An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Where Is 2013?

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elleWhere Is 2013?So, you survived the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012...what are you going to do next? Roll up your sleeves and avert yet another crisis, of course (and you thought you were going to Disneyland.) Mateusz Skutnik of Pastel Stories presents another dreamily surreal and richly engaging point-and-click adventure to help us play our way into the new year: Where Is 2013?

Feeling like a mash up of Garden Door, 10 Gnomes and, even, a sprinkle of Submachine, you're dropped into a world of atomic fallout, shifting magnetic fields and a malfunction of electricity everywhere, tasked with finding all the necessary objects and putting them back into place. Let the changing cursor guide you while exploring every possible angle and close-up. Besides restoring energy, try to gather ten glass marbles to earn an extra ending. The gameplay is engaging but it's the atmosphere—enchanting wind-chime and bird song ambient music is coupled with expert photographic and hand-drawn art making the most mundane scenery seem extraordinary—that is the real treat. Are you up for the task, survivor?

Play Where Is 2013?

Walkthrough Guide

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Where is 2013? walkthrough:

Item locations:


-on shingle above lockbox
-in hole of square thing between doors
-in keyhole of metal double-doors (hard to see)
-lower left of leftmost door, zoom in on crevice
-on insulation to the upper right of rightmost door
-above center door, on one of the little hole things
-on knot accessible from base of tree (only the tree behind the building is explorable)
-under leaf on tree, accessible from right branch
-on left branch of tree, accessible from main zoom level
-on rock pile behind building, upper-right-ish


-above middle door, on bundle of wire
-lower left of leftmost door
-at base of cement telephone-pole-thing
-in tree, where it first splits into two branches
-on rock pile behind building, right side, zoom in on crevice


-on rock left of lockbox
-among rocks to the right of cement telephone-pole-thing
-on rock pile behind building, upper left


-hanging on cord, upper right of building
-on grating of rightmost wooden door


-insulator plate: at base of tree
-glass insulator: on rock pile behind building, right side
-black box: in lockbox, need both keys

Where to use items:

-use keys on lockbox
-use stickers on double-doors
-use glass insulator and black box on upper left of building
-use fuses on upper right of building
-use insulator plate on side of building, where the wires connect
-use marbles at end, after flipping lever

Walking-Through "Where is 2013?"
A step-by-step guide to finding the new year

The Building's Front

  1. You begin facing an L-shaped building which has some electrical wires running to it from both directions.

  2. Click on the wire in the top, right corner of the screen:

    • From this view, you can see a KEY hanging at the end of a string tied to the wire. Get the SMALL KEY.

  3. Click the bottom of the screen to back out.

  4. Then, click the box in the lower, right corner of the screen:

    • Insert the SMALL KEY into one of the keyholes on the box.

      • The door to the box has slots for two keys. You'll need to find one more.

    • Click twice under the middle tile of the box to zoom really close...

      • Get GLASS MARBLE (1/10).

    • Back out twice.

    • Click the hole in the rock wall, just to the left of the box...

      • While here, get an ELECTRIC ARC STICKER (it's black and hard to see against the background).

    • Back out twice to face the front of the building again.

  5. Click three times on the shutters of the door on the right side of the building...

    • Once you're really close to this door's shutters, you can find another SMALL KEY. Get it.

    • Back out once.

  6. See that square next to the shuttered door? Click twice on it to peek inside the little hole:

    • Get GLASS MARBLE (2/10).

  7. Back up three times. Then click the right side of the screen to view the box again:

    • Use the second SMALL KEY in the second keyhole to open the door.

    • Get the BLACK BOX.

  8. Back up. Then, click on the pile of rocks in the very bottom left corner, below the double doors...

    • Here you'll find a FUSE (1/5). Take it.

  9. Then while still in that view, zoom in on the crack between the walls and the rock...

    • Get GLASS MARBLE (3/10).

  10. Back out twice so you can see the three doors on the front of the building, but not the whole building.

  11. See the large cable that runs above the doors before curving down to the ground on the right? Click that curve in the cable just above the rightside door.

    • Then click on the top of the pipe to get an even closer view...

      • Get GLASS MARBLE (4/10).

    • Back up twice.

  12. Now click the loop in the cable, above the middle door.

    • Here, from the close-up view of this loop, you can better see a smaller cable that runs toward a series of tubes on the right side of the screen. Click on those tubes for a closer look...

      • Get GLASS MARBLE (5/10).

    • Back up just once. Click the loop of cables to find something else...

      • Get FUSE (2/5).

  13. Back up three times to the starting view of the whole building.

  14. See that concrete utility pole on the left side of the screen? Click on its base to zoom closer...

    • Just about in the middle of this rock foundation is a place where you can click (about an inch to the right of the utility pole).

      • Click one more time in the middle of the screen to move even closer.


      • Back up twice.

    • Now zoom in at the bottom of the utility pole...

      • Get the FUSE (3/5).

  15. Back up twice to the starting view of the whole building.

Behind the Building

  1. From the starting view, click the left edge of the building to move alongside it. Then click the rocks in the bottom left side of the screen to move even further behind the building.

  2. Now, click on the pile of rocks (right side of screen) again to directly face them....

    • Start with your cursor in the lower right edge of the game screen and bring it slowly up. It should change to a hand about half-way up. Click there to zoom in.

      • From this angle, you should see a GLASS INSULATOR on the left. Get it.

      • Just right of the middle is a deeper crevice. Click on it to look inside:

        • Get the FUSE (4/5).

      • Back up twice.

    • From the area you just were, move the cursor over about an inch to the left and up. Click to look under that big flat rock on top.

      • Get GLASS MARBLE (6/10).

    • Back up. In the upper left corner is another large flat rock. Click there to look closer...Then click the darker area under the rock.

      • Here you find a CARELESS MAN STICKER. Get it.

  3. Back up three times to return to the dirt path.

  4. Click once the tree on the left.

    • Then, click the bottom of the tree trunk (it might be hard to click the right spot because it's very close to where your marbles are in your inventory).

      • Leaning against the trunk of the tree, on the ground, is an INSULATOR PLATE. Take it.

    • From this same view, you can also see a knot in the tree trunk. Zoom in on it...

      • a GLASS MARBLE (7/10) is nestled in the little knothole. Get it.

    • Back up twice.

  5. Click on the upper left branch of the tree (about an inch down and an inch over from the top left corner of the screen).

    • Then click the middle of the branch to look even closer...

      • Nestled in the V of this branch is GLASS MARBLE (8/10). Take it.

    • Back up twice to the main view of the tree.

  6. Run your cursor up the trunk of the tree slowly. It will change to a pointing hand just at a Y in the trunk. Click there.

    • Now, from this view, click the bottom of the V...

      • Get the last FUSE (5/5).

    • Back up.

  7. Click the top right side of the tree...Then click the base of these branches (left of center).

    • Click the leaf, just an inch above the center of the screen:

      • Get GLASS MARBLE (9/10).

  8. Back up five times to return to the path then back up once more to the side of the building. Click the lower right corner of the screen to return to the building's front.

The Building, Again: Last Marble and Replacing Items

  1. Click on the double doors on the left side of the building.

  2. When you're facing these doors straight-on, there is a keyhole in the doors, just barely above the middle of your inventory (it's very hard to see). Zoom in on it.

    • From inside the keyhole, get another GLASS MARBLE (10/10).

  3. Back up to view both these doors again. Notice that the two warning signs (orange triangles) are incomplete? Examine the sign on the left.

    • The sticker here looks weathered. So...

      • Replace the WEATHERED ELECTRIC ARC STICKER here (above the weathered careless man image).

    • Back up.

  4. Next, examine the sign on the right.

    • Put both the CARELESS MAN STICKER and the (pure black) ELECTRIC ARC STICKER on this sign.

  5. Back up twice and you can see power glowing through those doors now.

  6. Click on the upper left part of the building to switch to that view. Then, zoom in on the fuse panel on the right side:

    • Replace the 5 FUSES from your inventory where they go on the panel.

    • Back up.

  7. Now click on the connectors on the left side:

    • Here, you can see one of the glass insulators is missing. Replace it with the GLASS INSULATOR from your inventory.

    • There is still something else missing here...See that rod sticking out above the glass insulators?

      • Put the BLACK BOX on the rod.

  8. Back up twice. Now you can see two power lines are pulsing with energy. You need to fix one more. From this far view, click the left edge to move to the building's side. Then, click the uppper part of the building where the wires lead into it.

    • Replace the INSULATOR PLATE in it's spot on the right side.

  9. Back up once then click the bottom right corner of the screen to return to the starting view.

Now all three electrical lines have energy, time to move on to the final steps.

The Orchard: Finding 2013

  1. When you're at the starting view of the whole building, click the very left edge of the screen to see an orchard of trees and three wires running across the top of the screen.

  2. From here, click the bottom left corner of the screen to move even deeper into the orchard.

    • Now you can see, at the top of the wires, three doo-dads with wires that run down to a box.

    • If you've done everything correctly, those three wires are pulsing neon blue with full energy.

    • If not, go back and re-check your steps to repair the energy sources.

  3. Click on the control box to examine it...

    • Flip the switch on the box.

    • Watch what happens.

You've found 2013. Good Job! Now you can call it a day, or...

Hand your 10 GLASS MARBLES to that charming grey fellow.

Congratulations and best Wishes for this year and all that follow!


Where is 2013? walkthrough:

Item locations:


-on shingle above lockbox
-in hole of square thing between doors
-in keyhole of metal double-doors (hard to see)
-lower left of leftmost door, zoom in on crevice
-on insulation to the upper right of rightmost door
-above center door, on one of the little hole things
-on knot accessible from base of tree (only the tree behind the building is explorable)
-under leaf on tree, accessible from right branch
-on left branch of tree, accessible from main zoom level
-on rock pile behind building, upper-right-ish


-above middle door, on bundle of wire
-lower left of leftmost door
-at base of cement telephone-pole-thing
-in tree, where it first splits into two branches
-on rock pile behind building, right side, zoom in on crevice


-on rock left of lockbox
-among rocks to the right of cement telephone-pole-thing
-on rock pile behind building, upper left


-hanging on cord, upper right of building
-on grating of rightmost wooden door


-insulator plate: at base of tree
-glass insulator: on rock pile behind building, right side
-black box: in lockbox, need both keys

Where to use items:

-use keys on lockbox
-use stickers on double-doors
-use glass insulator and black box on upper left of building
-use fuses on upper right of building
-use insulator plate on side of building, where the wires connect
-use marbles at end, after flipping lever

aESTHETICStoo December 30, 2012 4:52 PM

and... Now I'm really saved! (Never knew how important marbles were!)

Architectonic December 30, 2012 5:42 PM

I found 2013!

And he's... grey?


Wow, 2013 is polite


For the life of me I cannot find the other key that is supposedly supposed to be

on a cord in the upper right of the building


Just The Location isn't enough. a real walkthrough would be easier for me. I keep losing track.

infanttyrone December 30, 2012 10:34 PM

I love Mateusz Skutnik's stuff, and I very much enjoyed this game, but I gotta say

I'm a little dismayed that the special ending I got with all my hard-sought marbles was a horrible noise.


Heh, infanttyrone, that special ending scared my cat!

Reply December 30, 2012 10:55 PM

Okay, so if you have the three lines of power glowing...then what?


Thank you elle! I was beginning to think there was something wrong with my game! Or me... ;)

Maybe a clearer walkthrough would be nice - I like hints but specifics are great when you feel like you are going to rip your hair out!


One of the weirdest game I've ever played. But I did find 2013 all by myself, so I guess it takes one to know one:) Thanks and a happy new year to M. Skutnik and JIG!

Cyberjar88 December 31, 2012 1:34 PM

That was different...


Ah, yet another random pixel hunt.

novascottch January 1, 2013 1:32 AM

I have gotten marbles from every location in the walk through and have double and triple checked, so how do I only have 9? Still let me finish the game, but...

Anyways, so-so game, and very short. Also, that was a weak ending :/ All that pixel hunting for that? And why are stickers necessary to turn on the power?

shadowkill9 January 1, 2013 3:46 AM

Am I supposed to be confused?

blueballoffury January 1, 2013 7:04 PM

where do you use your marbles?


I might be completely stupid, but what am I supposed to to with the

black box?

It's the only thing not mentioned in the walkthrough.



n123a456j January 2, 2013 1:11 AM

It is in the walk-through.

-use glass insulator and black box on upper left of building
(Above the other blackbox near the glass insulator.)


I'm in the same position as novascottch, ended with just 9 marbles. I remember picking up a marble from every location except one

above center door in hole thing

and no matter how many more times I look there are none left.

billfj4045 January 4, 2013 2:49 PM

So... I guess I'm missing something. I done and used everything accept the marbles. The switch doesn't do anything; I've checked the walk through as a last resort and still can't finish the game. Is there another step before the switch will work OR is there a place to use the marbles?


Mr Skutnik and pastel games... you are definetly my favourite internet game maker, and thank you very much for submachine and daymare... but im starting to lose interest now, your find the random object in photos with no storyline and no fancy animations arent really as appealing. at all. sorry.

VoxPopuli42 January 28, 2013 11:18 PM

I think there may be a glitch with the glass marble in the keyhole being missing. It doesn't even show up as a hotspot for me


I know this is a year late, but the recent posting of "Where is 2014" got me in the mood to play all of them again. I wanted to THANK YOU for posting such an ACCURATE walkthrough. No offense to others out there who have posted walkthroughs for games, but I think I might have just had bad luck lately with walkthroughs or something. ha
I have been pulling my hair out over "Where is 2013" for ages, and finally decided to just sit down and have me through it. AMAZINGLY, your navigation was simple! And, considering MOST of it was through a PILE OF ROCKS and more in the LEAVES of a TREE...well, that's QUITE a FEAT! Great job. I finally have ALL 10 glass marbles, too. WooHoo!


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