An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Snow Dance 2

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Snow Dance 2

DoraThere's snow day like a Robamimi escape day, and Snow Dance 2 is the perfect festive treat to play curled up with your favourite Christmas beverage and get away from the chill. Click around to interact, and the cursor will change when you mouse over something you can use. Double-click an item in your inventory to view it up close, or click it once to highlight it for use. The hint button will give you a nudge in whatever direction you should be focused on next, but don't get complacent. You'll still need to be on the lookout for clues, and figure out how to interpret them when you spot 'em, which is easier said than done. Apparently Robamimi doesn't think Christmas is any excuse to slack off on your escape exercising, and you might find it more of a challenge than the original Snow Dance was.

For a game with such a relaxing atmosphere and cozy, inviting style, Snow Dance 2 is surprisingly tricky. It's a game with clean, frustration-free navigation and no pixel hunts, but some of the puzzles and their mechanical implementation just aren't very clear, so the lack of feedback when you're fiddling with them combined with a hint function that can be too can leave you baffled. Once you figure out what you're supposed to be doing, however, you'll see how clever Snow Dance 2 really is, including one surprising puzzle with a rather unique presentation. Whether it's cold outside or not, and no matter what time of year it is, Robamimi's Snow Dance 2 is a present no escaper would ever be disappointed to find under their proverbial tree.

Play Snow Dance 2

Thanks to Cyberjar88 for sending this one in!

Walkthrough Guide

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  • Taking stock: Take an initial look around the room, making a note of the puzzles and clues you find, and collecting anything that isn't nailed down. Well, you know what I mean.

    You should end up with 2 items.

    1. Door view

      the "milk pan" (that's what the game calls it) from the coat rack.

    2. Table view

      a key

      from behind the Moulin Rouge poster.

    Here's a listing of the puzzles and clues.

    • Door view

      1. Christmas tree

        what, you don't think the number and kind of ornaments is significant? You haven't been playing escape games very long, have you?

        5 apples, 3 bows, 2 bells, 1 boot, 3 stars.

      2. Animal names

        pink box on the coat rack

      3. 6 black or yellow buttons

        left drawer of coat rack

      4. SSS

        right drawer of coat rack

        If you click through the buttons a few times, you'll notice that they say "SNOWDANCE". You do have to do this a few times, though, because the first time through, they say "SOWDANCE", which really doesn't have the same ring to it, you know?

      5. Box that needs a key

        to the left of the door

    • Table view

      1. Doesn't look like much of anything, but there's gotta be a reason you can zoom in on it

        the white crock in the middle of the table

      2. 111

        wooden box on the right corner of the table

      3. Moulin Rouge

        When you tilt the picture, the game tells you, "MOULIN ROUGE is a poster by Lautrec."

    • Window view

      1. The windows themselves, maybe?

        4 double-hung windows. Keep an eye out for that pattern.

      2. Need a screwdriver

        the wooden panel between the middle windows

    • Fireplace view

      1. snowmen

        On top of the dresser, there's a gray box with the word "snowmen" on it, where the s is yellow, the w is red, and the n is blue. There are three big squares on top, and four round buttons on the front.

      2. Another key needed

        Top drawer of the dresser

      3. Snowflake?

        Bottom drawer of the dresser

      4. Fireplace

        You can zoom in on the fireplace. There's logs laid out for a fire already, and there's a grating above it where you could maybe cook something.

      5. 3 coins

        On the left end of the mantel, there's a box with a flame design that says "3 coins".

      6. Book

        The first page just tells you where to look for a skylight, but I'll save you the trouble: that puzzle will work even if you've never heard of the skylight. The second page has instructions for setting a fire and then using it. The third page gives you a possible use for the results of using the fire.

  • There are now two things you can do, one of which involves no solving whatsoever, and the other of which contains its solution in itself.

    1. First, use the key from behind the poster to open the top drawer of the dresser. Get the star ornament.

    2. Examine the snowflake puzzle. Now that I've told you that you don't need a clue, can you figure it out?

      Go from fewest "blips" to most: left bottom, right top, left top, middle top, middle bottom, right bottom.

      Get the blue snowman.

  • Moving right along to the Christmas tree.

    Put the star ornament on top. (Note that this changes the numbers slightly: you now have 4 stars, not 3. Hmm, that means 1 boot, 2 bells, 3 bows, 4 stars, 5 apples. How, uh, convenient. Or something.) Something fell, it looks like! Look under the tree and collect the coin.

  • Screwdriver? We don't need no steenkin' screwdriver!

    Use the coin to remove the screws from the panel between the windows.
    Well, those pictures look familiar.

    Just press the pictures in the order indicated by the Christmas tree decorations. Ignore the fact that each button changes as soon as you press it; this is just Robamimi going cheap and squeezing a five-button puzzle into three buttons. :)

    Middle, left, middle, right, left.

    Ooh, snow.

    Get the coin. Also, remember all those instructions about heating water? Well, this here's a nice pile of water. Well, future water.

    scoop some snow into your pan.

    Wait, don't go away yet, there's a new clue!

    Take another look at the panel between the windows. Bow-bell-boot? What number would that translate to?

    3 bows, 2 bells, 1 boot = 321.

  • 111 will be 111 no more.

    Look at the wooden box on the table and put in the new code you just found. Get the rolled-up paper and a coin.

    The paper has something that looks almost-but-not-quite like musical notation on it. (Don't bother writing it down; the note will conveniently become visible when you need it.)

  • Fire!

    You have three coins, you know what to do with them.

    It's the box on the mantel, remember? It says "3 coins", plain as day, right on the front. Get the matches.

    The matches are a hint, you know.

    Two matches, two stubs, one match, one stub. The matches are also the same color as that 6-button puzzle.

    Go to the left drawer of the coat rack. Press the 1st, 2nd, and 5th buttons to turn them orange, then press OK.

    Get the old newspapers.

    Pyromania, here we come. Well, that or some nice warmth. One or the other.

    Use the matches to light the newspaper, then use the lit newspaper to light the logs in the fireplace.

    Cooking time

    Put the pan on the fire, obviously. Take a turn or two around the room until you can take the now-hot water.

    The last instruction in the book

    As instructed by the last pages of the book on the mantel, pour the hot water into the crock on the table. Ooh, a new clue!

    snOw daNcE

  • S, N, O, W, D, A, N, C, E

    Open the right drawer of the coat rack using the clue from the crock.

    Use the capitalized letters: ONE.

    Get the yellow snowman.
    Examine the snowman. (You've been doing this for all of the items you collect, right? Of course you have.)

    Click near the bottom to see a battery compartment. Open the compartment and get the key.

    Use the key to open the panel to the left of the door.

  • Switches and windows and lights

    After opening the panel next to the door, turn around and examine the windows. Some of them are clear, while the others are frosted. Note the pattern and turn back to the panel. It says "clear" above the switches.

    Make the switches match the clear windows, so down, up, up, down. Don't forget to press the white button when you're done.

    Ooh, it's all dark and stuff! Wonder what the room looks like in the dark.

    Turn right towards the table, which is not really visible in the dark, but the poster is. And it has writing on it.

    Moulin Rouge - GRU + S

    Enough of that, let's turn the lights back on.

    Turn back to the door and press the white button on the panel.

  • Animals

    If you take the letters of Moulin Rouge, remove one G, one R, and one U, and add an S, you get MOLINOUES. Rearranging those letters gets you two animals.


    Press those two buttons on the pink box.

    On the coat rack, remember?

    Get the red snowman.

  • Snowman Hero

    It's time for the last puzzle, and it's a doozy. I mean, it's easy enough to figure out, but then there's eye-hand coordination and rhythm and... anyway, to the puzzle.
    First, you have to put the three snowmen into place, but that's easy enough.

    In case it's not obvious, this all happens at the gray box on top of the dresser (to the left of the fireplace). Some of the letters of "snowmen" are colored to match the snowmen you have, so placing the correct snowman on the correct pedestal ought to be easy.
    Colorblind: just reverse the snowmen from their arrangement in your inventory: the one on the left goes on the right and vice versa, and the middle one goes in the middle.

    When you're ready for some torture, press the START button.

    You need to press the button on the correct snowman on the right beat: beat beat yellow beat, beat red blue beat, yellow beat red beat, blue beat blue beat, beat yellow blue red. Yeah, that's exactly as impossible as it sounds. So just do what the rest of us did: wait a while until the "Give Up" button appears, then press it.
    Colorblind: yeah, see above about the "Give Up" button.

    Get the key and use it to open the door.


And out!
Sweet, as usual.

incongruity2013 December 22, 2014 12:43 PM

I'm stuck at

the panel between the windows. I've counted the corresponding shapes on the tree and figured out the order each button moves in, but I'm still having no luck.


been a while since we had a robamimi game. hope a walkthrough is not far off :)

Patreon Contributor Questioner December 22, 2014 12:54 PM replied to incongruity2013

Yes, that one was quite hard:

Every item has a number corresponding to it, the number of times that it appears on the tree. (Between 1 and 5.)

First you shall click the item that corresponds to the number 1 and appears one time on the tree. (For me it was the sock but it may be random.)

Then you click the item that corresponds to the number 2 and appears 2 times on the tree.

After also having clicked on the numbers 3, 4 and 5 you shall push enter.


What was the last puzzle

the one with the three snow men

about? I get that you somehow have to

push the buttons according to the sroll.

But how exactly?

And why did I get the key

when I clicked on "Give Up"?

What happens when you do solve that puzzle?


Stuck, stuck, stuck. Need more clues on the panel between the windows.


Got it:

When you first look at the panel, there are three items pictured. The stocking is one of those items. Click the stocking in what ever panel it is in first (because there is one stocking on the tree). Next find the bell and click it second (since there are 2 bells on the tree). Next find the bow and click it (3 bows on the tree). Next find the star and click it (4 stars on the tree). Finally find the bulb and click it (5 bulbs on the tree). Click enter and duck!

Stage name December 22, 2014 5:38 PM

This ends a little faster than I usually can think, though I finally managed to get in "rhythm." Clever, fun game with exquisitely crisp graphics.

If this is now Robamimi's idea of two-star difficulty, however, we may be in for a tougher time from here on.


What's the deal with the hint

"Those pictures are important after set"...?

Stuck with

saucepan with snow in it, blue snowman (used), star tree-topper (used), key (used), and 2 silver coins.


Some pictures have use to you even after you have set them. I.e.

the pics in the box between the windows.

They are a clue to another puzzle, after you've clicked them that is.

IceDBear December 23, 2014 5:39 AM replied to dee_kay

About that last puzzle:

If you solve it you get the exact same thing as giving up.

The puzzle is a musical puzzle.
Each part of the scroll (four dots) represents one measure of time (four beats).
The scroll shows when to press each button, and the blinking lights represent the beat.

You have to press the right button at the right time. So when the third light first lights up, you press the yellow button.
When the second light light up for the second time you press the red button, then when the third light lights up you press the blue one and so on.

Patreon Donator Reka December 23, 2014 11:36 AM replied to IceDBear

What IceDBear said.

It's like Guitar Hero, only harder. Because Guitar Hero is so easy, you know. ←sarcasm


I have a snow man with a blue hat (used), a deep pan, a key (used), star(used), a coin.

My hint is: You have to look for a substitute of a slotted screwdriver. How do I find it?


Patreon Crew SonicLover December 23, 2014 4:00 PM replied to Felici7as


Have you seen a panel held with slot screws? You must not play a lot of escape games if you don't know that a coin can be used for that purpose.


no walkthrough yet,huh? hopefully soon :)


Stuck on snowflake puzzle and puzzle with six light up buttons.


POP got the light up buttons!

tullia December 24, 2014 1:48 AM replied to jem99b

jem99b — do you mean the snowflake on the drawer? This is what I did:

I tried "counting upwards." There are six spokes on the snowflake. They all have barbs and three of the six have a hexagon. So I clicked on them in this order: one barb, two barbs, three barbs, one barb with hexagon, two barbs with hexagon, and three barbs with hexagon. It was a pure guess, but it worked.

JudyJetson December 24, 2014 5:38 AM

Maybe I'm out of practice with escape games, or maybe it's too early in the morning. But I'm stuck on something that I have a feeling is super obvious, I'm just missing it.

Puzzle wise, I can't seem to figure out either of the letter puzzles: The only words I can find in the room are on the Moulin Rouge poster and the "snowmen" on the platform to the left of the fireplace. I suspect I need two more snowmen to get the correct combination of SWN for the three-letter code. I can't find any of the six animals, or any words/numbers or symbols that correspond to them to give me a clue. I'm also not sure what to do with the six orange/black buttons on the cabinet, I can't find six of anything else except the animals in the puzzle above it. I assume I'm to water the plant with the melted snow once I can light the fire. But I'm stuck, and I can't find any more hidden views to explore. I've tried clicking around and under everything, with no luck.
Inventory wise, I'm in need of a newspaper (or something as tinder for the match), but have nothing I can use.
My hint is "remaining? used?" The only thing I can think of remaining or used is the snow, and I can't do anything else with it.

I'm probably overlooking a clue or a hidden view. A nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.

icedbear December 24, 2014 6:59 AM replied to JudyJetson

Look closely at what you got in the inventory.

the matches + the spoiler text you got gives you the solution to the orange button puzzle

JudyJetson December 24, 2014 1:19 PM

Ahh! I knew it was something obvious.

Thanks, I'm out. :)


guess there's no walkthrough still? ok then. :)



  • Taking stock: Take an initial look around the room, making a note of the puzzles and clues you find, and collecting anything that isn't nailed down. Well, you know what I mean.

    You should end up with 2 items.

    1. Door view

      the "milk pan" (that's what the game calls it) from the coat rack.

    2. Table view

      a key

      from behind the Moulin Rouge poster.

    Here's a listing of the puzzles and clues.

    • Door view

      1. Christmas tree

        what, you don't think the number and kind of ornaments is significant? You haven't been playing escape games very long, have you?

        5 apples, 3 bows, 2 bells, 1 boot, 3 stars.

      2. Animal names

        pink box on the coat rack

      3. 6 black or yellow buttons

        left drawer of coat rack

      4. SSS

        right drawer of coat rack

        If you click through the buttons a few times, you'll notice that they say "SNOWDANCE". You do have to do this a few times, though, because the first time through, they say "SOWDANCE", which really doesn't have the same ring to it, you know?

      5. Box that needs a key

        to the left of the door

    • Table view

      1. Doesn't look like much of anything, but there's gotta be a reason you can zoom in on it

        the white crock in the middle of the table

      2. 111

        wooden box on the right corner of the table

      3. Moulin Rouge

        When you tilt the picture, the game tells you, "MOULIN ROUGE is a poster by Lautrec."

    • Window view

      1. The windows themselves, maybe?

        4 double-hung windows. Keep an eye out for that pattern.

      2. Need a screwdriver

        the wooden panel between the middle windows

    • Fireplace view

      1. snowmen

        On top of the dresser, there's a gray box with the word "snowmen" on it, where the s is yellow, the w is red, and the n is blue. There are three big squares on top, and four round buttons on the front.

      2. Another key needed

        Top drawer of the dresser

      3. Snowflake?

        Bottom drawer of the dresser

      4. Fireplace

        You can zoom in on the fireplace. There's logs laid out for a fire already, and there's a grating above it where you could maybe cook something.

      5. 3 coins

        On the left end of the mantel, there's a box with a flame design that says "3 coins".

      6. Book

        The first page just tells you where to look for a skylight, but I'll save you the trouble: that puzzle will work even if you've never heard of the skylight. The second page has instructions for setting a fire and then using it. The third page gives you a possible use for the results of using the fire.

  • There are now two things you can do, one of which involves no solving whatsoever, and the other of which contains its solution in itself.

    1. First, use the key from behind the poster to open the top drawer of the dresser. Get the star ornament.

    2. Examine the snowflake puzzle. Now that I've told you that you don't need a clue, can you figure it out?

      Go from fewest "blips" to most: left bottom, right top, left top, middle top, middle bottom, right bottom.

      Get the blue snowman.

  • Moving right along to the Christmas tree.

    Put the star ornament on top. (Note that this changes the numbers slightly: you now have 4 stars, not 3. Hmm, that means 1 boot, 2 bells, 3 bows, 4 stars, 5 apples. How, uh, convenient. Or something.) Something fell, it looks like! Look under the tree and collect the coin.

  • Screwdriver? We don't need no steenkin' screwdriver!

    Use the coin to remove the screws from the panel between the windows.
    Well, those pictures look familiar.

    Just press the pictures in the order indicated by the Christmas tree decorations. Ignore the fact that each button changes as soon as you press it; this is just Robamimi going cheap and squeezing a five-button puzzle into three buttons. :)

    Middle, left, middle, right, left.

    Ooh, snow.

    Get the coin. Also, remember all those instructions about heating water? Well, this here's a nice pile of water. Well, future water.

    scoop some snow into your pan.

    Wait, don't go away yet, there's a new clue!

    Take another look at the panel between the windows. Bow-bell-boot? What number would that translate to?

    3 bows, 2 bells, 1 boot = 321.

  • 111 will be 111 no more.

    Look at the wooden box on the table and put in the new code you just found. Get the rolled-up paper and a coin.

    The paper has something that looks almost-but-not-quite like musical notation on it. (Don't bother writing it down; the note will conveniently become visible when you need it.)

  • Fire!

    You have three coins, you know what to do with them.

    It's the box on the mantel, remember? It says "3 coins", plain as day, right on the front. Get the matches.

    The matches are a hint, you know.

    Two matches, two stubs, one match, one stub. The matches are also the same color as that 6-button puzzle.

    Go to the left drawer of the coat rack. Press the 1st, 2nd, and 5th buttons to turn them orange, then press OK.

    Get the old newspapers.

    Pyromania, here we come. Well, that or some nice warmth. One or the other.

    Use the matches to light the newspaper, then use the lit newspaper to light the logs in the fireplace.

    Cooking time

    Put the pan on the fire, obviously. Take a turn or two around the room until you can take the now-hot water.

    The last instruction in the book

    As instructed by the last pages of the book on the mantel, pour the hot water into the crock on the table. Ooh, a new clue!

    snOw daNcE

  • S, N, O, W, D, A, N, C, E

    Open the right drawer of the coat rack using the clue from the crock.

    Use the capitalized letters: ONE.

    Get the yellow snowman.
    Examine the snowman. (You've been doing this for all of the items you collect, right? Of course you have.)

    Click near the bottom to see a battery compartment. Open the compartment and get the key.

    Use the key to open the panel to the left of the door.

  • Switches and windows and lights

    After opening the panel next to the door, turn around and examine the windows. Some of them are clear, while the others are frosted. Note the pattern and turn back to the panel. It says "clear" above the switches.

    Make the switches match the clear windows, so down, up, up, down. Don't forget to press the white button when you're done.

    Ooh, it's all dark and stuff! Wonder what the room looks like in the dark.

    Turn right towards the table, which is not really visible in the dark, but the poster is. And it has writing on it.

    Moulin Rouge - GRU + S

    Enough of that, let's turn the lights back on.

    Turn back to the door and press the white button on the panel.

  • Animals

    If you take the letters of Moulin Rouge, remove one G, one R, and one U, and add an S, you get MOLINOUES. Rearranging those letters gets you two animals.


    Press those two buttons on the pink box.

    On the coat rack, remember?

    Get the red snowman.

  • Snowman Hero

    It's time for the last puzzle, and it's a doozy. I mean, it's easy enough to figure out, but then there's eye-hand coordination and rhythm and... anyway, to the puzzle.
    First, you have to put the three snowmen into place, but that's easy enough.

    In case it's not obvious, this all happens at the gray box on top of the dresser (to the left of the fireplace). Some of the letters of "snowmen" are colored to match the snowmen you have, so placing the correct snowman on the correct pedestal ought to be easy.
    Colorblind: just reverse the snowmen from their arrangement in your inventory: the one on the left goes on the right and vice versa, and the middle one goes in the middle.

    When you're ready for some torture, press the START button.

    You need to press the button on the correct snowman on the right beat: beat beat yellow beat, beat red blue beat, yellow beat red beat, blue beat blue beat, beat yellow blue red. Yeah, that's exactly as impossible as it sounds. So just do what the rest of us did: wait a while until the "Give Up" button appears, then press it.
    Colorblind: yeah, see above about the "Give Up" button.

    Get the key and use it to open the door.

JetSetVegas December 29, 2014 5:34 PM

Not really one of their better puzzles. Too much trial and error, second guessing, and leaps of faith. Also giving up the key when someone presses Give Up on the snowman puzzle is a cop out. I thought it was a reset.


I don't remember any trial-and-error, or really any second guessing. And I was very, very, very happy to have a "give up" button on that last puzzle.


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