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Weekday Escape N°105

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Weekday Escape

DoraHere comes Weekday Escape, here comes Weekday Escape, right down a lane they couldn't afford to get named after themselves... Hmmm, needs work. But while we work out how to break into the high-rolling world of Christmas soundtracks, why don't you enjoy these three holiday-themed escape games? This week! Amajeto's not only trimmed the tree, they've stocked it with presents for you! CHOKO-CHAI's cats are still at the school of witchcraft, but decorating their tree is part of their grade. And Aries Escape is throwing a Christmas party... too bad getting dressed for it is made complicated by some beastly puzzles!

Jigsaw Santa EscapeJigsaw Santa Escape - It's beginning to look a lot like Amajeto... hmmm, not sure that one's destined to become a classic Christmas chart topper. But if you're looking for something to make you feel a little festive, this'll hit the spot. Sure you're locked in a room, but there's presents, puzzles, a comfy bed, presents, books, and, oh yeah, did I mention... presents? It may not take you very long compared to some, but any excuse to kick back with some Christmas themed escapery is fine by me.

3 Cats and Christmas of The School of Witchcraft3 Cats and Christmas of The School of Witchcraft - CHOKO-CHAI's kittens are still being diligent students at the school of witchcraft, but just because they're learning how to deal with boggarts and properly care for blast-ended skrewts doesn't mean they don't have time for fun and games. In fact, getting a little Christmassy is part of their assignment... they have to decorate the tree before they can escape! Remember that you can actually call upon the cats to help you with things, so if you get stuck, try clicking the cat icon in the bottom left for certain obstacles.

My Boyfriend's Room 2My Boyfriend's Room 2 - Aries Escape is feeling a little of the Christmas cheer too... enough that this time, you're trying to get ready for the annual Christmas party you and your boyfriend throw. He's off preparing for it, and all you have to do is get dressed... which, of course, involves cracking some truly fiendish puzzles and locks. Despite a toe-tapping jingle-bell-riffic soundtrack, this one might be the least Christmassy of the lot from a theme standpoint if you're over getting deluged by the holiday, but unfortunately it may also be the least intuitive, too, so gird your loins and get cracking!

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

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My Boyfriend's Room 2 - Aries Escape Walkthrough

This is a bit more step-by-step than I usually try to do, but I don't have time for a more hint-oriented approach right now. Sorry. :)

Colorblind help is provided where needed. Note that the help is of the "click three times" variety, and none of the keypads/buttons reset themselves, so try not to click things randomly.


- get green key
- flip over leaf near the bottom left; get green numbers

Snowy painting

- get blue key


- lift left pillow; get blue numbers
- note bedspread pattern, specifically the four complete tiles in the middle column.

square with a plus sign, four-petal flower, square with ovals in the corners, circle with an X of bubbles in the middle


- flip over picture of fish; get knob
- Open the second drawer from the top. Combine green & blue numbers to open the box.

Note that the blue numbers have each digit exactly once, while the green numbers repeat the 6. So use the blue numbers to determine which of the green numbers to click.

For example, the blue 1 is in the middle. The number in the corresponding location on the green numbers is 5, so the first number of the code is 5. Next, the blue 2 is on the bottom left, which translates to 2; and so forth.


Get: coin

- Use the green key to open the bottom drawer.

The grouping box doesn't seem to have an additional hint, and the solutions don't really make sense, but trial and error has determined that you need to set each group of buttons to different categories of air, land, or sea - order doesn't matter, and crucially, you can and will have repeats, especially in the land category. The easiest is actually to just set each group to the same item, for example, three lions, three paper airplanes, and three fish.
- Get: an 8-letter clue.


- Use the bedspread pattern to open the doors on the right.

8 clicks, 2 clicks, 3 clicks, 7 clicks

- Use the clue from the grouping box to open the pink box; get the coin
- If you want, you can put your two coins into the weird lamp thingy on top of the dresser. It has four indicator lights, so we'll need a total of four coins.


- Put the knob (from the back of the fish picture) into the lamp.

Turn on the lamp and see if anything changes. No? Try clicking the switch some more: ah, there are two "on" positions.

If you turn on the lamp with the switch to the right, you'll see a code projected onto the nightstand.

Upright triangle, circle, upside-down triangle, circle, diamond, square, diamond

Coffee table

- Use the blue key to open the pink box; get the coin

TV stand

- Open the bottom right drawer.

Use the code from the nightstand to open the box.

Number of clicks: 4, 1, 2, 1, 5, 3, 5

Get: coin


- Put your coins into the coin-collector lamp thingy (all four indicator lights should turn green). Press the pink button and watch what happens.

Color sequence: blue, yellow, red, yellow, blue, green
Height sequence (4 = top, 1 = bottom): 4 3 2 3 4 1

TV stand

- Look at the equalizer on the top right shelf. Use the height code from the coins to open it. Get the grey key.


- Look under the cushions to find a yellow box.

Use the color code from the coins to open it.

Clicks: 7, 4, 1, 4, 7, 5

Get: personal security card

Fall painting

- Click the letters on the painting to "collect" them all on a white slip of paper. (The order doesn't matter.)
- Note that there's an arrow to the left.

Three buttons and an indicator light, but we don't have a clue for this yet.


- Use the personal security card to open the drawer.
- Unscramble the letters from the painting to open the aqua box.

Hint: despite the lack of other indicators to that effect, this is a Christmas game.


Get: paper with red dots scattered over it.

Fall painting

- Maybe those red dots aren't randomly scattered on that paper.

Each dot is at one of three different heights.

Bottom, top, middle, top, bottom, middle

Click the left arrow to view the three buttons, then press them according to the code.

- Click back to the right and note the numbers that appeared in the bottom right corner.



- Use the grey key to open the closet doors.
- Zoom in on the wardrobe door.

Note the arrow pointing up. A slot, eh?

Put the personal identification card into the slot, then look back down at the front of the pad.

Enter the code from the fall painting to open the wardrobe.

Normal end

Get the clothes from the wardrobe. Click the torso (to the right of your inventory) and put the clothes on it. Click the door and click OK to exit.

Happy end

Put on the clothes from the wardrobe, but don't go out the door yet. Look at the dresser; what's with the spotlight?

Get the cup from the coffee machine. Flip it over to find another coin.

Put the coin into the gadget (all the indicator lights will turn yellow) and press the pink button.

green, yellow, green, red, blue, red, blue, yellow, green

Go back to the closet and zoom in on the bottom drawer of the wardrobe. Click the buttons according to the new code from the coin thingy.

(numbering from left to right) 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 2 4

Open the drawer and get your presents: a necklace and a festive red, uh, outfit.
Put the necklace on, but keep the red outfit for later: she'll refuse to leave if you put it on.
Now you can go out the door.


Amajeto: come for the knock-off Tomatea, deal with the floatiest cursor ever.


Trying to do the 3 cats one... and I have

lights, bells and candy canes

but I'm stuck there. Any hints?

fetchund December 9, 2015 2:28 PM replied to fetchund

Picked up some

fake snow

, too... but that doesn't seem to help.



Door 7

Have you checked behind the cabinet o' doors? You might need help.

Final item

The door with the symbols on it can be opened. Again, don't be afraid to ask for assistance.

fetchund December 9, 2015 3:37 PM replied to Chris Ingersoll

Thanks! That did it!


So I found the solution for the "group" puzzle on a walkthrough, but can't find the clue.

Balloon Balloon Balloon / Ship Ship Ship / Lion Lion Lion

I didn't even find any clues with the same elements. What do you know?


For the grouping I think I see the reason but it's sort of lame:

It doesn't matter how you group as long as you have three across each line in different "genres" bird x3, ship x3 and fish x3 worked for me


I read what dankeesh wrote as I was also stuck.

So I tried:

Three shrimp for the sea.
Three paper airplanes for air.
Three lions for land.

And it worked.

It is a lame puzzle if that is really the rationale for the solution.


In case anyone else gets stumped in 3 Cats on how to use the "Snow" picture clue (which I was stuck on for quite a while):

It's a case of A=1, B=2, etc.

So "SNOW" becomes 19-14-15-23

And don't forget to

plug in the lights behind the tree.


Just a heads up.

I don't use an ad blocker and I have never had a problem at Aries site before, however I have found this time when visiting there has been some rather unpleasant/suggestive ads. Most were in a kind of anime(?) style, and one time in particular it appeared to be an underage girl, half dressed in a school uniform in a rather suggestive manner.

Normally, scantily clad female characters in ads for some game or whatever are just an annoyance to ignore, however I felt extremely uncomfortable with a couple of these ads and thought other people might like a warning.

I'm pretty sure it's not Aries fault which adverts appear on their site, and like I say I have never had a problem in the past visiting the site. I played this Aries escape game on the day it came out, which is when I saw that particular advert, so whether it is still there I don't know. But looking right now, there are still some that I find quite unpleasant.

I hope that these adverts are removed soon as I always look forward to Aries games.



The Amajeto game is a total knockoff of[ahem, sorry] "tribute to" a Tomatea game, but I can't for the life of me figure out *which* Tomatea game. It seems to me I've played it recently, but it's not any of the Tomatea titles that have been featured on this site this year (that I can find).


OK, need Aries help. I've gotten pretty far through -- including some not-so-obvious clue combinations -- but now I'm stuck. I have one clue left that doesn't seem to match ANYTHING, one puzzle left with no clue, one lock without a key, and one item I've used but is not disabled in my inventory. Frantic and repeated clicking has revealed no hidden hot spots, and all solved puzzles seem to yield no new information. Ideas sought.


Also, did anyone else get the interesting arrangement of

letters from the red painting?

It's supposed to point to a later puzzle box that needs the word SANTA, but my automatic clue card generated the word SATAN.


Ha! POP. (I did that on purpose.)

The light tree has 2 clues buried in it:

The color sequence AND the height sequence.


Also also, I see nothing wrong with the red dress.


My Boyfriend's Room 2 - Aries Escape Walkthrough

This is a bit more step-by-step than I usually try to do, but I don't have time for a more hint-oriented approach right now. Sorry. :)

Colorblind help is provided where needed. Note that the help is of the "click three times" variety, and none of the keypads/buttons reset themselves, so try not to click things randomly.


- get green key
- flip over leaf near the bottom left; get green numbers

Snowy painting

- get blue key


- lift left pillow; get blue numbers
- note bedspread pattern, specifically the four complete tiles in the middle column.

square with a plus sign, four-petal flower, square with ovals in the corners, circle with an X of bubbles in the middle


- flip over picture of fish; get knob
- Open the second drawer from the top. Combine green & blue numbers to open the box.

Note that the blue numbers have each digit exactly once, while the green numbers repeat the 6. So use the blue numbers to determine which of the green numbers to click.

For example, the blue 1 is in the middle. The number in the corresponding location on the green numbers is 5, so the first number of the code is 5. Next, the blue 2 is on the bottom left, which translates to 2; and so forth.


Get: coin

- Use the green key to open the bottom drawer.

The grouping box doesn't seem to have an additional hint, and the solutions don't really make sense, but trial and error has determined that you need to set each group of buttons to different categories of air, land, or sea - order doesn't matter, and crucially, you can and will have repeats, especially in the land category. The easiest is actually to just set each group to the same item, for example, three lions, three paper airplanes, and three fish.
- Get: an 8-letter clue.


- Use the bedspread pattern to open the doors on the right.

8 clicks, 2 clicks, 3 clicks, 7 clicks

- Use the clue from the grouping box to open the pink box; get the coin
- If you want, you can put your two coins into the weird lamp thingy on top of the dresser. It has four indicator lights, so we'll need a total of four coins.


- Put the knob (from the back of the fish picture) into the lamp.

Turn on the lamp and see if anything changes. No? Try clicking the switch some more: ah, there are two "on" positions.

If you turn on the lamp with the switch to the right, you'll see a code projected onto the nightstand.

Upright triangle, circle, upside-down triangle, circle, diamond, square, diamond

Coffee table

- Use the blue key to open the pink box; get the coin

TV stand

- Open the bottom right drawer.

Use the code from the nightstand to open the box.

Number of clicks: 4, 1, 2, 1, 5, 3, 5

Get: coin


- Put your coins into the coin-collector lamp thingy (all four indicator lights should turn green). Press the pink button and watch what happens.

Color sequence: blue, yellow, red, yellow, blue, green
Height sequence (4 = top, 1 = bottom): 4 3 2 3 4 1

TV stand

- Look at the equalizer on the top right shelf. Use the height code from the coins to open it. Get the grey key.


- Look under the cushions to find a yellow box.

Use the color code from the coins to open it.

Clicks: 7, 4, 1, 4, 7, 5

Get: personal security card

Fall painting

- Click the letters on the painting to "collect" them all on a white slip of paper. (The order doesn't matter.)
- Note that there's an arrow to the left.

Three buttons and an indicator light, but we don't have a clue for this yet.


- Use the personal security card to open the drawer.
- Unscramble the letters from the painting to open the aqua box.

Hint: despite the lack of other indicators to that effect, this is a Christmas game.


Get: paper with red dots scattered over it.

Fall painting

- Maybe those red dots aren't randomly scattered on that paper.

Each dot is at one of three different heights.

Bottom, top, middle, top, bottom, middle

Click the left arrow to view the three buttons, then press them according to the code.

- Click back to the right and note the numbers that appeared in the bottom right corner.



- Use the grey key to open the closet doors.
- Zoom in on the wardrobe door.

Note the arrow pointing up. A slot, eh?

Put the personal identification card into the slot, then look back down at the front of the pad.

Enter the code from the fall painting to open the wardrobe.

Normal end

Get the clothes from the wardrobe. Click the torso (to the right of your inventory) and put the clothes on it. Click the door and click OK to exit.

Happy end

Put on the clothes from the wardrobe, but don't go out the door yet. Look at the dresser; what's with the spotlight?

Get the cup from the coffee machine. Flip it over to find another coin.

Put the coin into the gadget (all the indicator lights will turn yellow) and press the pink button.

green, yellow, green, red, blue, red, blue, yellow, green

Go back to the closet and zoom in on the bottom drawer of the wardrobe. Click the buttons according to the new code from the coin thingy.

(numbering from left to right) 4 2 4 3 1 3 1 2 4

Open the drawer and get your presents: a necklace and a festive red, uh, outfit.
Put the necklace on, but keep the red outfit for later: she'll refuse to leave if you put it on.
Now you can go out the door.


I need a hint on 3 cats. How do I open the last two locked cupboards, 7 and 26?


Thank you, Reka - just the level of hints I needed. I'd been going round in circles without realising that I'd missed something really obvious, so you saved me from an evening of frustration!


@Indie Gee:

I gave a hint for Door 7 upthread. You'll get the key for 26 shortly after.


As I understand it, the grouping for Aries 20 is not what you listed.

I found/used another site's hint, which had the groupings as follows:

Lion, Eagle, Shark (fish with crazy nose)
Fish, Prawn, Flamingo
Paper Airplane, Balloon, Ship

I think those are supposed to correspond to "carnivores", "non-carnivores", and "man-made".


Hmm, interesting theory.

One problem is that some (many?) species of fish, and to some degree Flamingos, are carnivores, at least if you count "eating crustaceans/fish" as carnivorous. The fact remains that there aren't any other clues in the game, so we're left with guessing and trial & error. But your method does at least lead to a solution that uses each item exactly once. Do you know for sure whether the game accepts it?

Patreon Donator Reka December 11, 2015 11:10 AM replied to Toonster

Was it the

paper with the green numbers? Because it took me forever to find that. :)


It's the solution I used to get the coin, yes.


3 Cats and Christmas of The School of Witchcraft Walkthrough

(Note: If you're following this walkthrough and at any point a code doesn't work, make sure you've actually examined the required clue. Also, I know the cats have names, but I was struggling to remember them and figured descriptions would be clearer.)

Looking around

Picture wall

There are two pictures. You can click on them to see them clearly.
One says "SNOW", against an image of, well, snow.
The other says "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and has Christmassy icons on it. A red present, a blue bow, a green tree, a yellow star and a purple angel.
There's a sheet of paper on the floor that you can pick up.

Select "About", then click on it to turn it round, it's got the number 3946 on it.

Turn right.

Fireplace wall

The grate is fireless. Nothing to do here just yet.
Turn right.

Door wall

The door has dark silhouettes of the symbols from the Merry Christmas picture. They're not in the same order though. Tree, angel, present, bow, star.
The door won't open. It doesn't seem to be locked, though.
Turn right.

Advent calendar wall.

There's an advent calendar here. It's very busy, with some doors being coloured, some having symbols on them and others having stripes. You can open all the doors except 17, which is stuck, and 7 and 26, which are locked. They all appear to be empty, but you're at a magic school, so appearances can be deceptive.
Is there anything else here?

Click to the right of the calendar (from the backed-out view, not in close up) to look behind it.
There's a key!
But you can't reach it.
Can you?

Back up and summon the cats.

Select the black and white cat and click to the right again.

You have the key! It unlocks door 7.

Take the gift boxes.

Solving puzzles

Opening the door

Return to the door wall.
How do you unstick a door?

When in doubt, summon the cats!

Select the big striped one.
Click the door and the cat will kick it down!

Enter the next room.

Christmas tree room

You've found the Christmas tree!

If you click to the right of it, there's a power socket.

There is also a picture showing an arrow forming a diamond shape, going anticlockwise from the top.
Back out, and return to the advent calendar wall.

The paper code

You have the numbers 3946.
There's only one thing with numbers here.

Open the advent calendar doors 3, 9, 4, and 6, in that order. (Leave them open, if you close them before opening the next, the magic won't work.)

Take the matches.

The fireplace

Go to the fireplace.
You can't just set fire to the logs.
Is there anything else flammable around you could start the fire with?

If you select the paper and press "about" you can scrunch it up.
Put the scrunched paper in the grate and use the matches on it.
You now have a new code.

Candle, quill, hat, pentagram.

The symbol code

Return to the advent calendar.
Some of the doors have the symbols from the fireplace.

Open 10, the unnumbered door with the quill left of 24, 21, 12 in that order. Again, you need to leave the doors open for the magic to work.

Take the bells.

The coloured doors

There are five doors on the advent calendar coloured red, cyan, green, yellow and purple. Where have we seen those colours before?

The symbols on the Merry Christmas picture.

That order doesn't work.

What if we applied the colours from the picture to the colourless symbols on the door?

Green, purple, red, blue, yellow

Open doors 8, unnumbered door to the right of 26, 1, 18 and 5 in that order.

Take the candy canes

The line code

There are four doors on the advent calendar with diagonal lines on them. Have we seen something like that somewhere else?

If you imagine them all together, they look like the diamond picture in the Christmas tree room.
If you follow the direction of the arrow, you get the next code.

Opening them in the order 13, 16, 2, 25 doesn't work.

Open doors 2, 25, 13, 16 in that order.

Take the baubles.

The SNOW picture

At this point, it's apparent that everything ties to the advent calendar.
So what about the SNOW clue?

Maybe a letter substitution code? A=1 B=2, etc.

SNOW = 19, 14, 15, 23.
You know what to do.

Take the lights.

Door 17

Door 17 is stuck. Can we unstick it?

Try to open it, then summon the cats!

Select the middle tabby cat then click on the door to scratch it open.

Take the cotton snow.

Decorating the tree

We seem to have run out of clues, so I guess it's time to decorate the tree.
Go to the Christmas tree room, and select all the decorations, then click the tree to add them.
That looks a bit dull, somehow.

Click to the right, and click the power socket to plug in the lights.

Still something missing, right?

Something fell to the floor! it's a key!
There's only one locked door left.

Back to the advent calendar and unlock door 26.

Take the star.

The star

Back to the Christmas tree room. But you can't reach the top.
What can you do about that?

Yes, it's time to call on the cats again.

Select the big stripy cat and click the tree.
Then click the tabby and finally the black-and-white one.
Click the top of the tree so your feline pyramid can add the star.

Merry Christmas!

(And don't forget to click the cats to see the credits and adorable pictures of the real-life versions!)


I agree with Bluebird. The anime ads are suggestive and offensive. They are lumped in with other normal 'kid' ads. I realize it is difficult to filter. But rather than click on an ad, this convinces to NOT support any ad on the site.


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