What do a rapidly growing baby falling from the sky, shape-shifting eternally warring blocks, a minotaur with perplexing housing design, and a whole lot of vehicular manslaughter have in common? Why, Link Dump Friday, of course! Also, I think all those words together online probably put you on some sort of FBI watch list. Yay!
Push It - This adorable little physics puzzle game might be a bit too simple and similar to other games in the genre like Werebox, but it's still fun. By changing your shape and the shapes of those around you, it's your job to get rid of all the bad guys by knocking them into an unseen abyss. Which seems a bit harsh since all they seem to be doing is sitting around scowling, but hey, I'm not the shape dudes police. Exile away.
L.I.F.E. - It's the entirety of your existence as summed up through an endless-ish arcade fall through the sky! Each stage of your life is represented by a different mini-game, and finding out how to complete each one is part of the challenge. A lot of the games seem to drag on just a bit too long, but it's still a clever and quirky symbolical experience.
Not in My Dungeon! - You know how in MMORPGs when you go up against the final boss of a dungeon, you and your party members all stand around on tiny platforms above instant death pits while the boss leisurely chucks things at you to knock you to your doom? Me neither, but here's a physics puzzle about exactly that!
Road of Fury - IriySoft serves up a very Mad-Max-y action game as you drive down a post-apocalyptic landscape blasting bikers, trucks, jet-packers and more to earn as much as cash you can for upgrades before doing it all over again. It's a little on the simple side, but should serve to awaken the road warrior that sleeps within you!
In Road of Fury, the button to mute the music seems to have some kind of strange bug that screws up the button to begin a run.