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Puzzle Legends

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Rating: 4.2/5 (51 votes)
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Puzzle Legends

Johnny123 Unique among retro-style puzzle games, Nazo Systems' Puzzle Legends manages to hit you right in the nostalgia zone without feeling derivative or cheap. You're not a warrior in Puzzle Legends. You're not here to slaughter your way to the top. You're a hooded traveler trying to climb to the top of three increasingly difficult towers, collecting their coins and treasures. While enemies can be dispatched in some of the puzzle rooms via careful maneuvering, the game won't give you full completion unless you let your foes carry on unharmed. Simply use the [arrow] keys to move and push blocks and press [X] to activate switches. You'll get very familiar with that "retry" key by the end, but if you're a fan of puzzles you'll love it all the same.

There's no complications or distractions in the interface, just good puzzling fun. Getting to the door often isn't all that difficult, but getting the coins and chests along the way will have you attacking each level repeatedly with a slap on the forehead and a grin. It feels like an actual SNES game from the glory days of the 16-bit era, with all the triumph and frustration that implies. There's no fluff in this game, just pure, immediate fun. Fiendish challenges and a charming soundtrack will keep you enthralled even as you tackle a hard level for the umpteenth time. The difficulty curve is forgiving and the puzzles get hard but are always fair. What else can you ask of a puzzle game? In a world of shooters and zombies and HD war simulators, Puzzle Legends pares it all down to the basics and reminds us why these basics worked so well in the past.

Play Puzzle Legends


Mingy Jongo April 24, 2014 12:38 PM

Been playing this the last couple of days, and it is excellent. If you like the Adventures of Lolo series for the NES, this will be right down your alley.

briwitz7 April 24, 2014 4:14 PM

I can seem to complete all by 3 levels 2.6, 3.3, & 3.6
Was hoping Jay would have a Walkthrough but I guess the game is just too new.

gavtyven April 24, 2014 5:49 PM

Level 2-6

Start by 'releasing the snake' by pushing up the block in front of it. Then push the iceblock down. Walk up and around the spikes and push the ice block left. Go down and pick up the coin and trigger the lever. Walk up to open the lower middle flower and walk back down, so you block the eye, and then you can push the ice block up. It will be stopped by the snake.

Now you walk to the treasure chest and make sure, that you trap the snake, so walk down over the first flower bud, and the walk all the way to the left, so the snake is trapped in the left block. Get the two coins.

Now you can easily walk up and get the last coin and exit.

gavtyven April 24, 2014 7:28 PM

Level 3-3

Start by pushing the meat to the spikes, and walk under it. Then push the iceblock left and go back and push the meat right to steps. Then push the meat up 4 steps to the spikes so it blocks the right eye.

Now go and pick up the two coins on the left. On the way back push the stone to block the other eye. Go up to the left side of the meat and push it 1 right to wake up the monster. Hurry up past the flower bud so the monster eats the flower. Then get the two coins.¨

Finally walk down to activate the magnet to pull the stone that blocks the lever. Go up and activate the lever and find the exit.

Level 3-6

This one is tricky. Start by going down and then right and then up so you get the coin and stand on the right side of the stone between the holes. Push the stone left one step. Then go right and up and face the snake. Now go left and push the stone down almost to the bottom. Then two steps right.

Now you have to push the ice block to the right, then down, and then to the right. If you placed the stone right, you can now push the ice block up over the two holes. When you push the ice block immediately move left so you trap the snake. Walk up in the middle, cross the flower bud on the right and continue to get the coin. (The snake can not block you now)

Now move the upper stone to the left - two blocks left of the exit. Move the lower stone one left so it aligns with the iceblock. Go back up and push the ice block down, go back and push the ice block left (it should be stopped by the blue snake). And then push it up, and take one step right so you block the green snake.

Push the meat one step left. Let the monster eat the meat, and then go and grab the coins from the top. Trigger the lever, and then leave the room, picking up the final coin.

I hope this helps. :)

icvotria April 24, 2014 8:05 PM

I'm horribly stuck on 3-4...


Pretty good block puzzles, not too difficult. Some of the levels seemed a bit carelessly designed though, with multiple disjoint puzzles. Ideally I think each level should contain exactly what is needed for a single puzzle, and nothing else.

By the way, if you get stuck, the in-game "Help" button (bottom left) takes you to a video walkthrough.

thegreatescaper April 24, 2014 9:17 PM

Working on a walkthrough... should be up soon.

Patreon Contributor Questioner April 25, 2014 11:10 AM

Level 3-4 (While were waiting for thegreatescapers walkthrough) :

The first thing you should do is to push the lowermost ice-block to the left as fast as you can, or the bull will block the exit with a flower.

Then you should be able to snatch the lower coin and the treasure chest by making the bull crash into the opposite wall, and being really fast.

The rest is like this:

Go straight up through the two middle buds. Push the ice-block left, and take the left way to collect two more coins. Go right, and push the ice-block to the left of the road left.

Walk to the right over the bud to the lever, and activate it. Get the last coin, push the ice-block to the left, and walk to the exit.


beat it all, 100%
for those of you who are confused there IS a video walkthrough as supplied by the game maker.

The ending was a little lackluster, was not impressed but the overall game mechanics were good. a solid 4 in my book.

Leopardmask April 25, 2014 8:50 PM

It's a great game but could do with one bit of explanation on the first level: it took me three levels and actually running over one to realize the yellow things were coins and not monsters.

kathleen.indie.gee April 26, 2014 11:59 PM

Thanks for making a game that was challenging without being frustrating. It was nice being able to skip a puzzle and come back to it later. Spice up the ending sequence a bit, and its a perfect classic puzzle platformer.

thegreatescaper April 27, 2014 8:34 AM

Puzzle Legends Walkthrough

General Info

The instructions for each level show you how to beat the level with all coins. Artifacts (if present) are explained separately at the bottom each level.
The last three artifacts can be purchased from the shop.

Artifacts are present in levels 1-2, 1-4, 1-8, 2-4, 2-6, 2-8, 3-2, 3-4, and 3-8.

Tower 1


-Collect all the coins, moving blocks out of the way if needed.
-Flick the switch, moving blocks out of the way if needed.
-Go to the door.


-Collect all the coins, moving blocks out of the way if needed.
-When going to flick the switch, push the right ice block down to open a path to the switch.
-Go to the door.

ARTIFACT: When collecting the top-left coin, push the ice block to the left, not up. This will let you collect both the coin and the artifact.


-Go to the square marked with a downward facing arrow.
-Push the ice block down, then QUICKLY move left. If done correctly, the snake should get trapped behind the ice.
-Collect all the coins.
-Flick the switch by pushing the top and bottom blocks into their respective holes, then moving the block in front of the switch out of the way.
-Go to the door, moving blocks out of the way if needed.


-Collect all the coins, moving blocks out of the way if needed.
-Flick the switch, moving blocks in the same way as described in 1-3.
-Go to the door.

ARTIFACT: When moving the central blocks, leave the middle-top and middle-bottom blocks where they are, but push the rest into a hole. Move the lower block as far left as it can go, then down until it is just above the hole. Push the upper block all the way to the right, then push it down until it is one row above the other block. Push the ice block down then right. Push it up, then QUICKLY move left to trap the snake. You will now be able to collect the artifact.


-Push the lower block to the left, then move up to the sign and flick the switch.
-Collect the upper coin by entering through the flowerbud, then pushing the block down into the hole.
-Collect the lower coin, then push the block up into the hole.
-You now have a clear path to collect the coin and then go to the door.


-Push the ice block up, then QUICKLY move right to trap the snake.
-Flick the switch.
-Go upwards through the rightmost path (next to the sign), and collect the coin.
-Go through the flowerbud to the left, and move all the way up and push the upper ice block into the hole.
-Go back down through the leftmost path, collecting the last two coins on the way.
-Push the ice block up, and go to the door.


-Push the chunk of meat to the right.
-Push the block surrounded by holes into a hole.
-Push the chunk of meat to the right.
-Now we need to enter the small 'room' at the bottom left which is guarded by a snake.
-Push the lower block all the way to the left, bypassing the snake in the process.
-Collect both coins, then exit by pushing the block right.
-Collect the last coin, flick the switch, and go to the door, moving blocks if needed.


-Push the chunk of meat down, then QUICKLY move to the bud and then down or up out of the way.
-Go to the top left room to collect the coin and flick the switch.
-Go to the door.

ARTIFACT (+ 2 COINS): Before you go to the door, go to the room at the bottom. Push the meat down into the same row as the ball monster, then QUICKLY move right then all the way down. Bypass the snake with the block as described in 1-7, and collect the artifact + 2 coins before going through the bud and to the door.

Tower 2


-Push the block all the way to the right to block the eye's view.
-Go up and left into the central chamber. Do NOT walk into the upper spike square.
-Push the block up to block the right view of the central eye. When moving the block, make sure you do not 'trap' it on the edges of the chamber. You can now collect the top-right coin.
-Push the block down and to the left to block the lower view of the central eye. You can now head down to the lower chamber to collect another coin and flick the switch.
-Push the ice block up and collect the coin.
-Head back to the central chamber, and move the block right, up, then left to block the eye's upper view.
-Collect the last coin, then go to the door.


-Go to the area at the right and walk over the flowerbud. Flick the switch, then collect the coin.
-Go left over the upper spikes, down, then back into the lower-left area.
-Push the chunk of meat left, up, and right all the way, collecting a coin in the process.
-Push the chunk of meat up. The ball monster will block the eye's view.
-Collect the coin, then go up into the topmost area.
-Push the block to the left, then push the ice block into the hole. Collect the coin, then go to the door.


-Go down all the way, then move left and right one space to trap the snake between the two central flowers.
-Head right, and push the chunk of meat up. QUICKLY go over the two flowerbuds in the center and move out of the way. The ball monster should eat the flowers.
-Go to the top-left room to flick the switch, and the top-right to collect two coins.
-Go down and follow the path to collect the last coins at the bottom.
-Go to the door.


-Time all your movements carefully to avoid being attacked by the caveman.
-Enter the top-left area to collect both coins. Before you leave, push the ice block to the left. Make sure you do this while the caveman is in the area near the door.
-Collect the lower coin by entering through the flowerbud on the right.
-Collect the last coin and flick the switch before heading to the door.

ARTIFACT: Collect the artifact BEFORE you push the ice block. If you time your movements correctly, you should be able to collect the artifact and get out of harm's way with plenty of time to spare.


-Free the caveman by pushing the block into the hole.
-Collect the coin after the caveman leaves.
-Wait until the caveman has activated two flowers.
-Avoiding the caveman, push the block left one space then up one space.
-Wait until the caveman activates the last flower.
-Push the block down 5 spaces the left one space. Collect the two lower coins in the process.
-Go to the top-left area to collect the last coin and flick the switch before going to the door.


-Avoid active spikes at all time.
-Free the snake by pushing the block into the hole.
-Head back down.
-Push the ice block down.
-Push the ice block left.
-Activate both lower-right flowers, and flick the switch and collect the coin while you're there.
-Push the ice block up to be stopped by the snake.
-Go to the lower-left area through the flowerbud.
-Make sure you trap the snake behind the flower at the top by moving all the way to the left side of the screen. Collect the two coins while you're there.
-Head to the upper area to collect the last coin and exit through the door.

ARTIFACT: Simply collect the artifact when you are in the lower-left area.


-Push the lower chunk of meat to the left, then QUICKLY go through a flowerbud and push the block to the left, collecting a coin in the process. The ball monster should eat the block.
-Exit the chamber through whichever lower flowerbud you did not activate. DO NOT use the rightmost flowerbud.
-Push the chunk of meat up, then QUICKLY go through the lower-right chamber, up, the right. If you were fast enough, you should be able to trap the snake between two flowers.
-Collect the rest of the coins, flick the switch, and go to the door.


-Change the magnet to blue.
-Move the magnet up two spaces.
-Change the magnet to red.
-Move the magnet up two spaces.
-Change the magnet to blue.
-Push the magnet into the hole, timing your movement to crush the caveman with a metal block.
-Collect all the coins, flick the switch, and go to the door.

ARTIFACT: The artifact can simply be collected while you are in the top-right room.

Tower 3


-Time all your movements to avoid the caveman.
-Go around the loop taking up the top half of the screen (anticlockwise to avoid the caveman), and change the magnet to red, collecting three coins as you do.
-Starting from the specially marked gray floor tile, here are the directions to get through the area with blocks: L L L U L R D D L U L L L L. You would have collected the last coins while doing this.
-Flick the switch, then head to the door.


-Push the magnet two spaces left.
-Change the magnet to blue.
-Push the magnet four spaces left.
-Change the magnet to red.
-Push the magnet two spaces left.
-Change the magnet to blue.
-Go around to the other side of the magnet.
-Push the magnet four spaces right.
-Change the magnet to red.
-Push the magnet all the way to the right.
-Collect all coins, flick the switch, and go to the door.

ARTIFACT: Simply collect the artifact while in the snake room.


-Push the chunk of meat 2 spaces right.
-Go around the chunk of meat, and push the ice block to the left.
-Go back around the chunk of meat, and push it 2 spaces to the right.
-Push the chunk of meat up four spaces.
-Push the chunk of meat right one space, and QUICKLY activate the flower, then get out of the way.
-Go all the way to the left (avoid the column of spikes in the middle), then push the block four spaces right.
-Head back to the magnet to change it to red.
-Collect all the coins, flick the switch, and go to the door.


-QUICKLY push the ice block to the left.
-Carefully time your movements to collect the coin at the bottom.
-Go up over two flowerbuds. Do not turn at the crossroads.
-Push the leftmost ice block to the left, collecting a coin as you do so.
-Head left, up, left, down, right, down, right. You would have collected two coins while doing this.
-Push the center ice block to the left.
-Enter the room in the top-right through the flowerbud.
-Flick the switch and collect the last coin.
-Push the last ice block to the left, and go to the door.

ARTIFACT: Once the caveman is trapped at the bottom, lure him to the left by going in then out quickly. While he is dazed/confused, quickly collect the artifact and get out.


-Go to the magnet and change it to blue.
-Activate the flower next to the hole, and push the chunk of meat up all the way.
-Change the magnet to red, then QUICKLY back to blue.
-Push the block near the top-right one space to the right.
-Make your way to the little room with the two coins in the the top-right, walking over two flowerbuds on the way. Collect the coins.
-Push the block one space down, then move left out of the room.
-Change the magnet to red.
-Push the block at the left all the way down.
-Flick the switch, collect the rest of the coins, and go to the door.


-Collect the middle-right coin from underneath (you will walk over a flowerbud).
-Push the block to the left.
-Go around the hole and push the block down four spaces (you will walk over three flowerbuds).
-Push the block two spaces right.
-Push the ice block right, down, then right.
-Push the ice block up, then QUICKLY move left.
-Go over the last flowerbud to reach the coin at the top-right.
-Push the block 5 spaces to the left.
-Head back down and push the block at the bottom one space left.
-Push the ice block down then left.
-Push the ice block up, then QUICKLY move to the right.
-Push the chunk of meat to the left one space.
-Collect the rest of the coins, flick the switch, and go to the door.


-Collect the lower right coin.
-Push the block one space to the right.
-Push the lower ice block up.
-Push the other ice block down, left, then up.
-Collect the two upper-right coins.
-Change the magnet to red.
-Collect the coin on the spikes.
-Change the magnet to blue.
-Go left then up to flick the switch.
-Go to the door, collecting the last coin on the way.


-Push the magnet up two, right two, then up one before changing it to red.
-Enter the lower-right room, only stepping over one flowerbud. Collect the two coins.
-Follow the path of buds out, flicking the switch as you pass it.
-Collect both of the coins at the right.
-Free the snake by pushing the block down.
-Move to the position directly underneath the last flowerbud, which the snake will now occupy.
-Time this carefully; when the caveman is above the snake, move to the left.
-Collect the last coin.
-Change the magnet to blue, and push it to the right so that you can reach the door.

ARTIFACT: Collect the artifact while collecting the last coin.


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