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Weekday Escape N° 15

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Weekday Escape

Dora*Spotlight. Single stool. Dim room. Beret. Weekday Escape. A series of haiku. Because it seemed like a good idea at the time, that's why.

Find the Escape-Men 91: Figure SkatingFind the Escape-Men 91: Figure Skating -
No1game's little green men.
Feels like déjà vu to me.
Whoa... that computer... so meta.

Candy Rooms 5: Ice Blue SweetCandy Rooms 5: Ice Blue Sweet -
Funkyland, more like
That frog's seen some things.

Escape from the Room of the DiamondEscape from the Room of the Diamond -
Yomino Kagura.
Wait, that was six. I'll just borrow one.
Crap. Man I'm bad at this.

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for hints or help out the other players with your walkthroughs in the comments below.


Deja vu on both the first and third one for me.

Got briefly stuck on the first and second, but pulled through.

Not bad.

korvarthefox March 19, 2014 10:14 AM

Escape Men wasn't too bad, pretty easy.

The puzzles in Candy Room 5 weren't so bad, but then I was left with the hidden-object bit and that took me ages!

On to the third...

korvarthefox March 19, 2014 10:31 AM

Okay, In Escape from the Room with the Diamond, I have

The clue on the television set, which I think corresponds to the box with the slot on it, but I can't work out the right sequence of buttons.

korvarthefox March 19, 2014 10:36 AM

My first Power Of Post!

The numbers refer to the number of times each colour star appears on the screen

Yellow = 1
Green = 2
Blue = 3
Red = 4

So the whole sequence is

Yellow Green Green Blue Yellow Red


Stuck on Escape Men.

I've got 8 men. I haven't got the one from the exit sign yet. I've got the two from the crowd, the computer, the man who was sat behind it, the one in bed, the one on the ice machine, the one from the Pike ad and another one which I can't remember.

Thanks in advance!

merchantfan March 19, 2014 1:17 PM


Did you try going up the stairs, opening the door, clicking to the left and fiddling with the lights?

Other than that I'm missing one too and haven't gotten to that exit sign either.

icvotria March 19, 2014 1:37 PM

That's the badger! Thanks Merchantfan.

You can get the one in the exit sign by chucking something in your inventory at it. You've definitely got the thing you need to chuck.


Bwa ha.

For the final escape man in the sign

chuck a green dude at it

shjack180 March 20, 2014 1:04 AM

I really enjoy Yomino Kagura's escape games :)


I can never get the Find the escape-men games to work...any suggestions?


disable adblock on the site. if it can't load the ad, it won't load the game either


Candy Rooms 5 Walkthrough
(Not that it's really needed, but...)

  • Hard candy:

    check the window to the right of the frog.

  • Gummy/taffy packet:

    check the floor behind the ottoman.

  • Round lollipop:

    check the picture window (behind the bubble men).

  • Gumball:

    • Get the pump from between the gumball machine and the couch.

    • Put the pump into the device in front of the picture window on the right wall.

    • Hold down the pump handle and watch the men blowing bubbles to get the 4-digit code.

    • Put the code into the box on the small table next to the door.

      Basically, count the bubbles at each position, and press each button that many times.

      The code comes out to 3252.

    • Get the teardrop gem from the box.

    • Put the teardrop into the door of the cabinet on the right wall (to the left of the bubble men).

    • Get the bottle of water.

    • Put the bottle of water above the pipe next to the frog (on the back wall).

    • Get the coin from the frog.

    • Use the coin on the gumball machine.

  • Flat lollipop:

    • Notice the color and arrangement of donuts on the coffee table.

    • Go to the cabinet with the square white buttons on the right wall.

    • Push the buttons to replicate the donuts.

      Didn't work? Make sure you're taking the arrangement into account. How are the buttons arranged compared to the donuts?

      The buttons are upside-down relative to the donut tray.


Excape from the Room of the Diamond Walkthrough

(I've included help for the colorblind.)

  • Turn to the TV.

    • Note the color and arrangement of the diamonds on the wardrobe.

         Yellow   Green
         Red       Blue

    • Note the three shapes on the drawer.

  • Turn to the couch.

    • Get the screwdriver from under the right hand side of the couch.

    • Take a look at the clock - note the shape in the middle.

  • Turn to the low shelf and small table.

    • Open the first cabinet using the diamonds clue on the wardrobe. Get the small metal box.

      Press the buttons in this order: BL, TL, BL, BR, BL, TR.

    • Open the box using the screwdriver. Get the stick.

    • Open the third cabinet and note the clue.

      Circle = +1

    • Look at the wallplate next to the empty picture frame. Put the stick into the small hole to turn off the lights.

      • With the lights off, note the clue in the picture frame.

        Triangle = 10

      • Still with the lights off, turn around and look at the clock.

        2 is red, 5 is blue, 9 is yellow

      • Turn back to the wallplate and turn the lights back on with the green switch (=lit area on the wallplate).

    • Look at the small table. Where have you seen that shape before?

      • Use the code from the clock to open the drawer.

        The first number is red, second number is yellow, third number is blue.

        The code comes out to 295.

    • Note the clue in the drawer.

      Diamond = ×23

  • Turn back to the wardrobe.

    • Use the three shape clues you've collected to open the drawer.

      10×23+1 = 231

    • Get the wire cutters.

    • Use the wire cutters to open the blue and white box next to the TV. Get the remote.

    • Use the remote on the TV and note the clue.

      122314 surrounded by multicolored stars.

      Count the stars of each color.

      1 yellow, 2 green, 3 blue, 4 red.

  • Turn to the door.

    • Use the stars code to open the gray box.

      The buttons are blue, yellow, green, and red, in that order.

      So the 122314 code translates to 2nd button, 3rd button twice, 1st button, 2nd button, 4th button.

    • Get the key and use it to open the door.


Find the Escape-Men 91: Figure Skating Walkthrough

(Just to complete the set)

  1. Go up the stairs and in the door. Wait until the advertisment changes.

  2. (Still in the upstairs room) Turn left. Turn the spotlight on and the rink lights off. Turn back to the window. (Turn the rink lights back on before you leave.)

  3. Go back downstairs to the starting point, then do an about-face (arrow at the bottom of the screen). Go in the room. Look in the mirror and note the clock. Open the curtain; you can't get the sleeping man because he's too heavy, so you need to wake him up somehow. Look at the top bunk. Turn the dials to match the clock (don't forget that you saw the clock in a mirror). Use the toy bazooka to wake up the man.

  4. In the room with the bed, read the note on the table. Go back out and turn right. Pick up the phone handset and hit the "Re" button. Go forward into the rink; wait for the Zamboni to crash into the wall. Turn left and inspect the wreckage.

  5. In the view with the phone, throw one of your escape men at the exit sign.

  6. Get the Zamboni driver and click just to the left of his nose to turn him around and reveal that he's an escape-man in disguise.

  7. In the ice rink, turn to the left and click the stands to the left. Click the shivering guy. Back out from the rink. Repeat this twice, until the guy turns completely green.

  8. In the ice rink, turn to the right and click the stands to the right.

  9. In the ice rink, check out the fourth judge from the left. (2nd from the right.)

  10. In the ice rink, look at the fourth judge's computer. In the game he was playing, click the boxing gloves, then hit the bag repeatedly until it breaks apart.

michaeledlavitch March 24, 2014 1:50 AM

Why hasn't jayisgames been writing about all the hooda escape games? There are tons of them, and by far the best on the web.


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