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Papa's Freezeria

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Rating: 4.7/5 (2741 votes)
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Kyhkyh_papasfreezeria_topstation.pngPapa isn't done conquering the restaurant industry. He did the pizza thing, nailed the custom-made burgers,and captured the hearts of taco lovers everywhere. Given all these savory foods Papa's been serving up, it only makes sense that he would decide to explore the world of sweets in Flipline Studio's newest time management release for the Papa's series, Papa's Freezeria. In this game, you'll be serving sugary delights in the form of 'Freezer' sundaes to ever picky customers. It seems like it should be a breeze working for Papa at his new shop. After all, it's located on the tropical Calypso Island with a population of only twelve potential customers... oh, and I suppose that mob exiting the large cruise ship over there may decide to stop by too. You'll be fine, don't worry.

Using only your mouse, you control the actions of either Alberto or Penny, whom you choose at the beginning of the game. You jot down your customers' wishes at the Order Station, fill their selected cup size at the Build Station, blend it all together at the Mix Station and finish it off at the Top Station. When you're done with their order, you wait with bated breath to see what score you've achieved. A higher score grants you better tips from that customer for both that particular day and in all future visits.

While the Order Station is as it always has been, the Build Station is where Flipline has added a new twist. Instead of simply clicking the essential ingredients to make your sundae, each part of it (the ice cream, mix-in and syrup) requires you to hit a timed 'Pour' button. An indicator runs back and forth across a meter and you have one chance to get it to stop in the green section. Doing so earns you extra tips and guarantees a higher percentage for that area, otherwise, you just get a lower score. The faster you can stop the indicator in the green the better the reward, but if this makes you feel nervous, just wait after a few cycles back and forth for it to slow. The Mix Station functions much like the previous games' Grill Stations, involving keeping track of how long the sundae is left in the blender, and the Top Station takes from Papa's Taco Mia, having you wiggle your mouse back and forth to pour the desired toppings. The Doorbell and Alarms are back to help keep watch over the different stations and new to this game are the Blender Boosters which allow you to speed up the time spent at the Mix Station (be careful not to boost into the red or else risk breaking the blender for the day) and the Auto Ice Cream, which expertly handles the first timed pour, giving you the best tip.

kyh_papasfreezeria_buildstation.jpgHaving to be pretty strict with how the food is made, Flipline Studios has added a more 'creative' feature in Papa's Freezeria. All the funky posters and add-ons you're used to purchasing to upgrade your shop and help your score are now configured within the shop at your own discretion! That's right. If you want to sell your wall to the highest bidder, cover it with ads for Kahuna's Surf Shack and the cruise ship S.S. Louis. Want floor-to-ceiling windows and a floor covered in pinball machines? Sure, why not? If Papa's not happy with it, he shouldn't have left you to your own devices.

Analysis: Being a big fan of time management games in general and the Papa's series specifically, I was beyond excited to see this new entry. As always, the cartoon graphics lend a lovable quality to the characters (my favorite being Captain Cory, the gruff, female, tattooed sailor), and no matter how demanding a customer may be, I still find myself liking them.

I think the new features in Freezeria work well in enticing you to try it out while the gameplay keeps you hooked. Though I felt it started out too slowly, and I found myself being bored during the first game week, it soon picked up and became a more comfortable challenge where I was able to develop a rhythm to keep my scores high. While all the decorative upgrades are a plus, the ones for behind the counter are a must! Just in time to help you beat the heat of summer, sit back, grab a cold one (sundae, that is) and spend a few hours running Papa's Freezeria.

Play Papa's Freezeria

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Papa's Freezeria Topping Tips
(I hope they help :D)

  • Seems obvious, but make sure that you're putting on the right topping to the right recipe. When I'm tired, I might accidentally put chocolate chips instead of the nuts (since they look very similar)

  • Make sure you're putting the toppings on from the bottom up. That usually means whipped cream/chocolate, then syrup, then piece toppings. Putting them on in any other order, even if it's correct will take points off.

  • No matter the way you put the whipped cream/chocolate on, what seems to be important is that it ends up either in a flat/even shape on the sundae, or the middle portion is a bit higher than the left and right. Basically, make it look like a typically pretty sundae. You seem to get points taken off if any part has significantly more cream than the other. My technique is to first spread from left to right and then center it so that the cream makes a little hill in the center.

  • When spreading on the syrups and bit toppings, what's most important is that you evenly cover the entire sundae. That can be managed by sweeping at an even speed from left to right. However, what I've also noticed is that If you watch where the syrup/nuts fall, the first sweep will hit the middle of the cream, the second sweep will hit the cream a bit higher, and the last 3-4 sweeps hit the top of the cream. I don't know how else to best explain it but I get perfect scores whenever I sweep them 3-4 times across the sundae.

  • I think the trickiest one is most certainly the final topping. The game seems to be *very* picky about placement and it can make it harder if your whipped cream is in a strange shape. I always put the middle topping on first because that's the easiest to determine. Before, I used to put the left and right toppings on as far left and right as I could but that seems to be bad. Instead, aim to put the left and right toppings between the edge of the cup and the middle topping. Any 2nd tier toppings seem to just have to overlap any 1st tier toppings.

  • Most importantly practice! XD Eventually you'll be popping out 95% topping rated sundaes with little effort. Hope this helps!


I have a question concerning the game:

I actually found the game on your page without a review with it long ago.
The comment and questions link below wasn't there for obvious reasons, but I find it unusual to find a game without a review.

Can someone explain why this happened?

[It appeared in a Link Dump Friday article, and games appearing there have no associated review. After reconsidering the game due to the comments it was receiving, we decided to give it a full review. -Jay]


I love this game. It's a major improvement from the previous installments. The progression of difficulty is perfectly paced and the upgrades are great. The "Closers" are a really great idea and I like how customizable the shop is.


Day 58 - after 2 weeks of not being here, Big Pauly returns! I was really worried he'd had a heart attack or something.


Much prefer this game to any of Papa's time management series. It's more appealing and fun to mess around with (who doesn't like ice cream?)

There is this one small thing about this game I found weird though. You can sit for a few minute waiting for ALL of the customers and take all of their orders. Then proceed to make each order slow and repeat as many times as you want.
The game doesn't seem to have the factor of waiting for their order to be complete?

Also, I found it quite hard to get 100% for the Topping section. Any tip?

Kalamari August 9, 2011 8:15 PM

Papa's Freezeria Topping Tips
(I hope they help :D)

  • Seems obvious, but make sure that you're putting on the right topping to the right recipe. When I'm tired, I might accidentally put chocolate chips instead of the nuts (since they look very similar)

  • Make sure you're putting the toppings on from the bottom up. That usually means whipped cream/chocolate, then syrup, then piece toppings. Putting them on in any other order, even if it's correct will take points off.

  • No matter the way you put the whipped cream/chocolate on, what seems to be important is that it ends up either in a flat/even shape on the sundae, or the middle portion is a bit higher than the left and right. Basically, make it look like a typically pretty sundae. You seem to get points taken off if any part has significantly more cream than the other. My technique is to first spread from left to right and then center it so that the cream makes a little hill in the center.

  • When spreading on the syrups and bit toppings, what's most important is that you evenly cover the entire sundae. That can be managed by sweeping at an even speed from left to right. However, what I've also noticed is that If you watch where the syrup/nuts fall, the first sweep will hit the middle of the cream, the second sweep will hit the cream a bit higher, and the last 3-4 sweeps hit the top of the cream. I don't know how else to best explain it but I get perfect scores whenever I sweep them 3-4 times across the sundae.

  • I think the trickiest one is most certainly the final topping. The game seems to be *very* picky about placement and it can make it harder if your whipped cream is in a strange shape. I always put the middle topping on first because that's the easiest to determine. Before, I used to put the left and right toppings on as far left and right as I could but that seems to be bad. Instead, aim to put the left and right toppings between the edge of the cup and the middle topping. Any 2nd tier toppings seem to just have to overlap any 1st tier toppings.

  • Most importantly practice! XD Eventually you'll be popping out 95% topping rated sundaes with little effort. Hope this helps!

Kalamari August 9, 2011 8:39 PM

:( Oh, I just realized that my tips might be spoilers... can someone fix that for me please, sorry.
[Done! -Kyh]


It looks like the 'almost perfect waiting scores' thing has been "fixed" (personally I prefer the way it was before, but ymmv).

Playing in the same exact way (taking all orders immediately, blending the drinks, then topping and serving them all in a single go) is resulting in, instead of 100s all across the board, a smattering of 70s and 80s.

Not sure I like this. :I


* Especially since you can't 'select' which drinks to top and deliver like in Burgeria, so you're basically forced to go in the order you finished them.

Ah well, let's see if a change in strategy won't work better.


I've found for the whipped cream, if you just leave it right in the middle, it comes out pretty evenly. also, once you start buying items to decorate the lobby with, it significantly increases the waiting score.


I don't usually like time managements game, but this one was fun! I'm around level 20 at the moment.

I checked out the others in the series, but I still like this one best (the taco and burger ones are nice, while I "hated" the pizza one; no upgrades and overall not quite as good, but it's understandable since it was the first one), maybe because it's nice to look at the sundaes in the summer, maybe because there's A LOT of stuff to put on them, or maybe because generally it seems less chaotic and more fun.

My brothers prefeirs the burger one, though.


has anyone had more than 8 customers? and what's the highest rank anyone's gotten to?

Anonymous August 14, 2011 11:41 AM

basically i am a papa Louie fan. i play all the games 24/7. but the only negative i have to say is the fact that tommorow i will want to carry on my game and it always mysteriously dissapears. :(

does that happen to everyone or just me?

overall a great game

cloudedguardian August 18, 2011 4:39 PM

The game worked fine for me, but now that I;m on day 10, it won't move on to the next day. The screen just goes black, and when i clcik main menu, it just flickers on and off with the character spazzing while its flickered on.
What's up?
I want to keep playing, and having to repeat day 10 over and over and over and over isn't much fun.


It "might" be the adverts they inserted. I think adverts start appearing after each day after the first 10 games.


jay, i have a question. i've been playing this game for a bit, and today, the speed at which everything, the music, customers, creation of sundaes, EVERYTHING, has increased greatly. i'm not sure if this is because of my computer or the site. if you could let me know, that'd be awesome! :)

[Hi Thomas, nothing has changed recently with regard to this game. We did update the game a couple of weeks ago (sound issues were fixed), but it hasn't changed since. -Jay]

Hahaha00000 August 23, 2011 10:03 AM

I've never played a game this fun before, especially because you don't get tired of it. I'm at level 50 now and unlocked that special guest. My favorite part of the game is when I unlocked the last 20 customers or so, every other customers all have gold and so it's almost like the same customers coming back every day and leaving very soon.


So i realized something, but i figure i should probably put it in spoilers, since it's kind of walkthrough-y.

After you click to start the day, but before the day actually starts, you can see the first two customers and who the closer will be. the first customer is walking on the road really close to the shop, the second customer is peeks their head out of the surf shop, and the closer is walking really far away on the road. Though i'm a pretty high level, so it might come with that. And since you can go to customers that you've previously had, you can make their sundaes before they actually come in.


Hey, how do you save? I need to save.


Just like Thomas posted that you can see the first two customers before the shop opens. well actually you can also know what size, which sauce and what extra the third customer will want. How?

Look at the surfboards near the shack right of the freezaria. The first shows the size, the second shows the extra, and the third shows the sauce.

[Spoiler tags added. -Kyh]




A tip on Jojo

he wants something new every week so don't try remembering want he wanted

[Fixed the spoiler tags. Anything in spoilers must begin with <spoiler> and end with </spoiler> -Kyh]


The one thing that is trouble some is that once you take a sundae out of the mixing station it automatically sends it to the topping station and there you can't change the order that yu serve them. So be careful you don't mess up the order of what sundae goes to what customer.


I actually like Papa's Freezeria better than any of the other games. With Papa's Freezeria, you don't really get that many points taken off when it comes to putting the toppings on if they are not distributed evenly. I think it should be a better way to put the toppings on. Otherwise it's a great game.


Now I'm rank 8 and I have a new customer. How come after clicking the medium cup and pouring the ice cream (first step), the ice cream machine disappears and another machine is supposed to appear, but it doesn't? To sum it up, the machine disappears and that's it. I tried every way but nothing worked...


i have a question did you ever see a customer reach into the 'freezie treats' freezer to get a treat ?? i noticed that no one was taking a treat. is it a decoration ???? im very confused :( PLEASE HELP

hooked :) December 9, 2011 3:58 PM

I love this game :) I have pinball machines, drinks, magazines and a jukebox and my customers all interact with them... One thing I was wondering, I'm on day 48, rank 25 and I'm just wondering how many days there are and how many ranks, does anyone know?

ashbash9262 December 29, 2011 10:06 PM

Did anyone ever answer the "saving" question. I am having the same problem. I save and as long as I don't sign out, I can continue a game, but after I sign out or shut the computer down and come back a different day, my saved game is gone. It is very frustrating to have to start over all the time. Please help!!

[I just played for a while, then exited out, closed the browser and came back and my save slot was still there. Make sure that you have allowed Flash to store ample data on your computer, because without that it can't save your progress for when you return after signing out or closing the browser. -Jay]

GroovyGabby January 5, 2012 6:54 PM

Does the customer HAVE to interact with the stuff to increase your waiting score?
Or can it just be there, and the score goes up on it's own?

lauren.eidson April 12, 2013 7:25 PM

As far as the interaction goes, it depends on where the item is placed. I have the record player next to the counter against the wall and the first person who is waiting in line for their treat dances to it. The arcade game is next to it and is played by the second person waiting for their treat. So if you have the treat thing far away, there is never someone waiting that far back to get one. The people waiting for you to take their order do not interact as far as I can tell.


I think this game would probably be a lot of fun for young kids because it teaches them time management skills and allows them to create ice cream at the same time. This is definitely a game I would find myself playing when I was younger. Also, I think this game does a good job thoroughly explaining and walking you through the steps to be successful when playing.


You never get more than 8 customers in a day. I'm currently on day 155 (This game is my stress relief LOL) and rank 50. After 50, you continue accumulating points but the rank stays the same. If you get a gold award with every customer, you unlock a special customer (for me, this happened on Day 140). Said customer and Ninjoy grade very very harshly on topping station. I can get 100% easy with anyone but them.


Correction: The rank number changes, but the title doesn't change after rank 46.


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