An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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Weekday Escape

GrinnypAh, sunflowers, nature's miniature suns. These lovely blossoms have been hugely popular since the Spanish brought them back from the new world in the 16th century, and they can be found everywhere, from the most popular paintings of Vincent Van Gogh to the symbol for Veganism. The sunflower is a symbol of light, and the title and theme of this week's room escape is derived from that lovely flower, Sunflow.

SunflowOnce again Tomatea treats us to a beautifully decorated room bathed in sunlight and the aforementioned flowers. Both items are more than decorative themes though, as they play a vital role in solving the plethora of delightful puzzles to be found in the space. Tomatea's unique changing cursor, which gently glows when a clickable area has been found, has never been more appropriate than in Sunflow. Navigation is the usual bars on the sides and bottom of the screen, and the basic game design is of course up to the high standards of the designer with an intuitive inventory and a lovely musical accompaniment.

A save feature would be nice but it is not completely necessary in a game as short as Sunflow. The puzzles are logical and progress quite nicely, although since a few are color-based the game might be difficult for those with vision problems. Whatever the time of year or the time of day, though, check out Sunflow and bask in the glow of room escaping done right, the Tomatea way.

Play Sunflow

Walkthrough Guide

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Sunflow Walkthrough

General Information

  • Puzzles will not allow you to solve them until you have seen the clue, you cannot force crack puzzles in this game.

  • Examine everything you pick up, some clues may be hiding something.

  • Pay particular attention to the light coming through the windows.

  • There will be directions for the colorblind in this walkthrough.

  • There is only one ending.

  • Good luck!


  • You begin facing a wall with a couch and a large picture on the wall. On either side of the couch are end tables with lamps on them.

  • Click on the couch for a close up.

  • Click on the cushions on the right and one will move, revealing a green paper sunflower, take it.

  • While you are in close up notice the picture on the wall, which is a 4 x 4 grid of black and white sunflowers. Back up.

  • Click on the door of the right end table for a close up.

  • There is a panel above the door which is secured with screws. Back up.

  • Click on the top of the right end table for a close up.

  • Next to the lamp is a digital clock. Click on the snooze button of the clock and notice the times that flash: 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00. Back up.

  • Click on the left end table for a close up.

  • The door on this table has a two button lock, but you have no idea how to solve it. Back up.

  • Turn right.

  • On this wall are four colored pictures of sunflowers. Click on the picture for a close up.

  • The pictures are, from left to right, blue, yellow, red, and green. Notice the shadow below the yellow sunflower, it looks like the shadow of a key. Back up.

  • Turn right.

  • You are now facing a wall with a door in it. There is also a low bench, and two more end tables. Notice that these end tables have two doors, one on each visible side.

  • You can click on the door for a close up, but it is locked.

  • Click on the picture on the wall for a close up. The picture is in black and white, and is of a sun, a moon, a bird, and a flower. There is also a lock here that needs a key. Back up.

  • Click on the low bench for a close up.

  • Click on the top of the bench to open it. Inside is a white item, take it.

  • Pull up the white item from your inventory, then click on it. Folding stairs!

  • Close down the folding stairs and look at the inside of the low bench. There are colored pictures of sunflowers in here, from left to right: blue, green, green, blue, blue, green, green, blue.

  • Back up.

  • Click on the top of the left end table for a close up. There appears to be a strange bird mechanism here. back up.

  • Still looking at the left end table, click on the door closest to you. This door has a lock involving a 4 x 4 grid of black and white buttons. Back up.

  • Still looking at the left end table, click on the door closest to the bench. This door has a four letter lock, and you haven't seen a clue for it yet. Back up.

  • Click on the top of the right end table for a close up.

  • There's a strange picture here, with wooden knobs. Maybe it's missing some pieces? Back up.

  • Still looking at the right end table, click on the door closest to you. This door has a lock involving four symbols and four colors, but you don't have a clue to solve it yet. Back up.

  • Still looking at the right end table, click on the door closest to the bench. This lock requires a four digit code, but you don't have a clue yet. Back up.

  • Turn right.

  • You are now facing a large window. Notice the sunlight streaming in.

  • There is a clickable area underneath the window, but in close up you can't see anything there.

  • There also appear to be hooks in the upper part of the window, but you can't click on them for a close up.

  • Back up and turn right.

  • You should now be back to facing the couch.

  • Time to solve some puzzles!

The Stairs and the Key

  • Turn left to face the window.

  • Click on the area beneath the window for a close up. Once in close up, place the stairs beneath the window and back up.

  • You can now click on the upper part of the window for a close up. Notice the key hanging from the third from the left hook. Take the key and back up.

  • Turn left to face the door.

  • No, the key is not to the door, it's not that easy.

  • Click on the picture on the wall to the left of the door for a close up.

  • Use the key to unlock the picture. Inside you will find a cardboard sun with a hole in the back, and a note. Take both and back up.

  • Pull up the note from your inventory and click on it to open it. There's a strange drawing on the note involving some shapes, a line with an arrow, the numbers 180 and 90, and two Os. Wonder what it means?

The 4 x 4 Grid Door

  • Turn your attention to the end table on the left. Click on the door closest to you, the one with the 4 x 4 grid of black and white buttons.

  • Where have you seen anything that is both 4 x 4 and black and white?

    • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the couch.

    • Click on the picture behind the couch for a close up.

    • The picture above the couch is black and white, and involves flowers in a 4 x 4 grid.

    • If you look closely at that picture, you will notice that on each flower there are three leaves, two pointing in one direction, one in another.

    • The pattern of the two leaves on the top row is left, right, right, left.

    • The pattern of the two leaves on the second row is right, left, left, right.

    • The pattern of the two leaves on the third row is right, left, left, right.

    • The pattern of the two leaves on the fourth row is left, right, right, left.

    • Back up and turn left (or right) to face the door.

    • Click on the left end table, door closest to you.

    • Click on the buttons corresponding to the left leaves, turning the buttons white. On the top row the two end buttons, On rows 2 and three the two middle buttons. On the bottom row the end buttons.

  • Once you pushed the buttons correctly, push the button below the grid to open the door.

  • Inside is some kind of gear with a green dot on it, take the gear.

  • Notice the letter O inside the door.

  • Back up.

The Two Button Door

  • Turn left (or right) twice to face the couch.

  • Click on the left end table for a close up.

  • This is the door with the two button lock. Basically a left/right puzzle.

  • Have we seen anything that could be a clue for this?

    • The clue is the chain of blue and green colored sunflowers on the inside of the bench lid.

    • The second clue is the four colored sunflowers on the wall. The blue flower is on the far left, and the green flower is on the far right.

    • The chain of blue and green sunflowers was: blue, green, green, blue, blue, green, green, blue.

    • Simply substitute left and right for blue and green: left, right, right, left, left, right, right, left.

  • Push the buttons in the order indicated by the clue, then push the smaller button beneath the open the door.

  • Inside is a yellow paper sunflower and a screwdriver, take them.

  • Also notice inside the letter W and the four color grid: top left yellow, top right blue, bottom left green, and bottom right red.

  • Back up.

The Symbol/Color Door

  • Turn left or right twice to face the door.

  • On the right end table, click on the door nearest you, the one with the four symbols/colors lock.

  • Note that you can now manipulate the buttons. The symbols shown are bird, sun, moon, and flower.

  • The colors, from left to right, are blue, yellow, red, and green.

  • Have you seen these symbols and colors anywhere?

    • There are two clues to this puzzle, the 2 x 2 picture of symbols on the wall that you unlocked with a key, and the 2 x 2 color grid in the two button door cabinet.

    • The picture had: upper left sun, upper right moon, lower left bird, and lower right flower.

    • The color grid had upper left yellow, upper right blue, lower left green, and lower right red.

    • Therefore the code is yellow sun, blue moon, green bird, and red flower.

    • For the colorblind: starting from the left, the symbols should be moon, sun, flower, bird.

  • Once you enter the symbols correctly push the button below to open the door.

  • Inside you will find two items: a wind-up key and a blue paper sunflower. Take them both.

  • Note the letter Z inside the door.

  • Back up.

The Gear

  • Turn left or right twice to face the couch.

  • Click on the door of the right end table for a close up.

  • Use the screwdriver to remove the screws on the plate.

  • Hey, more of those gears with a green dot!

  • But we can't place the one we have, it doesn't have a hole.

  • What now?

  • We need something that can poke a hole in the gear.

  • Back up and turn right to face the four colored flowers.

  • Click on the top of the end table to the right, the one with the wooden bird thing.

  • Notice the gear is shaped just right for the space in front of the bird.

  • Place the gear in front of the bird.

  • Now how do we get the bird to poke a hole?

  • Notice the black hole on the side of the figurine?

  • Place the wind-up key in the hole, then click on the key.

  • Once the bird pokes a hole, take the gear and back up.

  • Turn left to face the couch.

  • Click on the door of the right end table for a close up.

  • You can now place the gear on the third from the left slot. Okay, we now have four gears with green dots on them, what now?

    • If you click on the gears, you will see that they rotate to four positions, with the dot at the top, with the dot on the right, with the dot at the bottom, and with the dot on the left.

    • The second part of this clue is the digital clock on top of the end table. Remember the times it flashed? 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00.

    • The times are the clues for the position of the dots. From the left, the first gear should have the dot at the top, the second to the right (3:00), the third at the bottom (6:00), and the fourth to the left (9:00).

  • Once the gears are placed correctly the door will open to reveal a cardboard seed and the letter O. Take the seed and back up.

The Four Letter Door

  • Turn left or right twice to face the door.

  • Now on the left end table, click on the door nearest the bench.

  • This code requires four letters. Apparently, we've seen them because we can now manipulate the lock.

  • Where have we seen letters?

    • There are two clues to this puzzle. The first clue is the letters we've seen in the cabinets, O, W, Z, and O.

    • The second clue is the note we picked up with the arrow line and the shapes.

    • Look at the note closely, it is actually a diagram of the room. The large rectangle is the couch, the smaller is the bench.

    • The arrow would indicate starting with the end table to the left of the couch, then the one to the right of the couch, then the one to the left of the bench, then the one to the right of the bench.

    • The letter to the left of the couch is W, to the right of the couch is O.

    • The letter to the left of the bench is O, to the right of the bench is Z.

    • However, this letter combination, WOOZ, doesn't work.

    • There is a second clue on the note, the numbers.

    • The numbers indicate rotational degrees, so to the left of the couch you see 180, and to the right of the bench you see 90.

    • Rotate the letter from the left of the couch 180 degrees and it changes the W to an M.

    • Rotate the letter from the right of the bench 90 degrees and it changes the Z to an N.

    • The Os don't rotate, even if they did they'd still be O.

    • Therefore the word is MOON.

  • Enter the proper letter code and push the button below to open the door.

  • Inside you will find a red paper sunflower, take it and back up.

The Paper Sunflowers and the Last Door

  • Turn right to face the window.

  • Click at the top of the window to see the hooks.

  • This is where you found the cabinet key earlier, and it cast a shadow at the wall opposite, the one with the pictures of the colored sunflowers.

  • Is it a coincidence that you have four paper sunflowers (red, blue, green, yellow) the same colors as the pictures?

  • Maybe if we hang the sunflowers on the hooks, something will happen.

  • If you hang the sunflowers, back up, turn right twice, and click on the sunflower pictures, you will see numbers projected on the wall from the paper sunflowers.

  • Now we just need to know what order to hang them in.

    • You could hang them in the order they are on the wall, blue, yellow, red, and green, but that is incorrect.

    • Remember, the key was hanging on the third from the left hook, but it projected a shadow underneath the yellow sunflower picture, which was second from the left.

    • Since you want to project the number for the color that matches the pictures, you need to reverse the order.

    • Hang the flowers, from left to right, green, red, yellow, and blue.

    • For the colorblind: The green flower is in your inventory in the top right cell, the yellow sunflower is on the left, just above the cardboard seed, the red sunflower is in the cell immediately to the right of the cardboard seed, and the blue sunflower is below the red one.

  • Once you've hung the paper sunflowers correctly, back up then turn left or right twice to face the four colored pictures.

  • Notice the numbers now underneath the pictures. The number is 9806.

  • Back up and turn right to face the door.

  • On the right end table, click on the door closest to the bench for a close up.

  • This is the last cabinet door, the one with the four digit code.

  • Use the code you just learned from the sunflowers and push the bottom button to open the door.

  • Inside is a cardboard cloud, take it and back up.

Getting Out

  • Well, you now have a cardboard sun, a cardboard cloud, and a cardboard seed.

  • What next?

  • Remember that strange picture on top of the end table to the right of the door?

  • Click on that picture for a close up.

  • There are three clickable areas on this picture, on top of the left stick, on top of the right stick, and the mound of dirt in the middle.

  • Place the sun on the left stick, the cloud on the right stick, and the seed in the dirt mound.

  • Now what?

  • If you click the tracks below the picture, you can slide the knobs back and forth, and the knobs control the sun and the cloud.

  • Move the bottom knob to the middle, bringing the cloud over the seed.

  • The cloud will rain on the seed, making a plant sprout. Move the cloud back to the right.

  • Use the upper knob and move the sun to the middle. The sun will make a sunflower bloom.

  • When the sunflower blooms a key will appear at the top of the picture. Take the key and back up.

  • Click on the door out for a close up. Use the key on the door.

  • Congratulations!


This one's quite lovely; I actually managed without any sort of walkthrough.

Two puzzling things, though:

The picture above the couch is one clue for the 4x4 grid of buttons, namely the position of the leaves - some flowers have two leaves on the right of their stem, others have two leaves on the left. But is there a clue somewhere to translate this leaf-position information into "black" or "white"? I basically tried both ways, but it seems like there ought to be a clue.

The other one is similar: the bench next to the door has a clue for the left-right buttons, namely the row of blue and green flowers on the underside of the lid. But is there any clue anywhere that tells you which color goes with which side? Again, I just guessed, and this time got it right the first time, but I'd be much happier if there was an actual clue for this - I don't like it when games require you to guess.


(Oh, lordy, I just realized that there's a godawful pun in my previous comment. I assure you, it wasn't intentional, so please don't thwack me.)


I was doing so great, and now I'm stuck!

Where is the clue for the rotation puzzle in the blue cabinet right of the couch? I've got everything spinning but I don't know where it should spin!

Also, it's rather smart to "lock" the combination puzzles until you've got all the info. I think I could easily force my way through two of them at the moment ;)

nerdypants August 29, 2012 1:11 AM

I'd like to know the logic behind the black and white puzzle too. Like Reka, I kind of just guessed.

Other than that one unclear bit, though, great game.



I got it.

Still don't know what the clue was though. I was just fiddling with it :/

nerdypants August 29, 2012 1:13 AM


Have you checked on top of said cabinet?


Thanks Nerdy! That is the ONE spot I hadn't clicked all game. Makes perfect sense now though :D


Nice serene way to start a morning at work.

Loved this, and found it surprisingly easy.

for the 4x4 grid:

I too never found a key as such, just noticed the flowers were 4x4, and some were 'facing' left, some were 'facing' right. I tried that combo on the grid and got it first time. If this many people are getting it, maybe that's all the clue that was needed?


I love Tomatea for making me feel smart! Theirs are the only ones that I can consistently get through w/o a walkthrough.

LightWarriorK August 29, 2012 9:08 AM

This one is very nice, and I always enjoy Tometea. There has been a slew of "short escapes," though, and I am missing the longer ones. Substantial and difficult Tesshi-e, Rombambi (sp?), etc. I hope the escape genre isn't shrinking. At least these short and easy ones are here to keep it going!


For the 4x4

The way I understood it, the images of the sunflowers on the wall were all facing a certain way and were all on a black background. So the flowers facing that way represented 'black' and the flowers facing the other way represented 'white.'

Ewan Whosarmy August 29, 2012 11:58 AM

I enjoyed that. i didn't have a problem finding the save feature - under game menu (bottom right).

Schmorgluck August 31, 2012 12:21 AM

Escape games are really like crosswords: the more you do from a same author, the better you get. This to say I finished this one without help, which I believe is the first time I do with a Tomatea game.


lovely and well-designed. thanks tomatea.


Dear GrinnyP:

May I ask your recommendation on a software program to create a basic point-and-click using photos and hotspots? Preferably user-friendly and open source, if such a thing exists....

I love point-and-click and escape-the-room games, and have always wanted to try my hand at creating a basic one. (No wobbly picture frames, I promise!)




Try Googling Flash programming tutorials. Unless it's tagged otherwise, all these escape games are made using Flash. There is a wide array of internet help to coach you through the design process. If you'd like more personal instruction, you could probably find a course at your local college, university or tech school.

We're also in the middle of our 10th design competition that you should enjoy; a number of the participants have made their first games for it and you can play them all here.


Thanks, Elle! I appreciate the advice and will take a look at the games from the competition!


Unfortunately there is at present no way to make Flash games with a free or open-source program.

You could try making an escape game in Unity, though, which is free, and most if not all browsers support the Unity plug-in. (One of the CGDC #10 entries was made with Unity, IIRC.) It's one of those three-dimensional movement engine things, so the user interface is more like a first-person shooter game than a traditional point-and-click interface. But if you want to try your hand at making a game, Unity is a good option.

If you're willing to do actual coding (which Unity's design interface doesn't require), and willing to make a game with few if any graphics, the interactive-fiction / text-adventure engine Inform is free and fairly easy to learn, and games made with Inform can also be played in a browser with the appropriate plug-in. And yes, there is still a demographic of gamers who play IF-type games! I'm one of them, having cut my gaming teeth on some of the earliest games in the genre back in the 80s.

I hope one of these options works for you, and you present your first game for us JiG members to play soon! :D


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