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Nervous Bot

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Rating: 3.3/5 (45 votes)
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Nervous Bot

[Note: This game has an unfortunate bug that does not save your progress, so the level select screen does not work if you leave the game and come back to it. We will update with a fixed version when/if available.]

Nervous Bot, the star of Arctic Arcade and Izzy Aminov's quirky puzzle platformer, is in a bit of a pickle. His best bot buddy has been bot-napped, so naturally he sets out to run to the rescue, but the problem is he's programmed to explode if he breaks even a single rule in each level... and there are a lot of them, which complicates even a simple task like reaching a door. Forget to turn left at least once? Ka-boom! Dawdle too much? Ka-boom! Try to leave without jumping? KA... well, you get the idea. There are 47 rules in all, which you can view by pressing the big alert button in the top-right corner of the screen, but though they all have names, you'll need to figure out what each one is through trial-and-error... so, yes, you won't know if you're doing something wrong unless you blow up. Use the [WASD] or [arrow] keys to move and jump, and fire weapons, when available, with the [spacebar]. Nervous Bot is a cute game and a neat idea, but not every player will appreciate the game's try, try again approach to failure, or the way you'll need to mentally keep track of so many things to, y'know, not explode, though the layouts of many levels force you to complete most rules just as much as they require you how to puzzle your way around others. Nervous Bot is a neat idea that gets trickier the farther you progress, and hey, if you think you've got what it takes, why not try the more difficult mode and complete the game without a single death to your tally... ?

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if the game does not have autosaving or level codes, then Why Post It?????


You are right. I am wrong.

kdausman July 10, 2015 1:16 PM

Neat concept. Lag made the game unplayable.


I reeeeally love the concept, but I got to the level where there are three orange squares with orange enemies on them (don't know what level number since you can't exit the game without losing your progress - doh!) and it feels like the hitbox for the orange square/enemy combo is really finicky. I'll land on top of the orange enemy, but if you don't land just right, you die and it says it's because you landed on the orange square. Kinda frustrating! Also felt a little laggy, but that could be my end. Either way, I really enjoyed the idea, I hope at least the level saving bug gets resolved so it's less grating to take a break and try again later (but have to redo everything first!).


That was pretty interesting. The only reason I stopped playing before finishing it is my laptop is having trouble running at a decent frame rate. Probably chrome being chrome and all.


Nice game but the autosave function seems to be broken. I played to I think around level 15 or 20, then pause and main menu, then play and only level 1 and 2 were unlocked!! Had to restart from the beginning again.


The game only fully registers that you passed a level if you enter it through the stage level screen and then pass it. So you need to exit to the main menu after each level and go to the next level through the level select screen instead of hitting space to continue, like it tells you to. That's pretty annoying. And yet I'm still playing it.


Yeah, between my laptop frame rate and my general ineptitude at finicky games, I rage-quit rather early.

It was interesting that the rules kept building, and it felt like you're playing an OCD robot whose 'rules' keep getting worse and worse until it really interferes with them going about their everyday business.

Tobberian July 11, 2015 9:04 AM

Done.. but "level select restart for save"-bug was VERY tiresome.

Another bug.. level 29
If you use R key to restart (instead of restart in pause menu/ or levelselect) the bridge countdown timer becomes too short for passing.


The update to breaking a rule is interesting. Any clue how to break "On Your Own", "Take Your Time", "Overdraft", "Overtime", and/or "Inaccurate" rules?


The update to breaking a rule is interesting. Any clue how to break the "On Your Own", "Take Your Time", "Overdraft", "Overtime", and/or "Inaccurate" rules?


I found this game days ago, I could not even once beat level 29, used cheat engine to skip it (and unlock all levels as a fix for the save bug).

Tobberian July 12, 2015 3:39 AM replied to zzzzz

Waow.. nice. :) There's probably a number of people quiting at level 29. For a highly timing dependant game it's somewhat.. bad.

AGAIN.. Don´t use R on level 29, use restart button people. (R bugs down the countdown timer).

Reply July 12, 2015 5:33 PM replied to Nathaniel Shaw

On your own is for

hitting the help button.

Take your time is for

idling 5 seconds (I think).

I too quit because of the autosave problem. I read it in the review but didn't quite understand. I thought it just meant that I shouldn't restart my browser.
I got up to the gray levels and then went back to level select, just like Dora warned not to. :)
I guess I'll try it again if they post a fix.


Return to the main menu after each level to saved it as done. And I don't know what's the matter with you people, level 29 is really not that hard.
And by the way, R is not a special key to restart, it's just a unused key like almost all the keyboard.


Did someone has tips for lvl 57 ?

Pyro89 July 12, 2015 8:02 PM replied to Pyro89

It's ok I passed it


I still need help on 57. TIPS PLEASE!!!!!


On your own. help button.

Take your time. wait on a level for over 60 seconds.

Idler. stand still for 5 seconds.

Thanks for the tips!!


I finally got past level 57.

Immediately run to the right, just far enough to touch the rightmost block of the platform you're on. Now go to the left, get the last block of the platform you're on, jump to the next one over, and get those three blocks as well.

I experimented with leaving some of the blocks on the starting platform and then hitting them from beneath with my head, but it was hard to pull of correctly and didn't really seem to help anyway.

Now you run to the right and land on the middle platform. Don't jump, the jump will eat up precious fractions of a second. Kill the enemy and touch all the blocks as fast as you can. Now jump up to the right, try to land on the middle of the two blocks that make up this platform, so you get them both at once. Now you have to get all four coins in one jump. You do not have time for a second jump.

After you snag those four coins, land on the bottom platform. I should clarify, you don't jump, get the coins, land, and then drop to the bottom platform. Your landing from the jump that got you the coins is directly on the bottom platform. Touching back down up there will eat up a fraction of a second that you can't spare. Also, don't accidentally land on the middle platform. That too would be a fatal delay.

Run across the bottom platform. You should catch the last enemy near the left. Jump on him and use the bounce to snag the last coin. If the enemy has gotten under the overhang, you took too long and will need to start over.

At this point, you should be in midair with a couple of blocks left on the bottom still untouched and the three blocks that make up the platform the door is on still left too. Good luck. This is where I usually died.

Tobberian July 13, 2015 8:41 AM replied to Pyro89

(about non-used key)
Oh.. but it doesn't matter.. it's the same as fail and wait.
Timer gets shorter on the next go, and Restart-button(or menu) is the only way (maybe you did that or succeeded on the first try). (or maybe its hardware related).


Here are 46 of the 47 rules.

Red Dawn: Get Killed by a Red Enemy
Orange You Alive?: Get Killed by a Orange Enemy
Yellow Fever: Get Killed by a Yellow Enemy
Looking A Little Green: Get Killed by a Green Enemy
Why So Blue?: Get Killed by a Blue Enemy
Nurpled!: Get Killed by a Purple Enemy
Pink Eye: Get Killed by a Pink Enemy
On Your Own: Press the Help Button
Spam: Press any Non-Used Key
Metal Detector: Exit Without all Ammo Hitting Something
Excess Baggage: Have More than One Bullet
Collateral Damage: A Bullet Leaves the Stage
Empty!: Try to Shoot Without Ammo
Take Your Time: Take More than a Minute
Cliffhanger: Fall off the Stage
Escape!: Enemy Gets to the Exit
Pacifist: Exit with 3 or More Enemies Alive
Idler: Stay Still for 5 Seconds
Ambiturner: Exit without Turning Left
Grounded: Exit without Jumping
Jumpy: Jump 30 Times in One Level
Blood Curse: Touch a Red Tile
Blood Money: Collect a Red Coin
Bloodshot: Get Shot by a Red Enemy
Orange You Sick?: Bounce off an Enemy 5 Times
No Fly Zone: Jump off an Orange Tile
No Landing Zone: Land on an Orange Tile
Stop, Thief!: Yellow Enemy Steals a Coin
Greedy: Collect 10 Yellow Coins
Dibs: Steal a Yellow Enemy's Coin
Overdraft: ???
Overkill: Don't Kill Green Enemy in Time
Overtime: Don't Get to Green Exit in Time
Touchy: Blue Tile Untouched
Collector: Blue Coins Left in Level
Merciful: Blue Enemy Left in Level
Capitalism Is Dead: Steal a Purple Enemy's Coin
You Shall Not Pass: Walk on a Purple Enemy's Tile
Do Not Pass Go: Exit while Purple Enemy is on Stage
Chivalry Is Dead: Kill a Pink Enemy
Die Tile, Die!: Shoot a Pink Tile
Die Coin, Die!: Shoot a Pink Coin
Poorly Equipped: Left a Bullet Behind
Serial Killer: Kill 10 Enemies in One Stage
Motion Sickness: Bounce Kill 5 Enemies in One Go
Fear Of Heights: Fall from a Great Height
Inaccurate: Miss 3 Shots in One Stage

Anyone know what the Overdraft rule is?


It's green in color.



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