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Weekday Escape N°98

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Weekday Escape

DoraIt's Wednesday, and you know what that means! During the night, the developer fairies flew from town to town, leaving behind pixie dust and freshly crafted escape games for all the good little players, and ruthless pixel hunts for all of the stinkers. This week! Esklavos takes you on a jungle trip, but doesn't show you any way to get home. Funkyland wants to make sure that this Halloween you're looking fabulous. And Vitamin Hana wants you to appreciate the little guys by making you rely on some tiny critters to help find a way out. Cohesive themes for an article? Who needs 'em!

Ants!Ants! - When it comes to insects, ants are alright. They kind of take the creepy out of creepy crawly, mostly because it's hard to be scared by something easily distracted by jam. Vitamin Hana's set up an ant farm to use in this latest critter-sized escape game, but there's also a bit of home improvement sprinkled in with the puzzle solving, because if you're going to go through the trouble of capturing someone for your intricately designed lair, you might as well put them to work, right?

The Visitors EscapeThe Visitors Escape - When you want an escape game that just the right amount of otherworldly, atmospheric, and relaxing, Esklavos is the developer who will answer your Batman-style distress beacon. This time, you're trapped in a soothing, mysterious jungle, so as you might expect, you're going to need to make use of some ancient mechanisms (and familiar puzzles) if you ever want to get out.

Girl's Room No. 14: Powder PuffGirl's Room No. 14: Powder Puff - If you're the type of person who enjoys wearing makeup and you haven't yet experienced the ridiculously old school indulgence that is whomping your face with a big, soft poof, well, you've been missing out. Funkyland knows what's up, so to get out of this cozy, Halloween themed room, you'll need to find five of them... but if you just want to kick back in that chair with the cake, drink, and some of that candy, I won't say boo.

We love escape games, and our readers love talking about them and sharing hints! How about you? Let us know what you think, ask for clues, or help out other players in the comments below.

Walkthrough Guide

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Walkthrough for Girl's Room No 14: Powder Puff.

I thought this was fun, fairly quick, but some of the things I've come to expect from Funkyland didn't quite work the way I was expecting!

Hmm, ok, so this room is all decked out for Hallowe'en; that's nice. So I'm looking for pumpkins then... no, wait, this is Girl's Room, not the kitchen escape. Darn it. Let's see what we've got then.

Let's start with the table:

Ah, the heart-box is here and needs a key as usual to open it. That tray looks interesting but... I can't click it. Apparantly the only thing here I can have is the box and that's locked. I feel like a frustrated cat burglar.

Ok, back up, and try the frog. That always wants something, but this time it seems to have a little chassis between its feet. Find something to go on it maybe? That hairbrush looks useful – aargh, that's not clickable either! Cushion? No luck. Fine, where else is there to go?

Let's try the bed.

Zoom in and click on the check cushion to lift it up. Click on the orange cush... why is nothing clickable is this room?! Has someone scotchguarded everything just to wind me up. Fine, put the check cushion down... oh! A second click turns it over and there's the key to the heart-box!

Above the bed is a panel with what look like buttons but won't click. Nothing will click. Nothing! Fine, [wipes foam away from mouth], what's next to the bed?

Purple picture by door:

Next to the door is a little purple silhouette picture that looks like it should do something. Click it to open (yay!) and there's our first powder puff. Make a note of that picture though: an armchair, a table with what looks like a wedding cake on it, and a many-panelled window.

Lower down we have some kind of contraption: there's a little white ghost trapped in there, and some flowers in the middle

Click on the orange hatch at the bottom left of the contraption and it opens. There's a powder puff!

Ok, let's try the other side of the room, behind the frog's chair and table. Maybe something will click there!


That looks like a very nice umbrella and they're often used for getting things out of high places, so let's click on that... oh, look at that! There was a powder puff lost under the umbrella stand. But no umbrella. [Sniff]
Oh wait, it's not a powder puff, it's a handle of some kind and it's gone into my inventory.

Dressing table:

Ah, on the right we have a dressing table where three ghosts are hanging out above a bright "OK" button. Which. Doesn't. Click. [Snarl]. Fine, ok, I guess we need the ghost from the contraption by the bed to get this working. But while I'm here, make a note of the hats they're wearing, they look very fashionable.

Taller table:

Ok, there's a table to the left as well. What's going on here? Ah, we have a little scene of a room that looks suspiciously like the silhouette we saw beside the door! So we just click the buttons until our scene matches...

Click the first button once, the second button twice, the third button four times and the last button four times as well.

Click the big round button at the end and we get... a pumpkin! It is a kitchen escape after all!
But wait, we're not done yet. Click where the pumpkin used to be and we peer inside a little. Click the platform the pumpkin was on and we find another powder puff. Sneaky!

Right, let's go back to the table!

Use the key on the heart-box to open it and get the powder puff.

Then the frog again:

Put the pumpkin on the chassis to make a pumpkin coach. Hey, the frog didn't do anything! This can't be right, let's click it... oh, you can take the pumpkin coach!

Right then, back to the contraption by the bed:

Let's put the coach in the contraption... woah! Good thing that ghost is already dead given that we've just run it down with Cinderella's coach. Disney will be spinning in his grave. Well, he would be if he hadn't been frozen. Anyway. Get the ghost.

Over the bed:

Before we deal with the ghost let's take a look at that panel over the bed again. Perhaps the hole at the right hand side is for the handle we've got in our inventory... hey, it worked!
Click and hold the button until it goes green to see where the arrows point, and note that the shapes match the shapes of those ghost hats.

Back to the dressing table:

Put the ghost in, and click the ghosts until they're facing the directions the arrows showed.

First ghost: click four times
Second ghost: click once
Third ghost: click twice
Fourth ghost: click three times

Get the powder puff, and they all merge into a key. Magically.

And finally, use the key to leave the room.

Got stuck on Ants for longest time until I googled a picture of it and found out that

the net is actually a sieve.

Ants walkthrough, in my logical sequence:

First walk around:
Window scene:

Nothing to do here except note that there's a window with a bolt, and an ant house with red circles.

Cupboard scene:

Open top cupboard to get


Open bottom left cupboard to see broken pipe.

Note the puzzles: 3 circles you can't press.

Maybe we are supposed to put something in the circles?

3 circles you can press to change colours.
A number code of unknown length.

Note that you can zoom into the sink and plate

Door scene:

Open the hatch on the door and get

a magnifying glass

Inspect the plant and get

a round object.

Reminds me of the 3 circles on top left cupboard.

Solving puzzles:

What can you use magnifying glass for?

Something related to the theme of this game?

Use the magnifying glass on the 3 circles on the ant house to see

3 ants with different color butts

Where did we need a 3 color code?

Enter the 3 color code

blue, red, purple

to get

a wrench

What to do with the wrench?

Use it on the bolt under the window to get bolt

You can now open the window and look outside

Pick up the 2nd black circle

The numbers clue!

each letter represents a number.

a = 26

it's the letters numbered backwards (a = 26, z = 1)
Answer is:


Use the number clue on

the bottom right cupboard to get


Where can we use the sugar?

Don't want to make a mess, do we?

Go to the plate.

I know, the sugar won't go on the plate. Maybe the author thought we want to sieve the sugar first for good practice...

put sieve on plate and pour sugar on top

pick up and inspect sieve to find 3rd black circle


attracts ants... right? Where are they?

walk around the room and come back to find the ants on your sugar pile. Pick them up. They have colorful butts

Where do ants go?

put the ants in your ant house. They landed at the top.

go walk around the room and they would have met up with your other ants

note their butt color combinations

You also have a bolt in your inventory. Let's use it.

Fix that pipe under the sink.

The tap is now functional

Note that the bolt can come on and off.

The 3 black circles:

We're pretty far into the game and all we have left is a color clue and 3 black circles that won't fit in the nice 3 holes on the top left cupboard.

Maybe they're not black. They're just dirty

Run them under the sink to reveal dual colored circles

Solving top left cupboard:

Use the ant butt color combos to figure out order of circles

red/blue, purple/red, blue/purple

get a rope


I now have a rope. Am I supposed to climb out the window?

I'll need to anchor it somehow then.

That spot where there used to be a bolt would be good enough, if the bolt was still there.

Go get the bolt from the pipes and put it back on the window.

Use the rope on the bolt

Climb out the window.

Walkthrough for The Visitors Escape


On the ground in the scene with the blue flower


To the left of the stone pillar; use the knife to get it.


In the trees above the stone pillar; use the cane to get it.


In the scene with the boulders; use the knife to get it

Power crystals

1 & 2

Use the pickaxe to get the crystals embedded in the boulders.


After getting the fruit, click the fly in the scene with the boulders. Go left to the scene with the blue flower; click the flower.


Give the fruit to the bird (on the right in the scene with the stone pillar).


Solve the circular numbers puzzle in the scene with the boulders.

The clue is in the scene with the blue flower.

The first number goes on the top left, and the rest of the numbers proceed clockwise from there.

Open the portal

Put the four crystals into the stone pillar. Click the crystals to see four interconnected circles. Turn the circles (click and drag) to see what happens.

Enter the code from the scene with the boulders (3265) and press the round white button below the circles. If you accidentally turn a circle too much, just keep turning; it'll reset after 6.

Put the key into the top of the pillar.

Colored panels

(If it's not obvious, click the portal on the stone pillar to get here. If you need to go back to the forest - for example, if you forgot to write down a code - just click the trees.) The color sequence is on the note in the scene with the blue flower.

Yellow, white, blue, green, gray, red.

top middle, bottom middle, top left, bottom right, bottom left, top right

Get the first pentagon.

6x6 grid

(Go right from the colored panels and click the white square) Enter the code from the scene with the boulders.

It's a big A; each leg is four squares, and the crossbar is in the third row from the bottom.

Get the second pentagon.


(Go right from the 6x6 grid and click the three pentagons) Drag the circles until the plant has the appropriate number of leaves.

The code is in the scene with the blue flower.

From left to right: one leaf, one leaf, three leaves, two leaves, two leaves. (Note that the last two stems get their leaves on the wrong side compared to the image in the clue, but it doesn't matter; you just need to get the right number of leaves.)

Close the puzzle (the red X is pretty far down and to the right), then collect the third pentagon.


Put the three pentagons into the three pentagon shapes, then click the shimmering portal that appears.


Change the image for Ants!, it spoils part of the game.

postmortes October 21, 2015 11:49 AM

Walkthrough for Girl's Room No 14: Powder Puff.

I thought this was fun, fairly quick, but some of the things I've come to expect from Funkyland didn't quite work the way I was expecting!

Hmm, ok, so this room is all decked out for Hallowe'en; that's nice. So I'm looking for pumpkins then... no, wait, this is Girl's Room, not the kitchen escape. Darn it. Let's see what we've got then.

Let's start with the table:

Ah, the heart-box is here and needs a key as usual to open it. That tray looks interesting but... I can't click it. Apparantly the only thing here I can have is the box and that's locked. I feel like a frustrated cat burglar.

Ok, back up, and try the frog. That always wants something, but this time it seems to have a little chassis between its feet. Find something to go on it maybe? That hairbrush looks useful – aargh, that's not clickable either! Cushion? No luck. Fine, where else is there to go?

Let's try the bed.

Zoom in and click on the check cushion to lift it up. Click on the orange cush... why is nothing clickable is this room?! Has someone scotchguarded everything just to wind me up. Fine, put the check cushion down... oh! A second click turns it over and there's the key to the heart-box!

Above the bed is a panel with what look like buttons but won't click. Nothing will click. Nothing! Fine, [wipes foam away from mouth], what's next to the bed?

Purple picture by door:

Next to the door is a little purple silhouette picture that looks like it should do something. Click it to open (yay!) and there's our first powder puff. Make a note of that picture though: an armchair, a table with what looks like a wedding cake on it, and a many-panelled window.

Lower down we have some kind of contraption: there's a little white ghost trapped in there, and some flowers in the middle

Click on the orange hatch at the bottom left of the contraption and it opens. There's a powder puff!

Ok, let's try the other side of the room, behind the frog's chair and table. Maybe something will click there!


That looks like a very nice umbrella and they're often used for getting things out of high places, so let's click on that... oh, look at that! There was a powder puff lost under the umbrella stand. But no umbrella. [Sniff]
Oh wait, it's not a powder puff, it's a handle of some kind and it's gone into my inventory.

Dressing table:

Ah, on the right we have a dressing table where three ghosts are hanging out above a bright "OK" button. Which. Doesn't. Click. [Snarl]. Fine, ok, I guess we need the ghost from the contraption by the bed to get this working. But while I'm here, make a note of the hats they're wearing, they look very fashionable.

Taller table:

Ok, there's a table to the left as well. What's going on here? Ah, we have a little scene of a room that looks suspiciously like the silhouette we saw beside the door! So we just click the buttons until our scene matches...

Click the first button once, the second button twice, the third button four times and the last button four times as well.

Click the big round button at the end and we get... a pumpkin! It is a kitchen escape after all!
But wait, we're not done yet. Click where the pumpkin used to be and we peer inside a little. Click the platform the pumpkin was on and we find another powder puff. Sneaky!

Right, let's go back to the table!

Use the key on the heart-box to open it and get the powder puff.

Then the frog again:

Put the pumpkin on the chassis to make a pumpkin coach. Hey, the frog didn't do anything! This can't be right, let's click it... oh, you can take the pumpkin coach!

Right then, back to the contraption by the bed:

Let's put the coach in the contraption... woah! Good thing that ghost is already dead given that we've just run it down with Cinderella's coach. Disney will be spinning in his grave. Well, he would be if he hadn't been frozen. Anyway. Get the ghost.

Over the bed:

Before we deal with the ghost let's take a look at that panel over the bed again. Perhaps the hole at the right hand side is for the handle we've got in our inventory... hey, it worked!
Click and hold the button until it goes green to see where the arrows point, and note that the shapes match the shapes of those ghost hats.

Back to the dressing table:

Put the ghost in, and click the ghosts until they're facing the directions the arrows showed.

First ghost: click four times
Second ghost: click once
Third ghost: click twice
Fourth ghost: click three times

Get the powder puff, and they all merge into a key. Magically.

And finally, use the key to leave the room.

RamblinRob October 21, 2015 2:37 PM replied to postmortes

Still waiting on a walkth- oh. Thanks postmortes! I haven't started the game yet but it's always nice to see another writer of walkthroughs\guides.

Coffeeteamix October 21, 2015 7:48 PM

Got stuck on Ants for longest time until I googled a picture of it and found out that

the net is actually a sieve.

Ants walkthrough, in my logical sequence:

First walk around:
Window scene:

Nothing to do here except note that there's a window with a bolt, and an ant house with red circles.

Cupboard scene:

Open top cupboard to get


Open bottom left cupboard to see broken pipe.

Note the puzzles: 3 circles you can't press.

Maybe we are supposed to put something in the circles?

3 circles you can press to change colours.
A number code of unknown length.

Note that you can zoom into the sink and plate

Door scene:

Open the hatch on the door and get

a magnifying glass

Inspect the plant and get

a round object.

Reminds me of the 3 circles on top left cupboard.

Solving puzzles:

What can you use magnifying glass for?

Something related to the theme of this game?

Use the magnifying glass on the 3 circles on the ant house to see

3 ants with different color butts

Where did we need a 3 color code?

Enter the 3 color code

blue, red, purple

to get

a wrench

What to do with the wrench?

Use it on the bolt under the window to get bolt

You can now open the window and look outside

Pick up the 2nd black circle

The numbers clue!

each letter represents a number.

a = 26

it's the letters numbered backwards (a = 26, z = 1)
Answer is:


Use the number clue on

the bottom right cupboard to get


Where can we use the sugar?

Don't want to make a mess, do we?

Go to the plate.

I know, the sugar won't go on the plate. Maybe the author thought we want to sieve the sugar first for good practice...

put sieve on plate and pour sugar on top

pick up and inspect sieve to find 3rd black circle


attracts ants... right? Where are they?

walk around the room and come back to find the ants on your sugar pile. Pick them up. They have colorful butts

Where do ants go?

put the ants in your ant house. They landed at the top.

go walk around the room and they would have met up with your other ants

note their butt color combinations

You also have a bolt in your inventory. Let's use it.

Fix that pipe under the sink.

The tap is now functional

Note that the bolt can come on and off.

The 3 black circles:

We're pretty far into the game and all we have left is a color clue and 3 black circles that won't fit in the nice 3 holes on the top left cupboard.

Maybe they're not black. They're just dirty

Run them under the sink to reveal dual colored circles

Solving top left cupboard:

Use the ant butt color combos to figure out order of circles

red/blue, purple/red, blue/purple

get a rope


I now have a rope. Am I supposed to climb out the window?

I'll need to anchor it somehow then.

That spot where there used to be a bolt would be good enough, if the bolt was still there.

Go get the bolt from the pipes and put it back on the window.

Use the rope on the bolt

Climb out the window.


Walkthrough for The Visitors Escape


On the ground in the scene with the blue flower


To the left of the stone pillar; use the knife to get it.


In the trees above the stone pillar; use the cane to get it.


In the scene with the boulders; use the knife to get it

Power crystals

1 & 2

Use the pickaxe to get the crystals embedded in the boulders.


After getting the fruit, click the fly in the scene with the boulders. Go left to the scene with the blue flower; click the flower.


Give the fruit to the bird (on the right in the scene with the stone pillar).


Solve the circular numbers puzzle in the scene with the boulders.

The clue is in the scene with the blue flower.

The first number goes on the top left, and the rest of the numbers proceed clockwise from there.

Open the portal

Put the four crystals into the stone pillar. Click the crystals to see four interconnected circles. Turn the circles (click and drag) to see what happens.

Enter the code from the scene with the boulders (3265) and press the round white button below the circles. If you accidentally turn a circle too much, just keep turning; it'll reset after 6.

Put the key into the top of the pillar.

Colored panels

(If it's not obvious, click the portal on the stone pillar to get here. If you need to go back to the forest - for example, if you forgot to write down a code - just click the trees.) The color sequence is on the note in the scene with the blue flower.

Yellow, white, blue, green, gray, red.

top middle, bottom middle, top left, bottom right, bottom left, top right

Get the first pentagon.

6x6 grid

(Go right from the colored panels and click the white square) Enter the code from the scene with the boulders.

It's a big A; each leg is four squares, and the crossbar is in the third row from the bottom.

Get the second pentagon.


(Go right from the 6x6 grid and click the three pentagons) Drag the circles until the plant has the appropriate number of leaves.

The code is in the scene with the blue flower.

From left to right: one leaf, one leaf, three leaves, two leaves, two leaves. (Note that the last two stems get their leaves on the wrong side compared to the image in the clue, but it doesn't matter; you just need to get the right number of leaves.)

Close the puzzle (the red X is pretty far down and to the right), then collect the third pentagon.


Put the three pentagons into the three pentagon shapes, then click the shimmering portal that appears.


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