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Harry Quantum 4: Doc Star

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Harry Quantum 4: Doc Star

kyhHarry Quantum is a good detective: he's recovered TV tapes for a Mr. T wannabe, he's cleared the name of a wrongly accused wrestler, and he's captured evil aliens. But if he's so good, why hasn't he actually been paid yet? Well, in turboNuke's next installment in the popular point and click adventure series, Harry Quantum 4: Doc Star, Quantum continues to follow the promise of a large payout as he travels to the faraway land of Loch Bess. Always at your side is your trusty robot companion, Graeme. Well, not actually at your side. To be honest, he doesn't even offer to help, he just demands autographs from your client and his band, Corned Beef Owls. It might just be time to get rid of him.

risenClick around the room to interact with the various objects in each scene. While the cursor doesn't change over hotspots, hovering over the right areas will bring up a short description in the lower left. As with the previous title, Cheese Carnival, clicking on Harry will show you all the interactive objects at once. But don't think that will make the game any easier. While not completely throwing logic out the window, Doc Star certainly has its illogical moments (you want me to do what with this hat?). Still, turboNuke continues its cartoonish graphics and quirky sense of style with a title that should delight any fan of their previous works.

Play Harry Quantum 4: Doc Star

Walkthrough Guide

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Harry Quantum 4: Doc Star Walkthrough

Part 1 - Investigate the Loch

The Office

  1. Click Graeme the Robot, then take the AUTOGRAPH BOOK he drops on the floor.

  2. Click the Computer on the desk to view the file on the Corned Beef Owls.

  3. Exit via the office door to travel to the Loch Shore.

Loch Shore

  1. Pick up the FROG from the ground.

  2. Search the Toolbox to find the DUCT TAPE and SCREWDRIVER.

  3. Click the Lady of the Loch to learn that Bessie won't show up if there are any cameras nearby. According to her, there are 3 cameras we have to take care of.

  4. Drop your CAMERA into the Postbox to get rid of it.

  5. Click the Cafe sign to travel to the Cafe.


  1. Take a KNIGHT DOLL from the Souvenir shelf.

    • Combine the KNIGHT DOLL with the FROG in your inventory to make SIR CROAKSALOT.

  2. Give SIR CROAKSALOT to the witch with the camera to chase her away.

  3. Take the WITCH'S HAT that she leaves on the table.

  4. Click the Cafe Vendor to receive the GRAIL SHAKE, STRAW, BOW + SUCKER ARROWS, and the FRIDGE MAGNET.

  5. Now that you've got your Grail Fun Pack, you can access Ye Internet. Click the laptop on the table to zoom in.

    • Enter the correct passcode to turn off the webcam. Read the hint under the webcam image for a clue: "Loch unlock"

    • If you need additional help, you can click the hint again for more information.

    • The solution is the name of the star monster of the lock, Bess.

    • Enter Bess in "1337 speak" (a code where letters are replaced with similar looking numbers or symbols) - which translates to the combination 8355.

  6. Click the Loch sign to return to the Loch Shore.

Loch Shore

  1. Now that you've gotten rid of all the cameras, it's time to repair the Stone Instrument and summon the Loch Bess monster.

  2. Place the STRAW on one end of the Stone Instrument and the WITCH'S HAT on the other end.

  3. Use the DUCT TAPE on the holes at the side of the instrument to start a minigame.

    • Click the correct squares to cover them with duct tape. Refer to the image on the golden plaque to identify which squares should be covered with tape or left open.

    • Any space with a star icon should be left open, and any space with a wind icon should be taped over.

  4. After the puzzle is solved, click the Stone Instrument to play it. You will be automatically transported to the Castle Entrance.

Part 2 - Explore the Castle

Castle Entrance

  1. Examine the Broken Vase on the ground, then use the DUCT TAPE to repair it.

  2. Combine the BOW + SUCKER ARROW with the POSTCARD in your inventory.

  3. Look for the top window labelled Percy's Window, then shoot the MESSAGE ARROW at the window.

  4. Climb up the rope lowered from the window to enter Percy's Room.

Percy's Room

  1. Douse the fire in the fireplace with the GRAIL SHAKE. The EMPTY GRAIL CUP will return to your inventory.

  2. Click the empty fireplace to climb down the flue into Lola's room.

Lola's Room

  1. Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the Ventilation Grille from the wall, then click the Blocked Hole to reveal the Hole in the Wall.

  2. Click the Tapestry to pull out a THREAD.

    • Combine the THREAD and the FRIDGE MAGNET in your inventory, making the MAGNET ON THREAD.

  3. First use the SCREWDRIVER on the Door to the Main Hall to poke out the key.

  4. Next, put the MAGNET ON THREAD into the Hole in the Wall to retrieve the DOOR KEY.

  5. Unlock the Door to the Main Hall with the DOOR KEY.

Main Hall

  1. Click the Fallen Picture beside the door to Lola's Room to flip it over, then click the Gold Disc Award to examine it.

    • Note the information on the award; New Sky Blues spent 1 week at the top of the charts.

  2. Examine the Diamond Disc Award beside the door to Percy's Room.

    • On this disc it states that Crystal Skull Fracture spent 2 weeks at the top.

  3. Lastly, inspect the Uranium Disc Award beside the door to the Window Room.

    • The single on this disc, Carnival Queen, was at the top for 6 weeks.

  4. Now click the combination lock on the door to Percy's Room.

    • Enter in the clues from the three disc awards to unlock the door.

    • Although you would expect the number on the left disc to be first, the middle disc to be second, and the right disc to be second, it's actually the opposite!

    • Look closely at the top right corner of the lock and you'll see that the words are upside down. Therefore, you need to enter the combination backwards (and the number will appear upside-down.)

    • Enter the code 6-2-1 in the lock (because it's upside-down, it will look like 9-2-1).

  5. Click the unlocked door to re-enter Percy's Room. From there, exit through the window to go back to the Castle Entrance.

Castle Entrance

  1. Combine the BOW + SUCKER ARROWS with the THREAD in your inventory.

  2. Use the ARROW ON THREAD to open the window blocked by shutters.

  3. Climb back into Percy's Window, then go out the door to the Main Hall. Walk right to reach the Balcony.


  1. Take the SWORD from the suit of armor blocking the door.

  2. Go back to the Main Hall, then click the door on the right to enter the Window Room.

Window Room

  1. When you enter the room you'll see the opened stained glass window with four large symbols at its center.

  2. Click the Wall Panel beside the window to start another minigame.

    • Click the symbols in the same order as they appear on the window (the object in the foreground first, and the object in the background last).

    • The first symbol at the front is the Sword, behind that is the Dragon, behind that is the Moon, and last of all is the Shield.

  3. Go down the Secret Stairs and into the Dungeon.


  1. Insert the SWORD into the SLOTTED STONE to open the cell.

  2. At this point you'll be automatically returned to the Office. Leave the area through the office door to travel to the Loch Shore.

Part 3 - Search and Rescue

Loch Shore

  1. Click the Rubbish sticking out of the water. A COIN will be added to your inventory.

  2. Next, click the Tour Boat to travel to the castle, where you'll arrive in the Dungeon. Climb up the stairs to the Stage and then walk left to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

  1. Take the DIAMOND DISC from the award plaque on the wall.

  2. Go left to the Balcony, then go through the door on the right to enter the Haunted Room.

Haunted Room

  1. Take the UNDERPANTS from the Wardrobe by the exit door.

  2. Search the Smashed Plant to find a CHEST KEY.

  3. Use the CHEST KEY to open the chest at the right side of the room. Look inside the chest to receive a CHEESE KNIFE, a DECANTER, and a DIARY.

    • Read the DIARY to find a clue: "I buried my greatest treasure under a floor tile marked X."

  4. Pick up the BROCHURE to uncover a hole in the floor boards. In the room directly underneath the hole you'll see Doc's robot butler.

  5. Place the DIAMOND DISC on the Table beside the Wardrobe.

  6. Drop the COIN into the hole in the floor boards to lure the butler bot into the room.

    • After the Butlerator is incapacitated, use the CHEESE KNIFE on it to remove an ID CHIP.

  7. Before you leave, remember to take back the DIAMOND DISC that got stuck in the wall.

  8. Go back out to the Balcony, walk left to the Main Hall, then right to the Main Stage, and go through the door to the Dungeon.


  1. Fill the DECANTER with the water behind the gate.

  2. Pour the DECANTER OF WATER on the stained section of the Tiled Floor to reveal the tile marked with an X.

  3. Lift the X tile with the CHEESE KNIFE. A slice of MATURE CHEESE is added to your inventory.

  4. Go up the stairs to reach the Stage.


  1. Use the ID CHIP on the Lab Door to unlock it. Click the door to enter the Lab.


  1. Pick up the PENCIL from the floor.

    • Combine the DIAMOND DISC with the PENCIL to create a GLASS CUTTER.

  2. Cut through the glass case with the GLASS CUTTER and take a CONTROLLER ARM from the display.

  3. Use the CONTROLLER ARM on the Control Panel of the Hypno 8000 to reverse the effects of the machine.

  4. Go out the exit door to return to the Stage, then go left to the Main Hall and right to the Balcony.


  1. Combine the MATURE CHEESE with the UNDERPANTS in your inventory.

  2. Attach the CHEESE HAMMOCK to the Antlers hanging above the stage.


Patreon Crew SonicLover February 8, 2014 12:55 PM

One thing I like about this series is its strong continuity. Every episode is peppered with references to those before it.


Harry Quantum 4: Doc Star Walkthrough

Part 1 - Investigate the Loch

The Office

  1. Click Graeme the Robot, then take the AUTOGRAPH BOOK he drops on the floor.

  2. Click the Computer on the desk to view the file on the Corned Beef Owls.

  3. Exit via the office door to travel to the Loch Shore.

Loch Shore

  1. Pick up the FROG from the ground.

  2. Search the Toolbox to find the DUCT TAPE and SCREWDRIVER.

  3. Click the Lady of the Loch to learn that Bessie won't show up if there are any cameras nearby. According to her, there are 3 cameras we have to take care of.

  4. Drop your CAMERA into the Postbox to get rid of it.

  5. Click the Cafe sign to travel to the Cafe.


  1. Take a KNIGHT DOLL from the Souvenir shelf.

    • Combine the KNIGHT DOLL with the FROG in your inventory to make SIR CROAKSALOT.

  2. Give SIR CROAKSALOT to the witch with the camera to chase her away.

  3. Take the WITCH'S HAT that she leaves on the table.

  4. Click the Cafe Vendor to receive the GRAIL SHAKE, STRAW, BOW + SUCKER ARROWS, and the FRIDGE MAGNET.

  5. Now that you've got your Grail Fun Pack, you can access Ye Internet. Click the laptop on the table to zoom in.

    • Enter the correct passcode to turn off the webcam. Read the hint under the webcam image for a clue: "Loch unlock"

    • If you need additional help, you can click the hint again for more information.

    • The solution is the name of the star monster of the lock, Bess.

    • Enter Bess in "1337 speak" (a code where letters are replaced with similar looking numbers or symbols) - which translates to the combination 8355.

  6. Click the Loch sign to return to the Loch Shore.

Loch Shore

  1. Now that you've gotten rid of all the cameras, it's time to repair the Stone Instrument and summon the Loch Bess monster.

  2. Place the STRAW on one end of the Stone Instrument and the WITCH'S HAT on the other end.

  3. Use the DUCT TAPE on the holes at the side of the instrument to start a minigame.

    • Click the correct squares to cover them with duct tape. Refer to the image on the golden plaque to identify which squares should be covered with tape or left open.

    • Any space with a star icon should be left open, and any space with a wind icon should be taped over.

  4. After the puzzle is solved, click the Stone Instrument to play it. You will be automatically transported to the Castle Entrance.

Part 2 - Explore the Castle

Castle Entrance

  1. Examine the Broken Vase on the ground, then use the DUCT TAPE to repair it.

  2. Combine the BOW + SUCKER ARROW with the POSTCARD in your inventory.

  3. Look for the top window labelled Percy's Window, then shoot the MESSAGE ARROW at the window.

  4. Climb up the rope lowered from the window to enter Percy's Room.

Percy's Room

  1. Douse the fire in the fireplace with the GRAIL SHAKE. The EMPTY GRAIL CUP will return to your inventory.

  2. Click the empty fireplace to climb down the flue into Lola's room.

Lola's Room

  1. Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the Ventilation Grille from the wall, then click the Blocked Hole to reveal the Hole in the Wall.

  2. Click the Tapestry to pull out a THREAD.

    • Combine the THREAD and the FRIDGE MAGNET in your inventory, making the MAGNET ON THREAD.

  3. First use the SCREWDRIVER on the Door to the Main Hall to poke out the key.

  4. Next, put the MAGNET ON THREAD into the Hole in the Wall to retrieve the DOOR KEY.

  5. Unlock the Door to the Main Hall with the DOOR KEY.

Main Hall

  1. Click the Fallen Picture beside the door to Lola's Room to flip it over, then click the Gold Disc Award to examine it.

    • Note the information on the award; New Sky Blues spent 1 week at the top of the charts.

  2. Examine the Diamond Disc Award beside the door to Percy's Room.

    • On this disc it states that Crystal Skull Fracture spent 2 weeks at the top.

  3. Lastly, inspect the Uranium Disc Award beside the door to the Window Room.

    • The single on this disc, Carnival Queen, was at the top for 6 weeks.

  4. Now click the combination lock on the door to Percy's Room.

    • Enter in the clues from the three disc awards to unlock the door.

    • Although you would expect the number on the left disc to be first, the middle disc to be second, and the right disc to be second, it's actually the opposite!

    • Look closely at the top right corner of the lock and you'll see that the words are upside down. Therefore, you need to enter the combination backwards (and the number will appear upside-down.)

    • Enter the code 6-2-1 in the lock (because it's upside-down, it will look like 9-2-1).

  5. Click the unlocked door to re-enter Percy's Room. From there, exit through the window to go back to the Castle Entrance.

Castle Entrance

  1. Combine the BOW + SUCKER ARROWS with the THREAD in your inventory.

  2. Use the ARROW ON THREAD to open the window blocked by shutters.

  3. Climb back into Percy's Window, then go out the door to the Main Hall. Walk right to reach the Balcony.


  1. Take the SWORD from the suit of armor blocking the door.

  2. Go back to the Main Hall, then click the door on the right to enter the Window Room.

Window Room

  1. When you enter the room you'll see the opened stained glass window with four large symbols at its center.

  2. Click the Wall Panel beside the window to start another minigame.

    • Click the symbols in the same order as they appear on the window (the object in the foreground first, and the object in the background last).

    • The first symbol at the front is the Sword, behind that is the Dragon, behind that is the Moon, and last of all is the Shield.

  3. Go down the Secret Stairs and into the Dungeon.


  1. Insert the SWORD into the SLOTTED STONE to open the cell.

  2. At this point you'll be automatically returned to the Office. Leave the area through the office door to travel to the Loch Shore.

Part 3 - Search and Rescue

Loch Shore

  1. Click the Rubbish sticking out of the water. A COIN will be added to your inventory.

  2. Next, click the Tour Boat to travel to the castle, where you'll arrive in the Dungeon. Climb up the stairs to the Stage and then walk left to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

  1. Take the DIAMOND DISC from the award plaque on the wall.

  2. Go left to the Balcony, then go through the door on the right to enter the Haunted Room.

Haunted Room

  1. Take the UNDERPANTS from the Wardrobe by the exit door.

  2. Search the Smashed Plant to find a CHEST KEY.

  3. Use the CHEST KEY to open the chest at the right side of the room. Look inside the chest to receive a CHEESE KNIFE, a DECANTER, and a DIARY.

    • Read the DIARY to find a clue: "I buried my greatest treasure under a floor tile marked X."

  4. Pick up the BROCHURE to uncover a hole in the floor boards. In the room directly underneath the hole you'll see Doc's robot butler.

  5. Place the DIAMOND DISC on the Table beside the Wardrobe.

  6. Drop the COIN into the hole in the floor boards to lure the butler bot into the room.

    • After the Butlerator is incapacitated, use the CHEESE KNIFE on it to remove an ID CHIP.

  7. Before you leave, remember to take back the DIAMOND DISC that got stuck in the wall.

  8. Go back out to the Balcony, walk left to the Main Hall, then right to the Main Stage, and go through the door to the Dungeon.


  1. Fill the DECANTER with the water behind the gate.

  2. Pour the DECANTER OF WATER on the stained section of the Tiled Floor to reveal the tile marked with an X.

  3. Lift the X tile with the CHEESE KNIFE. A slice of MATURE CHEESE is added to your inventory.

  4. Go up the stairs to reach the Stage.


  1. Use the ID CHIP on the Lab Door to unlock it. Click the door to enter the Lab.


  1. Pick up the PENCIL from the floor.

    • Combine the DIAMOND DISC with the PENCIL to create a GLASS CUTTER.

  2. Cut through the glass case with the GLASS CUTTER and take a CONTROLLER ARM from the display.

  3. Use the CONTROLLER ARM on the Control Panel of the Hypno 8000 to reverse the effects of the machine.

  4. Go out the exit door to return to the Stage, then go left to the Main Hall and right to the Balcony.


  1. Combine the MATURE CHEESE with the UNDERPANTS in your inventory.

  2. Attach the CHEESE HAMMOCK to the Antlers hanging above the stage.


Addictive like the others (pip pip!) but not as challenging in my opinion.


Here is a list of the Pips I have found so far. Only 24 out of 30.

NOTE: this is a list of all of them, I didn't get time to list by location yet, so if you open the spoiler, you will see spoilers for the entire game all at once, not just by section.

Most of these is using an item on another item/character:
(sorry these aren't listed by location, I think some of them don't matter which room, I will update later when I have more time) This is listed in the order that I found them, so it basically follows the flow of the game.

1. Camera on Graeme
2. Filing cabinet
3. Autograph book on Harry
4. Postcard on Postbox
5. Cafe vendor after buying souvenirs
6. turn off webcam
7. autograph book on Percy
8. autograph book on Lola
9. autograph book on Fran
10. Empty grail cup on water when freeing Fran
11. Harry's camera
12. File cabinet when Graeme searching
13. Laptop when Graeme searching
14. Coin on vendor
15. Vendor when searching as Graeme
16. Coin in water
17. Pile of hair in Percy's room
18. Diamond disc on uranium disk
19. Wardrobe to find underwear
20. Underwear on Graeme
21. In lola's room use chute to go up to Percy's room
22. Cheese on Graeme
23. Cheese on cheese knife
24. arm on Graeme

25. There is one that I accidentally clicked on but was clicking so fast, I am not sure what I did. It was in the dungeon. I had these items: Id chip, diamond disc, knife, old brochures, underwear, vase with water, and cheese. I think it was the sword or knife in the stack of boxes. (I will figure this out later and update)

Please help find the last few.


some PIP:

1. input password(8355) without click on hints
2. Witch hat on Harry
3. use the sword on the robot
4. butter knife on boxes in dungeon


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