An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Weekday Escape N°28

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Weekday Escape

elleIt's vacation time for some folks...either to escape from winter or to indulge in summer in all its regale. As far as I'm concerned, there is no better place to holiday than someplace sunny, sandy and tropical. I bet FunkyLand and Esklavos are thinking the same thing with some ideas of mangoes and magical books thrown in. Meanwhile, No1Game's escape-men refuse to go to work; you could let them enjoy the time off, but then what sort of manager would you be? Read on for more about this week's Weekday Escape selections...

Fruit Kitchens No.7: Apple MangoFruit Kitchens No.7: Apple Mango - The luscious colors of apple mangoes, a pretty sandy beach outside making your toes tap just thinking of walking along it, and FunkyLand's setting is oh so hip—what more is needed to enjoy this little escape? Perhaps harder puzzles would be nice but, despite the too obvious clues, the clever hands-on feel makes them fun all the same. Besides, the simple task of searching for fruit in this game is heaps more fun than trying to find your other missing flip-flop.

Magic Book EscapeMagic Book Escape - Esklavos and magical go so well together. One glance at the gorgeous artwork and already you can sense the magic. Then, solve your way through the scenes and the items you need to "escape" magically appear before your eyes. This is also one of Esklavos easier games; as long as you can find the clues, you probably won't have much trouble figuring out the rest. The puzzles are nicely tactile and involve some manipulation of the elements; although this can be a tad tedious with a point-and-click interface, its creative feel makes it more satisfying to complete.

Find the Escape-Men 105: FreshmenFind the Escape-Men 105: Freshmen - No1Game never has trouble thinking up scenarios in which ten green little men can be hidden, but this particular set-up hits a little closer to home for those of us who can't stand being inside an office when the sky is sunny and the days are long. But gathering up the escape-men isn't too hard, as far as puzzles and hiding places go. If you're used to No1Game's quirks and tricks, then you'll know that sometimes doing nothing is exactly what needs doing while other tasks need more frequent checks.

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Apple Mango Walkthrough


Table View

Note the coconut, which can turn in either direction.
Pick up the Can Opener

Use the Can Opener on the Can to receive Apple Mango #1

Kitchen Counter View

Zoom in on the Frog to find Apple Mango #2 and a Key

Back up to see a fruit you can't reach yet on top, and a locked cabinet on the right

Use the Key to open and receive Apple Mango #3.

Note the design on the mugs below it.

Window View

Note locked Code Box

On the shelf below it, collect Battery

On the right of shelf, collect Mop

Door View

Click on the Flamingo box

Use the Battery on the black box below the Flamingos. Note pattern, and the 'Hint' at the top of the box.

Fridge View

Open to collect Apple Mangp #4

Solving Puzzles

Red Code Box

Use the mug dot pattern from the top right cabinet in Kitchen View



Collect Apple Mango #5

Coconut Box

Use the Flamingo Pattern to turn Coconut


Left, Right, Right, Left, Right

Collect Apple Mango #6


Use Mop in the Kitchen View to receive Apple Mango #7

Get your Funkyland Fruit Key and Escape!

Find the ESCAPE-MEN 105: Freshmen … Mega-extended WALKTHROUGH

Go into the office and steal someone's headphones off of the four desks that are pushed together.

Look under the desk at lower left by pulling out the chair and peeking your head underneath.

Now, peek under the desk at the upper left.

Next, peek under the desk at the lower right.

Might as well peek under the desk at the upper right, too.

Oh, hey! Some lazy employee is hiding there! SNATCH HIM UP!

Okay, time to go take a bathroom break.

NOT the ladies' room. Hen desu ne!

Can't go? Okay, then go back to the office and check out the big desk in the corner.

Ahhh. This is a nice chair. Let's take a rest for a few seconds.

Ring ring!

Ring ring!

Hey, you better answer the phone.

Oh, it's the mother of one of our missing employees.

…or is it?


Okay, now, sit back in the chair and look around the office….

…boy that's a nice motivational poster in the upper left.

How did we hire such magical employees?! SNATCH HIM UP!

Alright, time to get to some emails.

Open up the laptop computer.

Click on the garbage can in the upper left.


Okay, try the next icon down.


Hmmm… what about the third icon?

Wow. Nothing there, either?

Well, what about that last icon? The one that looks like an envelope.

Pictman Tom is absent. Okay, well. I guess it's time to get back to looking for everyone else. Sheesh.

Grab the cellular telephone.


Click the circle with the "i" in the lower right corner.

No information there.

Try the magnifying glass icon just above.

Nothing again. Strange.

What about the blue and red icon in the lower left?

Strike three!

Tap on the red sun shaped icon next.

Well, at least we know the weather.

Tap the weather information to get back to the home screen.

Tap the phone shaped icon in the middle.

There must not be any service in this building.

Well, there's only one icon left. The music note. Might as well tap that.

Tap on the big triangle.

Nothing but a blue note and a black square? Alright. Enough messing around with your phone. Time to get back to work!

Or, rather, let's use the bathroom again.

One of the toilets is occupato.

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock!

Better leave the bathroom. That guy might get the wrong idea.

Hey! A good idea! Grab that light bulb!

Might be a good idea to go upstairs.

An insane green guy!

Can't grab him yet.

It's nice weather up here, though.

Check the smart phone to see if it's still got the correct weather forecast.

Looks like rain. Better go back inside.

Time for a smoke break.

Click the cigarette shape.

Cough cough cough!

It's all smoky in here!

Except for that one space in the upper left.

A locked panel?

Uh-oh! Can't hold it any longer. This smoke break will have to wait!

Back to the mens' room!

That guy's still in there!

It would be a good idea to make him leave.

Use the light bulb on the left toilet door.


Let's go take a nap. This searching around is tiresome.

Click on the bed shaped shape.

Woah! Woah! Woah! Hey, get up you lazy bum!

How can we wake him up?

Maybe there's something under that vacant bed that'll help.

Hey! A key! Well, this guy can stay asleep. This key has a date with a lock!

Go back to the smoking room and use the key on the locked panel.

Looks like there's a lever inside.

Pull it down.

That really cleared things up.

And one of our lazy employees is taking a smoke break! SNATCH HIM UP!

Yipes, it's stinky in here. There's a big window in the upper right, but let's go upstairs instead. More air on the roof.

It's raining, but that insane guy is still up here.


Alright, that's enough air. Time to check emails again.

Go back to the big desk in the office and read the latest email.

Nothing important.

Well, this is an office, so let's make some copies.

Exit the office and go back in to where the four desks are.

Go up to the copy machine.

Open the top.

Got anything to copy?

You could try to copy an escape man. It's been that kind of day.

Put an escape man on the glass.

Close the top.

Click the black rectangle.

It's off.

Check behind the copy machine for a power cord.

Oh. Great. Our company is so cheap you have to pay for your own copies.

Use the purse on the coin slot.

Go back and click on the black rectangle.

Make a copy by clicking MONO and then START.

Take the black and white escape man copy.

Well, that was dumb. Better make a color copy.

Try COLOR and START instead.


Time to check emails again.

OOOOoooooh. My goodness. Tee-hee-hee.

Hmm… better not look at the attachment. That'd be wrong.

Tee-hee-hee. Nobody's looking.

Check the attachment by clicking on the paper clip icon.

WOW-WEE! Oh. Well. It's not that bad.


Ugh. Well it's been a tough day. Time to take a nap again.

Sheesh. That lazy bum is still sleeping! Better wake him up.

But how?

Maybe some loud music.

Attach the headphones to the smartphone.

Put the headphones and phone combination on the lazy employee.


Okay. Pick it back up and take a closer look at the music icon. Is it still a black square?

What does the icon in the very top right of the screen say?

Is it a big red X? The sound must be muted.

Look for a volume switch.

Click near the left side of the phone to turn it.

Click the switch.

Turn the phone back around and see if the volume icon indicates that the sound is no longer muted.

It does? Cool.

Put the headphones back on the green dude with the snot bubble.


Well all that excitement cured your need for a nap. Time to get some fresh air.

But, not on the roof.

Go back to the smoking room and open the window.

Ah. Fresh air.

It'll help us to think where the last escape man is.

Sometimes you have to wait around for something to happen.

But, not this time.

Click near the right edge of the window to peer outside.

Elite Division? SNATCH HIM UP!

That was escape man number ten, right?

Why didn't anything happen?

Count the escape men again.

You picked up ten escape men, for sure. What's the big idea?

Remember back that you put one down.

Back at the copy machine.

Go re-snatch that guy!

Oh, no! Yakuza!

Oh, it's just our employees wearing suits.



spike21 June 18, 2014 1:30 AM

I just finished Magic Book Escape... I think? It seemed very short and one item

broken bottle pieces

didn't get used. Is there more than one ending?

korvarthefox June 18, 2014 8:13 AM

Yes! All three done without a walkthrough, or even a hint!

Either these are getting easier, or I'm getting smarter!

...I'm not getting smarter, am I?


I found the first 2 pretty easy, but the escape-men has me stumped. I'll have to keep at it.

sullytyme June 18, 2014 9:17 AM replied to Zero-K

I was stumped on escape-men as well.

Then I found a box in the smoking room

baileydonk June 18, 2014 12:15 PM

Stuck on the very last escape man.

Put the headphones on the sleeping guy, but can't wake him up.

korvarthefox June 18, 2014 12:27 PM replied to baileydonk


If you look at the screen of the smartphone, you can see the sound is muted. See if you can find a way to unmute.

Check the side of the phone

shjack180 June 18, 2014 6:49 PM

Aw, back to three games only, huh? Oh well, three are better than none! Fun little group this week. Didn't need a hint or walkthrough on any of them, but the green man escape one had some tricky pixel hunting, I thought.

JudyJetson June 18, 2014 10:06 PM

Okay, the apple mango one was too easy, but the other two have me stuck. I'm stuck on the green men with a

purse and headphones,

and I'm stuck after solving only one puzzle from the magic book

the one with the sixteen 'comets' facing different directions that gets me a page from the book

I think I'm overlooking some spots that I need to search, or some items in plain sight. I have a tendency to overthink and overlook when I'm tired. Tips?

JudyJetson June 18, 2014 10:41 PM

I was overlooking the

computer desk with the phone

. Now I've got 7 escape men, and I'm about to kill the

freaking copy machine!!! I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it, or where the key is for the smoking room.

Also, still stuck on the magic book as well. I don't know where else to try

digging with the shovel. I've tried all the spots in the sand in all three scenes. Am I missing a scene?

I feel so silly. I've solved much harder escape games than these without help before. Ho hum. O well.



For the escape man game, make sure to check under and to the sides of everything you can. That should help with

the key and turning on the copy machine


For the magic book game,

you can't dig with the shovel until you have something to help you know where to dig

. For that you need to solve another puzzle,

check out the other standing stone and the arch.

Reply June 18, 2014 11:11 PM

All three were fun! The green men was definitely more challenging than usual ... but the tips on here got me through. Thanks again, Elle!

JudyJetson June 18, 2014 11:26 PM replied to CptnSuz

Thanks for the help. I guess there's a little more pixel hunting in the escape men game than I expected, it took me ages to find the key. And oh my gosh!

I was trying everything I could to open the purse, and searching the entire building for a loose coin, and all the time all I had to do was use the purse itself ON the coin slot.

Seriously! some of the crazy puzzles I solve on some of these escape games, and it's things like this that stump me. Go figure!

Still stuck in the same spot on magic book. I see

the design on the standing rock (it looks like the arch over the magic door) but I can't zoom in on it, or on any spot on the door.

I'll keep toying with things, something is bound to work eventually. Thanks for the help with the little green men! :)

Patreon Donator Reka June 19, 2014 2:06 AM replied to JudyJetson

For the magic book escape,

there's a rectangular plate at the top of the arch. Click on it to zoom in. Click the squares to form the design you saw on the rock pillar in the first (leftmost) scene.

shipoopie June 19, 2014 2:15 AM

apple mango! :-D

It's fun when you can just do a short game that's not too hard and not too easy. Funkyland!

shipoopie June 19, 2014 2:43 AM

I found that you can't do much if you're holding an item in Magic Book Escape so you have to put it down to do anything else that the item isn't intended for.


can't wait for the walkthroughs :)

Patreon Donator Reka June 19, 2014 10:38 AM replied to Paul

You really should try the Apple Mango one without a walkthrough, Paul. It's incredibly easy. The clues are practically telegraphed.

The other two are somewhat harder just because of some pixel-hunts (and in the escape men one, having to revisit places you've looked at already), but Fruit Kitchens 7 has absolutely no hard puzzles, no pixel hunts, and the only red herring is the upper-left kitchen cabinet.

VoxPopuli42 June 19, 2014 1:12 PM

Magic Book Escape Walkthrough


Cabana View

Nothing to collect, but things to notice:
A locked chest
A board on the left with a arrow design
A rock on the right with a design
A hotspot on the sand that we can't access yet

Tree View

Things to collect:

A white STONE under the fallen tree

Things to notice:
A cracker/cookie machine
A parrot in the tree above it
Something floating in the water that we can't get yet
String wrapped around the fallen tree

Gate View

Things to collect:

A Shovel leaning against the fate

Things to notice:
A rock with a lot of arrows
A rectangle on top of the gate that has squares that can be clicked
A book missing some pages
Two hotspots on the sand that we can't access yet


Arrow Puzzle

Use the pattern you saw on the left in the Cabana View

Collect Page [1/3]

Square Design

Use the pattern you saw on the rock in the Cabana View

Collect a Metal Detector from on top of the Gate

Cracker Machine

Use the Coin you dug up on the machine to receive a Cracker

Use the Cracker on the parrot to receive a Page [2/3]

Locked Chest

Use the KEY you dug up to open the chest, and receive NET

Floating Object

Use the Knife you dug up on the fallen tree to receive ROPE

Combine Rope and Net to make a Net-on-a-Rope

Use new Net on the floating thing to get Paper in a Bottle

Combine Stone and Paper in a Bottle to get a Page [3/3]

Digging Stuff Up

Locations of Objects:


To the left of the Gate
There are two places to dig- the top one will have the coin


To the right of the Gate
There are two places to dig- the one above the metal detector will have the knife


In front of the rocks in the Cabana view
There are two places to dig- the one to the top right will have the key (it can be hard to see)


Use 3 Pages on the book in Gate View.

The mystic smoke is the signal meaning you can click the shimmery gate- Well done!


well it's just easier for me reka :)

VoxPopuli42 June 19, 2014 3:14 PM

Apple Mango Walkthrough


Table View

Note the coconut, which can turn in either direction.
Pick up the Can Opener

Use the Can Opener on the Can to receive Apple Mango #1

Kitchen Counter View

Zoom in on the Frog to find Apple Mango #2 and a Key

Back up to see a fruit you can't reach yet on top, and a locked cabinet on the right

Use the Key to open and receive Apple Mango #3.

Note the design on the mugs below it.

Window View

Note locked Code Box

On the shelf below it, collect Battery

On the right of shelf, collect Mop

Door View

Click on the Flamingo box

Use the Battery on the black box below the Flamingos. Note pattern, and the 'Hint' at the top of the box.

Fridge View

Open to collect Apple Mangp #4

Solving Puzzles

Red Code Box

Use the mug dot pattern from the top right cabinet in Kitchen View



Collect Apple Mango #5

Coconut Box

Use the Flamingo Pattern to turn Coconut


Left, Right, Right, Left, Right

Collect Apple Mango #6


Use Mop in the Kitchen View to receive Apple Mango #7

Get your Funkyland Fruit Key and Escape!


elle, if I come off as nagging or whatever, I do apologize. remember I have Asperger's so this is one of my quirks. anyway I thought yesterday these games were featured so I thought i'd wait until today to ask for some. I do not mean to be annoying in anyway. :(

shipoopie June 19, 2014 4:17 PM

Find the ESCAPE-MEN 105: Freshmen … Mega-extended WALKTHROUGH

Go into the office and steal someone's headphones off of the four desks that are pushed together.

Look under the desk at lower left by pulling out the chair and peeking your head underneath.

Now, peek under the desk at the upper left.

Next, peek under the desk at the lower right.

Might as well peek under the desk at the upper right, too.

Oh, hey! Some lazy employee is hiding there! SNATCH HIM UP!

Okay, time to go take a bathroom break.

NOT the ladies' room. Hen desu ne!

Can't go? Okay, then go back to the office and check out the big desk in the corner.

Ahhh. This is a nice chair. Let's take a rest for a few seconds.

Ring ring!

Ring ring!

Hey, you better answer the phone.

Oh, it's the mother of one of our missing employees.

…or is it?


Okay, now, sit back in the chair and look around the office….

…boy that's a nice motivational poster in the upper left.

How did we hire such magical employees?! SNATCH HIM UP!

Alright, time to get to some emails.

Open up the laptop computer.

Click on the garbage can in the upper left.


Okay, try the next icon down.


Hmmm… what about the third icon?

Wow. Nothing there, either?

Well, what about that last icon? The one that looks like an envelope.

Pictman Tom is absent. Okay, well. I guess it's time to get back to looking for everyone else. Sheesh.

Grab the cellular telephone.


Click the circle with the "i" in the lower right corner.

No information there.

Try the magnifying glass icon just above.

Nothing again. Strange.

What about the blue and red icon in the lower left?

Strike three!

Tap on the red sun shaped icon next.

Well, at least we know the weather.

Tap the weather information to get back to the home screen.

Tap the phone shaped icon in the middle.

There must not be any service in this building.

Well, there's only one icon left. The music note. Might as well tap that.

Tap on the big triangle.

Nothing but a blue note and a black square? Alright. Enough messing around with your phone. Time to get back to work!

Or, rather, let's use the bathroom again.

One of the toilets is occupato.

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock!

Knock! Knock!

Better leave the bathroom. That guy might get the wrong idea.

Hey! A good idea! Grab that light bulb!

Might be a good idea to go upstairs.

An insane green guy!

Can't grab him yet.

It's nice weather up here, though.

Check the smart phone to see if it's still got the correct weather forecast.

Looks like rain. Better go back inside.

Time for a smoke break.

Click the cigarette shape.

Cough cough cough!

It's all smoky in here!

Except for that one space in the upper left.

A locked panel?

Uh-oh! Can't hold it any longer. This smoke break will have to wait!

Back to the mens' room!

That guy's still in there!

It would be a good idea to make him leave.

Use the light bulb on the left toilet door.


Let's go take a nap. This searching around is tiresome.

Click on the bed shaped shape.

Woah! Woah! Woah! Hey, get up you lazy bum!

How can we wake him up?

Maybe there's something under that vacant bed that'll help.

Hey! A key! Well, this guy can stay asleep. This key has a date with a lock!

Go back to the smoking room and use the key on the locked panel.

Looks like there's a lever inside.

Pull it down.

That really cleared things up.

And one of our lazy employees is taking a smoke break! SNATCH HIM UP!

Yipes, it's stinky in here. There's a big window in the upper right, but let's go upstairs instead. More air on the roof.

It's raining, but that insane guy is still up here.


Alright, that's enough air. Time to check emails again.

Go back to the big desk in the office and read the latest email.

Nothing important.

Well, this is an office, so let's make some copies.

Exit the office and go back in to where the four desks are.

Go up to the copy machine.

Open the top.

Got anything to copy?

You could try to copy an escape man. It's been that kind of day.

Put an escape man on the glass.

Close the top.

Click the black rectangle.

It's off.

Check behind the copy machine for a power cord.

Oh. Great. Our company is so cheap you have to pay for your own copies.

Use the purse on the coin slot.

Go back and click on the black rectangle.

Make a copy by clicking MONO and then START.

Take the black and white escape man copy.

Well, that was dumb. Better make a color copy.

Try COLOR and START instead.


Time to check emails again.

OOOOoooooh. My goodness. Tee-hee-hee.

Hmm… better not look at the attachment. That'd be wrong.

Tee-hee-hee. Nobody's looking.

Check the attachment by clicking on the paper clip icon.

WOW-WEE! Oh. Well. It's not that bad.


Ugh. Well it's been a tough day. Time to take a nap again.

Sheesh. That lazy bum is still sleeping! Better wake him up.

But how?

Maybe some loud music.

Attach the headphones to the smartphone.

Put the headphones and phone combination on the lazy employee.


Okay. Pick it back up and take a closer look at the music icon. Is it still a black square?

What does the icon in the very top right of the screen say?

Is it a big red X? The sound must be muted.

Look for a volume switch.

Click near the left side of the phone to turn it.

Click the switch.

Turn the phone back around and see if the volume icon indicates that the sound is no longer muted.

It does? Cool.

Put the headphones back on the green dude with the snot bubble.


Well all that excitement cured your need for a nap. Time to get some fresh air.

But, not on the roof.

Go back to the smoking room and open the window.

Ah. Fresh air.

It'll help us to think where the last escape man is.

Sometimes you have to wait around for something to happen.

But, not this time.

Click near the right edge of the window to peer outside.

Elite Division? SNATCH HIM UP!

That was escape man number ten, right?

Why didn't anything happen?

Count the escape men again.

You picked up ten escape men, for sure. What's the big idea?

Remember back that you put one down.

Back at the copy machine.

Go re-snatch that guy!

Oh, no! Yakuza!

Oh, it's just our employees wearing suits.


Patreon Donator Reka June 19, 2014 6:37 PM replied to shipoopie

Thanks for writing the walkthrough, shipoopie! In the future, though, you might want to think about ways to avoid the "wall of mystery spoilers" effect, for example by putting in a few non-spoiled waypoints/headings. (I understand that sometimes a game's structure makes that almost impossible, and sometimes you just don't have time to do anything other than list the steps you took...)

shipoopie June 19, 2014 7:57 PM replied to Reka


Oh, I know. But this time I was going for mega ultra extendo pedantico! :-)


Huh, that's strange: there's a walkthrough for the magic book game in the "Walkthrough Guide" section, but I don't see it in the comment section. How'd that happen?


The walkthrough for the escape men seems to either trail off or not saying all the steps. some says to find things or use things that I have no idea where they are and don't have them in my inventory.

shipoopie June 19, 2014 11:06 PM replied to Paul

You are incorrect.

Patreon Donator Reka June 20, 2014 1:59 AM replied to Paul

Alternative Escape Men 105 Walkthrough

Just for you, Paul. :)

  1. Phone

    Click the black square at the bottom of the map to look at your desk. Pick up the phone. Click through the conversation.

  2. Poster

    While at your desk, click the bottom of the frame visible on the wall in front of you.

  3. Computer

    • At your desk, click on the laptop. Open the email (bottom icon).

    • Back out of the scene (back to the map). Go back to the computer and read the new email.

    • Repeat until you get an email with an attachment (paperclip icon). Click the attachment.

  4. Desk

    On the map, click the four black squares near the middle to go to the office. Move the back right chair and look under the desk.

  5. Copier

    • In the office, zoom in on the copier.

    • Put one of your escape men on the copier glass.

    • Click the right side of the copier to find the coin slot.

    • Use your wallet on the slot. Click the back arrow.

    • Click the black panel on the front of the copier and choose color copy.

    • Don't forget to take back the escape man on the glass. (You're welcome to try getting a second copy; it won't work.)

  6. Sleeping guy

    • Get the cellphone from your desk.

    • Get the headphones from the office.

    • Look at the phone and find the mute button on the left edge; turn it off. On the front of the phone, click the music icon, then click the play button. Add the headphones.

    • On the map, click the bed. Put the headphones + cellphone on the sleeping guy.

    • If you haven't gotten the crazy guy yet, get the phone back.

  7. Smoker

    • In the bedroom, click just underneath the far bed. Get the key.

    • On the map, click the room with the cigarette icon in the top right corner.

    • Click the top left corner, where you can just see the bottom corner of a panel.

    • Use the key to open the panel. Flip the switch.

    • Back out from the panel to see the smoking guy.

  8. Elite Division

    Once you've cleared the smoke from the smoking room, click the window. Open the right side and look outside.

  9. Restroom

    At some point (I'm not sure when or what triggers it), someone enters the left-hand stall. Knock on the door several times until you get a thought bubble about talking to the wrong person. Back out to the map. Collect the good idea. Go back to the restroom and use the lightbulb/good idea on the door.

  10. Crazy guy

    • On the map, click the stairs at the top to go outside. Click the guy admiring the sky.

    • Go back to the map. On the phone, click the sun icon to get a weather report.

    • Go back outside; it should now be raining. (If it isn't, go back to the map and click the weather report on the phone again.)

    • Click the crazy guy twice.

shipoopie June 20, 2014 9:41 AM replied to Reka

I made an account at Jay Is Games because I thought it would be fun to make walkthroughs. But, Paul's constant demand for them and then his complaint that they aren't designed for him specifically have sucked the fun out of it entirely.

Patreon Donator Reka June 20, 2014 10:25 AM replied to shipoopie

@shipoopie, I hope I didn't offend you by writing an alternative walkthrough.

@Paul, if you find an error in a walkthrough, be specific and be gentle. Your comment comes across as "the walkthrough is all wrong", which clearly isn't true; it's possible there are errors, but it's equally possible that you missed a step or two. As with many other games, some actions in the escape-men games depend on you having done certain other things before.

For example, you need to look at the computer email message three times, and when you first start the game, there won't be anyone in the restroom yet.

If you omitted a step as unnecessary because "you'll just get the code from the walkthrough"

(as you tried with the Song of Flowers underline code)

then later on, it could appear that the walkthrough is wrong about something, but in reality you just missed a step.


wekk it said in one steop that I had something and to use it but I never had it. I went back through the walkthrough in case I missed something but everything was done already. I did not mean to sound rude. as I said before I have Asperger's so I get confused easily anyway. I will try in the future to be specific if I have an issue. Again I apologize :(


and shipoopie, it's really not a demand. I apologize to you too :(


So... what's the secret about getting the desk chairs to move in the escape men game? I click on the lower left chair, it moves; I click on the upper left chair, it moves; I click on the lower right chair, and the lower LEFT chair moves; I click on the upper right chair, nothing happens. What??

VoxPopuli42 June 23, 2014 3:21 PM

@Becky - you might have a bug, I didn't notice weird chair movements in my playthrough. Try clicking all over the upper right chair to make sure you're getting the hotspot, or maybe just re-loading the game?


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