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Pocket Planes Trading Post

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Pocket Planes: Trade for airplane parts here!

We have created this special page for community members to swap and trade aircraft parts and Game Center friend codes. Feel free to post requests for parts and replies to existing comments for trading on this page only.

If you are looking for our Pocket Planes Strategy Guide, Hints and Tips Walkthrough, or our Pocket Planes Review, or have general questions or comments about the game not related to trading parts, be sure to visit that page and post your comments there instead.


Puredeath June 20, 2012 1:15 PM

puredeathknight is my game center name i think

Puredeath June 20, 2012 3:59 PM

well if we dont get the prizes add me on the game center and i can gift some parts


im loving the new event! finally close to europe and worth 30 bux!! btw dudes and dudettes, i thought it would be a nice idea if we added each other as friends in game center? we can trade parts and build planes for a much lower cost! this can help out new players who have just started because i have a ton of class 1 parts lying around and in need of a birchcraft control!

Lemme know what you think! :D


Does anyone have Navigator-M Controls they can send me? I just need 1
ID is Splogaton


Ah never really went for the navigator M :/ ill buy one incase i come across it


I have all the parts to a Wallaby-M I can give you. Would that work? Very similar stats and still Class 1


Bought a Navigator M and split it up, i sent you the controls Theo and if any one needs the body and engine feel free to add me and let me know!

smjjames June 21, 2012 11:24 AM

got mega ninja'd, lol. Anyways, just waiting for the cash to come in to get Casablanca and either Madrid or Algiers.

Anybody got a Kangaroo M that can be traded? I have a wallaby that can be used for now.

smjjames June 21, 2012 11:38 AM

Should be the same as here, smjjames, and thanks.

anouh321 June 21, 2012 11:42 AM

I see. Alright then, thanks Jay! I'll add you in my games center. :)


Will someone send me a plane for the event? Game Center name is IGN Jackson


Just "hangar then fly" one of your existing planes.


I know that, my planes don't have enough range and I have no bux.


Can anyone gift me Kangaroo-M parts pls IGN is Anonymous4245
Btw Jay love the guide tnx very much


Kangaroo-M engine sent! If any other parts pop up on the market, I'll send em your way :)


Tnx for the engine Trinn ^^

[You're welcome! Enjoy :) -Trinn]


A body left and off to Narnia I Go lol


Anyone able to send me parts to build a plane to make it across the Atlantic. I am in need.

Game center I'd is madhatter2010


i have gotten the flight crew reward 14 times already. anyone else have that problem? also who needs Huey parts? i have a few extra now :)

e.r.husband June 24, 2012 8:53 AM

i'll trade you Esimis! I made a killing in coins and bux last night kicking off to get from #1000 to #60 in our flight crew :-)

I'm level 13, what do you wanna swap?


Can anyone gift me ah Huey Engine? XD

Ign: Anonymous4245
Tnx if you consider


well since i have 400bux because of their bug planes are not really a problem now. if you have any class2 planes that can cross from africa to S.America that would be cool. my nick in gamecenter is h4terbreed

sitroniste June 24, 2012 10:04 AM

could anybody send me an huey body please? i you have one to spare, il send an huey engine in return :)

my game center name is sitroniste :)

sitroniste June 24, 2012 11:27 AM

dont need the huey body anymore :)
il send my engine to gabby :)


I already recieve the 30 bux :) !
Do anybody have parts for a kanguroo M? I will be pretty appreciated



I have no Kangaroo M, but can send all of a Kangaroo C or P... Or Mohawk M.

Find me on Game Center as ELLE-JIG or elle @ casualgameplay(dot)com.

I have extra planes if anyone else needs them, just let me know!


Hello Elle, thanks that will work too
Im still acepting all planes : ) Thanks!


Who added me like 20 minutes ago? You're not showing up on my friends list for some reason :/ and why did I get another huey part along with 30 more bux!? xD


Thanks Elle for the parts!
Janu I think was I :/
I only recieved one prizes :�


Hello Okmyx, starting this game and already was thinking in buy Madrid
Srry the abuse but do you Mohawk C body part?
And also Im accepting all types of pieces too : )






Thanks alot!

superdave0531 June 24, 2012 6:34 PM

Anyone want to trade a Huey engine for another Huey part :-)

I think the reward system bugged out and gave me many of them.

superdave0531 June 24, 2012 10:29 PM

Hey guys :) anyone want to trade a huey engine for another huey part? :-p ... or did everyone get a huey engine...?


Anybody have Birchcraft M control and/or body to give or trade for huey part?

captainrapton June 25, 2012 11:00 AM

So I have a Huey engine...Anyone else willing to trade parts so I can build it?



Do you have body or control of a Birchcraft M?
I have body and control of a huey

A question: Im level 10 I cam use planes above my level if someone gift me the parts?

Reply June 25, 2012 12:16 PM

@jay I sent you an aero eagle m part as I'm not a fan of the m planes. Feel free to send pezkingjs an aero eagle p or c part. Thank you. We've got to keep up this second place status

captainrapton June 25, 2012 2:26 PM

@Jog4m I don't have one, but I'll go buy one for you-I'm level 10.

captainrapton June 25, 2012 2:28 PM

@Jog4m I have to Birchcraft M controls, what now?



How was your username? So i can send you the part and then you send me that part

captainrapton June 25, 2012 3:57 PM

@Jog4m My username is burly_jim. I'll be waiting!

captainrapton June 25, 2012 4:18 PM

@Jog4m So what do you want for the Huey controls?






Thats a give : )

captainrapton June 25, 2012 4:21 PM

@Jog4m I got the body OK, so what can I give you to get the Huey controls?

captainrapton June 25, 2012 4:27 PM

@Jog4m Thanks, I love the Huey! And @everyone sorry for taking up the chat for so long :P

superdave0531 June 25, 2012 5:24 PM

I have a couple of Huey engines to trade for other Huey parts :)

Let me know if you'd like to trade!

superdave0531 June 25, 2012 7:44 PM

I have a couple of spare Huey engines if anyone wants to trade for another Huey part :)

Also up for trade:

Mowhawk-C (engine, body & controls)

Equinox-P (engine & controls)

Feel free to add me to your game center list! Superdave0531


Hey everyone. I have a bunch of parts that I dont use that I can gift away. If anyone has spares, I could use some Mohawk parts. I will return the favor. My gamecenter name is Jatindrj.


Whoever it was that sent me the parts, I need your name again so I could send some to you too



I sent only a Mohawk part because was the only one I had. Enjoy!
; )

superdave0531 June 25, 2012 9:40 PM

I have some parts coming your way J!


Any body have Birchcraft , Equinox parts and Kanguroo P parts?
I can give some low-end class 1


Please people I need any spare parts or even complete plane parts would be awesome!!!! (I would shower you with gratitude) I have Beijing and now it costs 25000 to reopen it (difficult when I am level 7)!! I need money!! please help would be greatly appreciated!!
GC: Kurtis^_^
Thank you thank you so much also just when sending me a request say PP or pocket planes, or parts. Thanks so much again


omg Jayisgames!! thank you so much!!! I still need more though :,( but thank you so much anyway!! and that eagle one!! omg I love it!! but if I had all the parts.. haha but thx you anyway :)


I would appreciate 20 to 30 bux plz :3

darnelc202 June 25, 2012 10:59 PM

Does anyone have a engine for a supergoulpher-p? My game center Darnel_C

darnelc202 June 25, 2012 11:07 PM

I also join jayisgames, I flew 8 flights to panama so far. @jog4m I got kangaroo 4 body, whats your gamecenter?


any Mohawk M parts would greatly be appreciated!!! thx so much!! will give back! :)
GC: Kurtis^_^


Jayisgames thx for the Mohawk engine. I gave it back to you seeing it was appropriate because I already got a Mohawk by then. If you want any parts for a equinox m or p would be pretty awesome :) but anyway thx you so much for your help and I will try to give you some parts. I am now a lvl 9 and have reopened Bejing :) all thx to this website!! thx so much!! and maybe we can make a deal and see if I post your website everywhere I can to make you know for some part I could arrange that. but anyway thx again ^_^

Monica M June 26, 2012 2:25 AM

I don't seem to have anything anyone needs/wants yet, but my name on Game Center is "Monica Mc" if you want to add me anyhow. :)

Mensaxman19 June 26, 2012 3:31 AM

Hi, if anyone has an extra Huey body then I can trade whatever M-type part you want for it.


Just got the game and I really enjoy it but I could really use some friends as well.

My GC name is Ihiri I will accept all that add me.


Trading Huey Control for a Huey engine

Game Center ID Anonymous4245

carterb June 26, 2012 9:18 AM

I need the supergopher p controls. My gamecenter is carterb91


Hey does anyone know what I need to do in order to get what I'm guessing are the special aircraft? I'm not exactly sure really.


Anyone have any birchcraft parts? Will return the favor. GC- Jatindrj


Jatin accept friend request in game center
Ign: Anonymous4245



Its that one, Jog4m


hi again. I need aeroeagle m part control and engine. will give u tomarrow of parts in exchange. if anyone could make this happen it would mean the world. thx ^\^
GC: Kurtis^_^


Add me --(patrijeje)--


Somebody have Mohawk or Kangoroo parts? I can give back Airvan P parts : )


I can send you the parts to a Mohawk-P, Kangaroo-C, or Kangaroo-M. Let me know which you'd prefer and your Game Center ID.


All of them :)!
The Mohawk P will be nice!
GC: jog4m

[Sent! Enjoy :) - Trinn]


Recieved, thankss!

darnelc202 June 26, 2012 9:40 PM

How come my pocket planes fail to retrieve my friend list. Jayisgames is #2 I joined yesterday and severed 20 jobs so far, is it possible for someone to send me Mohawk p parts for all supergopher p parts?


Does anyone have kangaroo-m parts or Mohawk-p parts my game center id is Teejmiester.

taylorjsam June 27, 2012 12:33 AM

Any starship parts would be greatly appreciated. Game center is samueljt


Jayisgames. please give me a aeroeagle M parts control and engine? plz plz plz it would mean the world. I will give u tons of parts back if u want. I will do anything :)

darnelc202 June 27, 2012 1:04 AM

@jog4m gave you a kangaroo M part. Can you send me all three airvAn parts?

Bazinga June 27, 2012 2:35 AM

GameCenter Id = Phatbazinga

Got a bunch of kangaroo parts and the lower level airplane parts and a just a few higher ones, ask and I'll send them if I got them

darnelc202 June 27, 2012 3:01 AM

@bazinga I need a Anan c body and all Mohawk P parts.


I want to make transatlantic but i need parts or whole plane coz i cant find it in market. If you don't have any transatlantic parts any parts of planes with 3+ P or C is awsome. Thanks.
My gamecenter name is : zizou1990


"Transatlantic" isn't the name of a particular plane, it refers to any plane that can fly across the Atlantic Ocean. The first aircraft I acquired that was able to make the distance across the Atlantic (I went from Boston to Madrid) was the Pearjet, with upgrades to the range stat, which is purchasable at Level 14.


I just added a bunch of you :-D My name is 'sucobe'. I'm level 17 and got a ton of parts laying around though that I don't mind giving up. I'm based in Australia and finally hitting India/China, so can't be much help on the global events until I open up some airports across western Asian :(


Bearclaws (P body, C body), Equinoxs (all parts), pearjets (all parts) and aeroeagle (P engine/controls, M engine/controls) parts laying around if anyone needs anything

Bazinga June 27, 2012 9:29 AM

I'll take the aero eagle M engine and controls, if you still got them. I love the combo planes (M). Trying to upgrade my fleet =D

Bazinga June 27, 2012 9:31 AM

I'm phatbazinga in game friend Id =D


@Hardy Awadjie i need something to do transatlantic. Send me Equinox or a Pearjet please. Thanks.


i'm zizou1990 btw :D


JayisGames!! thx thx thxtthx thx thx u so much!! air the awesome plane parts!! I couldn't be at lvl 11 without your help!!! tons of parts are going to slowly trickle your way :Dthx so much again and hopefully more trades in the future!! :D this is a awesome website!!!

Sevenseasbee June 27, 2012 11:10 AM

Seenseasbee, please add me!

Sevenseasbee June 27, 2012 11:11 AM

Sevenseasbee, please add me! Not seenseasbee


now i only need a birchcraft-m body. if anyone have it please send :D
GC ID : zizou1990



Hello, I could use the Equinox, pearjet parts please :)
GC id: jog4m

TomServo7 October 29, 2014 11:17 AM replied to ldferraz


Trade a Concorde Controls for a Concorde Body?

I'll add you when I get home.


Looking for p-40 warhawk body, open to any trade.

I have
Starship body
Sea knight controls
Blimp body and engine
Any cloudliners

GC: bartstar


Hi! I have a concord engine is like to trade for a concord body. I can also add aeroeagle controls pearjet controls or pearjet body or various lower level parts if wanted. Thanks! iPhone gamecenter shawnerrific

TomServo7 November 5, 2014 4:24 PM replied to TomServo7

Anyone up for trading concorde parts?


I can trade a Concorde engine I have for a concorde body

fuelfox November 6, 2014 9:07 PM replied to TomServo7

I can trade a Concorde engine I have for a concorde body

TomServo7 November 8, 2014 8:57 AM replied to fuelfox

I'm afraid I only have (2) Concorde Controls and (2) Concorde engines.

fuelfox November 9, 2014 1:56 PM replied to TomServo7

Hopefully they will have another Concorde global event soon :)


My username is RCKT. Please help me. I need range planes.


i will trade a kringle kruiser for a aeroeagle m or a x10 mapple pro game center transfervcd

xuankienkt January 2, 2015 10:25 PM

Pocket Planes Cheats And Tips
Whether you're a Pocket Planes addict who's been unable to resist the lure of Nimble Bit's latest game, or you're completely new to their hellishly addictive brand of business sims, we've got all the tips, cheats and tricks you'll need to become the next Richard Branson.

xuankienkt January 6, 2015 10:49 PM

Understanding Profit, Flight Cost and Experience in Pocket Planes


Profit = Revenue – Expense

That’s pretty simple right? The profit you earn on a flight is a result of the total revenue from the flight, minus the total cost to get the aircraft to it’s final destination.

So how is flight cost, i.e. expense from the equation above, calculated?

Flight Cost/Expense

Expense = Distance * Speed * Weight / 400

The total flight cost from point A to point B is a direct result of distance, speed and weight.

Distance is determined by a straight line between the two locations and is about 1/4 to 1/5 the “real world” distance.


eminem244 January 7, 2015 11:16 AM

A full concorde for any c130 part!!! My id is rockerbenho! I'm vietnamese
Add me and i'll send you first


Please any one who doesn't want there starship I'll take it I can't offer anything but I really really want one! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!


If any one doesn't want there starship I'll take it I can't offer anything good but I really want one I know there crap but I still want one my game centre is Elak 4.

kooplion April 25, 2015 4:23 PM

I've got:

Aeroeagle P (x2)
Cloudliner P (x1)
Fogbuster P (x3)
X-10 Mapple Pro (x1)

I'm looking for:

As many Tetra P's as I can get

My game center is oak624€ (yes, the € should be there). Thanks!

kooplion April 25, 2015 4:28 PM


At least 5 Tetra PS

Again, gamecenter is oak624€ (above)

Don Knotts August 23, 2015 8:58 AM

Looking for the following:
• C-130 Hercules Controls
• C-130 Hercules Body
• Hot Air Balloon Engine

What I can offer:
• P-40 Warhawk Controls
• Huey Engine
• Huey Controls
• Kringle Kruiser Engine
• Full Starship
• Full Kringle Kruiser
• Blimp Controls
• Any Full Non Event Plane

Ta very much.

Don Knotts August 23, 2015 9:06 AM

Oh, and me Gamecentre name is "yourightbilly".

Don Knotts August 23, 2015 9:19 AM replied to Don Knotts

I also have a spare C-130 Engine.


Add me on game center guys new to the game xavier1120


Please add me Xavier1120


I have an extra Starship Controls part, would trade for an engine or body.
Game Center ID = Skeev3


I will trade any entire plane (all 3 pieces and up to cloudliners) for concorde engine and/or control, i can also give you some pieces: p40, huey, sea knight and cringe cruiser.

supernovabn May 16, 2016 8:30 PM

does anyone have an extra sequoia laying around, I would really appreciate it!


Gamecenter: pokemon33613

No I'm not a kid

Darksythes August 4, 2016 4:42 PM

New member here, looking for people to trade with!
Currently level 13, almost level 14. But don't worry I am gaining levels quickly. I can offer any normal planes up to my level. Looking for any rare planes at all.
Willing to negotiate, let me know in a reply!

Darksythes August 4, 2016 5:43 PM replied to Darksythes

Am now level 14.


Pocket Planes finally updated so we can add friends without Game Center!

I would like to trade 1 Starship Control to someone in exchange for 1 Starship Body.
My friend code is 16KL. I only have 1 Control part, so first trade first served!


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