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Weekday Escape N°26

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Weekday Escape

elleAs this is my 300th article and this month marks my 3rd anniversary at JayIsGames, I'd like to celebrate with a "super-sized" addition of Weekday Escape. Because, well, it's my party and I can escape if I want to! This week's selection includes two entries from No1Game's Find the Escape-Men series, more delicious whimsy in FunkyLand's Fruit Kitchen, nonsensical fun from Minoto, and pure plain puzzling from Yomino Kagura. Want more details? Read on...

Find the Escape-Men 102: Secretary SectionFind the Escape-Men 102: Secretary Section - Along with having to seek and find green guys, each entry in No1Game's prolific series has something else in common: uniquely realistic yet awkward stories to explain your escaping scenario. Secretary Section is no exception with its humor and sit-com setup. The clues are less obvious than usual, requiring a bit more mental creativity to solve, but the puzzles are few and the escape men not hard to find. Thus, the ease and quickness at which you escape doesn't match the comic melodrama of your predicament. Regardless, it's worth the five minutes it takes to play.

Fruit Kitchens No.06: Blueberry VioletFruit Kitchens No.06: Blueberry Violet - FunkyLand's series of colorful edibles themed rooms have earned permanent Weekday Escape inclusion because each is too joyful to skip yet too brief to merit a spotlight of its own. That brevity can be both a plus and a minus: it's great for a quick break into a scene of whimsy and cuteness, like a happy song for the eyes, but it also leaves us wanting more. It's not fair to give a little taste of yummy then make us wait another week for our next bite. Overall, Blueberry Violet offers little challenge, but the creative design and the unusual devices make it unmissable.

Bremen Town Musicians 2Bremen Town Musicians 2 - The thing about a Minoto game is it's just so strangely random. While not technically escaping-the-room, the outcome—a series of silly tasks to complete before leaving—of this point-and-click adventure is similar enough. There's little sense to what needs doing; only in the weird world of Minoto do these things have any logic (that is, no logic at all). If you can marvel, rather than scoff, at the wacky sequences and nonsensical item uses, it's all good. Besides, if YouTube and Fox News can be any proof, then crazy and unbelievable things happen all the time. At least here in this irresistibly quirky Minoto game, you get a smile out of it.

Escape from the Room of Three DevicesEscape from the Room of Three Devices - I felt under-qualified to introduce this game; perhaps I need to be a little more... like this. Or maybe even a bit like this. What I'm saying is, with a name like Escape from the Room of Three Devices, I'd expect to be at least taking your money and handing you a ticket to a special engagement B-movie at the local Indie cinemas. But, turns out, it's just an innocent escape game. As our Dora puts it: "It's not bad, but it's not inspiring either." Which I translate as: the puzzles are fun and its logic is solid, but Yomino Kagura needs to break out of the same-y mold and reach for more ambitious designs. That is to say, players looking for a few good puzzles sans embellishments have come to the right door.

Find the Escape-Men 103: The BalconyFind the Escape-Men 103: The Balcony - Hold the presses! No1Game is on a roll and keeps on rolling, like bunnies popping up in springtime. And you thought you had enough escape-men catching this week? For all the same reasons Secretary Section merits your attention, The Balcony delivers another humorous story, more green-gathering clickiness, and a smattering of puzzles to chip away at your spare time.

Go ahead, smash that spare time! Because I know what you're really waiting for and it's almost here!

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

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ESCAPE MEN 102 - Frill free walkthrough

Puzzle free escape men

In the hanging picture.

Under the phone receiver.

Above the window on the right. Shake it out with the blinds.

Under the seat cushion.

In the right side of the lower cabinet.

On the back of the appointment book.


Two buttons

The code is the flag man outside the left window.


Take the money and the escape man.

Four colored squares

The code is in the appointment book.

The colors of those fruits are RED, ORANGE and BLUE, PINK.
For color blind, the equivalent clicks are, from black… 4, 6 and 3, 2.

Take the cig-a-rettes and have yourself a loosie.


The code is on the back of the hanging picture.


Enter the code and wait for the computer to go to sleep.

Think quick!


Give him the money.


Open the door and leave.

Fruit Kitchens #6 - Blueberry Violet Walkthrough

This is in right-to-left order as you look at the room.

  1. Can

    1. Look in the bottom-left cabinet under the window.

    2. Get the can opener from above the books.

    3. Use the can opener to open the can on the table.

  2. Tube

    1. Open the right-hand cabinet above the sink. Get the ball.

    2. Look at the transparent tube between the window and the door. Put the ball in the top.

  3. Pink device

    1. Get the knob from the stove backsplash (click the circle that doesn't match the rest)

    2. Look at the domed thingy below the window. Put the knob into the spot on its bottom.

  4. Window

    Check the curtains

  5. Shelf

    Look at the wire shelf behind the frog

    Specifically, check the top shelf

  6. Cups

    Look through the stack of cups next to the sink.

  7. Top left cabinet

    1. Look at the book on the table for a hint.

    2. Get the magnifying glass from the frog.

    3. Use the magnifying glass on the pink device under the window. Note the number.

    4. Put the number into the box in the leftmost upper cabinet.

ESCAPE MEN 103: The Balcony - Frill free walkthrough

Puzzle-free escape men

In the left towel.

Hanging off the balcony from a blue string.

In the bucket.

Behind the boxes in the shed.

Under the big box, too.

Behind the flag of Argentina magnet.



On the right of the shed are two buttons. Click them randomly. Take the escape man and the seed.

Blue Box

The four digit code is color coded:

Red / 1

On the towel.

Green / 2

Behind the blue circle magnet.

Yellow / 3

In the window above your sleeping friend.

Blue / 4

Behind the smudge.

The complete code is...


Take the shovel.


Pour water on the smudge.

You get water by:

Looking behind the potting soil for a plastic bottle.

Filling it up from the bucket.

Follow the puddle to the drain and take the escape man.

Sneaky Escape Man

That little bugger's on the roof!

Above the sliding glass doors near the potting soil. (sneaky)

Combine the short broom and the deck brush with the blue string.

Use that contraption to get the escape man off the roof.


You found the brush and broom in the shed, and the string hanging from the railing behind the clothesline.

Flower Pot

Get some soil with the shovel.

Put the seed in the flower pot.

Cover the seed with soil.

Look at the shovel again and find something special.

Oh boy! The escape men turned into a bottle of Escape-man Power!

Pour the Escape-man Power juice into the flower pot.


There are two possible endings.

Jungle END:

Climb down the vines by clicking either of the big green arrows that appear when you mouse over the sky behind the shed.

Super-secret "Wake-up END":

Bang on the glass door 5 times to wake up your friend and he'll let you in. You could have done this at the very beginning, but what fun is that?

Escape from the Room of Three Devices Walkthrough

  1. Wobbly picture

    1. Look at the stars in the brown cabinet; note the position of the colors.

      TL = yellow, TR = red, BL = green, BR = blue

    2. Turn left from the brown cabinet and zoom in on the picture on the wall.

    3. Click the corners in the sequence indicated on the picture itself.

    4. Get the red arrow and the circle shape.

  2. 3-digit box

    (This is in the middle of the low shelf/bench on the same wall as the closet.)

    1. Look at the box: it has a circle and a square on it.

    2. Examine the circle shape in your inventory. Note the number on its back.

    3. Note the "×10" in a square in the cubbyhole to the right of the box.

    4. Put those two clues together to get the three-digit code.

    5. Get the screwdriver.

  3. Closet

    1. Use the screwdriver to remove the bar over the closet handles.

    2. Get the yellow arrow and the square shape.

    3. Note the dangling key and the musical notes.

      The notes are, top to bottom, red, yellow, red, blue, blue, yellow.

  4. Musical note puzzle

    1. Look at the high shelf next to the closet.

    2. Press the buttons according to the musical notes clue in the closet.

      From left to right, the buttons are red, blue, and yellow.

    3. Get the stick.

  5. Three shapes box

    1. Turn to the brown cabinet. Zoom in on the top part. Use the stick to get the triangle shape from the top left.

    2. Go to the three-shapes box (next to the door) and put in your three shapes.

    3. Get the wire cutters.

  6. Locked box

    1. Use the wire cutters to get the key dangling in the closet.

    2. Use the key to open the locked box (left cubbyhole in the low shelf/bench next to the closet).

    3. Get the knobs.

  7. Handle-less doors

    1. Put the knobs into place on the bottom doors of the brown cabinet.

    2. Add the screws that used to be in the closet doors.

    3. Get the blue arrow.

  8. The devices

    1. Put the three arrows onto the three silver, uh, well, "devices". (They will automatically go in the right place, you don't need to know their colors.)

    2. If you haven't already done so, get the arrow clue from the high shelf.

    3. Rotate the arrows as indicated in the clue.

    4. That sound was the door unlocking. You're outta here!

Bremen Town Musicians 2 Walkthrough

  1. Get the key. Go right.

  2. Use the key on the chest. Get the gasoline container.

  3. Go right twice. Fill the container with gas.

  4. Go left to the truck. Pour the gas into the tub. Get the dog and the padlock.

  5. Go left. Put the dog on the donkey's back. (You know you're playing a Minoto game when "Put the dog on the donkey's back" is actually one of the more logical steps.)

  6. Go left. Use the padlock on the screw holding the moon. Get the moon.

  7. Go all the way right. Put the moon in the sky. Get the rake.

  8. Go left twice. Use the rake to get the radish. (Looks like a parsnip to me, but what do I know.)

  9. Go right and put the radish into the guillotine. Pick up the pieces of radish and get the chicken.

  10. Examine the radish. Get the caterpillar.

  11. Examine the caterpillar. Click it until it forms itself into a blocky backwards-C shape.

  12. Go left twice. Use the caterpillar on the freezer door. Get the dough.

  13. Go right. Pour the dough onto the griddle above the fire. Get the fish-shaped pancake.

  14. Go right twice. Give the fish to the cat. Get the cat.

  15. Go left twice. Put the cat on the dog's back, then put the chicken on the cat's back. (I think you need to click the donkey each time; clicking the other animals won't work.)

  16. Go left. Open the curtains. Click the ninja or whoever he is.

  17. Click the covered dish on the table. (Just when you thought things couldn't get any stranger, eh?)


shipoopie June 4, 2014 1:08 AM

ESCAPE MEN 102 - Frill free walkthrough

Puzzle free escape men

In the hanging picture.

Under the phone receiver.

Above the window on the right. Shake it out with the blinds.

Under the seat cushion.

In the right side of the lower cabinet.

On the back of the appointment book.


Two buttons

The code is the flag man outside the left window.


Take the money and the escape man.

Four colored squares

The code is in the appointment book.

The colors of those fruits are RED, ORANGE and BLUE, PINK.
For color blind, the equivalent clicks are, from black… 4, 6 and 3, 2.

Take the cig-a-rettes and have yourself a loosie.


The code is on the back of the hanging picture.


Enter the code and wait for the computer to go to sleep.

Think quick!


Give him the money.


Open the door and leave.


It's been a while since I've played a Minoto game. Let's just say, they haven't gotten any less straaaaaaange.


Fruit Kitchens #6 - Blueberry Violet Walkthrough

This is in right-to-left order as you look at the room.

  1. Can

    1. Look in the bottom-left cabinet under the window.

    2. Get the can opener from above the books.

    3. Use the can opener to open the can on the table.

  2. Tube

    1. Open the right-hand cabinet above the sink. Get the ball.

    2. Look at the transparent tube between the window and the door. Put the ball in the top.

  3. Pink device

    1. Get the knob from the stove backsplash (click the circle that doesn't match the rest)

    2. Look at the domed thingy below the window. Put the knob into the spot on its bottom.

  4. Window

    Check the curtains

  5. Shelf

    Look at the wire shelf behind the frog

    Specifically, check the top shelf

  6. Cups

    Look through the stack of cups next to the sink.

  7. Top left cabinet

    1. Look at the book on the table for a hint.

    2. Get the magnifying glass from the frog.

    3. Use the magnifying glass on the pink device under the window. Note the number.

    4. Put the number into the box in the leftmost upper cabinet.

shipoopie June 4, 2014 2:19 AM

ESCAPE MEN 103: The Balcony - Frill free walkthrough

Puzzle-free escape men

In the left towel.

Hanging off the balcony from a blue string.

In the bucket.

Behind the boxes in the shed.

Under the big box, too.

Behind the flag of Argentina magnet.



On the right of the shed are two buttons. Click them randomly. Take the escape man and the seed.

Blue Box

The four digit code is color coded:

Red / 1

On the towel.

Green / 2

Behind the blue circle magnet.

Yellow / 3

In the window above your sleeping friend.

Blue / 4

Behind the smudge.

The complete code is...


Take the shovel.


Pour water on the smudge.

You get water by:

Looking behind the potting soil for a plastic bottle.

Filling it up from the bucket.

Follow the puddle to the drain and take the escape man.

Sneaky Escape Man

That little bugger's on the roof!

Above the sliding glass doors near the potting soil. (sneaky)

Combine the short broom and the deck brush with the blue string.

Use that contraption to get the escape man off the roof.


You found the brush and broom in the shed, and the string hanging from the railing behind the clothesline.

Flower Pot

Get some soil with the shovel.

Put the seed in the flower pot.

Cover the seed with soil.

Look at the shovel again and find something special.

Oh boy! The escape men turned into a bottle of Escape-man Power!

Pour the Escape-man Power juice into the flower pot.


There are two possible endings.

Jungle END:

Climb down the vines by clicking either of the big green arrows that appear when you mouse over the sky behind the shed.

Super-secret "Wake-up END":

Bang on the glass door 5 times to wake up your friend and he'll let you in. You could have done this at the very beginning, but what fun is that?

shipoopie June 4, 2014 2:21 AM

Woo. It's fun to make walkthroughs. I'm going to play blueberry violet now and not use the walkthrough, Reka. Or will I? I dunno! :-D

shipoopie June 4, 2014 2:35 AM

HAHA! The end of Bremen Town Musicians is awesome!

TIP: If you get stuck,

then try to remember (or look it up), the old story that this game is based on. Or, just try everything with everything. :-P

shipoopie June 4, 2014 2:49 AM


I agree with your 3 Devices comment. I had thought that I'd already played this one when I saw

the cabinet with the stars and the puzzle it clues you in to.

It's simple, but I think it would work as a warm up to get your brain in gear for a day of escape gaming. If you need a walkthrough, then it's probably the first escape game you've ever played. Or, your copy of Lumosity has cobwebs! :-D


Is it me or is Funkylands' games getting easier and easier...?

korvarthefox June 4, 2014 9:33 AM replied to shipoopie

Sadly, I'm stuck on 3 Devices :(

I have

Red circle, blue square (I know where they go, I just picked them up on the off-chance they'd be helpful in their own right), screwdriver, two screws, the paper with the arrow clue, and a stick or metal shaft. The red and yellow arrows are in their respective devices.

I need to

Cut the chain holding the key, find the triangle, find door handles for the lower part of the star cupboard, find the last (blue) arrow.

I have pretty much tried sticking everything into everything.

Here's hoping for power of post...


for escape man 102, did anyone else expect a 'hello?' to come from the boss's door at the end?

bearharry June 4, 2014 9:59 AM


You can use the metal shaft to get the yellow triangle from above the cupboard

I think the only difficult point in Funkylands' games is the device, and without device, the game is too normal, and it should not have the clue of using the


TIP for Bremen Town Musicians

Forget how you get the inventory, think what you can do with it

bearharry June 4, 2014 10:03 AM

You should play 101, which is the boss need to escape


Escape Men 103 - the shed

Don't just click the buttons randomly. (Geez! Where's your sense of order?) Solve the box first, then use that solution on the buttons.


Escape from the Room of Three Devices Walkthrough

  1. Wobbly picture

    1. Look at the stars in the brown cabinet; note the position of the colors.

      TL = yellow, TR = red, BL = green, BR = blue

    2. Turn left from the brown cabinet and zoom in on the picture on the wall.

    3. Click the corners in the sequence indicated on the picture itself.

    4. Get the red arrow and the circle shape.

  2. 3-digit box

    (This is in the middle of the low shelf/bench on the same wall as the closet.)

    1. Look at the box: it has a circle and a square on it.

    2. Examine the circle shape in your inventory. Note the number on its back.

    3. Note the "×10" in a square in the cubbyhole to the right of the box.

    4. Put those two clues together to get the three-digit code.

    5. Get the screwdriver.

  3. Closet

    1. Use the screwdriver to remove the bar over the closet handles.

    2. Get the yellow arrow and the square shape.

    3. Note the dangling key and the musical notes.

      The notes are, top to bottom, red, yellow, red, blue, blue, yellow.

  4. Musical note puzzle

    1. Look at the high shelf next to the closet.

    2. Press the buttons according to the musical notes clue in the closet.

      From left to right, the buttons are red, blue, and yellow.

    3. Get the stick.

  5. Three shapes box

    1. Turn to the brown cabinet. Zoom in on the top part. Use the stick to get the triangle shape from the top left.

    2. Go to the three-shapes box (next to the door) and put in your three shapes.

    3. Get the wire cutters.

  6. Locked box

    1. Use the wire cutters to get the key dangling in the closet.

    2. Use the key to open the locked box (left cubbyhole in the low shelf/bench next to the closet).

    3. Get the knobs.

  7. Handle-less doors

    1. Put the knobs into place on the bottom doors of the brown cabinet.

    2. Add the screws that used to be in the closet doors.

    3. Get the blue arrow.

  8. The devices

    1. Put the three arrows onto the three silver, uh, well, "devices". (They will automatically go in the right place, you don't need to know their colors.)

    2. If you haven't already done so, get the arrow clue from the high shelf.

    3. Rotate the arrows as indicated in the clue.

    4. That sound was the door unlocking. You're outta here!


Bremen Town Musicians 2 Walkthrough

  1. Get the key. Go right.

  2. Use the key on the chest. Get the gasoline container.

  3. Go right twice. Fill the container with gas.

  4. Go left to the truck. Pour the gas into the tub. Get the dog and the padlock.

  5. Go left. Put the dog on the donkey's back. (You know you're playing a Minoto game when "Put the dog on the donkey's back" is actually one of the more logical steps.)

  6. Go left. Use the padlock on the screw holding the moon. Get the moon.

  7. Go all the way right. Put the moon in the sky. Get the rake.

  8. Go left twice. Use the rake to get the radish. (Looks like a parsnip to me, but what do I know.)

  9. Go right and put the radish into the guillotine. Pick up the pieces of radish and get the chicken.

  10. Examine the radish. Get the caterpillar.

  11. Examine the caterpillar. Click it until it forms itself into a blocky backwards-C shape.

  12. Go left twice. Use the caterpillar on the freezer door. Get the dough.

  13. Go right. Pour the dough onto the griddle above the fire. Get the fish-shaped pancake.

  14. Go right twice. Give the fish to the cat. Get the cat.

  15. Go left twice. Put the cat on the dog's back, then put the chicken on the cat's back. (I think you need to click the donkey each time; clicking the other animals won't work.)

  16. Go left. Open the curtains. Click the ninja or whoever he is.

  17. Click the covered dish on the table. (Just when you thought things couldn't get any stranger, eh?)

korvarthefox June 4, 2014 1:56 PM

@bearharry thanks - I swear I'd checked above and to the sides of everything, but apparently not! :)

shipoopie June 4, 2014 2:57 PM replied to Reka



I figured that shape above those buttons probably was important but the first time I opened it it just opened and when I tested it out a bunch more times, the sequence had absolutely no consistency.

shipoopie June 4, 2014 3:35 PM replied to bearharry


I would have never used that object with that other object if it hadn't been for that clue. There was no reason to do so except for blind frustration making you click everywhere on everything and throw your mouse out the window. It was a good clue. I wish there were more clues like that. For example I know about shaky picture frames now, but only because I read a walkthrough way back. I've never seen a clue that says to shake a picture frame by clicking the corners in a specific sequence.


having trouble with Escape Men 102

Red Orange Blue Pink doesn't seem to work on the 4 button code. Any ideas on what I did wrong? it looked like it was saying Red top left,Orange top right, Blue bottom left, and pink bottom right. i'm confused. I tried different combos just in case but again nothing.

Patreon Donator Reka June 4, 2014 7:37 PM replied to Paul

Paul, try looking in the book that has the clues.

How do you read a book? Do you read a paragraph on page 76, then skip to page 77 and read a paragraph, then skip back to page 76 to read another paragraph, and so on? Or do you read page 76 from top to bottom, then move to the top of page 77 and read down?

The walkthrough lists the colors in the order you would encounter them if you read the appointment book in normal reading order.

So top left is red, bottom left is orange, top right is blue, bottom right is pink.

shjack180 June 4, 2014 9:30 PM

I am so late to this, but yayyyy!!! Congrats, elle on your 300th article and 3rd year with jayisgames and thank you for all you do :D

Reply June 5, 2014 12:33 AM

Congratulations, Elle! And thanks for keeping all the escape games coming our way.

aceadventurer June 5, 2014 2:03 AM

I would like to take a moment and congratulate Elle for her 300 hundredth article and three years of outstanding writing and reviews on this site. I consider myself a gamer, but I had missed out on escape games until Elle opened the door, so to speak, and introduced me to a whole new genre of games. Keep up the wonderful work!


Thank you for keeping up the escape coverage. JIG is the best portal for escape games.


reka I did try that at first but it didn't work but after I posted that I tried it again and it did work. sorry about that. anyway,cool games this time around. interesting that there were 5 instead of the usual 3 in the weekday escape collection. but still cool :).

Carlymau June 5, 2014 2:48 PM

Happy 3rd JiG birthday Elle!


In Escape-Men 103, the

two buttons on the shed aren't clicked randomly. Rather,

refer to the code on the blue box:


(3 right 5 left)

Patreon Supporter Scaper February 8, 2015 8:15 PM replied to Reka

Absolutely right.
The solution to the buttons on the side of the shed is

related to the color puzzle

so the answer to the color puzzle is

R3L5. So you have to click on the right button 3 times and on the left button 5 times.


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