An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

unReal 2

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unReal 2

GrinnypSometimes a really good room escape designer comes along and reminds us that we have yet to exhaust the infinite possibilities of the locked one-room escape. What's even nicer is if they come back and do it again, like Factory.112, who have unleashed another master-class of escaping a white, nearly featureless room in unReal 2. As with unReal, unReal 2 contains a plethora of perplexing point-and-click puzzles packed into a pale, padlocked place. Um, but with much less alliteration. The hushed, near-empty space contains navigation arrows, a changing cursor, and little else to help you on your way, leaving you to depend on your problem solving capabilities. Factory.112 has packed this amazing little game with clues that have multiple uses and puzzles that have multiple solutions, once again creating a pulse-pounding practical paradigm of puzzle-solving pleasure. Stop looking at me like that and just go play!

Play unReal 2

Walkthrough Guide

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unReal 2 Walkthrough, unRealer!

General Information

  • There is one ending to the game.

  • There are no color puzzles, as there is no color.

  • Examine everything you pick up, items may be hiding other things or have multiple uses.

  • Think laterally, or maybe in reverse.

  • Good luck!


  • You begin facing a wall with a door shape. There is, however, no visible door or door knob.

  • Hover your cursor over the floor to the right of the door. There is a patch there that is slightly different than the rest of the floor.

  • Click on that patch and you will find a trap door with holes for a handle. Back up and turn right.

  • You are now facing a floor-to-ceiling feature that has the number 3 in a box on it. There is what looks like a slot below the 3, but it is closed.

  • Turn right.

  • You are now facing a pedestal with a big red valve on it. Click on the pedestal for a close up.

  • The big red valve handle is screwed down on the pedestal with a Philip's head screwdriver. If you click on the handle of the valve you can see the options are to turn it clockwise or counter-clockwise. Back up.

  • Above the pedestal on the wall is a note, click on it to take it.

  • Examine the note in close up. There are two things on the note, a pictograph showing the valve moving something up and down, and another pictograph showing the valve with a bolt.

  • Close down the drawing, back up, and turn right.

  • You are facing another floor-to-ceiling thing with the number 3 on it (not in a box this time). Below the 3 is a left/right button puzzle.

  • Turn right and you are facing the blank doorway that you were when you started.

  • Now what?

Exploring the Valve

  • Turn right (or left) twice to face the pedestal with the valve.

  • Click on the valve for a close up.

  • Click on the handle of the valve to make the arrows appear, then turn the valve counter-clockwise (using the top arrow).

  • Turn right and you will see that the floor-to-ceiling thing has changed to the number 4, and there is a 4 x 4 grid button puzzle beneath. Looks like the valve makes these things go up and down, or it make the room go up and down.

  • Turn right to face the blank doorway suddenly there's an alcove there with a plant. Click on the plant for a close up.

  • Click on the plant to raise it, then click on the bottom of the plant pot to make the very bottom drop off. Click on that bottom to see a clue, "628".

  • Back up and turn right. Looks like the other floor-to-ceiling thing has the number 4 as well. So both of these things change when you turn the valve.

  • Turn right to face the pedestal.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up. You cannot turn the valve counter-clockwise, so this is as high as you can go. Turn the valve clockwise (using the bottom arrow). This brings you back to level 3. Turn it clockwise again.

  • Back up and turn right. You should now be seeing the number 2. There is now a three digit code underneath the number. Turn right.

  • The blank doorway now has a door with symbols on it. Click on the door for a close up.

  • On the left are some triangles in a particular pattern. In the middle of the door is a circle with a pentagon-shaped hole. Looks like we need to find something to put on there to open the door.

  • Turn right and you will see the other number 2 and the closed slot. Turn right again to face the pedestal with the valve.

  • Time to solve some puzzles!

Level 2

  • Turn right to face the level 2 puzzle. Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • This puzzle needs a 3 digit code. Have we seen something like that around?

    • Yes, we saw a three digit code on the bottom of the planter. 628.

  • Enter the three digit code and press the button below.

  • If you entered the code correctly the numbers should flash and you will hear a click.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the other number 2. Notice that the alcove has opened.

  • Click on the alcove for a close up and take the item (screwdriver).

  • Back up and turn right to face the pedestal.

Level 3

  • You can try, but you can't turn the valve any further clockwise, so Level 1 is out of reach for now. Instead, turn it counter-clockwise to go to Level 3.

  • Back up and turn right.

  • You are now facing the number 3, and the left/right button puzzle.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • Notice that the buttons in this puzzle are triangles?

  • Where have we seen that before?

    • We've seen it on the blank door on Level 2

    • Specifically, the strip of triangles on the left side of the door.

    • From top to bottom, the triangles are pointing right, left, right, right, left, left, right, left, right.

    • Which is the code for the Level 3 puzzle.

  • Click the buttons in the correct sequence, then click the button underneath.

  • If you entered the sequence correctly the buttons will flash and you will hear a click.

  • Back up and turn right (or left) twice to face the other 3.

  • This alcove has opened up. Click on it for a close up and remove the box inside.

  • Pull up the box into close up. Looks like we need a regular screwdriver to open this one.

  • Pull up the screwdriver from your inventory. Yes, it's a Philip's head.

  • While the screwdriver is in close up, click on the metal part and it will separate. Yes, it is a reversible screwdriver!

  • Click on the flat-head end of the metal and it will reassemble into a flat-head screwdriver.

  • Now pull up the box from your inventory and use the screwdriver to open it. Inside you will find a lens.

  • Back up.

  • Pick up the lens from your inventory. Notice that you can use it to look at the walls.

  • Turn left to face the empty doorway.

  • Pick up the lens and look at the doorway. Through the lens you should see a pattern emerge, on a 4 x 4 grid.

  • Put the lens back into your inventory, then turn left (or right) twice to face the pedestal.

Level 4

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then turn the valve counter-clockwise to Level 4.

  • Back up and turn right to face the Level 4 puzzle. This is the 4 x 4 grid of buttons.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up. Have we seen the a solution for this?

    • We have, on the empty doorway using the lens on Level 3.

    • That showed us a pattern which we need to recreate here.

    • To recreate the pattern, push the first and third from the left buttons on the top row.

    • On the next row push the second and fourth buttons.

    • On the third row press the first and fourth buttons.

    • On the bottom row press the first, third and fourth buttons.

  • If you enter the sequence correctly, the buttons will flash.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the Level 4 alcove.

  • Click on the alcove for a close up and take the item inside (handle).

  • Back up.

Level 1

  • We've found a handle, let's see if it will go to that trapdoor over by the empty doorway.

  • Turn left to face the doorway. Since you are still on Level 4 the plant will be there in an alcove.

  • Click on the trapdoor (to the right of the alcove) for a close up.

  • Use the handle on the door, then open it.

  • Hmmm, it's dark. Back up.

  • Turn left (or right) twice to face the valve.

  • Go clockwise once to Level 3.

  • Turn left (or right) twice to face the doorway and try the trapdoor again. Still dark!

  • Go back to the valve, then go clockwise again to Level 2.

  • Go left (or right) twice to face the doorway and try the trapdoor again. Paydirt!

  • There is now a ladder going down in the trapdoor. Looks like the valve was indeed moving the room up and down on a rail system of some sort.

  • Click on the ladder to go down.

  • You are now facing another blank doorway, this one has some sort of large closed alcove within it. The ladder is to the right of the doorway.

  • Turn right. You are now facing the Level 1 slot, which is closed. Turn right.

  • There's a pedestal here, but it is missing a valve. Turn right.

  • This is the Level 1 puzzle, which appears to need a four digit code.

  • Let's see if we can get the valve down here.

  • Turn right to face the empty doorway.

  • Click on the ladder to go up to Level 2.

  • Turn right (or left) twice to face the pedestal.

  • Pull up the screwdriver from your inventory, and switch it back to a Philip's head.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then use the screwdriver on the valve and take it.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the empty doorway.

  • Click on the trapdoor, and go down.

  • Turn left or right twice to face the pedestal.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then use the valve on the pedestal.

  • You can turn the valve clockwise or counter-clockwise, but nothing seems to happen. Note: turn the valve by clicking on the "handle" on the right. If you click on the center of the valve you just pick it up.

  • Let's back up from the pedestal and think about this.

  • What do we have left in our inventory?

  • The note, the screwdriver, and the lens.

  • Hmmm, there was a lot of empty white space on that note.

    • Pull up the note into close up.

    • Use the lens on the note in the middle.

    • What you will see is a series of curving clockwise and counter-clockwise arrows, with smaller directional arrows between them.

    • The pattern appears to start in the upper left, go to the right, then down, then to the left.

    • This would give a sequence of counter-clockwise, counter-clockwise, clockwise, clockwise, clockwise, counter-clockwise.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up.

  • Move the valve in the sequence you just discovered.

  • Back up, then turn left (or right) twice to face the doorway.

  • Looks like that alcove moved, we now have a number there, 3124.

  • Turn left to face the Level 1 puzzle, then click on it for a close up.

  • Enter the four digit number 3124, then click the button below.

  • If you entered the numbers correctly, they will flash.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the Level 1 alcove.

  • Hey, instead of an open alcove we find it still closed. And that there is now the number 2 in the box above the alcove. What happened?

  • Now what do we do?

Back to Level 4

  • Turn right to face the pedestal.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up and take the valve.

  • Back up, turn left (or right) twice to face the ladder, then go up to Level 2.

  • You can turn around and note that Level 2 still has the number 2 on both sides of the room, the puzzle side and the alcove side.

  • Turn right (or left) to face the pedestal, then click on it for a close up.

  • Place the valve on the pedestal, then go counter-clockwise twice up to Level 4.

  • Turn right to face the Level 4 puzzle.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • Maybe there's another solution?

    • In this case, you need to reverse the pattern in the buttons.

    • All buttons that are lit need to be unlit, and all unlit buttons need to be lit.

    • The finished pattern: row 1 the second and fourth button need to be lit.

    • Row 2: the first and third buttons need to be lit.

    • Row 3: the second and third buttons need to be lit.

    • Row 4: the second button needs to be lit.

  • If you enter the correct sequence, the slot with the puzzle will close.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the slot. Note that the number now says 6 instead of 4.

  • Looks like we need to find a way to reverse each puzzle solution.

Back to Level 3

  • Turn right to the pedestal, click on the valve, then go clockwise once down the Level 3.

  • Turn right to face the Level 3 puzzle.

  • This one was a left/right puzzle.

  • How do we reverse this?

    • By looking at the pattern on the door from bottom to top, rather than top to bottom.

    • That would make the sequence right, left, right, left, left, right, right, left, right.

  • Enter the reversed sequence and push the button below.

  • If you entered the sequence correctly the puzzle will close up.

  • Turn left (or right) twice to face the slot and notice that the number 3 has changed to a number 5.

  • Turn right to face the pedestal.

Back to Level 2

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then go clockwise down to Level 2.

  • Turn right to face the Level 2 puzzle.

  • How do we reverse this one? It's a 3 digit puzzle.

    • Remember the flower pot bottom?

    • Those numbers were remarkably blocky.

    • In fact, if you turn them around 180 degrees, it looks like the number 829, rather than 628.

    • So in this case the code is 829.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • Change the puzzle to the new code, then press the button below.

  • If you entered it correctly the puzzle will disappear.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the slot.

  • Note that the number 2 has now changed to a number 9.

Getting Out

  • Turn left to face the doorway.

  • Click on the trapdoor and go through.

  • Turn left to face the Level 1 puzzle.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • Note that the old solution, 3124, is still there.

  • So what is the new solution?

    • The clues are on each level.

    • Once you solved (or reversed) a puzzle, the numbers on each level changed.

    • Level 1 showed a 2, Level 2 showed a 9, Level 3 showed a 5, and Level 4 showed a 6.

    • Put these numbers in the order of the first solution (3124) and you get 5 (3), 2 (1), 9 (2), 6 (4).

    • Therefore 5296 is the new code.

  • Enter the new code and push the button below.

  • If you entered the code correctly the puzzle will vanish behind a panel.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the slot, which is now open.

  • Click on the slot for a close up and take the item from inside (bolt).

  • Back up, turn left, and go up the ladder.

  • Once you are back on level 2, turn left (or right) twice to face the pedestal.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then take the valve. Note that the bolt underneath the valve looks just like the one you picked up from Level 1.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the doorway.

  • Pull up the valve from your inventory.

  • Click on it to turn it over, then place the bolt in the empty space on the underside of the valve.

  • Close down the valve into your inventory, then click on the door twice for a close up.

  • Place the valve/bolt combination in the circle.

  • Click on the valve to open the door and escape!

Walkthrough by grinnyp!

12 Comments November 10, 2013 11:07 AM

Here's a helpful hint.

When you get the screwdriver?

Because you can NOT replace it again.


unReal 2 Walkthrough, unRealer!

General Information

  • There is one ending to the game.

  • There are no color puzzles, as there is no color.

  • Examine everything you pick up, items may be hiding other things or have multiple uses.

  • Think laterally, or maybe in reverse.

  • Good luck!


  • You begin facing a wall with a door shape. There is, however, no visible door or door knob.

  • Hover your cursor over the floor to the right of the door. There is a patch there that is slightly different than the rest of the floor.

  • Click on that patch and you will find a trap door with holes for a handle. Back up and turn right.

  • You are now facing a floor-to-ceiling feature that has the number 3 in a box on it. There is what looks like a slot below the 3, but it is closed.

  • Turn right.

  • You are now facing a pedestal with a big red valve on it. Click on the pedestal for a close up.

  • The big red valve handle is screwed down on the pedestal with a Philip's head screwdriver. If you click on the handle of the valve you can see the options are to turn it clockwise or counter-clockwise. Back up.

  • Above the pedestal on the wall is a note, click on it to take it.

  • Examine the note in close up. There are two things on the note, a pictograph showing the valve moving something up and down, and another pictograph showing the valve with a bolt.

  • Close down the drawing, back up, and turn right.

  • You are facing another floor-to-ceiling thing with the number 3 on it (not in a box this time). Below the 3 is a left/right button puzzle.

  • Turn right and you are facing the blank doorway that you were when you started.

  • Now what?

Exploring the Valve

  • Turn right (or left) twice to face the pedestal with the valve.

  • Click on the valve for a close up.

  • Click on the handle of the valve to make the arrows appear, then turn the valve counter-clockwise (using the top arrow).

  • Turn right and you will see that the floor-to-ceiling thing has changed to the number 4, and there is a 4 x 4 grid button puzzle beneath. Looks like the valve makes these things go up and down, or it make the room go up and down.

  • Turn right to face the blank doorway suddenly there's an alcove there with a plant. Click on the plant for a close up.

  • Click on the plant to raise it, then click on the bottom of the plant pot to make the very bottom drop off. Click on that bottom to see a clue, "628".

  • Back up and turn right. Looks like the other floor-to-ceiling thing has the number 4 as well. So both of these things change when you turn the valve.

  • Turn right to face the pedestal.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up. You cannot turn the valve counter-clockwise, so this is as high as you can go. Turn the valve clockwise (using the bottom arrow). This brings you back to level 3. Turn it clockwise again.

  • Back up and turn right. You should now be seeing the number 2. There is now a three digit code underneath the number. Turn right.

  • The blank doorway now has a door with symbols on it. Click on the door for a close up.

  • On the left are some triangles in a particular pattern. In the middle of the door is a circle with a pentagon-shaped hole. Looks like we need to find something to put on there to open the door.

  • Turn right and you will see the other number 2 and the closed slot. Turn right again to face the pedestal with the valve.

  • Time to solve some puzzles!

Level 2

  • Turn right to face the level 2 puzzle. Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • This puzzle needs a 3 digit code. Have we seen something like that around?

    • Yes, we saw a three digit code on the bottom of the planter. 628.

  • Enter the three digit code and press the button below.

  • If you entered the code correctly the numbers should flash and you will hear a click.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the other number 2. Notice that the alcove has opened.

  • Click on the alcove for a close up and take the item (screwdriver).

  • Back up and turn right to face the pedestal.

Level 3

  • You can try, but you can't turn the valve any further clockwise, so Level 1 is out of reach for now. Instead, turn it counter-clockwise to go to Level 3.

  • Back up and turn right.

  • You are now facing the number 3, and the left/right button puzzle.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • Notice that the buttons in this puzzle are triangles?

  • Where have we seen that before?

    • We've seen it on the blank door on Level 2

    • Specifically, the strip of triangles on the left side of the door.

    • From top to bottom, the triangles are pointing right, left, right, right, left, left, right, left, right.

    • Which is the code for the Level 3 puzzle.

  • Click the buttons in the correct sequence, then click the button underneath.

  • If you entered the sequence correctly the buttons will flash and you will hear a click.

  • Back up and turn right (or left) twice to face the other 3.

  • This alcove has opened up. Click on it for a close up and remove the box inside.

  • Pull up the box into close up. Looks like we need a regular screwdriver to open this one.

  • Pull up the screwdriver from your inventory. Yes, it's a Philip's head.

  • While the screwdriver is in close up, click on the metal part and it will separate. Yes, it is a reversible screwdriver!

  • Click on the flat-head end of the metal and it will reassemble into a flat-head screwdriver.

  • Now pull up the box from your inventory and use the screwdriver to open it. Inside you will find a lens.

  • Back up.

  • Pick up the lens from your inventory. Notice that you can use it to look at the walls.

  • Turn left to face the empty doorway.

  • Pick up the lens and look at the doorway. Through the lens you should see a pattern emerge, on a 4 x 4 grid.

  • Put the lens back into your inventory, then turn left (or right) twice to face the pedestal.

Level 4

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then turn the valve counter-clockwise to Level 4.

  • Back up and turn right to face the Level 4 puzzle. This is the 4 x 4 grid of buttons.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up. Have we seen the a solution for this?

    • We have, on the empty doorway using the lens on Level 3.

    • That showed us a pattern which we need to recreate here.

    • To recreate the pattern, push the first and third from the left buttons on the top row.

    • On the next row push the second and fourth buttons.

    • On the third row press the first and fourth buttons.

    • On the bottom row press the first, third and fourth buttons.

  • If you enter the sequence correctly, the buttons will flash.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the Level 4 alcove.

  • Click on the alcove for a close up and take the item inside (handle).

  • Back up.

Level 1

  • We've found a handle, let's see if it will go to that trapdoor over by the empty doorway.

  • Turn left to face the doorway. Since you are still on Level 4 the plant will be there in an alcove.

  • Click on the trapdoor (to the right of the alcove) for a close up.

  • Use the handle on the door, then open it.

  • Hmmm, it's dark. Back up.

  • Turn left (or right) twice to face the valve.

  • Go clockwise once to Level 3.

  • Turn left (or right) twice to face the doorway and try the trapdoor again. Still dark!

  • Go back to the valve, then go clockwise again to Level 2.

  • Go left (or right) twice to face the doorway and try the trapdoor again. Paydirt!

  • There is now a ladder going down in the trapdoor. Looks like the valve was indeed moving the room up and down on a rail system of some sort.

  • Click on the ladder to go down.

  • You are now facing another blank doorway, this one has some sort of large closed alcove within it. The ladder is to the right of the doorway.

  • Turn right. You are now facing the Level 1 slot, which is closed. Turn right.

  • There's a pedestal here, but it is missing a valve. Turn right.

  • This is the Level 1 puzzle, which appears to need a four digit code.

  • Let's see if we can get the valve down here.

  • Turn right to face the empty doorway.

  • Click on the ladder to go up to Level 2.

  • Turn right (or left) twice to face the pedestal.

  • Pull up the screwdriver from your inventory, and switch it back to a Philip's head.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then use the screwdriver on the valve and take it.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the empty doorway.

  • Click on the trapdoor, and go down.

  • Turn left or right twice to face the pedestal.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then use the valve on the pedestal.

  • You can turn the valve clockwise or counter-clockwise, but nothing seems to happen. Note: turn the valve by clicking on the "handle" on the right. If you click on the center of the valve you just pick it up.

  • Let's back up from the pedestal and think about this.

  • What do we have left in our inventory?

  • The note, the screwdriver, and the lens.

  • Hmmm, there was a lot of empty white space on that note.

    • Pull up the note into close up.

    • Use the lens on the note in the middle.

    • What you will see is a series of curving clockwise and counter-clockwise arrows, with smaller directional arrows between them.

    • The pattern appears to start in the upper left, go to the right, then down, then to the left.

    • This would give a sequence of counter-clockwise, counter-clockwise, clockwise, clockwise, clockwise, counter-clockwise.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up.

  • Move the valve in the sequence you just discovered.

  • Back up, then turn left (or right) twice to face the doorway.

  • Looks like that alcove moved, we now have a number there, 3124.

  • Turn left to face the Level 1 puzzle, then click on it for a close up.

  • Enter the four digit number 3124, then click the button below.

  • If you entered the numbers correctly, they will flash.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the Level 1 alcove.

  • Hey, instead of an open alcove we find it still closed. And that there is now the number 2 in the box above the alcove. What happened?

  • Now what do we do?

Back to Level 4

  • Turn right to face the pedestal.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up and take the valve.

  • Back up, turn left (or right) twice to face the ladder, then go up to Level 2.

  • You can turn around and note that Level 2 still has the number 2 on both sides of the room, the puzzle side and the alcove side.

  • Turn right (or left) to face the pedestal, then click on it for a close up.

  • Place the valve on the pedestal, then go counter-clockwise twice up to Level 4.

  • Turn right to face the Level 4 puzzle.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • Maybe there's another solution?

    • In this case, you need to reverse the pattern in the buttons.

    • All buttons that are lit need to be unlit, and all unlit buttons need to be lit.

    • The finished pattern: row 1 the second and fourth button need to be lit.

    • Row 2: the first and third buttons need to be lit.

    • Row 3: the second and third buttons need to be lit.

    • Row 4: the second button needs to be lit.

  • If you enter the correct sequence, the slot with the puzzle will close.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the slot. Note that the number now says 6 instead of 4.

  • Looks like we need to find a way to reverse each puzzle solution.

Back to Level 3

  • Turn right to the pedestal, click on the valve, then go clockwise once down the Level 3.

  • Turn right to face the Level 3 puzzle.

  • This one was a left/right puzzle.

  • How do we reverse this?

    • By looking at the pattern on the door from bottom to top, rather than top to bottom.

    • That would make the sequence right, left, right, left, left, right, right, left, right.

  • Enter the reversed sequence and push the button below.

  • If you entered the sequence correctly the puzzle will close up.

  • Turn left (or right) twice to face the slot and notice that the number 3 has changed to a number 5.

  • Turn right to face the pedestal.

Back to Level 2

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then go clockwise down to Level 2.

  • Turn right to face the Level 2 puzzle.

  • How do we reverse this one? It's a 3 digit puzzle.

    • Remember the flower pot bottom?

    • Those numbers were remarkably blocky.

    • In fact, if you turn them around 180 degrees, it looks like the number 829, rather than 628.

    • So in this case the code is 829.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • Change the puzzle to the new code, then press the button below.

  • If you entered it correctly the puzzle will disappear.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the slot.

  • Note that the number 2 has now changed to a number 9.

Getting Out

  • Turn left to face the doorway.

  • Click on the trapdoor and go through.

  • Turn left to face the Level 1 puzzle.

  • Click on the puzzle for a close up.

  • Note that the old solution, 3124, is still there.

  • So what is the new solution?

    • The clues are on each level.

    • Once you solved (or reversed) a puzzle, the numbers on each level changed.

    • Level 1 showed a 2, Level 2 showed a 9, Level 3 showed a 5, and Level 4 showed a 6.

    • Put these numbers in the order of the first solution (3124) and you get 5 (3), 2 (1), 9 (2), 6 (4).

    • Therefore 5296 is the new code.

  • Enter the new code and push the button below.

  • If you entered the code correctly the puzzle will vanish behind a panel.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the slot, which is now open.

  • Click on the slot for a close up and take the item from inside (bolt).

  • Back up, turn left, and go up the ladder.

  • Once you are back on level 2, turn left (or right) twice to face the pedestal.

  • Click on the pedestal for a close up, then take the valve. Note that the bolt underneath the valve looks just like the one you picked up from Level 1.

  • Back up and turn left (or right) twice to face the doorway.

  • Pull up the valve from your inventory.

  • Click on it to turn it over, then place the bolt in the empty space on the underside of the valve.

  • Close down the valve into your inventory, then click on the door twice for a close up.

  • Place the valve/bolt combination in the circle.

  • Click on the valve to open the door and escape!

Walkthrough by grinnyp!


Howdy! Regarding the screwdriver...

When I played, I had no trouble replacing certain items that had been removed with it. In fact, being able to do so is integral to the game's progress so if you're having trouble getting it to work, check that it's highlighted correctly in your inventory and that you're clicking in the proper place of use. If it's still not working, try clearing your browser cache, rebooting it, then starting the game fresh to see if that fixes the issue.


The lens have stuck me twice...


This was going along nicely until

I was stuck so I decided to check the walkthrough. The 'inverse' puzzle seems too arbitrary to me, was there any tips suggesting that?


This is a really good game. Not too hard, not too easy. Just right for me. I really enjoyed the mechanics, concept, and puzzles.


Diego has a point. I've seen a lot of

digital display number codes that have to be reversed to work,

and that's the only real reason I thought to try that. I could see someone spending a LONG time before they got desperate enough to try that trick. Maybe if there were some sort of

double arrow on the left-right clue door, that indicated you could enter this code either direction, or that clicking on the drip tray would cause it to spin around several times, indicating that the 3-digit code could be flipped?


How were we supposed to deduce that

you needed to reverse all the puzzle solutions?

Because I saw it in the walkthrough, and cannot for the life of me figure out how I was supposed to piece that together.


I expected that the 4 digit code would be the final puzzle that will give me the part I need and finish the game. So when seemingly nothing happened, I thought I bugged the game and reset it and tried all over again.
Had to check the walkthrough to figure out what to do next.

Just suddenly expecting me to reverse everything seems very weird. I never would have thought of that.


I have to second Sylocat in not understanding how I'm supposed to deduce that

each puzzle solution has to be reversed

from the clues provided.

Any explanations would be appreciated!


Anyone else having trouble loading the game? The first time I tried it took me to an error scene. The second time I tried it took me to the game, but it won't load past you think they are working on it, or is it just me?


Nevermind! A few more refreshes and some patience and it finally loaded! Nice game!


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