Stack your crates on the truck bed with the mouse, and use the [arrow] keys to drive forward and back. The goal is to transport all crated beasties safely to the zoo entrance; if any of them fall off due to uneven terrain or bad driving, you'll need to go back to the loading docks and pick them up again. Getting the animals from point A to point B is a bigger challenge for some than for others, since certain animals are in bigger or smaller crates, or have certain requirements for the method of transport. You can see the required number of crates you have to deliver at the top of the screen. Unfortunately, you can't drop off more troublesome creatures and then go back for the others; it's all or nothing, baby, and arriving at the gates without all your animals will cause you to fail the level.
Analysis: Who transports live animals these days without some bungee cords to tie the containers down anyway? Moreover, who decided penguins were safe behind the wheel? Everyone knows koalas score the highest on driver safety tests. Unfortunately, Zoo Transport's physics obey a cruel and fickle mistress of fate, and stacking your deliverables is often more finicky than it needs to be. The game winds up moving at a glacial pace more often than not as you slowly inch forward over hazardous terrain; more than once a crate that was only hanging on to the truck with a wish and a prayer tipped off inches from the finish line, forcing me to go all the way back for it.
Still, it's an interesting take on the physics puzzle. The different animals, each with their own criteria for movement, present different challenges and keep you from just blasting over the terrain, General Lee style, and it's all presented with bright, cheerful visuals. More than a steady hand, Zoo Transport requires patience. If you like a challenge, Zoo Transport may be for you. Just remember to keep one foot on the brakes, and one eye on the monkeys at all times. Oh, and can you pick me up a crate of tigers while you're out? I'm almost out.
Walkthrough Guide
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Zoo Transport Achievements:
Boss - visit sponsor
Animal thrower - throw a crate from loading zone
Go go go! - accelerate for 10 seconds
Overflown - transport more crates than required
Undecided - return to loading zone at least 3 times
Toy car - drag the car in the loading zone
Employees of the month - check credits
Loser - drop 5 crates
Free dolphin - drop dolphin crate in water
Lion king - finish level with only a lion
Beautiful place - do not accelerate for 10 seconds
Nakasone bridge - drop crate on bridge
Water crate - drop crate in water
Something forgotten - arrive at the zoo with no crates
Hunting Lodger - have a flying parrot hit a moving object
Just in time - have animals flying or jumping as you reach the zoo
Swamp creature - drop crate in mud
Work done! - finish all levels
I got all but "Hunting Lodger", thanks to Tobberian for helping with that one!
Posted by: Gabi | February 10, 2010 1:34 AM