The department of Media Management at the University of Ilmenau in Germany is conducting an online survey about online games and they need your help. The survey should take approximately five to 25 minutes, depending on the types of games you use.
Your participation is of great help and importance for their academic research of online games. All information you give is collected anonymously and will be used for academic purposes only. There is no commercial provider involved in the research. Take the online survey.
Anything I can do to help. The survey took me about 12 minutes to complete.
Happy to wave the JIG banner. Keep it up!
I'm a sucker for surveys. I love 'em.
It's kind of embarrassing when non-native English speakers, with obvious issues with English Grammar, know more English words than you do. "penurious"? "inured"? I need to get myself a word-of-the-day calendar.
Or just play the Free Rice game that we posted in a recent Link Dump Friday a couple days ago, and expand your vocabulary while contributing to a good cause. ^_^
Or it could be that they don't really know words such as "penurious," but are simply writing down the translation they get from a dictionary or translator. I've done the same thing to a German friend of mine in my emails to him.
Did that survey. Love the one where they ask you if playing a client based game is comparable do doing drugs. Hopefully alcohol counts; I chose YES. times 5!
i took the survey last night... barring the distractions, it took me about 20 minutes. (it's closer to an hour if you count the phone calls and other mayhem in between.) the thing that bothered me the most was that they used the same lists of follow-up questions for all five categories of gaming (which i also think weren't very clearly defined), even if the questions didn't very well apply. for example, how often do you play games for the sake of chatting with other players... if it's one of the single-player games you might find on this site? there is no communication with other players, it's just you and the game. while i understand that it would have been a hassle to think up five seperate lists of questions for the five categories, it really would have neatened up the entire experience.
but hey, i did the survey. i can't complain anymore. :)
Ay ay ay ay ay... do they have to give you 300 pages of the same stupid questions for each different TYPE of game you play? I've been at it for half an hour and no end in sight.
It's made up for it by the humorous "Engrish" and the weird questions that are really funny. But still, answering them over and over again, and there's so many of them... it's like a trick form that scambaiters give to Nigerian 419 scammers.
Yeah I tried, but I gave up when I got to the second round of the exact same questions and it had already taken 20 minutes to do the first bit.
Here's a survey answer: I play games, mostly on this site, rarely even on my home PC, I don't own a console. I play because I like games.
Ta-daa! 15 seconds.
I probably shouldn't have admitted to playing every different type of game. Darn, that's a long questionnaire. I got really depressed when I filled out another list of 20 radio boxes and only got +2% to show for it. :(
Yay! I just won 5 euros for taking this survey! ...if I buy an audiobook worth at least 10 euros from this German website... Well, it's always nice to win something anyhow :)
a nice game
One thing that a lot of people have missed in this recent economic down turn is the fact that in-game money for all of the massive mutliplayer online role playing games has not been effected. I guess it just shows how strong and stable the computer game industry really is.
Virtual Currency