
The game includes an impressive physics implementation, as the rings have a simulated magnetized state that causes them to stick to other rings and objects.
Use the left and right arrow keys to rotate the wheel, press space to temporarily increase the speed at which the rings fall. The center of the wheel previews the next two (2) rings that will fall. Look for the small arrow along the edge of the rim to know from where the next ring will fall.
The game is over when any of the rings touches the outter rim, which closes-in gradually as time passes within each level. Click.
This game has a fundamental problem. Yes, it has simple, functional, pleasing graphics, but it cannot hope to touch puzzle bobble without huge combo moves. As of now, if you have a combo lined up, say two light blues, a gap the size of a ring, and then another two light blues, putting a light blue in the middle of them just gets rid of the first three it connects to. The finesse in Puzzle Bobble, and Puzzle Bobble 2 (possibly the finest game ever made) is what made those games great. This game's feedback is not good enough (sound and animation - where's the sense of "awesome!" when you take out a bunch of rings, and the aforementioned lack of those perfect shots.
Also, wouldn't this make a lot more sense with a mouse control, for variable speed?
Well it's a cool original game .. haven't seen this kind before .. ;)
Good point Spiffae.
My complaint is with the first initial levels, the game just takes off too slowly. The author acknowledged that he agrees, though doesn't want to change the game due to all the replays being deleted if he changes the levels, and because of all of the time that people have spent achieving high scores.
JP told me that he is working on a 2nd version of the game with a smaller wheel, bigger rings and even special rings. He plans to use what he learned from creating this first version to make the 2nd even better and more fun.
Good game - I like this "action puzzle" sort, but I do have a few complaints. First, I'd like to be able to try again when I fail on a level. Too annoying to play through the first few levels several times to get to higher ones that require more tries.
Second, the way the rings almost-but-not-quite fit together is really irritating.
I do like the "demo" feature where you can watch other people's (i.e., the top 10 people's) games. I learned a lot about strategy from watching that.
Hi there, the perfect shot is a nice idea for the v2 :). Thanks Spiffae for your feedback.
Unfortunately, you are right too when telling that the game is not awesome enough. I'm a very bad drawer and designer. If someone reading this blog have nice ideas of design and story for the RingmaniaV2 and want to collaborate and develop the game with me, let me know, I'm interested.
As Jay told you, for replay reasons, I can't change the v1 and for the same reasons, I decided to make control with keyboard because the mouse moves require a lot of database disk storage. Maybe I could think about a fun mouse version and a highscore keyboard version for the v2. Why not...
As it's not my job, as I have thus very limited free time, and as I have an other great idea to develop
I can't tell you about this new idea, but I'm very enthusiastic about it. Hope you will not be disapointed when released :)
, I don't think that the v2 will be released soon. I prefer to go slowly but surely.
My gift for JayIsGames is the code for 11th level (my favorite):
Thanks Jay for this place where we can get constructive feedback about the games.
Really enjoyed this game. What really sealed it for me were the great physics. Having a a number of single rings attached, and then spinning the wheel looked very impressive.
please can you add some way of muting the sound? This is my biggest gripe with flash games, and flash itself. Until adobe/macromedia add a mute option to the context menu, or flashmute gets updated to work with flash 8, please give me an option to turn the sound off.
I've added the mute sound button, just for you tobey, have a nice play.
Wow, JP. That was very nice and quick of you to implement a mute button for Tobey and those who need it.
I should have mentioned something about the sound in this game, because I really like the choice of music. It's a very happy sound that goes well with the game play, and the synchonizing of the music to when you complete a level is a very nice touch that adds to the pleasure and sense of satisfaction that this game offers. Well done, JP. =)
I'm a moron, but I can't get it to let me put in level codes? I thought they must not be active until you posted one, JP. :)
I just so you know its not halloween any more so the whole brown and orange colour scheme is over. I liked it a lot more when it was the green and purple, it was happier, brighter, and easier to read. If you could change it back please do.
I have to agree with eyebrows about the rings sometimes get so close but dont get connected. Other than that i think its a great game.
Thanks for your input Bryan. Just so you know, I am presently working on a CSS switcher so that you may choose your favorite color scheme in the event you don't like the one I choose for you.
I hope to have it done before the weekend arrives.
woo, that was fun, although the darn 2 color preview drove me crazy, because I kept getting colors back just as I destroyed them XD
I loved the little stage beaten music ^_^
It makes me happy
But you can do combo moves spiffae. If you have two linked circles, then another circle next to them, but not touching. Bring the next circle to touch the solo circle, and rotate the wheel so that it moves over to contact the double circles already in place (make sense?)
And the other aspect of the gameplay I liked that you can utilize is the ability to take out multiple circles by making a combo that leaves other circles unconnected to either the center or any of the floating anchors. Anything unattached, goes goodbye!
Looks like a great game, but starting at stage 2, the colours of the discs get so similar that I can't tell some of them apart. I have mild red-green colour blindness...
I have similar problems with most other "match the things of same colour" -type games, and I can mainly only play those that use different textures or shapes for the things of the different colours. Any chance of adding something like that in?
Maelstrom, there is not a chance I can change this in this version. The CPU time consuming is a critical matter for this game and adding textures means rotating textures to follow the wheel moves. Rotating is time consuming.
I will think about your request for the v2 of Ringmania.
Yeah, I can understand that. How about using colours that are less "similar"?
Colors I can but I think I've already made colors as different as possible, if you have a set of 8 colors code (#FFFFFF for white for example) you would like to use, send them to me and I will try them.
I couldn't figure out how to enter codes. JP posted one in a spoiler, so I just tried to type it on the title screen - works! Then it clicked - the level "name" that you see at the beginning of each level is the code you can enter to return to that level. Just type it at the title screen, and bam...
This really helps with the fact that the first few levels are so slow going.
What an awesome game! Extraordinarily addictive, and very rewarding!
I also agree with peoples gripes, as well as compliments, about this game. The lack of large combos is an issue, though leaving a whole row of circles unattached almost matches that feeling.
I CANNOT beat level 15! It's been driving me nuts for two days now (it's the square one).
I can get it down to no circles on the outside, but then new rings pop up so fast that I can't finish the inside! Gah!
This really will keep me playing for a while, until I can beat it!
Great game, a real triumph in my book!
Just so that you know, there have been previous versions of this game. I worked on a version called Triple Pop (for Nokia) although I'm not certain that their designer originated the idea.
A good implementation nonetheless, with some nice new features (level based play for one).
The colours are problematic and you're never going to get eight colours which please everyone. Remember, about 11 percent of the male population have some form of colour blindness (I'm one of them). There's really no excuse for not differentiating in some other way. On mobile, where each ball was a 2x2 pixel sprite we didn't have scope for patterns so we offered the user a selection of different colour sets.
Thanks JP I enjoyed playing this very much and love the presentation.