Puzzle game plus farming plus mega-mustachioed man equals Sprinkfield, a logic-based game from Webstar Works that's as simple as watering the lawn. Well, not that simple, but it starts out with that basic direction and adds a little extra complexity from there. It's also a mighty handsome looking game, which is always a nice plus!
A patch of field sits in front of you, neatly laid out in a grid pattern. Tap a space and drag outwards to water a square-shaped area. You can't water across stones, which creates some awkward spaces you have to learn to work around. Depending on the puzzle there may also be dry squares that need to be watered twice or scarecrows that need free space to set. Water the entire field without using up your supply and you'll move on to the next level. Do it all with maximum efficiency and you'll nab a higher score!
Sprinkfield comes with a few dozen free puzzles divided between two modes, with over 190 more stages unlockable via a few in-app purchases. The gameplay is a little samey and doesn't go too far beyond the basic premise of square dragging and crop watering, but full field mode offers a nice coin-based challenge, and later levels are surprisingly tricky. Once you start seeing pigs, you'll know you're hooked!
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on the iPad 3. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.