Simon says
In one of the sections of Interactive Digital Media that I'm a TA for this quarter, one of the students wants to create a Simon game in Director. And while I think that a Simon-type game is entirely doable in Director, I also think that it wouldn't be much of a challenge. And that got me thinking about how much fun I used to have with Simon when I was young—and Merlin which was similar though contained a variety of simple Simon games—that I set out to find one on the net, and voilà! Simon ala Flash.
I don't know why, but I love Simon! My current high score is 22.
If you want to go on with this game till eternity, do as followed:
Wright down the colours (red, green, blue, yellow) on a squared paper and make columns, so every colour has its own line. If the game starts with red, then simply write down '1' in the red column. When Simon Says red green, then write down '2' in the green column.
Always be sure that every number has its own square, so you can easily work your way down to the last number. Count the numbers out loud, so you always know which colour you took last before clicking the next one.
Use your thumb as a ruler. You can also make your own columns on a piece of paper.
Have fun!