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Isolated Subject

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Rating: 4.2/5 (30 votes)
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Lori.hDivided into two worlds with their own set of rules, test subjects must find a way to pass the test and accomplished their shared goal. Isolated Subject, by Crneumre, is a platform puzzle game where you must figure out what is the special action in each of the worlds, and then switch between the rules to succeed. Nothing is explained to you, and you must experiment to find out what the secret action is. You only have movement keys of [W] for jump and [S] and [D] to go left or right respectively. In some worlds you can double jump by pressing [W] twice. In others, you can remove blocks by walking into them, and in still others even more clever and diverse tricks exist. Within these worlds is the exit door that must be powered by the glowing blocks. This is a case of a team effort that is spread very far apart in complete isolation. Are you clever enough to figure out the tricks?

isolated-subjectIsolated Subject is a game about experimenting. You have to take some subjects' lives for the greater good of discovering the unique behavior of each level. Upon death, you respawn in the starting point, but what you had created or destroyed in the world stays the same. Only hitting [R] will undo what has been done. Only in a few rooms do you get a hint at what the hidden trick is. When you hit the [spacebar], you can then switch between the world's rules. For example, if you must get on a high ledge, but world three doesn't have double jump, you can hit the [spacebar], then the number two, and now you have the rules that correspond to world two and can easily double jump to your destination. But not all the behaviors are straightforward either. What's great about this puzzle platformer is that it's a balance of two riddles: what makes this world special and how can I use that to win the game? With its eerie music and feeling of loneliness Isolated Subject is not only clever and cunning, but beautiful and involving in its own way.

Play Isolated Subject


Dingding321 January 20, 2016 5:00 PM

Stuck and gave up on from anyone?

FallOutCoy January 20, 2016 8:18 PM

The embedded link of the title where it says

"goal. Isolated Subject, by Crneumre"

it is broken and leads to which is incorrect, it should be


The secret to level 13 (at least what I'm guessing you're missing) is in the new ability from world 2.

Create a platform under you by tapping up twice while jumping.

Westside gamer January 21, 2016 1:33 AM

This game was not good..........It was PHENOMENAL! I was so blown away. I haven't felt this impressed with a puzzle platformer in a long time. I can not recommend this game enough. Even though it took me over an hour and a half to finish it, I enjoyed every minute of it.

FallOutCoy January 21, 2016 7:14 PM

This is great but I am stuck!

level 10 world III I cannot build on the ledge so how do I get to the square/power thing?

FallOutCoy January 21, 2016 7:27 PM

Never mind!



Level 1

1. Go to the second world and grab the cube.
2. Connect to the second world from the first one and go inside the door.

Level 2

1. In the second world, jump up and slide on the ceiling to get to the cube.
2. Connect the first world to the second one and go inside the door.

Level 3

1. In the second world, jump up and slide on the ceiling. Once you’re above the cube, connect to the first world to drop down.
2. Connect the first world to the second one. Once you’re above the door, break the connection.

Level 4

1. In the second world, jump down below the cube.
2. Connect the first world to the second one and jump on the lower platform. Break the connection to be able to jump up.

Level 5

1. In the second world, walk towards the cube without jumping. Stop two squares before reaching the platform.
2. Connect to the first world and jump down.
3. Connect the first world to the second one and walk to the door.

Level 6

1. In the second world, walk towards the wall to break it.
2. Connect to the first world and walk towards the cube. Break the connection to drop down.
3. In the first world walk towards the wall. Once you reach it, connect to the second world and break the wall to get through.

Level 7

1. In the second world, jump on the wall and hold up to climb it.
2. In the third world, use double jump to get to the cube.
3. Connect the first world to the third one and double jump on the second platform
4. Connect to the second world to climb up to the door.

Level 8

1. In the second world, jump on the ceiling and slide towards the cube.
2. In the third world, go through the left end of the screen to get to the other side.
3. In the first world, connect to the third one and walk to the platform at the other side of the screen.
4. Connect to the second world and slide on the ceiling to the door.

Level 9

1. In the second world, stand under the platform to pull it down. Pull only one cube to be able to climb up.
2. Connect the third world to the second one and pull down the platform from the ceiling (slightly above the white cube).
3. Break the connection and jump in the hole to land on the platform and grab the cube.
4. Connect the first world to the second wall and pull down the left wall blocking the door.
5. Connect to the third world to land on the platform above the door.

Level 10

1. In the second world, jump to the lower platform to bounce up and take the cube.
2. In the third world, jump up to create a platform.
3. Once you get high enough, connect to the second world and bounce off the lower platform next to the cube.
4. Connect the first world to the second one and bounce to the platform on the right.
5. Connect to the third world and climb up, slightly higher than the door.
6. Connect to the second world and bounce up to the door.

Level 11

1. World 1

1. Walk to the floating cube.
2. Stand above the door, connect to World 2 and jump to make a hole.

2. World 2

1. Jump until the ground breaks and you drop down.
2. Connect to world one and walk towards the cube.

3. World 3

1. Connect to World 1 and walk forward, leaving enough space to drop down.
2. Once in the air, press W to float to the cube.

Level 12

1. World 1

1. Push the bottom side of the block to the left.
2. Connect to World 2 and double jump on the pushed out platform.
3. Connect to World 3 and bounce off the platform below.

2. World 2

Double jump to the cube.

3. World 3

Jump and bounce off the platform below.

4. World 4

1. Connect to the second air and double jump to the platform below.
2. After making the double jump, connect to the third world while still in the air.

Level 13

1. World 1

1. Connect to World 2.
2. Go to the wall on the right by double tapping the UP while in the air to create platforms below your feet.
3. Connect to World 3 and climb up the wall.
4. Connect to world 2 and make your way to the door.

2. World 2

1. Make your way to the cube by double tapping the UP button while in the air to create platforms below your feed.

3. World 3

1. Climb up the walls to get to the cube.

4. World 4

1. Connect to world 3 and climb the wall to the higher platform.
2. Connect to world 2 and make your way to the platform with the cube.
3. Connect to world 3 to climb up.

Level 14

1. World 1

1. Connect to world 2 and climb up by jumping off the walls.
2. Drop down, hugging the wall and jump on the lower platform to the right.
3. Connect to World 3 and walk in the air to make a platform.
4. Connect to World 2 and climb back up.
5. Connect to World 4 and jump down to bounce off.

2. World 2

1. Jump towards the wall on the right and slowly slide to the lower platform.
2. Climb up and grab the cube by jumping on a wall and holding the UP button.

3. World 3

1. Walk to the wall on the right.
2. Connect to World 2 and climb up by jumping off the walls.
3. Break the connection and walk to the left.
4. Connect to world 4 and jump down to bounce.

4. World 4

1. Jump and fall on the lower platform to bounce up.
2. While bouncing up, connect to the second world and bounce off the left wall.

Level 15

1. World 1

1. Jump until the platform to your right is low enough to walk on.
2. Connect to World 4 and climb up.
3. Connect to World 3 and slide on the ceiling towards the right end of the screen.
4. Holding the RIGHT button, connect to World 2 to come out the other end of the screen.

2. World 2

1. Connect to World 4 and climb the wall to your right.
2. Connect to World 2 and walk to the right. You are now on the platform in the top left corner.
3. Connect to World 4, drop down and climb the column with the cube.

3. World 3

Connect to World 2 and walk left.

4. World 4

1. Climb up the higher platform to the right.
2. Connect to World 2 and jump to the right.
3. Once you come out from the other side, break the connection and climb up the wall.

Level 16

1. World 1

1. Connect to world 3 and walk to the right to break the wall.
2. Once you reach the pit, connect to World 4 and walk to the right to make a platform.
3. Connect to World 2 and hold down the UP button until the platform lowers, the jump up.

2. World 2

1. Connect to World 4 and walk to the right to make a platform.
2. Break the connection and hold down the UP button until the platform lowers, then jump up.
3. Connect to World 3 and walk towards the wall to break it.

3. World 3

1. Connect to World 2 and hold down the UP button until the platform lowers.
2. From the lower point, break the connection and destroy the wall by walking towards it.
3. Drop down and grab the cube.

4. World 4

1. Connect to World 2 and jump up the higher platform.
2. Break the connection and walk towards the box with the cube.
3. Connect to World 3 to break the wall.

Level 17

World 1

Connect to World 4 and jump to the wall on the right. Double tap the UP button while in mid air to create platforms below you.

World 2

1. Connect to world 4 and jump to grab the first white cube. While in the air double tap the UP button to create a platform.
2. Break the connection and jump on the second white cube and then onto the platform
3. Connect to World 4 and make small platforms to get the cube.

World 3

1. Connect to World 2 and jump on the white cube to the right, then on the platform.
2. Connect to World 4 and jump to get the white cube. Double tap the UP button while in the air to create a platform below.
3. Break the connection and walk towards the wall on the left to break it.
4. Connect to World 4 and get the second cube.

World 4

1. Get below the white cube by double tapping the UP button while in the air to create a platform below you.
2. Connect to World 1 and jump to get the cube.

Level 18

World 1

1. Stand under the black cube above to bring it down.
2. Connect to World 2 and double jump on the cube.
3. Connect to World 4 and hit the bottom of the smaller cube until a white cube appears.
4. Connect to World 2 and double jump to get the cube.

World 2

1. Connect to World 1 and pull down the cube in the top right corner.
2. Break the connection and double jump on the lowered cube.
3. Connect to World 3 and jump towards the right end of the screen to come out of the other side.

World 3

1. Connect to World 2 and jump to the highest platform on the right.
2. Double jump and break the connection while in mid air, and moving to the right.

World 4

1. Connect to World 1 and stand under the small cube to pull it down.
2. Break the connection and hit the cube until the white cube comes out.
3. Connect to World 2 and use the double jump to get the white cube.

Level 19

World 1

1. Connect to any world and drop down to the lower platform.
2. Break the connection and walk in the air to make a platform.
3. Connect to World 2 and hold down the UP button until you go back to the starting position.
4. Connect to World 4 and jump down to bounce of the platform.

World 2

1. Drop down and grab the white cube.
2. Hold the UP button until you’re sent back to the starting location.
3. Connect to World 1 and walk to the second white cube.

World 3

1. Drop down to the lower platform.
2. Connect to World 1 and walk under the white cube to make a platform.
3. Connect to World 2 and hold down the UP button until you’re sent to the starting position.
4. Jump down and take the cube.

World 4

1. Connect to World one and walk towards the lower platform. Stop before reaching it.
2. Break the connection and jump on the lower platform to bounce off.

Level 20

1. Go to the wall on the right and jump up until a white cube appears.
2. Go to the left wall and jump up until the platform is low enough for you to get on it.
3. Go to the right until you reach a room with two platforms. Jump to the higher one on the right.
4. Jump next to the wall until a white cube appears.
5. Go to the hanging column on the left side and double jump, hitting the lowered ceiling until a white cube appears.
6. Walk to the right and break the wall.


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