Alas, the powers that be see you as unfit to pop all the bubbles. Touch anything red and you will have to start the level over. Show those guys they're wrong by avoiding red blobs, snakes, and pac-man-like entities, and pop every bubble on each level. Fortunately, you can touch the sides of the maze in most levels, as long as they are not red, of course. Each bubble popped will earn you a certain amount of points; long rapid streaks of popped bubbles will build your multiplier. Achievements are largely centered around points and slashes—knocking out multiple bubbles with one swipe of the mouse.
Touch the Bubbles knows exactly what it is and does it well. It is polished and drips with style. The soundtrack bounces along appropriately, adding atmosphere and personality to a game that would be lacking without these finishing touches. The controls are incredibly responsive, a mantra you can chant when you realize that the level design hates you and wants you to fail. However, while levels often border on frustrating, they never quite cross over into "ridiculous" territory.
There are a few things that make Touch the Bubbles stand out from other games of the genre. However, it's not revolutionary. Some powerups or different gameplay modes might have helped spice things up just a bit. Still, the game combines creativity in design with a slick style, making it one mouse-avoider worth playing. So get out there, avoid the red, earn some points, build your multiplier, and touch the bubbles. Touch the Bubbles THREE, that is.
Touch the Bubbles 3 is also available to play on Game Balance!
I liked this game, but I thought the difficulty jumped about quite a bit.
Level 19 in particular was very mean.
It's also worth noting that at least one of the other games on that site is very not appropriate for young eyes.
The game is "site locked" WTF is that?
That was fun. I got 754270 points when I tried. The second bonus level was rather odd.
Fun game, although beating level 19 will take a lot of patience which will probably be too much for many casual players.
Also, bonus level 5 is particularly irritating. Especially since I am not sure there's a proper reward for beating it.
Nice game.
And, umm... wow?!!? That inappropriate Gyruss variant is something... WOW!
LOL I wasn't think of Gyruss at all designing that level :D
Actually at first there was a big stick that had a constant rotation increase .. but whatever! Then I made it with blast charges and liked a lot :)
Nice comparison :)
how do you get the wind element achievement?
Actually I've just managed the game quite enjoyably with just a trackpad, so if you are a long-term regular trackpad user don't be put off this game!! The fact that the walls are generally quite forgiving helps a lot.
Agree I'm still trying to figure out how to get the wind element achievement, having managed the rest :)