls to pop them.

  • Pop 10 balls to "win".

9: It's Hat Time Again

  • Pull the lever to change your hat!

10: Granny's Habit

  • Open up the cupboard and get the YARN.

  • Pick up the KNITTING NEEDLES from the floor.

  • Give the KNITTING NEEDLES and the YARN to old lady.

11: The Clock Struck

  • Pick up the PENDULUM from the floor.

  • Put the PENDULUM on the clock.

  • Click the pendulum five times or until the cuckoo pops out (at 12:00).

12: Happy Feet

  • Click the bucket of fish to move it to the right side of the icefloat.

  • Click the penguin and he'll hop onto the same float as the fish bucket.

  • Click the fish to move it toward the middle.

  • Then, click the penguin to move him to the fish.

13: Just Toying

  • Pull the lever to get a new toy.

14: Is That You, Thomas?

  • Click the train to back it up one space.

  • Click the rocks above the tunnel so one falls into the train cart.

  • Repeat process until there is a rock in each of the train carts.

  • Click the train a couple times to send it on its way.

15: I'll Treasure It

  • Click each of the four golden corners on the treasure chest, noting the dots that are revealed.

  • Then, enter the correct 4-digit code into the chest's lock.


    Notice how each square on the code box has a corner blacked out? Look under that corner of the chest and count the number of dots...


16: Keep On Popping

  • Pop 10 more of those bouncing balls.

17: Hats, Foiled Again!

  • Pull the lever and change your hat.

18: Wizarding School

  • Be fast! Click the mouse hole then immediately click the wizard.

    • If your timing is right, the wizard's spell will hit the mouse, turning it into a...gargoyle? dragon? winged rat with a glandular problem?

19: A Game of Chicken

  • Press the red button.

  • As each chicken pops out of the roost, click on it.

  • Touch 10 chickens to complete the stage.

20: Monster Nom Nom

  • Click on the soda, tuna, drumstick, etc...

  • Feed everything to the monster until he gets sick.

21: Toy History

  • Pull the lever for a new toy.

22: Cartoon Cuisine

  • Match the stereotypes—food to character:


    From left to right:

23: I Hit a Little Traffic

  • Click the traffic light to turn it red.

24: The Poppiest

  • Pop another 10 balls.

25: Hats Not Punny

  • Pull the lever for another hat.

26: Elephant on Parade

  • Pick up the HAT and the CARPET.

  • Then, put the HAT on the elephant's head and the CARPET on the elephant's back.

27: First Button Jumper

  • Press the button to make the runner jump.

  • Successfully jump over five arrows in a row to win the game.

    • TIP: click the button when the arrow is half way toward the runner.

28: I'll Take Door Number...

  • Press the buttons in the correct order:

    • I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

29: Over Toyed

  • Pull the lever to change toys again.

30: Pond Stars

  • Open the garbage can.

  • Take the loaf of BREAD.

  • Put the BREAD in the pond.

31: "All Alone in the Moonlight"

  • Watch as each cat meows.

  • Then, click the cats in the correct order.


    Numbering them 1-5 from bottom left, up, and down to bottom right...the order to click the cats is:

    2, 5, 4, 3, 1

32: Popped Out

  • Another 10 balls...popped.

33: A Change of Hat

  • Your old hat is looking so...old hat. Pull the lever for a new one.

34: "Have Fun Storming the Castle!"

  • Pick up the SWORD.

  • Use the SWORD to cut the rope, causing the drawbridge to lower.

  • Click the knight to send him into the castle.

35: A Pizza My Mind

  • Click a circle of dough to move it to the pizza paddle.

  • Make a pizza as specified on the order form:

    • Anchovies, Cheese and Salami.

  • Click the handle to put the completed pizza in the oven. Yum!

36: To Catch a Thief

  • Note the various symbols on the wall behind the safe.

    • Enter the correct code into the safe's lock.


      Take a closer look at those symbols...they're numbers that have been "mirrored" together. Enter them as read, from left to right...

37: Toy You Another Day

  • Another toy change: pull the lever.

38: To Build a Fire

  • Pick up the CUP.

  • Use the CUP to scoop up some SNOW.

  • Put the CUP WITH SNOW into the pot over the fire.

  • Fill the CUP again with HOT WATER from the pot.

  • Give the CUP WITH HOT WATER to the shivering guy.

39: Disc Monkey

  • An image is divided into four slices. Click on each slice until the picture is in order.

    • As you click on each slice, they will spin around one-eighth of a turn.

    • Some slices will slide under while others will slide over the rest. If a slice is covered by another slice, you'll need to move the top slice before you can continue to move the other slice.

    The completed image will look like this:
    Screenshot: Completed Disc Monkey

40: Alotta Pops

  • Really? You know what to do here.

41: Final Countdown

  • Finally, find—and POP!—50 balloons.

    • Use the arrows at the sides of the screen to move between views.


    First Screen (13 total):

    • 5 in plain sight.

    • 1 in the tree (click left branches).

    • 2 behind the fence (click fence to move slats).

    • 1 in the window (open the window).

    • 1 on the other side of the door (click to open it).

    • 1 behind the garbage pail.

    • 2 inside the truck's van.

    Right Screen (23 total):

    • 5 in plain sight.

    • 1 in the window.

    • 1 on the other side of the door.

    • 2 behind the large dump bin.

    • 1 behind the garbage pail.

    • 3 on the other side of the car

    • 1 underneath the manhole cover.

    • 1 behind the wall (click the bricks to break through).

    • 1 behind the pile of rocks on the left.

    • 1 behind the pile of rocks on the right.

    • 6 behind the slatted fence (click on right, middle and left sides of the fence to move the slats).

    Left Screen (14 total):

    • 4 in plain sight.

    • 1 behind the bushes on the left.

    • 1 behind the bushes on the right.

    • 2 inside the garage (click to open the garage door).

    • 1 on the other side of the door.

    • 1 inside the window.

    • 2 on the other side of the large dump bin.

    • 1 behind a garbage pail.

    • 1 underneath the manhole cover.


Monkey GO Happy Mayhem Walkthrough

NOTE: For the highest score, these stages are meant to be completed as fast as possible in succession. If you stop before they're done, your progress will be reset and you'll be returned to the first stage.

1: Hats Off to You!

  • Pull the lever for a randomly generated hat.

  • On "stage complete" click the arrows to move on to the next scene.

2: Clown Act

  • Click on the clown's nose, mouth, eyes and ears.

3: Danger! Keep Out!

  • Open the chest and get the EXPLOSIVE.

  • Drag the EXPLOSIVE into the base of the ruined building, demolishing it.

4: Termite Be Giggles

  • Click the termite jar to break it open.

  • Pick up the TERMITE.

  • Drag the TERMITE to the wooden stool.

5: Overflowing Toy

  • Pull the lever for a randomly generated toy.

6: In Plane Sight

  • Click the PILOT.

  • Then, drag the pilot to the plane.

  • As the plane is flying around in the background, click on it to cause the pilot to parachute out.

7: Cup Cup Choose

  • Note where the ball is located, then watch as the cups are shuffled.

  • Click on the cup containing the ball:

  • The cup on the right

8: Pop Ten

  • Click on the bouncing balls to pop them.

  • Pop 10 balls to "win".

9: It's Hat Time Again

  • Pull the lever to change your hat!

10: Granny's Habit

  • Open up the cupboard and get the YARN.

  • Pick up the KNITTING NEEDLES from the floor.

  • Give the KNITTING NEEDLES and the YARN to old lady.

11: The Clock Struck

  • Pick up the PENDULUM from the floor.

  • Put the PENDULUM on the clock.

  • Click the pendulum five times or until the cuckoo pops out (at 12:00).

12: Happy Feet

  • Click the bucket of fish to move it to the right side of the icefloat.

  • Click the penguin and he'll hop onto the same float as the fish bucket.

  • Click the fish to move it toward the middle.

  • Then, click the penguin to move him to the fish.

13: Just Toying

  • Pull the lever to get a new toy.

14: Is That You, Thomas?

  • Click the train to back it up one space.

  • Click the rocks above the tunnel so one falls into the train cart.

  • Repeat process until there is a rock in each of the train carts.

  • Click the train a couple times to send it on its way.

15: I'll Treasure It

  • Click each of the four golden corners on the treasure chest, noting the dots that are revealed.

  • Then, enter the correct 4-digit code into the chest's lock.


    Notice how each square on the code box has a corner blacked out? Look under that corner of the chest and count the number of dots...


16: Keep On Popping

  • Pop 10 more of those bouncing balls.

17: Hats, Foiled Again!

  • Pull the lever and change your hat.

18: Wizarding School

  • Be fast! Click the mouse hole then immediately click the wizard.

    • If your timing is right, the wizard's spell will hit the mouse, turning it into a...gargoyle? dragon? winged rat with a glandular problem?

19: A Game of Chicken

  • Press the red button.

  • As each chicken pops out of the roost, click on it.

  • Touch 10 chickens to complete the stage.

20: Monster Nom Nom

  • Click on the soda, tuna, drumstick, etc...

  • Feed everything to the monster until he gets sick.

21: Toy History

  • Pull the lever for a new toy.

22: Cartoon Cuisine

  • Match the stereotypes—food to character:


    From left to right:

23: I Hit a Little Traffic

  • Click the traffic light to turn it red.

24: The Poppiest

  • Pop another 10 balls.

25: Hats Not Punny

  • Pull the lever for another hat.

26: Elephant on Parade

  • Pick up the HAT and the CARPET.

  • Then, put the HAT on the elephant's head and the CARPET on the elephant's back.

27: First Button Jumper

  • Press the button to make the runner jump.

  • Successfully jump over five arrows in a row to win the game.

    • TIP: click the button when the arrow is half way toward the runner.

28: I'll Take Door Number...

  • Press the buttons in the correct order:

    • I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X

29: Over Toyed

  • Pull the lever to change toys again.

30: Pond Stars

  • Open the garbage can.

  • Take the loaf of BREAD.

  • Put the BREAD in the pond.

31: "All Alone in the Moonlight"

  • Watch as each cat meows.

  • Then, click the cats in the correct order.


    Numbering them 1-5 from bottom left, up, and down to bottom right...the order to click the cats is:

    2, 5, 4, 3, 1

32: Popped Out

  • Another 10 balls...popped.

33: A Change of Hat

  • Your old hat is looking so...old hat. Pull the lever for a new one.

34: "Have Fun Storming the Castle!"

  • Pick up the SWORD.

  • Use the SWORD to cut the rope, causing the drawbridge to lower.

  • Click the knight to send him into the castle.

35: A Pizza My Mind

  • Click a circle of dough to move it to the pizza paddle.

  • Make a pizza as specified on the order form:

    • Anchovies, Cheese and Salami.

  • Click the handle to put the completed pizza in the oven. Yum!

36: To Catch a Thief

  • Note the various symbols on the wall behind the safe.

    • Enter the correct code into the safe's lock.


      Take a closer look at those symbols...they're numbers that have been "mirrored" together. Enter them as read, from left to right...

37: Toy You Another Day

  • Another toy change: pull the lever.

38: To Build a Fire

  • Pick up the CUP.

  • Use the CUP to scoop up some SNOW.

  • Put the CUP WITH SNOW into the pot over the fire.

  • Fill the CUP again with HOT WATER from the pot.

  • Give the CUP WITH HOT WATER to the shivering guy.

39: Disc Monkey

  • An image is divided into four slices. Click on each slice until the picture is in order.

    • As you click on each slice, they will spin around one-eighth of a turn.

    • Some slices will slide under while others will slide over the rest. If a slice is covered by another slice, you'll need to move the top slice before you can continue to move the other slice.

    The completed image will look like this:
    Screenshot: Completed Disc Monkey

40: Alotta Pops

  • Really? You know what to do here.

41: Final Countdown

  • Finally, find—and POP!—50 balloons.

    • Use the arrows at the sides of the screen to move between views.


    First Screen (13 total):

    • 5 in plain sight.

    • 1 in the tree (click left branches).

    • 2 behind the fence (click fence to move slats).

    • 1 in the window (open the window).

    • 1 on the other side of the door (click to open it).

    • 1 behind the garbage pail.

    • 2 inside the truck's van.

    Right Screen (23 total):

    • 5 in plain sight.

    • 1 in the window.

    • 1 on the other side of the door.

    • 2 behind the large dump bin.

    • 1 behind the garbage pail.

    • 3 on the other side of the car

    • 1 underneath the manhole cover.

    • 1 behind the wall (click the bricks to break through).

    • 1 behind the pile of rocks on the left.

    • 1 behind the pile of rocks on the right.

    • 6 behind the slatted fence (click on right, middle and left sides of the fence to move the slats).

    Left Screen (14 total):

    • 4 in plain sight.

    • 1 behind the bushes on the left.

    • 1 behind the bushes on the right.

    • 2 inside the garage (click to open the garage door).

    • 1 on the other side of the door.

    • 1 inside the window.

    • 2 on the other side of the large dump bin.

    • 1 behind a garbage pail.

    • 1 underneath the manhole cover.


Can't get this game to play. When I try it on Firefox it starts to load then the ad starts to load and just keeps loading. When I try it with IE, I get all the ads but no game - just a blank square where the game should be.
HELP!!!!!! Gotta get my monkey fix!!!!!


Hi mooncat,

It may be an extension on your browser causing problems or something that can be fixed by clearing the browser cache. Our support page might have more answers for you.

If it helps, I usually use Chrome. More often than not, it's the most reliable for flash games. Maybe you can try it?


Happy to say I got through it without needing a walkthrough. Still, thank you to elle for writing one.


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