An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

The Grey Rainbow

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The Grey Rainbow

DoraColour and magic are intertwined in Black Olive Games' point-and-click adventure The Grey Rainbow. When a disaffected detective from our world is pulled into a colourful fantasy realm to help combat the grey that has been leeching all colour and life from the land, he finds a place teeming with life, wonder, and mystery only he can save. When a golden glow covers the tip of your cursor, just click to interact, and click any arrows you see to navigate around the area. Early on, you'll gain access to a map you can use to travel around the world, and any items you pick up will be stored in your inventory at the bottom of the screen. Even more helpful, however, is the book you'll receive that can give you hints about your objectives with just a click, and since your progress is autosaved at the start of each chapter (marked by cutscenes), you can come back to the game whenever you like.

The Grey RainbowIf you're looking for a text-heavy adventure filled with all the magic and whimsical feel of a fairy-tale, look no further. The Grey Rainbow isn't particularly difficult, but its light-hearted tone and engrossing story makes it the perfect, warm fare to enjoy an afternoon with, though a few instances of suggestive dialogue and mild profanity sadly means this might not be one for all ages. Despite a few minor typos or spelling errors, The Grey Rainbow is a lovingly crafted reminder about what's important in life told through an often silly but always heartfelt narrative. It's the sort of game that wants to make you smile and succeeds more often than not, and sometimes that's just the sort of magic you need to get you through your day.

You can download a PDF of the complete story here.

Play The Grey Rainbow

Walkthrough Guide

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The Grey Rainbow Walkthrough

Talking with a Stranger and Rescuing a Cloud

  1. Read through the starting story and click on the screen when it shows the game title. After this you will be standing before a woman, speak with her. When you're done speaking with her open the map. The map is located on the bottom right of your screen between the blue inventory bar and to the left of the book that gives hints when you click on it.

  2. Once the map is open go to the mountains located above Nowhere on the map.

  3. Once you've read through story information you will be at a screen with a single black arrow leading into a copse of trees. Click on that arrow on the right path to move forward.

  4. Overlaid on the foliage of the tree is a Cloud that you must speak with. Do this by clicking on the cloud. You can ask whichever questions you want, all the questions lead to the same information. Once you're done speaking with the cloud choose the option to leave. Four arrows will be available on the screen.

  5. Click on the arrow to the left of the tree that points to the camp fire spot.

  6. Pick up the stick and click on the knapsack to obtain a knife.

  7. Move back to the screen with the tree and press on the arrow that points to go on the other side of the tree. Pick up the branches from the bottom right roots of the tree.

  8. Click on the face of the tree to speak with him. Ask if he will let the cloud go. Ask about what to bait the hawk with. Move back once done.

  9. Go back around the other side of the tree and then click on the arrow to return to the camp fire. Place the branches on the camp fire spot then use the lighter on the branches.

  10. Go back then press on the arrow in the top right leading into the trees. Use the knife on the reeds and once you do this you will receive reeds.

  11. Move back to the screen with the tree and use the reeds on the sap found on the back of the tree. Go around to the other side of the tree where the tree face is and use the sticky reeds on the pile of leaves.

  12. Return to the other side of the tree and press on the back arrow to go to the path. A new arrow is now available to go on the left path. Choose that arrow to move forward and encounter a dwarf.

  13. Speak with the dwarf and when the option is available ask for the rope. The dwarf is hungry and wants a frog. Bid him farewell and go back to the forked path. Go right to the scene with the tree then click on the arrow in the top right. Go forward twice until you're at the creek. There is a frog in the water.

  14. Grab the frog out of the water.Use the knife on the stick in your inventory to sharped it to a point. Use the newly sharpened stick to stab the frog. Go back until you're at the tree then go to the top left to sit at the camp fire. Use the frog on a stick on the fire to cook it.

  15. Leave and go back to the dwarf. Speak with him and tell him you now have the cooked frog. Say farewell and pick up the rope. Leave and return to the tree on the side where the trap you're making is located.

  16. Place the rope on the trap and then speak with the rabbit hiding beneath the tree. Ask him to help you obtain bait and let him know you're ready to get it right away.

Getting the Quest and Going to Happytown

  1. Speak with the woman and find out the information about the jar of colour, the phoenix, and the seed. You will start the quest by getting the jar of colour. Open your map and click on the town located south of the mountains to travel there.

  2. Speak with the squirrel to hear why he's sad. Once done talking move forward into the town.

  3. Go into the Colour Shop and speak with the mice. They will give you a quest to get their magic monocle fixed by the evil wizard in the Labyrinthine Forest. Before you leave the Colour Shop pick up the white potion bottle located behind the mice located on the second highest shelf.

  4. Leave the Colour Shop and go right. Speak with the potion making woman to find out about the different types of potions she makes. Go back to the front of the Colour Shop then go left and speak with the man. He'll tell you some interesting stories and information.

  5. Open your map up and click on the forest to the left of the town. Once outside the forest pick up the mushroom from the right side of the path. Open the map up once more and return to Happytown.

  6. Go back to the potion making woman and speak with her. Tell her about the mushroom you have obtained and she will make you a happy potion.

  7. Return to the Happytown sign with the squirrel and speak with him. Offer him the happy potion. He will now help keep you from getting lost in the Labyrinthine Forest.

  8. Open the map and go back to the forest. Hit the forward arrow to go into the forest.

  9. The squirrel is not super obvious. You will need to look for the squirrel shape among the trees to see which direction is the way you should go. The directions change with each play through so there's no predetermined set of turns to take.

  10. Screenshot

  11. You will arrive in front of the castle of the wizard and the wizard himself. He wants to be evil and the only way he'll fix the magical monocle is if you can prove you're evil as well.

    • The order listed here may not be the order you see the options, look at the provided statements to have the conversation accordingly to prove you're evil. Conversation:

    1. (Play Along) Don't say that! I am evil!.

    2. I put glue on my English teachers chair!

    3. I always had the worst grades.

    4. I used steroids in gym class.

    5. I was bullied in school so I told their parents.

  12. Once you have proven you're evil ask him once more to fix the magic monocle and then inform him that you do indeed have the white potion. Doing this will result in the magical monocle being fixed. Open your map and return to Happytown and go back to the Colour Shop to give the mice the magical monocle.

  13. Open your map once more and journey to the Mountains.

Getting the Phoenix

  1. After you finish speaking with Mother open your map. The Not-so-Cold Desert is now available to travel to and located to the north of the mountains. Click on the desert to travel there.

  2. Click on the arrow that moves forward to the right toward the oasis.

  3. Pick up the staff. Speak with the monk and ask him about how to catch the phoenix, ask about the ritual, and when he's done talking about those ask if he's seen anything interesting in the area. He will tell you about the falling stars.

  4. Click on the right arrow. Pick up the white stone in the sand then click on the arrow in the top left corner. Click on the arrow in the top right to move towards the white lake.

  5. Use the monk's staff to make the grapes fall down. Pick the grapes up to add them to your inventory.

  6. Go down three times to arrive at a screen with three different colored pools: one red, one green, and one blue. Dip the monk's staff in the green water.

  7. Dip the white stone in the blue pool. And dip the grapes in the red then the blue pool to make the grapes purple.

  8. Hit the back arrow and return to the area with the three arrows. Click on the forward left arrow to arrive in a desolate area of the desert. Click on the blue stone and click on the screen to overlay it. You will see fallen stars and you must pick them up.

  9. Move back and then go toward the oasis. Move right and then click on the top right arrow to arrive at an area where a stone slab is blocking a staircase. Use the green monk's staff to remove the stone slab.

  10. Go down into the basement and use the fallen stars to light up the room. Pick up the bowl on the table. Take the fallen stars back and return to the surface.

  11. Go back until you reach the colored pools again. Dip the bowl in the green pool and then dip it into the blue pool. Go back to the altar where you originally got the white stone from.

  12. Place the bowl on the altar, put the fallen stars in the bowl, and then put the grapes in the bowl. To summon the phoenix hit the bell to the left of the altar and to the right of the cactus.

  13. After the phoenix speaks with you, you will be returned to Mother.

Getting the Seed and Understanding

  1. Talk with Mother. After finishing speaking you will find yourself in a wooded area. Straight ahead of you is a tree with skulls on it. Click on that tree to talk with it.

  2. Speak with the tree and you will receive the seed. Open your map and go to Happytown.

  3. Go forward then go left to the cottage with the old man. Speak with him and when you're done go forward into his cottage. Pick up the shovel to the left of the fireplace. Grab the pot from the windowsill.

  4. Go right into the backyard. Pick up the watering can and fill it from the bucket of water in the well.

  5. Use the shovel to dig up the dirt patch on the left side of the yard. Place the seed in the dug up ground then cover it back up with the shovel. Use the watering can on the pile of soil.

  6. Go into the cabin and get into bed. Once you've finished the story part go right into the yard. Use the shovel to loosen the dirt around the flower. Pick it up with the pot.

  7. If you want more story you can go out and speak with the man or you can open your map and travel to the mountain. Speak with Mother.


The Grey Rainbow Walkthrough

Talking with a Stranger and Rescuing a Cloud

  1. Read through the starting story and click on the screen when it shows the game title. After this you will be standing before a woman, speak with her. When you're done speaking with her open the map. The map is located on the bottom right of your screen between the blue inventory bar and to the left of the book that gives hints when you click on it.

  2. Once the map is open go to the mountains located above Nowhere on the map.

  3. Once you've read through story information you will be at a screen with a single black arrow leading into a copse of trees. Click on that arrow on the right path to move forward.

  4. Overlaid on the foliage of the tree is a Cloud that you must speak with. Do this by clicking on the cloud. You can ask whichever questions you want, all the questions lead to the same information. Once you're done speaking with the cloud choose the option to leave. Four arrows will be available on the screen.

  5. Click on the arrow to the left of the tree that points to the camp fire spot.

  6. Pick up the stick and click on the knapsack to obtain a knife.

  7. Move back to the screen with the tree and press on the arrow that points to go on the other side of the tree. Pick up the branches from the bottom right roots of the tree.

  8. Click on the face of the tree to speak with him. Ask if he will let the cloud go. Ask about what to bait the hawk with. Move back once done.

  9. Go back around the other side of the tree and then click on the arrow to return to the camp fire. Place the branches on the camp fire spot then use the lighter on the branches.

  10. Go back then press on the arrow in the top right leading into the trees. Use the knife on the reeds and once you do this you will receive reeds.

  11. Move back to the screen with the tree and use the reeds on the sap found on the back of the tree. Go around to the other side of the tree where the tree face is and use the sticky reeds on the pile of leaves.

  12. Return to the other side of the tree and press on the back arrow to go to the path. A new arrow is now available to go on the left path. Choose that arrow to move forward and encounter a dwarf.

  13. Speak with the dwarf and when the option is available ask for the rope. The dwarf is hungry and wants a frog. Bid him farewell and go back to the forked path. Go right to the scene with the tree then click on the arrow in the top right. Go forward twice until you're at the creek. There is a frog in the water.

  14. Grab the frog out of the water.Use the knife on the stick in your inventory to sharped it to a point. Use the newly sharpened stick to stab the frog. Go back until you're at the tree then go to the top left to sit at the camp fire. Use the frog on a stick on the fire to cook it.

  15. Leave and go back to the dwarf. Speak with him and tell him you now have the cooked frog. Say farewell and pick up the rope. Leave and return to the tree on the side where the trap you're making is located.

  16. Place the rope on the trap and then speak with the rabbit hiding beneath the tree. Ask him to help you obtain bait and let him know you're ready to get it right away.

Getting the Quest and Going to Happytown

  1. Speak with the woman and find out the information about the jar of colour, the phoenix, and the seed. You will start the quest by getting the jar of colour. Open your map and click on the town located south of the mountains to travel there.

  2. Speak with the squirrel to hear why he's sad. Once done talking move forward into the town.

  3. Go into the Colour Shop and speak with the mice. They will give you a quest to get their magic monocle fixed by the evil wizard in the Labyrinthine Forest. Before you leave the Colour Shop pick up the white potion bottle located behind the mice located on the second highest shelf.

  4. Leave the Colour Shop and go right. Speak with the potion making woman to find out about the different types of potions she makes. Go back to the front of the Colour Shop then go left and speak with the man. He'll tell you some interesting stories and information.

  5. Open your map up and click on the forest to the left of the town. Once outside the forest pick up the mushroom from the right side of the path. Open the map up once more and return to Happytown.

  6. Go back to the potion making woman and speak with her. Tell her about the mushroom you have obtained and she will make you a happy potion.

  7. Return to the Happytown sign with the squirrel and speak with him. Offer him the happy potion. He will now help keep you from getting lost in the Labyrinthine Forest.

  8. Open the map and go back to the forest. Hit the forward arrow to go into the forest.

  9. The squirrel is not super obvious. You will need to look for the squirrel shape among the trees to see which direction is the way you should go. The directions change with each play through so there's no predetermined set of turns to take.

  10. Screenshot

  11. You will arrive in front of the castle of the wizard and the wizard himself. He wants to be evil and the only way he'll fix the magical monocle is if you can prove you're evil as well.

    • The order listed here may not be the order you see the options, look at the provided statements to have the conversation accordingly to prove you're evil. Conversation:

    1. (Play Along) Don't say that! I am evil!.

    2. I put glue on my English teachers chair!

    3. I always had the worst grades.

    4. I used steroids in gym class.

    5. I was bullied in school so I told their parents.

  12. Once you have proven you're evil ask him once more to fix the magic monocle and then inform him that you do indeed have the white potion. Doing this will result in the magical monocle being fixed. Open your map and return to Happytown and go back to the Colour Shop to give the mice the magical monocle.

  13. Open your map once more and journey to the Mountains.

Getting the Phoenix

  1. After you finish speaking with Mother open your map. The Not-so-Cold Desert is now available to travel to and located to the north of the mountains. Click on the desert to travel there.

  2. Click on the arrow that moves forward to the right toward the oasis.

  3. Pick up the staff. Speak with the monk and ask him about how to catch the phoenix, ask about the ritual, and when he's done talking about those ask if he's seen anything interesting in the area. He will tell you about the falling stars.

  4. Click on the right arrow. Pick up the white stone in the sand then click on the arrow in the top left corner. Click on the arrow in the top right to move towards the white lake.

  5. Use the monk's staff to make the grapes fall down. Pick the grapes up to add them to your inventory.

  6. Go down three times to arrive at a screen with three different colored pools: one red, one green, and one blue. Dip the monk's staff in the green water.

  7. Dip the white stone in the blue pool. And dip the grapes in the red then the blue pool to make the grapes purple.

  8. Hit the back arrow and return to the area with the three arrows. Click on the forward left arrow to arrive in a desolate area of the desert. Click on the blue stone and click on the screen to overlay it. You will see fallen stars and you must pick them up.

  9. Move back and then go toward the oasis. Move right and then click on the top right arrow to arrive at an area where a stone slab is blocking a staircase. Use the green monk's staff to remove the stone slab.

  10. Go down into the basement and use the fallen stars to light up the room. Pick up the bowl on the table. Take the fallen stars back and return to the surface.

  11. Go back until you reach the colored pools again. Dip the bowl in the green pool and then dip it into the blue pool. Go back to the altar where you originally got the white stone from.

  12. Place the bowl on the altar, put the fallen stars in the bowl, and then put the grapes in the bowl. To summon the phoenix hit the bell to the left of the altar and to the right of the cactus.

  13. After the phoenix speaks with you, you will be returned to Mother.

Getting the Seed and Understanding

  1. Talk with Mother. After finishing speaking you will find yourself in a wooded area. Straight ahead of you is a tree with skulls on it. Click on that tree to talk with it.

  2. Speak with the tree and you will receive the seed. Open your map and go to Happytown.

  3. Go forward then go left to the cottage with the old man. Speak with him and when you're done go forward into his cottage. Pick up the shovel to the left of the fireplace. Grab the pot from the windowsill.

  4. Go right into the backyard. Pick up the watering can and fill it from the bucket of water in the well.

  5. Use the shovel to dig up the dirt patch on the left side of the yard. Place the seed in the dug up ground then cover it back up with the shovel. Use the watering can on the pile of soil.

  6. Go into the cabin and get into bed. Once you've finished the story part go right into the yard. Use the shovel to loosen the dirt around the flower. Pick it up with the pot.

  7. If you want more story you can go out and speak with the man or you can open your map and travel to the mountain. Speak with Mother.

PadanFain March 14, 2013 3:45 PM

A really heartfelt and beautiful game. Also, an excellent walkthrough, Meaghan!

Reply March 14, 2013 5:51 PM

Interesting. The 'secrets' page mentions the story being a free download, but I couldn't find a link to it. I'd like to read it.

BlackOliveGames March 14, 2013 6:19 PM

Ahh, my bad. In my excitement over the very positive feedback for the game, I forgot I hadn't yet put up the story.

You can find it here:

And I'd appreciate if Jayisgames, if you'd like, would put the link somewhere visible, maybe at the end of the review.


[Done! -Jay]

Cyberjar88 March 14, 2013 6:39 PM

Wow. Just wow.


I'm with Cyberjar. That was excellent!

When I started playing, I got a strong 'Desert Bridge' feel, except without the humor. And then I found the Potion That Makes You Better At Drinking Potions, and then the Completely Uninteresting Rabbit, and it really took off. The Wizard's Tower was great (although some of the dialog options seemed random to me), and from then on, there was a healthy dose of humor to be found on just about every screen.

I really, really, really enjoyed this game.


I got stuck when

I accidentally broke the monk's stick, using it without making it green first.

But I just closed and Continued story (seems to 'save' at the comic-like panel points).

Kind of sweet, I guess?

Jim_in_Oz March 15, 2013 1:59 AM

That was very beautiful. The drawings were wonderful, the story was engaging and the characters sympathetic. I found the whole thing mesmerising from start to finish.

BlackOliveGames March 15, 2013 2:47 AM

Hey Catherine Kissmyarsefb,

You can actually

fix broken items by putting them in the lake. Remember, "white is for mending".


This was wonderful and refreshing. I loved the humor hidden all around. The potions were good for a giggle.

Cats are awesome.


beautiful game! very nice story and great experience! :)

Lemmons998 March 21, 2013 9:12 PM

A very good game, though for me, there were some sexism problems that really brought me out of the game...

One example... Did one of the developers recently have his girlfriend cheat on him or something??? What was up with all the references to cheating women?

I loved that overall the game was so quirky and fun, but every time something sexist happened, it was like the game telling me "this game is not for you"


Nice and enjoyable.

A big plus was the music, which fit very well. The game play was rather straightforward, with interesting challenging bits at the maze, the wizard, and the colors. I appreciated that the hint system was effective. It's important to realize this game is more story-driven than puzzle driven.

(I have a hard time giving games enough praise, so I'll move on to the:)
Criticisms (long)

The art: I wish it were better. I understand that a lot of time was taken already, but... see the below games I mention.
Gameplay, may be too straightforward - it's on the casual side of casual gaming.
Humor - it's there... but barely. I think there are humorous references, but only three, to

the badger song and Peter Pan.

The ending doesn't tie together very well. There is one obvious gloss, in parentheses of the explanation of the goal - and the epilogue only partly makes up for it. In short, the items were too "MacGuffin" like.
For a story with a moral (or two), neither the story nor the moral are very interesting or satisfying - at least for me.
(I also thought that the 5 main forces and the colors changing would be more played out - that the mythology would be more elaborated. I really thought the dude would be one of the five main powers-that-be.)
Personally, I like reading all the dialogue, and in this game, it can be more frustrating than rewarding.

This game is VERY similar to Jonas Kyratzes' The Book of Living Magic, and to a lesser extent to its sequel The Fabulous Screech. It is similar in gameplay, art style, and even the premise of a dull world. I have to say that Kyratzes' work is better (but harder), in my opinion. People who enjoyed that work would enjoy this, and vice versa.

It also reminds me of the Big Old Tree That Dreams/Trader of Stories/Myosotis games, which are very polished (but harder, of course).


To add to my previous comment:

The other big praise I have for it is that it brought me back to my (earlier) childhood (not that I am old). I definitely believed in the power of fantasy and imagination. I liked how it was very reminiscent of a dream or daydream.
This story may be more useful for a player who is depressed, or just sad. Or of course, like the player-character, dissatisfied with a dull life. (The message is, of course,

to change, be reborn, and actively help color this world.)

I've read (on Newgrounds) that the author was in fact influenced by the Book of Living Magic. This certainly makes a good homage.

BlackOliveGames April 2, 2013 9:03 AM

Hey guys,

I'm glad to see people really like the game, and I am happy to see (or hear, or read) your happy comments and pms, here and elsewhere. Many of you understood the game and some of the most gratifying comments are the simple ones, which tell me how you felt more than any other words can.

@Lemmons998 - there is no sexism in the game and I can't for the life of me remember what parts you're referring to. The world of the game is, of course, romanticized - but not 'clean'. It's just the way life is and should be.

@Xheia - BoLM is a great game, and I recommend anyone to play it. It showed me that you CAN use hand-drawn artwork, and it had a very feel-good vibe I resonated with. It is similar to my game in those ways but other than that, the games are a completely different experience.

@Stevie-O - Actually, I didn't play Desert Bridge (didn't even know it existed) until a few weeks ago, long after my game was finished. Plus, I didn't really like it... So any similarities are purely coincidental.


emily79965 April 5, 2013 1:09 AM

I have to agree with Lemmons. I actually found this game a little sexist. Like in the beginning where that girl with the pink hair says "I'd love to give you another goodbye kiss, but let's save that reward until after the adventure." Being a young woman, I found this quite offensive. What the heck was that? Is the author saying this woman is going to be some kind of reward after he saves her world? So many games already petray the female character as some sort of reward, and this game seems to as well. That is quite sexist. After she said that line, I stopped playing the game altogether.

BlackOliveGames April 5, 2013 1:21 AM

It's a shame how wonderful things like love and sex can offend so many people yet action, blood and violence are considered cool and non-offensive :(


I think it all comes down to a matter of not only personal opinion, but different people who have had different life experiences from your own, which at the very least provides a different way to look at things, a new perspective you haven't considered, even if you personally disagree. :)


First time I've ever had to comment here. People see this game as sexist, really? REALLY? If you see this game as sexist, you must be looking for any opportunity to call a game as such. Spoilers for plot related details and why they aren't sexist.

The wizard and the lack of a girlfriend: Not in the least bit sexist. It could be a person of any sex and gender without a significant other of any sex or gender and it wouldn't matter. The point is that he had a rough time in wizard high school, is a klutz, and has noone who loves him, so he's trying to be "evil". The fact that he is male and wants a girlfriend is irrelevant.

The "kiss as a reward": Only sexist if you're looking way to deep into it. She isn't the reward. He has found someone he like, potentially loves (as reflected in the end cutscene) and she is showing that he can have love and a wonderful relationship once he has discovered himself. In a vague sense, that is a "reward" but just as much are the rewards of happiness, change, and "color". She is not the reward, love change and discovery are.

Seriously, after comments like those I half expect a rage about what happens to the rat...

BlackOliveGames April 14, 2013 6:57 AM

Hey Sammie,

thanks for defending. But I don't want people to argue over such trivialities, I just want them to enjoy the game!


Great game so far.

I was wondering if someone could help me with the colours at the lake?
Not sure if spoilery or not, so I'll hide it to be safe.

I got confused on what to do with the colours and accidentally made the berries Cyan-coloured and put all the colours in the bowl. How do I wash them out?

BlackOliveGames April 16, 2013 1:07 PM

Hey Liz,

Wash it out in the lake. You have to be near the water, so you have to do it on the screen with Norman the Bug. Also, if you break the staff, you can also fix it in the lake (white is for mending)



Thank you for the help. Wonderful game :)

elleClicks April 19, 2013 11:36 PM

That was a lovely and emotional experience. I appreciate that the developers had the courage to offer something like this to the gaming community and I love that the majority of the reviews have been positive. I hope the developer & author will continue to share their gifts in the future.

Norrrrrman :D


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